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PREPARATION (2nd Reprinting)


Ingenuity : the quality of being clever, original and inventive

Mileage : 1) a number of miles travelled or covered

2) actual or potential benefit or use to be derived from a situation or event

Archaeology: The study of human history and prehistory through the excavation of sites and the
analysis of artefacts and other physical remains

Botanist : An expert in or student of the scientific study of plants

Officialdom : used to refer to those people who have a position of authority, especially in
government, usually when they are preventing you from doing what you want to do or are slow
or not effective

Celibcacy: the state of abstaining from marriage and sexual relations

Repentant : expressing or feeling sincere regret and remorse, remorseful


1. Of the first/ highest order : of a very good kind or of the best kind

2.disillusioned by : disappointed in someone or something that one discovers to be less good

than one had belived

Contemptuous of sth : showing contempt, scornful – khinh thường, tỏ vẻ khinh bỉ

3. attain : to reach or achieve in getting sth

6. the last straw : giọt nước tràn ly ??

Nuisance : sth or someone that annoys you or causes trouble for you

- strike a real nuisance

-> make a nuisance of yourself : to cause trouble or to annoy other people


7. the mere though of it = just thinking about it

8. formulated with

Finished at

Relegated to : to put someone or sth into a lower or less important rank or position

13. relish : to like or enjoy sth

=> if you relish the idea or thought of sth, you feel pleasure that it is going to happen

14. principle : quy tắc, but for morals

15 : herd : sống, ăn cùng nhau

Flock : cùng loài nhưng hông ăn cùng nhau

=> flock of children, reporters

Pack : đi săn cùng nhau

*Swarm : Besides for bees, có thể nói swarm of people,khi nói rằng có rất nhiều người đang
cùng đổ về một hướng

16. unscathed : without injuries or damage being caused

17. make a headway : to begin to succeed

f. beyond me

* Phrasal Verbs

In dispute with sb over sth

Priorities over sth

Beyond sb : to or in a degree or condition where a specified action is impossible

Fall back on : to use sth, especially a form of financial support, when other things have failed

Come in for : receive blame or criticism

Take (sth) in : to understand completely the full meaning or importance of sth

Dry up : 1) if a lake, river or pond dries up, the water disappers

2) to no longer exist or be available

Live down sth = live it down : to make people forget that you made a big mistake or did sth
embarrassing in the past
*Error recognition

Ubiquitous = common

Cluster : a list of similar things that are close together, sometimes surrounding sth

Inextricable : unable to be separated,released, or escaped from\

*Open Cloze

1 : passing 6: later

2: it 7: average

3: of 8 : anyone

4: this 9: edges

5: their 10 : that



Oceanographer : a person who studies the sea

Vantage point : a place, especially a high place, which provides a clear, good view of the area


Primitive : relating to human society at a very early stage of development, with people living in a
simple way without machines or writing system.

Optium : most conductive to a favorable outcome, best

Inaccuracy : a situation in which a fact or a statement is not correct or exact

Whim : a sudden wish or idea,especially one that cannot be reasonably explained

=>Ex: we book a trip on a whim

Fluctuations : a change, or the process of changing, especially continuously between one level
or thing and another

Stimuli(plural of stimulus) : sth that causes growth or activity

Error of judgment : a wrong or bad decision

Stipulate : to say exactly how sth must be or must be done

Fallacy : an idea that a lot of people think is true but it is in fact false

Pinnacle: the most successful point, the culmination

SAD: Trầm cảm theo mùa

Pay the price : to experience the bad result of sth you have done


Confectioner : a company or person that makes or sell sweets or chocolate

Inaugurate : to put sth into use or action officially / khanh thanh

Monarchy : the system of having a king or queen

Recess (space) : a small area in a room that is formed by one part of a wall being set back further
than other parts

Churn out: to produce sth automatically , without much thought, and in a large amount

Dispatch (verb): to send sth, especially goods or messages, somewhere for a particular purpose

Stranglehold : a position of complete control that prevents sth from developing

Hazelnut : hạt phỉ

Marzipan : bánh hạnh nhân

Salvo : the action of firing multiple guns at a time,, either in a war or a ceremony


1. These dangerous lizards live only in the tropical regions

These dangerous lizards are PECULIAR TO the tropical regions.

PECULIAR TO : belonging to a place, situation, person

2.Jack made absolutely sure nothing would go wrong when he planned the expedition

=> Jack LEFT NOTHING TO CHANCE when he planned the expedition

LEAVE NOTHING TO CHANCE : to make sure nothing bad will happen

4. I think you should have some consideration for those who don’t have lives at privilege.

=> I think you should spare a thought for those who don’t have lives at privilege
SPARE A THOUGHT FOR : to think about sb who is in a bad condition

5. I couldn’t stop thinking about the exam despite playing backgammon with Paul

=> Playing backgammon couldn’t take my mind off the exam

TAKE SB MIND OFF STH : to stop you from worrying or thinking about a problem or pain,
often by forcing you to think about other things



Conglomerate : Công ti lớn

Retail : bán lẻ

Rhythmically : relating to rhythm

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