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12012024 ‘Ask a Question Com~ Write] Like Objective Setting and Appraisals: Appraisal Template Coniguation and it's exiblity using avalable BADIS | SAP Blogs 3) RSS Feed Sounak Ghosh March 4,2014 | 12 minute read Objective Setting and Appraisals : Appraisal Template Configuration and it’s flexibility using available BADIs Fle yb20 @18707 Jntroduction We are already aware of Objective Setting and Appraisals which has been delivered in Enhancement Pack 4 but | could not find much of blogs and/or thoughts shared in sdn on the flexibility of this module provided by SAP using BADIs. Recently, we had a requirement for configuration of an appraisal template whose elements ( Criteria Group & Criterion ) will be independent of static configuration and will be dynamic and externally injected for each and every appraisal document that will created using that template. In this document we will learn how to configure such an appraisal template including both the configuration and technical aspects. From technical aspect the usage of BADI and how the standard SAP framework works will be explained, | will aslo try to cover few other technical notes as and when we will progress which will definitely discover the flexibility of OSA. Note: The configuration of the appraisal template must be done in the customizing client and BADI will be implemented in the development client.,com2014/03/04/objectve-stting-and-apprasals-appraisal-template-configuration-andzitslexiblty-using-avalable-badis/ 1128 12012024 Objective Setting and Appraisals: Appraisal Template Conviguation and it's exblity using avaiable BADIS | SAP Blogs B os Follow standing of OSA 6 tke com/saphelp_oil472/helpdata/en/85/3880b90b02894f8e054d140 (22aadef/eantent.htm 3) RSS Feed Das ‘onfiguration knowledge For eg: Hands-on T-codes PHAP_CATALOG_PA, PHAP_CREATE, PHAP_ADMIN etc. 3. Knowledge of ABAP. ‘We will start off with the creation of Appraisal Category Step: T-Code: PHAP_CATALOG ‘Step2: We are interested in the area ‘Personnel Appraisals’ We will put the cursor on this and press right -click of the mouse. It will provide me with the option ‘Create Appraisal Category’. On opting this, it will prompt with a pop-up as shown below Change Dynansic Appraisal Template es Fa 08 GiepryGu Geo Temes cuneey cee (feces) pene } oer See Serre * ues resin = eit et re _ Ney Cater eT aemoen a, a epee owe, See ore Sa a ee aes ue ace se | have expilictly chosen ‘Create Manually’ such that we can configure the Category as per our business requirement. Let us go thorugh few of the tabs and configuration settings.,com2014/03/04/objectve-stting-and-apprasals-appraisal-template-configuration-andzitslexiblty-using-avalable-badis/ 2126 12012024 Objective Setting and Appraisals: Appraisal Template Coniguation and it's Hexblity using avalable BADIS | SAP Blogs SS cocenos oun [Re opraoala - [ages sess Tops Follow saree eee Siac ari 8 Like ° aronoeee Person 7 Bi RV RSS Feed — fee Farina ARSSFeed Ie a el ee “ort or Pat Apsaber Tee lower Pat arcs Te arterrarcosts ‘ex forfurtha acess lower Frhe Paticnt Tne & rity end One of the most important configuration settings herein is ‘Enhancements’ This will list the standard as well custom BADI implementations which will be available through out this Appraisal Category as shown below. Let us first include all the standard available BAD! filters later we can include the custom if required, axesory crow [Fesioanei appuelsale tatesory Dypanie Aepesiest Texpioc= (ohare esata ats st Fo eked ‘wattle Hone of Enerrerent ors |ossa Fama ctanceren ves Oven eta = Cause cps ene ‘Value Detemnaton - acprata Temolate Cure fate cranrsen- esse tered Vian Ovartor-seoae Trt tn batsmen evabd Teka Pr os feed Nakscstantten- seve Teri Tre vas pseu -acoael Terlte Oer Vi treo age ert Va Vite outer epee au Vi ttt -ageatl ert faincranrstcn-cauacap Col fetsovanratrsceseae bowl faiscronrwcr-caucae ol Next comes ‘Status Flow’ This configuration