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Split-Brain Personalities

Before watching:
Jesus Durango – Maria Anaya

What do you know about the brain?

that regulates our thoughts and our body
What do you know about the left and right side of the brain?
That one is capable of transmitting ideas and the other is not.
What aspects of personality and decision-making do each control?
the right side controls speech and the left side of the body
the left side controls the right side of the body and remembers people
close to it.

Watch the video. As you watch it, think about these questions:

What is a split brain and what does it reveal about the conscious mind?
A split brain is when the right and left side do not have a point of contact which
regulates a single idea and reveals that we have two conscious minds.
Why do we (believe) that the right hemisphere of the brain seems to "play along" with the
left hemisphere?
We believe it because in the end the right hemisphere cannot communicate ideas as the left
hemisphere can.

What the video again. Then, answer true or false:

The right side of the brain controls the right side of the body, and vice versa.
The connection between the two sides of the brain used to be cut in order to treat depression.
The speech centre control is located in the left brain.
Left brain can see and understand what right brain is doing, and vice versa.
Left brain is in charge of explanation and reasoning.
Split-brained patients can complete simple tasks simultaneously with both hands.
Left brain can recognize the faces of family and friends.
Right brain functions in equal importance to the left brain until speech develops.
Split-Brain Personalities


Do you think you are a right or left hemisphere dominant person? Why?
I think I am a left-brain dominant person because my skills such as dexterity in movements are
more developed on the right side of my body.

What would your life be like if you had a split brain? Would it change your personality? In what

It would not change my personality because the ability to transmit speech is linked to only one of
my hemispheres, so when I speak only one part of my personality would be expressed, but there
would be inconsistency in some hand movements when making decisions.

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