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• The first bound is the strongest, the other two

bounds are often easier to state and compute

Proof: Applying Markov's inequality, for any >0

we have
Pr (1 + ) = Pr

For any > 0, we can set = ln 1 + > 0 to get


Pr (1 + )< )
(1 + )
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For (4.4.2) we need to show that, for 0 < 1,

(1 + )
Taking the logarithm of both sides, we obtain the
equivalent condition
1 + ln 1 + 3 0
Computing the derivatives of , we have:
)=1 ln 1 + + 2 3
ln 1 + + 2 3
1 2
1+ 3
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• We see that
< 0 for < 1/2 and
> 0 for 1 2
• Hence first decreases and then increases
over the interval [0,1]
• Since (0) = 0 and 1 < 0, we can conclude
that in the interval [0,1]
• Since (0) = 0, it follows that 0 in that
interval, proving (4.4.2).

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To prove (4.4.3), let = (1 + .

Then, for , 5. Hence, using

Pr (1 + )
(1 + )



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• We obtain similar results bounding the deviation

below the mean
Theorem 4.5: Let , … , be independent
Poisson trials s.t. Pr = 1 = . Let =
and ]. Then for 0 < < 1:

Pr (1 )
(1 + )
Pr (1 .

• Again, the first bound is stronger, but the latter is

generally easier to use and sufficient in most
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• Often the following form of the Chernoff bound is

Corollary 4.6: Let , … , be independent
Poisson trials s.t. Pr = 1 = . Let =
and ]. For 0 < < 1:
Pr(| .

• In practice we often do not have the exact value

of ]
• Instead we can use in Theorem 4.4 and
[ ] in Theorem 4.5
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4.2.2. Example: Coin Flips

• Let be the number of heads in a sequence of

independent fair coin flips
• Applying the Chernoff bound (4.6), we have
1 1 6 ln
Pr ln 2 exp
2 2 32
• Thus, the concentration around the mean /2 is
very tight; most of the time, the deviations from
the mean are of the order of ( ln )
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• Consider the Pr of /4 or /4 heads in a

sequence of independent fair coin flips
• Chebyshev’s inequality showed that
Pr 2 4
• Already, this is worse than the Chernoff bound
just calculated for a significantly larger event!
• Using the Chernoff bound, we find that
1 1
Pr 2 exp =2
2 4 324
• Thus, Chernoff's technique gives a bound that is
exponentially smaller than that obtained using
Chebyshev's inequality
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4.2.3. Application: Estimating a Parameter

• Evaluate the probability that a particular gene

mutation occurs in the population
• An expensive lab test determines if a DNA
sample carries the mutation
• We would like to obtain a relatively reliable
estimate from a small number of samples
• Let be the unknown value that we are trying to
• Assume that we have samples and that
= of these samples have the mutation
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• Given a sufficiently large number of samples, we

expect to be close to the sampled value
Definition 4.2: A confidence interval for a
parameter is an interval ], s.t.
• Instead of predicting a single value for the
parameter, we give an interval that is likely to
contain the parameter
• If can take on any real value, it may not make
sense to try to pin down its exact value from a
finite sample, but it does make sense to estimate
it within some small range
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• We want both the interval size and the error

probability to be as small as possible
• We derive a trade-off between these two
parameters and the number of samples
• In particular, given that among samples
(chosen uniformly at random from the entire
population) we find the mutation in exactly
samples, we need to find values of and
for which
Pr( )
= Pr( ), ))

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• Now ), so ]=
• If then we have one of the
following two events:
1. if , then =
](1 + );
2. if , then =
](1 )
• We can apply the Chernoff bounds of Thms 4.4
and 4.5 to compute Pr

= Pr + Pr 1+

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• This bound is not useful because the value of

is unknown
• A simple solution is to use the fact that 1,
• Setting , we obtain a trade-
off between , , and the error probability

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4.3. Better Bounds for Some

Special Cases

• We can obtain stronger bounds using a simpler

proof technique for some special cases of
symmetric RVs

Theorem 4.7: Let ,…, be independent RVs

Pr = 1 = Pr 1 = .
Let = . For any > 0,
Pr = .
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Proof: For any > 0,

1 1
=+ .
2 2
To estimate , we observe that
=1+ + !
+ !
=1 + !
+ 1 !
using the Taylor series expansion for .
! !
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Using this estimate yields

Pr = Pr
Setting , we obtain

By symmetry we also have

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Corollary 4.8: Let ,…, be independent RVs,

Pr = 1 = Pr 1 = .
Let = . For any > 0,
Pr =2 .
• Apply transformation = ( + 1)/2 to prove
Corollary 4.9: Let , … , be independent RVs,
Pr = 1 = Pr = 0 = .
Let = and 2.
1. For any > 0, Pr .
2. For any > 0, Pr (1 + ) = .
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4.4. Application: Set Balancing

• Given an matrix with entries in {0,1}, let

• We are looking for a vector with entries in

1,1} that minimizes
= max

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• This problem arises in designing statistical

– Each column of the matrix represents a
subject in the experiment and each row
represents a feature
– The vector partitions the subjects into two
disjoint groups, so that each feature is
roughly as balanced as possible between the
two groups
– One of the groups serves as a control group
for an experiment that is run on the other
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• We randomly choose the entries of , with

Pr = 1 = Pr 1 =
• The choices for different entries are independent
• Surprisingly, although this algorithm ignores the
entries of the matrix , is likely to be only
• This bound is fairly tight: When , there
exists a matrix for which is for
any choice of

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Theorem 4.11: For a random vector with

entries chosen independently and with equal
probability from the set 1,1},
Pr ln .
Proof: Consider the th row ,…, , and
let be the number of 1s in that row.
If ln , then clearly
= ln .

