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Flight Plan Vision: A More Capable and Credible Air Force Responsive to National Security and Development



2Commanding General, PAF

Special Projects Directed by CG, PAF 3
2 OAFCE, HPAF of Technical Documents
Determining the Priority Projects All Major Projects- State of the Art & Legacy OAFCE to start the
(Funded Projects) projects of PAF. formulation process of
___________________________________ technical documents by
Architect & Engineers.
2 Engineering Units
Projects that need Architects & Engineers to
design comprehensive plans.

3.2 3.1
Architectural & Engineering Branch 3.3 Architectural & Engineering Branch Architectural & Engineering Branch
Presentation of Schematic Design to Schematic Design Phase Project Definition Phase
Asst. Chief AFCE & Chief AFCE Consist of preparation of schematic design Involves the definition of the
For approval. studies derived from the Project Definition requirements of the project by the End
Phase, leading to conceptual plans. User.
• Evaluates End User program, • Conceptual framework;
schedule, budget & deliverables; • Gathers/research relevant
Architectural & Engineering Branch • Initial line drawings representing information and data;
Revision of Schematic Design with the design studies leading to a • Conducts site survey and
application of AAFCE & AFCE recommended solution; investigation
Comments/guidance. • Submit Statement of the Probable • Prepare initial statement of
Project Construction Cost (SPPCC). probable construction cost.
Flight Plan Vision: A More Capable and Credible Air Force Responsive to National Security and Development

3.3B 3.4
OAFCE Architectural & Engineering Branch
Presentation of AFCE’s approved Design Development Phase
Schematic Design to 3.3D Based on approved schematic and
End User/ Requesting Units/ conceptual plans.
Requesting Commander. OAFCE • Consisting of Plans, elevations,
Presentation of Revised sections and other drawings;
Schematic Design to • Outline specifications to illustrate
Architectural & Engineering Branch End User/ Requesting Units/ type of materials, architectural,
Revision of Schematic Design with the Requesting Commander. structural, electrical, mechanical,
application of End User’s/ Requesting electronic, & communication
Units/ Requesting Commander’s system;
Comments • Diagrammatic layout of
construction systems, and
updated SPPCC.

Architectural & Engineering Branch
Checking of Plans by Assistant Chief, Architectural & Engineering Branch
Architectural & Engineering Branch and Contract Document Phase
Chief, Architectural and Engineering Based on approved Design Development.
Branch • Prepares the complete Contract Documents consisting of detailed designs and
construction drawings, setting forth in detail the work required for the
architectural, structural, electrical, plumbing/ sanitary, mechanical, electronic
Architectural & Engineering Branch and communication works (DAEP);
Revision of Plans with the application of • Prepares the complete Bill of Materials & Cost Estimates (BOMCE); Scope of
Comments/guidance. Works (SOW); PERT-CPM; Timeline; and Bar Chart Schedule & Curve;
• Prepares Technical Specifications describing type & quality of materials, finish,
manner of construction & the general conditions;
Architectural & Engineering Branch • Updated SPPCC based on changes in scope, requirements or market condition.
Final Checking of Plans by Assistant Chief,
Architectural & Engineering Branch and
Chief, Architectural and Engineering Br.
Flight Plan Vision: A More Capable and Credible Air Force Responsive to National Security and Development

Architectural & Engineering Branch
Signing and Sealing of Contract 6
Documents (DAEP+BOMCE, SOW,
Timeline) Architectural & Engineering Branch Project Management Branch (PMB)
Designer/Planner: Signed and Sealed Projects By-Contract
 Architect; Contract Documents Prepares Technical Documents for
 Structural Engineer; (DAEP+BOMCE, SOW, Timeline) Bidding. Crafting of Bidding Documents
 Electrical Engineer; For Submission to for submission to OA-4 for Bidding
 Mechanical Engineer; Project Management Branch (PMB) Process.
 Plumbing/Sanitary Engineer;
 Electronics & Communication Engineer;
Approving Officers:
 Chief Architectural & Engineering
Branch; Architectural & Engineering Branch OAFCE End of Process
 Assistant Chief, AFCE End of Process
 Chief AFCE

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