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Vocab review:

- Go overboard: very enthusiastic

- So much so: so much that
- A potent symbol: a very iconic, significant symbol
- Be relegated to the status/position/rank/role…: be lowered to an inferior status
- Riveting = engrossing
- Beat down on = shine with great heat (the sun)
- Drop the charges against sb/sth: stop accusing sb/sth
- Shift: get rid of a dirty mark
- Endorse: promote a product to advertise
- Upheaval = disruption
- Do justice to sb/sth: deal with/present sth correctly, completely, fairly
Do sb/sth justice:
- Scaremonger = alarmist: a person needlessly alarming people
- Lug: pull sth heavy with efforts
- Get bent out of shape about/over sth = get angry
- Malleable = flexible / adjustable / changeable / susceptible
- Promenade (n,v) = walk
- Spectrum = a wide range
- Proprietorial = properietary: relating to ownership
Proprietor (n) owner and manager of a place/business
- Open the floodgates: start sth difficult to stop
- Hapless = unlucky
- Synopsis = summary
- In its/their entirety = as a whole
- For all = despite
- Hang back = hesitate
- Hold with = approve of
- Frolicsome: playing happily
- Indolence = laziness
- Coruscating = energetic
- Contemporary: people of the same age
- Emolument = remuneration: money paid for finished work
- Muck in = chip in
- Conceive the notion = aware
- Set sights on doing sth = be determined to do sth
- Scope (n) = potential
- Apt to = tend to
- Apt = fitting = due = suitable
- Applicable = relevant
- Muster = summon
- Amass = accumulate
- Denote = indicate
- Profess = purport = stubborn, insist
Profess = declare
- Agony = pain (both physical/mental)
- Sublime: sophomoric, immature and childish
- Underline = emphasize
- Starchy = very formal
- Renowned = famous
- Ineffable: so magnificent/great that cannot be expressed in words
- Opacity = obscurity
- Habituated to = accustomed to
- Vernacular: native language
- Sedate: calm, relaxed
- Tantalize: entice sb to sth, but keep it out of their reach
- Proselytize: propagate religious/political believes

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