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Name: Robert John T.

Vanguardia Date: 03-31-2020

Grade & Section: 12-Zeppelin

Subject: APPL 221 Entrepreneurship

Activity Title/WW#: QFD p. 149,

1. Discuss the difference between the strategic human resource approach and the integral
human development approach in managing employees. Which do you think is more
appropriate in the Philippine setting? Explain your answer.
- The difference between strategic human resource approach and integral human
development is that the strategic human resource management is the practice of
attracting, developing, rewarding, and retaining employees for the benefit of both the
employees as individuals and the organization. While Integral Human Development
highlights that human development cannot be separated into individual components. I
personally think that Integral Human Development would be much better in the Philippines
because it enhances people not just as a worker but also an individual.

2. If the business venture do not have a financial resources to pay employees very high
salaries, are there other ways it could attract and retain the talent it needs to grow the
- I think one way to retain a talent in the business is to have good relationship of the
worker to the company and to give care and good treatment to the employees like
providing frequent constructive criticism and praise.

3. Many studies indicate that job hopping (i.e. moving quickly from one job to another) is
the “new normal” for millennials. What do you think are the reasons for this? What are the
implications of this development to entrepreneurs with new ventures and their human
resource managers?
- I think job hopping and such is a popular move by the millennials because they are not
satisfied at the workplace, maybe in its environment or the pay. I think this developed new
strategies for the human resource managers to build new strategies in making their talent
stay on the job.

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