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Annual Meeting of Pearl Lake Protection and Rehabilitation District meeting September 5,

2020 Minutes

The meeting was held at Swenson’s Garage, W4655 South Pearl Lake Road and was called to
order by Interim Chairman Dave Paulick at 8:32 a.m. There was a large contingent of PRD
members at the meeting for the September 5, 2020 meeting. Most wore masks and adhered
to social distancing.

Roll Call: Dave Paulick, Dale Singer, Ed Sheppard, and Nick Thomas.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by those assembled for the meeting.

Chairman Paulick introduced the officers and then sought a motion to approve the minutes of
the August 31st, 2019 annual meeting. Motion by Dale Singer 2nd by Nick Thomas to approve
those minutes; was approved by all commissioners.

Paulick moved to public comments for those PRD members who wished to speak. Ron
Lungwitz then discussed his process to get work done on his property to protect it from the
high water. He pointed out that many of the reputable contractors are swamped with work
and it’s important you hire someone who knows what they are doing and not someone who
just puts down rocks. Ron indicated the backlog is such that he may not have his work done
until next summer.

Nick Thomas also noted that there are still some grants that may apply and he can assist with
those. The grant request needs to include a fish habitat element as part of the plan.

No other public comments at this time.

The treasurer’s report was then given by Dave Paulick as Randy Rucks was not available. It
was as follows:

Ending balance of $29,881.13 of which $10,958.25 is water quality and $18,922.88 is the
regular budget account. $90,000 in CD’s at Verve.

Received final tax settlement of $4,020.95

Bills Paid since last meeting:

Cason- Milfoil $3116.50

EMC – Insurance $472.00

Dave Paulick – ballot and budget printing and mailing – $349.50

Motion by Nick Thomas second Sheppard to accept treasurer’s report. All in favor Paulick,
Thomas, Singer, Sheppard.
Chairman Paulick then noted that Barb Gosenheimer and Deb Semrad were asked to audit the
financials of the PRD. He called on Deb Semrad and she stated that “everything looked good”
on the audit.

Chairman Paulick then began the discussion regarding the high-water situation by noting that
the water is currently 2 ½ inches higher than last year at this time. Dave also wanted to clarify
the notation on the agenda regarding a possible vote on wake /no wake on Pearl Lake. Dave
reminded those at the meeting that the PRD Commissioners put that on the agenda for every
meeting in case we would see a dramatic decrease in the high water should we want to vote to
go back to the normal wake hours instead of the current temporary no wake that we currently
have. He noted that obviously with the current situation we do not anticipate taking a vote
today. Commissioner Dale Singer then spoke of the need to have some sort of metric on the
part of the town or county to help us decide when It would be appropriate for us to remove the
temporary no wake. We will continue to work on this type of metric that can assist us.

Chris Hess pointed out that because of the many plants and plantings that they have they are
limited in their ability to reinforce their shoreline with rocks and such.

Chairman Paulick then moved to the 2021 budget that all those at the annual meeting were
provided copies by mail and which is located on the website. He asked for any questions or
comments on the budget. Heard none. Motion by Ed Sheppard second by Dale Singer to adopt
the 2021 budget. All in favor Paulick, Sheppard, Singer, Thomas. Motion approved.

The election of two new commissioners then began. First Dave Paulick announced that he had
received communication from Brian Getchius that he had chosen not to run and did not want to
be considered. All other candidates were given a short time to address the PRD members at the
annual meeting. This took approx. 20 minutes. The results were as follows:

70 members voted: Results—Jeff Swenson 50 votes, Kevin Kerwin 41 votes, Debra Semrad 24
votes, Paul Zuelke 19, Brian Getchius 2, Ron Lungwitz 2

Jeff Swenson and Kevin Kerwin were elected commissioners.

Dave Paulick had some closing remarks on his years of service with the PRD and received an
ovation from all of those present at the meeting.

This completed the annual meeting and a motion by Paulick second by Singer to adjourn was
made and passed unanimously, Paulick, Sheppard, Singer, Thomas all in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 9:18 a.m.

Ed Sheppard, Secretary, Pearl Lake PRD

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