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Social Enviroment

Sympthoms of a bad
Definition Family enviroment School enviroment

The family environment is the Is the manner wherein can ✓Emotional and behaviours
Is referred to as the entirety that set of relationships that are remedy the conflicts, set up problems
surrounds someone or a selected policies of coexistence,
established between family
object, however without being a proportion not unusual place ✓Disorders in development
members who share the same
part of it. It is the subculture areas and may relation with
wherein that, character has grown space and have a great influence ✓Violence in the family
on our personality and different human beings from the
up and has been educated. ✓Psycological, physical and
character. school.
sexual abuse

Factors influencing social Important elements: Important Elements:

environment: ✓Love, the parents love their ✓Value each student.
✓Socialization children.
✓Coexistence Activities.
✓Environmental Factor ✓Participatory Authority.
✓Foster Respect.
✓Peer Groups ✓Positive Treatment.
✓Give importance to students
✓Family ✓Living time.

✓ School ✓Service Intention.

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