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I am particularly interested in the 1 + 1 MBA because it will not only provide me the

opportunity to cultivate and develop a clear understanding of business, an outstanding leadership

skills and practical experience needed to address the challenges and complexities of global

problems that engulf both the private and public sector, but will also shape & reshape my

horizon and place me in a position well suited to adapting & learning new skills.

In addition, the 1 + 1 MBA which is in alignment with my career & personal

development aims will help me achieve my career objectives which are divided in phases. Phase

one: Academically, my highest aspiration has been to obtain a CPA or a Ph.D. in the next 5

years. To achieve this, I intend to pursue a degree in Finance, Accounting or Econometrics.

Phase two has to do with my desire to serve my country and humanity by become either the

central bank governor or the minister of finance of Liberia in the next 10 years. To achieve this,

the opportunity afforded students at this program to gain in- depth understanding and practical

experiences through internship and other career building programs will better suit me for the task

ahead as well as other experiences acquire over the years. Lastly, to financially develop, improve

and grow the lives of people and to bring them to the place of self-reliance and self-independent.

All this can be accomplished with the help of the 1 + 1 MBA.

Zachariah Z. Sowion

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