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Appendix B

Name: Bridgette Ann A. Gerona Date: Oct. 11, 2020
Section: Grade 11 – Philippians (ABM – Block 2) Schedule:
DIRECTIONS: Write your answers on the space provided. Write legibly.
Title of the Literary Piece: The Legend of the Pineapple (Ang Alamat ng Pinya)
The legend is set in a humble, Filipino home situated on a secluded place in

Aling Rosa: She is a mother of one, Aling Rosa is a woman who cares for her
daughter like a treasure. Pinang is her top priority and wishes for her to grow up being
a responsible woman. Moreover, she often uses Filipino as her chosen language.
Pinang: She is the only child of Aling Rosa. Pinang is a well took care of daughter
with quite the loving mother. She often spends her time playing and doing the things
she wishes to do. Similar to her mother, Pinang typically uses Filipino as her chosen
language as well.
In a humble Filipino-style home lived a reliable mother named Aling Rosa who
takes good care of her daughter named Pinang. Due to this pampered treatment towards
her offspring, Aling Rosa ended up being the one who always dealt with the household
chores singlehandedly. Though the mother tried to get Pinang to practice being a
responsible resident of the household, the latter shrugged the matter off with saying
she’s experienced enough with such things.
Rising Action:
One day, Pinang went home exhausted after playing with the kids from the village.
Upon entering her abode, she was met with the sight of her mother cleaning their house
equally as tired, if not more than her daughter; and so Aling Rosa asked Pinang to help
her with the chores. The latter turned down the request with the reason of having to be
tired from playing that she could not assist the fatigued, cleaning woman and retreated
to her room.
Hours later, Pinang woke up to exit her bedroom and ask her mother about supper
only to find her lying in bed, tired with a high fever from cleaning the house on her
own. Aling Rosa requested her daughter to kindly fetch the soup for her and this time,
Pinang complied heading to the kitchen to bring her mother the soup cooking in the
pot. However, she realized that Pinang left it over the burner while she was out playing,
having it burnt as a result. Eventually, the daughter whipped up a soup for her mother.
For the time that her mother was ill, Pinang had no choice but to take the responsibility
of doing all of the household chores on her own. However, due to her pampered
lifestyle, she had little to no knowledge of where things were, hence, she had to ask her
mother where things were placed every now and then. This irked Aling Rosa, thus she
snapped at her daughter saying: ‘’Naku! Pinang, sana'y magkaroon ka ng maraming
mata upang makita mo ang lahat ng bagay at hindi ka na tanong nang tanong sa akin.’’
Having heard this, Pinang knew she did something wrong and excused herself of
fetching a ladle. Time passed and there were no signs of Pinang, so Aling Rosa called
for her daughter only to hear nothing for a response.
Denouement/Falling Action:
Days passed and Aling Rosa eventually got better; though she could not help but
worry for there were no signs of her daughter anywhere for the duration of her
recovery. The distressed mother asked around her daughter’s playmates to the people
of the village; unfortunately, she went home empty handed.
By the time she arrived, Aling Rosa noticed a gorgeous and unique plant. In time,
she took good care of it and helped it grow. Only when the plant grew did Aling Rosa
notice the plant’s head-like shape with eyes all over it. Upon observing such features
did the mother recall her last words to her daughter: ‘’Naku! Pinang, sana'y magkaroon
ka ng maraming mata upang makita mo ang lahat ng bagay at hindi ka na tanong nang
tanong sa akin.’’ Tears flooded the mother’s eyes as she realized how her words would
affect her daughter and guilt washed over her being. Aling Rosa decided to take great
care of the plant and named it Pinang which translates to ‘’Pinya’’.
I believe that the conflict of the story comes from both of the characters.
Aling Rosa and Pinang suffers from internal conflict regarding how they deal
with certain issues. Firstly, Aling Rosa; though she was only doing her best in
taking the role of a mother by making her daughter happy through pampering her
and allowing her to do the things she wished. However, as a result, Pinang grew
accustomed to the pampered and spoiled treatment that she received to the point
of neglecting her responsibilities as a human and a resident of the household.
Hence why Aling Rosa should have been aware of the cause of such behavior
and avoided in snapping at her daughter of not having enough knowledge about
matters around doing chores. Aling Rosa should have explained to her daughter
of improving herself instead of harshly lashing out at her like she did. Lastly,
Pinang; when asked for help she should have at least tried in helping her mother
or anyone regardless of her circumstance. Moreover, she should learn to observe
as well as acknowledge her responsibilities as a daughter and as a human.
The Life Lesson

 Be more mindful of the words that spur out of one’s mouth for the result
of such careless actions may lead to harsh consequences.
 Own up to one’s responsibilities and deal with matters maturely and with
an open mind.

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