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When was the last time you read a history publication

- Hmmm, that’s an interesting question. Funnily enough, I’ve just got a good read just a month
ago actually, though recently I haven’t had any chance to read one since I’ve been so snowed
under with work. Anyway, the one I read was about historical wars. To be more specific, the
book gave an interesting description about all the armies in World War II including USA, France,
Russia, Great Brittan, etc. I found myself really enjoying the last read, For me, personally, I’m
very passionate about learning different historical figures who have had a major impact on the
world, and so I’ll definitely crack the books whenever I have the time again

Have you ever seen any wild animals before?

- Yes of course, I’ve seen quite a few actually. Some of which are zebras, giraffes, lions, coyotes,
peacocks, and other marines life like whales and sharks too. To put it frank, I’ve always have a
sense of wanderlust and a burning passion for wild animals inside of me, and so whenever I get
a chance to visit another city, It’s a must to stop by their zoos. Though I only visit breeding zoos,
because I absolutely detests the practice of keeping wild animals in captivity and cramped
spaces for entertainment purposes. Because even when wild animals are extrodinary, they
deserve to have a free life.

Have you played water sports?

- Without a doubt, I have and I absolutely love it. I guess you can say the love for aquatic sports
has always run in our family, and I myself have taken to it like a duck to water the very first time
I tried it. For me, personally, I’ve been playing a wide range of water sports like swimming, scuba
diving, water volleyball and a lot more ever since I started middle school. Though I only do them
in the summer time, for recreational purposes rather than to be athletically-competent.
Nevertheless, when I’m underwater, I just feel very relaxed and chilled in an indescribable way,
getting to play in the water is really an out of this world feeling for me.

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