will be basically the business flow of the Personnel Appraisal process.,com2014/03/04/objectve-stting-and-apprasals-appraisal-template-configuration-andzitslexiblty-using-avalable-badis/ 3126 812012021 Objective Setting and Appraisals: Appraisal Template Coniguation and it's exblity using avaiable BADIS | SAP Blogs Caecory Group ([Pecsarnel pesinel= SSSS~*d Follow : uses ve ier 1 Like [selec nae le a 3) RSS Feed iG iz ~ Comet a + sono B » Chie mated reece B * Cond ected Person Authorized cause cop Femme patel aie ut _ | Ertsncemer Sebctad vale Pazsen auth son hana [ra ferret earcpante yo Hohertsvel Menace (rom apprasse) arprasse Events: This will list out both the standard and custom events which can be configured on a Pushbutton action shown later. csewory crow (Feeioewal pert cones lppesssc appretenl Teapiore Pavan Colne) Rebs) Yabo ss Eanconants 2 ae Pacer abated AE sober sabe ‘werkPow Event ‘wrkrow Event probe Charne Keaest [Fac] tices —infrsion aroocinen ee J fetta Infomain Aspata Document Rae A) spproier-aparceai request J poorer -Reauostn crpotn Pet Aaprater-Reva Recust (One Was Prous),com2014/03/04/objectve-stting-and-apprasals-appraisal-template-configuration-andzitslexiblty-using-avalable-badis/ 4128 2072021 Objective Setting and Appraisals: Appraisal Template Coniguation andi’ fexblty using avaiable BADIS | SAP Blogs ‘After this ‘Save’ the Appraisal Category from the option available in Menu Bar. Follow wD Like hns' as shown in the above screen clip lists out the standard Columns de avilable to the appraisal template. It may also contain custom __—-raluumns with specific properties which in return can be created using the T:Code: 5) RSS Feed Later in this document we will cover few areas available in this T- Code. The next step would be configuration of an Appraisal Template Configuration of an Appraisal Template Step 1: T-Code PHAP_CATALOG Step2: We would create the appraisal template in the same way. eo 7008 ngneee one =e Ba brie acre eee, Ieee Paces crate maruty Wa es ‘Step3: On choosing the option ‘Create Manually’ the below screen will appear. And then we need to do some specific settings as per requirement in different tabs. Layout:,com2014/03/04/objectve-stting-and-apprasals-appraisal-template-configuration-andzitslexiblty-using-avalable-badis/ 926 12012024 Objective Setting and Appraisals: Appraisal Template Coniguation and it's exblity using avaiable BADIS | SAP Blogs Porte Tenesto (Brae Anssbd Teresto Stale ie Follow Like sian 3) RSS Feed [Dots bspiy somrassitoaumert ime oto play cerasl eeumant t= (eo ey noses (ce Noe Cay Vat Perec (150 Ho: Oss ocr (Bio0 no bis Eecatee Pein} (Dicoriot epi pare appre, ‘Dine nor Dey Reve cate (1 tot Dep Furth Eatoparte (Ado tlot play Lyectve Satta Date (eae Ceny tesa ue See Notes: 1 Numbering: This is an important feature which is used by SAP standard framework as an identifier in the appraisal document body elements. This will be covered in details later in this document when we will see the technical aspect of the standard framework. We have 3 options herein. 2. If Numbering is included, we have different numbering options for e.g. Arabic Numerals(1,2,3..), Roman Numerals(|, Il IIl..). We can select anyone from the 3. Header: Settings can be done as per business requirement. Columns:,com2014/03/04/objectve-stting-and-apprasals-appraisal-template-configuration-andzitslexiblty-using-avalable-badis/ 626 12012024 Objective Setting and Appraisals: Appraisal Template Coniguation and it's Hexblity using avaiable BADIS | SAP Blogs ‘Goran anor Tereise status ia [Fetsemnel Appesizsl= ————*| Last charactor — mete ampretial Tepiste | List chiro — access Vale Dasciptons Pocestng |stats | spore Coeiment cobs Hcp J E abe List [Vasc Vater fia abe tna. [Noto a \ RSS Feed - . Moot *Hste a ~ ~ Optim. “Hote © Tot Layout Tare 7 @ Layout of values cine ae eto auitans Lines ese fr Nate So ; Notes: 1. Value Determination: This is a kind of rule which we can use to set the value for 2 