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Academic Year 2019 – 2020

CORE 126
Personal Development

Name: ____________________
Cp#/e-maill add: _______________________________
Name: ______________________________________ Date: ____________ Score: _________
Activity No.: _____
Erik Erikson’s Theory of Development Questionnaire
Indicate how often each of theses statements applies to you by using the following scale:
0 – never applies to you Read the
1 – occasionally or seldom applies to you instruction
2 – fairly often applies to you s at the
3 - very often aplies to you end before
Write your score on the space provided before the number of an item. scores here
Stage 1: Trust Versus Mistrust (Infancy and Early Childhood) Score
____ 1. I feel pessimistic about the future of the humankind.
____ 2. I feel the world’s major problems can be solved.
____ 3. I am filled with admiration for humankind.
____ 4. People can be trusted.
____ 5. I feel optimistic about my future.
Total Score Stage 1
Stage 2: Autonomy Versus Shame and Doubt (Infancy and Childhood) Score
____ 6.When people try o persuade me to do something I don’t want to, I refuse.
____ 7. After I have made a decision , I feel I have made mistake.
____ 8. I am unnecessarily apologetic.
____ 9. I worry that my friends will find fault with me.
____ 10. When I disagree with someone , I tell them.
Total Score in Stage 2
Stage 3: Initiative Versus Guilt (Infancy and Childhood) Score
____1 1. I am prepared to take a risk to get what I want.
____ 12. I feel hesitant to try out a new way of doing something.
____ 13. I am confident in carrying out my plans to a successful conclusion.
____ 14. I feel what happens to me is the result of what I have done.
____ 15. When I have difficulty in getting something right, I give up
Total Score in Stage 3
Stage 4: Industry Versus Inferiority (Infancy and Childhood) Score
____ 16. When people look at something I have done, I feel embarrassed.
____ 1 7. I get a great deal of pleasure from working.
____ 1 8. I feel too incompetent to do what I would really like to do in life.
____ 1 9. I avoid doing something difficulty because I feel I would fail.
____ 20. I feel competent.
Total Score in Stage 4
Stage 5: Identity Versus Identity Diffusion (Adolescence) Score
____ 21. I wonder what sort of person I really am.
____ 22. I feel certain about what I should do with my life.
____ 23. My worth is recognized by others.
____ 24. I proud to be the sort of person I am.
____ 25. I am unsure as to how people feel about me.
Total Score in Stage 5
Stage 6: Intimacy versus Isolation (Early Adulthood Score
____ 26. I feel that know one has ever known the real me.
____ 27. I have a feeling of complete “togetherness ” with something.
____ 28. I feel it is better to remain free than to become committed to marriage for
____ 29. I share my private thought with someone.
____ 30. I feel as though I am alone in the world.
Total Score in Stage 6

Name: ______________________________________ Date: ____________ Score: _________

Activity No.: _____

Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Reasoning.

Level Stage Description
Preconventional Level 1 Punishment-Obedience
(Moral reasoning is based on orientation. One is motivated
the consequence/result of the by fear of punishment.
act, not on the whether the act 2 Mutual Benefit or instrumental
itself is good or bad.) Relativist Orientation
Conventional Social Approval or Good boy-
(Moral reasoning is based on 3 nice girl orientation
the conventions or norms of
society. This may include
approval of others, law and

Post-conventional 4 Law and Order Orientation

(Moral reasoning is based on
enduring or consistent 5 Social Contract Orientation
principles. It is not just 6 Universal Principles or
recognizing the law, but the Universal Ethical Principle
principles behind the law.) Orientation

I. Identify the stage of moral development shown in the following:

__________ 1. Joy allows her classmates to copy her homework so that they will think she is kind and
will like her to be their friend.
__________ 2. Ricky does everything to get passing grades because his Mom will take his play station
away if he gets bad grades.
__________ 3. A civic action group protests the use of pills for family planning, saying that although the
government allows this, it is actually murder because the pills are abortifacient (causes
__________ 4. Jinky lets Hannah copy during their math test because Hannah agreed to let her copy
during their science test.
__________ 5. Karen decides to return the wallet he found in the canteen so that people will praise her
honesty and think she’s such a nice girl.
__________ 6. John decides to return the wallet he found in the canteen because he believes it’s the
right thing to do.
__________ 7. Lyka wears her ID inside the campus because she likes to follow the school rules and
__________ 8. A jeepney driver looks if there’s a policeman around before he u-turns in a no u-turn
__________ 9. Liza volunteers to tutor children at-risk children in her community for free so they will
learn to love school and stay in school.
__________ 10. Little Riel behaves so well to get a star stamp from her teacher.

From this module of Kohlberg’s Stage of Moral Development, I learned . . . ________________
Name: ______________________________________ Date: ____________ Score: _________
Activity No.: _____


Each of us has own informal way of looking at our own and other people’s development.
These paradigms of human development while obviously lacking in scholastic vigor, provide us with a
conceptual framework for understanding ourselves and others. Scholars have come up with their
own model of human development. Back up by solid research, they take stand on issues on human

Choose your topic for debate:

1. ______________________________ Nature versus Nurture _____________________________

Which has a more significant influence on human development? Nature or nurture?

2. ______________________________ Continuity versus Discontinuity _______________________

Does development involve gradual, cumulative change (continuity) or distinct changes


3. ______________________________ Stability versus change ______________________________

Is development best described as involving stability or as involving change? Are we what our first
experiences has made of us or do we develop into someone different from who we
were vat an earlier point in development?

Name: ______________________________________ Date: ____________ Score: _________

Activity No.: _____


Get some pictures of yourself appropriate for each stage of your development. Paste them
inside each box below.


When I was a baby, I _____________________________________________________________

because _______________________________________________________________________
When I became a child, I _________________________________________________________
because _______________________________________________________________________
But now that I am an adolescent, I _________________________________________________

Name: ______________________________________ Date: ____________ Score: _________

Activity No.: _____

(page 87 of textbook, Personal Development, Ma. Theresa M. Cruz, 2016 edition)

My Adolescent Life and the Challenges that Come with it

Examine your teen years. What are the challenges that you are currently facing in your life – at home
or in school? Write them down using a graphic organizer. Below each challenge, describe how you are
able to manage it (or how you are planning to manage it).

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