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Company Profile

Key competitive advantage Highlights

Target Market

Marketing Strategy Information

Products & Services Information


Threats SWOT
Trends Information
Founded in founded in 1933; foods, beverages, cleaning
1964;Tea, coffee, agents, personal care products, water
water, salt, lentils, purifiers and other fast-moving consumer
spices goods

strong domestic
brand presence and
price. Tea products global brand presence and wider customer
boast of refreshing reach. Tea, coffee products boast of
flavours immunity building

positions different
products to different
classes. Tetley is a
premium product
for upper middle
class . Tata tea is
affordable so lower
and middle class All people in the upper and middle class

social  The packaging is very interesting and it

consciousness of helps the brand to catch the attention of
the brand, customer customers on the shelf among various
centricity, position brands, strong distribution channels; position
tea, cofee as kadak tea, cofee products for housewives who seeks
or 'strong' to bring her family together over a cup of tea
Tata tea, Tetley,
Tata Salt, Tata
Sampann, Eight O' Brooke Bond, Bru Cofee, Annapurna Salt,
clock Cofee Lipton Iced Tea
1) World’s second
manufacturer and
distributor tea. 2)
Most trusted brand
3) Tata tea is 1) Strong portfolio and brand presence 2)
considered healthy Tea has a good flavour and taste . Brand
4) Brand presence recall is good 3) Many categories and sub-
in 40+ countries 5) products which help reach wider market 4)
customer loyalty Attractive packaging

1) Main business is
from Tea, Coffe so
concentration risk 2
) Labour intensive
industry; so
susceptible to
fluctuations with
labor migration 3)
a fragmented
market 1) Affected by moisture/storage problems.

1) Come with more

varieties in tea and
cofee, especially

2) Increase its 1) Cheaper price products for rural area and

presence in rural more reach 2) More corporate/hotel ties
market for beverage products
1) Suppliers from
efficient markets
like Kenya. Sri
Lanka, etc. entering
the market

2 Competition from
local players

3.Youth does not

prefer tea these

4.Substitutes like
drinks are
becoming more

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