particular Column in an appraisal document. We can also set this column value using Value Determination by implementing a BADI namely HRHAPOO_VAL_DET which includes an interface IF_EX HRHAPOO_VAL_DET. Interface IF_EX_HRHAPOO_VAL_DET consists of a method VALUE_DETERMINATION which needs to be implemented. etre osoein eons famaen crave yeni -see oaks Pot apeas jak the eget ener ey Cores a} Senarts 7 30ve ovum eect ey Caate,com2014/03/04/objectve-stting-and-apprasals-appraisal-template-configuration-andzitslexiblty-using-avalable-badis/ 128 12012024 Objective Setting and Appraisals: Appraisal Template Coniguation and it's Hexblity using avalable BADIS | SAP Blogs 2. Note: Avalibale options are self explained, shown below in the screen clip Follow cohen] Like vate ust vate coe sow oe = ‘2 Fra sonra =| >| | RSSFeed | —T 3. Free Input: If this checkbox is ‘Checked’ is then this column will appear as Free Text Input in the Web Layout ( Webdynpro Component: HAP_MAIN_DOCUMENT ) 4. Text Layout: This is a very important feature through which we can control the element's ‘NAME, ‘DESCRIPTION’ or ‘NAME and DESCRIPTION’ availability in the Web Layout of the appraisal document when it is launched froma webdynpro configuration. This check has been explicit handled in the standard framework in the Webdynpro Component ‘HAP_DOCUMENT_BODY’ component controller method BUILD_DOCUMENT_BODY. 5. Layout of Values: This is important again from the Web Layout perspective. If we considering any Value List or has defined any Value Scale for a particular column then this option provides the provision to list out those values in the scale in a ‘Dropdown: ‘Radio Button’ or ‘Slider’ format, From technical standpoint this has been handled in the webdynpro component HAP_DOCUMENT_BODY component controller method BUILD_DOCUMENT_BODY. The specific View which has these U! elements is VW_BODY_VIEW 6. Line Reserved for Notes: This feature denotes how many lines there will be gap between two elements which are reserved for Notes. For the time being we will skip the ‘Dynamic Settings’ under this tab which is actual focus of this document. First let us complete the static configurations. Moving to the next tab i.e. Column Access,com2014/03/04/objectve-stting-and-apprasals-appraisal-template-configuration-andzitslexiblty-using-avalable-badis/ 8126 12012024 Objective Setting and Appraisals: Appraisal Template Conviguation and it's exblity using avaiable BADIS | SAP Blogs Since we have included Appraisee and Appraiser as our active participants in this 7 ‘ess through category settings, thus we need to set the accessibility of jocument columns in various status allowed in this process. We can toggle between Display/Change access for appraise and appraiser for that specific 1 Like wn below in the screen clip. 3) RSS Feed a = ene ES come, tae a co (A i i a oven Saini 8) Binns) een enaeeenemmesreme ES ME ie ohne cheper tree Phone Peer renee 7 If we some specific business requirements that this column access cannot be decided statically, then we have the provision of a BAD! HRHAPOO_COL_ACCESS. This BADI incorporates an interface namely IF_EX_HRHAPOO_COL_ACCESS which has a method GET_COLUMN_ACCESS which can tweak the configuration dynamically based on template. wets (Fe Boaaro_ Cor ACES Pavederented face Prcaies (Plataces | abuts 7 eras | Toss Blas trod pares (Gereommcass SSS) fe wetted | cero] (| [Se [IE Feraneter Tip Pn [Oho Td. asated Tire pelvis Peston tau reat. te me AT Paaset RTA of ee os Ct Tinea a za Pinvieren sexta terete “TREER APHATSEN™ igor. ure ua Pe AF Hondr-terasr ‘eanen_avmarses rect.) [7 Type HAR Tae ar Howto tesa ee Monier -Par curesrs monn ome drools.) Tine Bae ToBI. Hondo Furbex Patents ssuem_sams Ivor.) Te mies peter sr Hoar - sons spoc_mrocessmie poh.) Tae _maP_s S00 teoce sexx Document Poser 2. p%_conms argo.) tye mars 300% cow. Bou curs 23.20 arport. 