On the other hand, if > ln then we note

that the nonzero terms in the sum
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are independent random variables, each with

probability 1/2 of being either +1 or 1.
Now using the Chernoff bound of Corollary 4.8 and
the fact that ,
Pr > ln .
By the union bound, the probability that the bound
fails for any row is at most 2/ .

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5 Balls, Bins, and Random Graphs

• Let us throw balls randomly into bins, each

ball lands in a bin chosen independently and
uniformly at random (I+U@R)
• We use the techniques we have developed
previously to analyze this process and develop a
new approach based on
what is known as the
Poisson approximation

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5.1. Example: The Birthday Paradox

• Is it more likely that some two people in the

room share the same birthday or that no two
people in the room share the same birthday?
• We assume that the birthday of each person is a
random day from a 365-day year, each chosen
• We assume that a person's birthday is equally
likely to be any day of the year, we avoid leap
years, and we ignore the possibility of twins
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• Let there be 30 people

• Thirty days must be chosen from the 365; there
are ways to do this
• These 30 days can be assigned to the people in
any of the 30! possible orders
• Hence there are 30! configurations where
no two people share the same birthday, out of
the 365 ways the birthdays could occur
• Thus, the probability is
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• We can also consider one person at a time

– The first person has a birthday
– The probability that the second person has a
different birthday is (1 1/365)
– The probability that the third person then has
a birthday different from the first two, given
that they have different birthdays, is (1
– Continuing on, the probability that the th
person has a different birthday than the first
1, assuming that they have different
birthdays, is (1 ( 1)/365)
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• So the probability that 30 people all have

different birthdays is the product of these terms:
1 2 29
365 365 365

• This product is 0.2937, so when 30 people are in

the room there is more than a 70% chance that
two share the same birthday
• A similar calculation shows that only 23 people
need to be in the room before it is more likely
than not that two people share a birthday

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• More generally, if there are people and

possible birthdays then the probability that all
have different birthdays is

• Using that when is small

compared to , we see that if is small
compared to then

= exp

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• Hence the value for at which the probability

that people all have different birthdays is 1/2
is approximately given by the equation
= ln 2 ,

or = ln 2
• For = 365, this approximation gives =
22.49, matching the exact calculation quite well
• Mars has = 687 days, need = 30.86 aliens
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• The following simple arguments give loose

bounds and good intuition
• Let us consider each person one at a time, and
let be the event that the th person's birthday
does not match any of the birthdays of the first
1 people
• Then the probability that the first people fail to
have distinct birthdays is
1 1)
Pr Pr

• If this Pr is < 1/2, so with people

the Pr is 1/2 that all birthdays will be distinct
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• Now assume that the first people all have

distinct birthdays
• Each person after that has probability at least
=1 of having the same birthday as
one of these first people
• Hence the Pr that the next people all have
different birthdays than the first
1 1 1
< <
• Hence, once there are 2 people, the Pr is at
most 1/ that all birthdays will be distinct
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5.2. Balls into Bins

• balls are thrown into bins, with the location

of each ball chosen I+U@R from the
• The question behind the birthday paradox is
whether or not there is a bin with two balls
• How many of the bins are empty?
• How many balls are in the fullest bin?
• Many of these questions have applications to the
design and analysis of algorithms
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• Birthday paradox: place balls randomly into

bins then, for some , at least one of
the bins is likely to have more than one ball in it
• Another interesting question concerns the max
number of balls in a bin, or the maximum load
• Let us consider the case where , so that
the number of balls equals the number of bins
and the average load is 1
• Of course the maximum load is , but it is very
unlikely that all balls land in the same bin
• We seek an upper bound that holds with
probability tending to 1 as grows large
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• We can show that the maximum load is not more

than 3ln / ln ln with probability at most
for sufficiently large via a direct calculation and
a union bound
• This is a very loose bound; although the
maximum load is in fact (ln / ln ln ) with
probability close to 1, the constant factor 3 is
chosen to simplify the argument and could be
reduced with more care
Lemma 5.1: When balls are thrown I+U@R into
bins, the probability that the maximum load is
more than 3ln / ln ln is at most for
sufficiently large
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Proof: The probability that bin 1 receives at least

balls is at most

This follows from a union bound; there are

distinct sets of balls, and for any set of balls
the probability that all land in bin 1 is .
We now use the inequalities
1 1

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• The second inequality is a consequence of the

following general bound on factorials: since

! !
we have
• Applying a union bound again allows us to find
that, for 3 ln / ln ln , the probability that
any bin receives at least balls is bounded
above by
ln ln
3 ln
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ln ln

for sufficiently large.

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