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Name: Miko R.

Valeros Year/ Block: 3 rd year Bs- Criminology

Block A


Review questions:
1. The basic knowledge on legal matters concerning the criminal investigation:
a. Technical Knowledge C. Knowledge of Criminal law
b. Perseverance d. Intelligence

2. Investigation is a process of acertaining:

a. Facts c. Truth and facts
b. Truth d. All of the above
3. Activities conducted to trace and locate the criminal offender:
a. Interview. C. Tailing
b. Surveillance d. All of the above
4. Identifying the criminal offender is done thru:
a. Gathering information about him/her c. Tailing
b. Tracing the criminal offender d. None of the above

5. The cordial questioning of a person who is deemed to have knowledge of the

commission of crime:
a. Interrogation c. Criminal investigation
b. Interview d. Investigation
6. The three elements of crime are:
a. Intent c. Instrumentality
b. Opportunity d. All of the above
7. The acknowledgement of guilt concerning the commission of crime is called:
a. Admission c. Admission and confession
b. Confession d. Conviction
8. An official record of crime incident that is reported to the police;
a. Crime report. c. Police crime incident report
b. Police blotter Report d. All of the above
9. The skillful and aggressive questioning of a person who is believed to have
committed a crime:
a. Interview c. Crime Narration
b. Interrogation d. None of the above
10. In Identifying the criminal offender, the investigator should first refer to the;
a. Testimony of the witnesses c. The police blotter Report
b. The complainant. d. The crime report
11. The use of forensic science in the investigation of crime;
a. Information c. Instrumentation
b. Interview. d. All of the above
12. Purpose of conducting interrogation in a criminal investigation;
a. To find out the facts and truth of the crime
b. To obtain confession/admission
c. Collection of information about the crime
d . All of the above
13. The rightful and wise decision of a criminal investigation must conduct;
a. PBI c. RC
b. CBI d. All of the above

14. The person who was a subject for the interview;

a. Interviewee c. Victim
b. Suspect d. Witness
15. The Cardinal questions necessary in criminal investigation is called;
a. The five W’s c. Who is the criminal offender
b. The five W’s and 1H d. All of the above
16. Judicial confession is made during;
a. Criminal investigation. c. Ongoing court proceedings
b. Questioning of the police d. All of the above
17. The use of police science in criminal investigation is called;
a. Instrumentation c.All of the above
b. Criminalistics d. Forensic Science
18. The first source of information in order to identify the criminal offender;
a. Investigation Report c. Police blotter Report
b. Crime report. d. Mass media
19. The in place observation and collection of information about a place and persons
occupying said place is called;
a. Casing c. Deep penetration
b. Stake out d. All of the above
20. The close in observation of the criminal offender and the activities he is doing is
a. Stake out c. Casing
b. Surveillance d. All of the above

21. Which of the following answer the Cardinal question, how?

a. Motive c. Intent
b. Modus operandi. d. Instrumentality
22. It refers to the characteristics of an investigator to uphold the law despite
temptation of bride for money;
a. Integrity c. Perseverance
b. Courage d. Endurance
23. The moving power or force which compels a person to commit criminal
offense is called;
a. Criminal act. c. Criminal intent
b. Criminal wrong doing. d. All of the above
24. The written sworn statement of a person respecting the knowledge he
possess about the commission of crime;
a. Criminal act c. An affidavit
b. Criminal wrong doing. d. All of the above
25. All except one are the 3I’s of Criminal investigation;
a. Information. c. Interrogation
b. Interview d. Inquiry

26. The fruits of the crime in a case of robbery is:

a. Motive c. Evidence of crime
b. Solen items d. All of the above
27. Criminal investigation is considered as ______ because it uses different
scientific instrument to investigate and solve the crime.
a. Art. c. Science
b. Process d. Art and science
28. Which of the following answer the question when?
a. Corpus delicti c. Modus Operandi File
b. Time and date d. All of the above
29. To identify the criminal offender, the investigator should refer to;
a. Public Records c. Modus Operandi File
b. Private d. All of the above

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