9) (tape mae tsozs ex Colin sees (V8) aiKADTET charg.) hse Fae coun ava olive avany ecm Next important setting that we will discuss herein is the tab ‘Processing’ as shown in the below screen clip,com2014/03/04/objectve-stting-and-apprasals-appraisal-template-configuration-andzitslexiblty-using-avalable-badis/ 926 12012024 Objective Setting and Appraisals: Appraisal Template Coniguation and it's Hexblity using avalable BADIS | SAP Blogs (ane ew Aer enpiat eee seeD Like 3) RSS Feed The configuration settings herein are self explanatory. One important feature that | must mention is that we can set the ‘Maximum Number of Part Appraisers’ Part Appraisers are typically included in a Category and then in a Template if we are configuring a 360 feedback Template. This is beyond this document's scope. Maybe we can throw some light on it in another document. Lastly comes the ‘Status Flow’ tab. The settings are quite complex. [ey a ———t [gente rescicn Tarinira Dionne toute, ‘age satis Tags aesus,com2014/03/04/objectve-stting-and-apprasals-appraisal-template-configuration-andzitslexiblty-using-avalable-badis/ 10126 12012024 Objective Setting and Appraisals: Appraisal Template Coniguation and it's exblity using avaiable BADIS | SAP Blogs Follow Like 3) RSS Feed Notes: 1 Outbound Status/SubStatus: This denotes the current Status/Sub Status. 2. Pushbutton: This is important from the perspective of Web Layout. These are radio buttons which will appear on the left side of the Appraisal Document when the Webdynpro Component Configuration is launched for HAP_MAIN_DOCUMENT. We can specify the owner of the button by maintaining the ‘Person Authorized’ for the pushbutton, 3. Target Status/Sub Status: On action of the pushbutton, the appraisal document will move to a different status or it may remain in the same status after saving the changes done in the document from the frontend by the user, 4. Add/Delete Pushbutton: We can add/delete pushbuttons as per our business requirement for a particular Status. If we want to add a Custom Pushbutton we must create it first using T-Code OOHAP_BASIC. Below is an example,com2014/03/04objectve-setting-and-apprasals-appraisal-template-configuratio-andeitsleiblty-sing-avalable-badis! 26 12012024 Objective Setting and Appraisals: Appraisal Template Conviguation and it's Hexblity using avalable BADIS | SAP Blogs We can create ‘New Entries’ and filling the details for Previous Status and arget) Status. It wll make an entry in the cluster table Follow ‘asic. Like Er Ifwe can remember in one cf earlier screen clip of ‘Configuration we have listed out Workflow Events, those will get listed out here. If we “4g a standard Workflow Event. it is linked to the standard BOR object RSS Feed} we mentioning any ofthis here, this event will be triggered on the action of this specific pushbutton and a workflow ID will be generated. 6. Note: While moving from Current Status/ Sub Status to the Target Status/ Sub Status, if we want user to put some note, we can configure it here. We have 3 options. NONE: No Note OPTIONAL: User may put a note. This will hinder the appraisal document status change. MANDATORY: User must put a note otherwise process flow will stop therein. No status change. Let us now get back to the tab ‘Columns’ and we will concentrate on the ‘Dynamic Settings’ as shown below in the screen clip. Notes: 1. Fixed Enhancement: This dropdown will list the enhancement implementation of the BADI HRHAPOO_ENHANCE FIX. There are few already delivered ky SAP. This is generally used to inject external elements dynamically at the time of Appraisal Document creation. 2. Free Enhancement: This dropdown will list the enhancement implementation of the BADI HRHAPOO_ENHANCE_FREE. There are few already delivered by SAP. This,com2014/03/04/objectve-stting-and-apprasals-appraisal-template-configuration-andzitslexiblty-using-avalable-badis/ 1226 12012024 Objective Setting and Appraisals: Appraisal Template Conviguation and it's Hexblity using avalable BADIS | SAP Blogs is generally used to inject external elements dynamically at the time of Appraisal ation. Follow 3. Refers to Attributes of: We can create a reference element to whose properties it 1 Like the external element element is injected by Fixed/Fixed : It will also create a ‘B605' relationship with the reference element and 3) RSS Feed linked to the element. SAP framework also allows to refer multiple ients i.e. we need to declare the other reference elements herein and within the BADI implementation based on some business logic we can toggle between the allowed refernce elements. 4, Deletion of an Element: We can allow particular deletion of an element. In this document, | will explicitly take up the Fixed Enhancement procedure to configure the external elements in an appraisal template, A custom enhancement will be implemented using above mentioned BADI So as of now, we have successfully configured the Appraisal Template with a base element ie. VA obtect type. We need to understand how standard SAP framework behaves when we use Fixed Enhancement. So, let us understand that we already have a VA element for this template. Now if we declare an enhancement here, BADI implementation will be called for once to add Criteria Group (VB) elements, This criteria Group will have the ‘Refers to Attributes of'. Let us say we have injected 5 VB elements with external ids. Now to add ‘Criteria’ (VC) dynamically we properties of the element mentione will again configure the ‘Dynamic Settings’ in the ‘Columns’ tab in the same way. Another enhancement for adding VC element will be declared with a different referenced element. So logically for each VB element the BAD! implementation for adding VC element will be hit correspondingly. So through this 5 iterations we will inject the required VC elements under suitable VB elements. It is kind of tree structure. Appraisal Template Configuration( VB & VC elements) using Fixed Enhancement Stepl: Create a filter value named ‘ADD_DYNAMIC_VB_ELEMENT’ for VB elements and ‘ADD_DYNAMIC_VC_ELEMENT' for VC elements respectively in the BADI HRHAPOO_ENHANCEFIX in T-Code sel8 as shown below in the screen clip.,com2014/03/04/objectve-stting-and-apprasals-appraisal-template-configuration-andzitslexiblty-using-avalable-badis/ 1926 812012021 Objective Setting and Appraisals: Appraisal Template Coniguation and it's Hexblity using avaiable BADIS | SAP Blogs ote ae Follow Interne Like or he ype RE) rn RSS Feed _sporaea Document Enhancement @ ie he Biker. evn. ert teste sre dng Dame 8 Berens Inerntaten Nas Eon Fire inglereneaten shat Tet aie ame a 1 oon Nae ‘eaeti Fane r=] ute Eehr ielarstaton bs cel 1 Cees | ets ‘8 | tn Sep ssp ue Bt ooo Rte tpe GTABGT +d (echacets arava DocurentEnhancerent go. ser txt soa. Erin. ADI nplementation \Ve~ BAD! implementation cal’ADO_DYNAMIC_VC_ELEMENTS! Step2: Code OOHAP_BASIC,com2014/03/04/objectve-stting-and-apprasals-appraisal-template-configuration-andzitslexiblty-using-avalable-badis/ 14126 12012024 Objective Setting and Appraisals: Appraisal Template Coniguation and it's Hexblity using avalable BADIS | SAP Blogs Step3: We need to include our custom BAD filter in the ‘Fixed Enhancement’ area as nthe screen clip. Follow Like en ea = Civaue ust (ee |e ee 3) RSS Feed Fa + Biasstaren Gtr > Gare Sake s Garepentstus + Caves auheraed + Ginektor-een ab le (ee [ee Ls = in oe lee = ‘Step3: ‘New Entries: Porm BBP B EE | “etn estima urbe sop Tenebte = ‘asec cers ain Fre rhncevan ‘alten ofan Arr erent Dynan Bert apes Tenee Dynan Er Cer: up Disa Bert -eton ‘byron Ent Ears serene prewar Faw up recs co) Felon up Resse tase) eb ast foitorde pds Hea Cte “ost tetrorere Bs Likewise we will also add the respective filter for VC elements here. Note: The filter create in Step2 will create an entry in table ‘T77HAP_FLT_EXI: If there is no such entry we will not be able to include our BADI filter in the enhancement area. ‘Step3: Now we will go back to the T-Code PHAP_CATALOG and include it in the ‘Category Group’ Enhancements,com2014/03/04/objectve-stting-and-apprasals-appraisal-template-configuration-andzitslexiblty-using-avalable-badis/ 1926 12012024 Objective Setting and Appraisals: Appraisal Template Conviguation and it's exblity using avaiable BADIS | SAP Blogs Step4: Now we will move to the ‘Dynamic Settings’ of ' tab Columns’ We will declare 7 nt from the dropdown and will create a reference element by the ollow le beside it as shown below. We will set the properties of this reference element as per business requirement. This is our specific Criteria Group. Like CO EMICSOUIE 3) RSS Feed of Deletion of Element ‘Step5: After setting the specific properties required for the reference element, we will move to the tab ‘Columns’ Dynamic Settings and again follow Ste3 with one difference ie herein we will include the enhancement for adding Criteria (VC) element namely ‘ADD_DYNAMIC_VC_ELEMENTS’ “Dynamic Sets fee erharcenent [Biiercicomns |B Free Erharcement Refers to Attibutes of aloe af 2 Element ‘Step6: Save the changes from the option in the menu bar and record it ina customizing task and set the Status of the Appraisal Template as ‘Released’ So our Appraisal Template Configuration is complete. Next step would be implementation of the BADI filters we have created in the earlier step, Implementation of the BADI filters 1, ADD_DYNAMIC_VB_ELEMENTS : We have added only one Criteria Group (VB) element for our demo purpose.,com2014/03/04/objectve-stting-and-apprasals-appraisal-template-configuration-andzitslexiblty-using-avalable-badis/ 16126 812012021 Objective Setting and Appraisals: Appraisal Template Coniguation and it's Hexblity using avaiable BADIS | SAP Blogs iGinae Seniors Clore 20% BOD. IRONS 8 Mini, S82 VNRS BAS ABAD AS oer) semyowee Syme Conse Seton ‘Wee Seten “le ollow ee, cmt Follow y “TV Hab S.AGORAISAL_ OF TIONAL eerasd an ‘renee nese cn Ie eer ie waettpeceemee) ea vee yes) peters a aes Like i, ue ) Soren Tenor rece a} Seow se nanionmaomunrt beet. etirgetee 2 [pssoouis Obie amas isa Forwhicntypactalana a [ssi] | sctcareve. mn co0e7i8 So we are now good to create an appraisal document with the template configured above and understand the working of SAP framework in this case Creation of an Appraisal Document Before starting the process, just to remind we have injected 1 VB to the VA and 3 VCs to the VB injected. Stepl: T-Code: PHAP_CREATE.,com2014/03/04/objectve-stting-and-apprasals-appraisal-template-configuration-andzitslexiblty-using-avalable-badis/ 1126 12012024 Objective Setting and Appraisals: Appraisal Template Coniguation and it's exblity using avaiable BADIS | SAP Blogs New Dynamic Appraisal Template avon in penning actin Loa Es 5 Like a = am el iE 3) RSS Feed \ccessfully created. Let us check the document body that how the elements are arranged. Step2: T-Code PHAP_ADMIN New Dynamic Appraisal Template Baction tog Dinan: Aoorasl Tomol"Pimaaie appeaieed Textace 1 status Ea Pia toon == ——=_ — Paticpant \aly Peto ma ae Evocuten pone objec setra oo Review Dats tL | aoev cas umber... onere name (a. rel sonral an L Soe § From the above screen it is clear that the Numbering is included which we have set in the configuration earlier, Next there are VA, VB and 3 VC elements. There are two columns available as configured, Objectives and Final Appraisal, Notes can be maintained for both of the columns as configured. Let us take a step back and try to analyze the standard SAP framework behavior. Analysis ct standard SAP fiamework while Appraisal Document is created Stepl: We will try to debug the T-Code PHAP_CREATE ‘Step2: On debugging, we found the below process which SAP standard framework follows 18126 lexi 12012024 Objective Setting and Appraisals: Appraisal Template Conviguation and it's Hexblity using avalable BADIS | SAP Blogs Before going into detailed explanation, we will check the T_BODY_ELEMENTS in s shown below. Only one element is statically configured which is there Follow atin the appraisal document. Like 5

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