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 Alexandra Lazo Quispe

 Carlos Edgar Morocco Quispe
 Chani Velasquez Wilfredo
 Morales Mamani Ursy Paola
 Neira Corrales Ricardo Salvador
 Paul Sebastián Volz Oporto



- Appeal – apelacion
The judge appeal for him.
- Autonomy – autonomia
The autonomy of Peru is good.
- Ballot – votacion
The ballot in Peru is a disaster.
- Blockade – bloqueo
The blockade was produced for a policeman.
- Bureaucracy - burocracia
This bureaucracy is affecting many people.
- Candidate – candidato
The candidate looks very responsible.
- Casting - casting
The casting was a completely success.
- Census – censo
The last census was 2 years ago.
- Chronology – cronología
When we watched that movie, we didn’t understand because we didn’t know
the chronology.
- Citizen – ciudadano
The citizens decided who will represent them.
- Coalition – coalición
Years ago a coalition gave us our liberty.
- Code – código
The code to join our team is: “packlost”
- Constitution – constitución
Our constitution could be change, because a little group of people is trying to
- Consumer – consumidor
The consumer is the priority of any business.
- Customer – cliente
The customer said that he don’t want any of our products.
- Culture – cultura
Our culture is known around the world.
- Currency – divisa, moneda
The currencys are increasing year by year.
- Declaration – declaracion
The declaration of our independence was in 1821.
- Delegate - delegar
The teacher delegate to my partner as brigadier.
- Democracy – democracia
Peru is a democratic country.
- Dependency - dependencia
My dependency is because of I don’t have money.
- Depreciation – depreciación
Our currency is in a depreciation.
- Disobedience – desobediencia
The disobecience is terrible in a country without laws.
- Doctrine – doctrina
There are many doctrines around the world.
- Domicile – domicilio
I like the companies that give their product at domicile.
- Earnings - ganancias
Your earnings must be higher than your outgoings.
- economic - economía
I study the subject of economic
- economic fluctuation - fluctuación
All the stated of the world has economic fluctuation.
- economic situation - situación económica
Peruavian economic situation is critical.
- economic trend - coyuntura
A graphic shows an economic trend
- economist - economista
My child will be economist.
- e-mail - correo electrónico
The university has give us an e-mail.
- employer – empresario
I am an employer.
- employee – empleado
I have three employees.
- entrepreneur – empresario
I want to be an entrepreneur.
- expenses – gastos
Daily I have lots of expenses.
- factory – fábrica
My father Works in a factory
- fair – feria/salón
My father Works in a fair
- Flat- apartamento/piso
I live in a flat
- field – campo/sector
The field of the business is health
- fond of – aficionado a
I am fond of this English lessons.
- form – formulario
I need to full fill this form
- fringe benefits - prestaciones
Some formal companies give you fringe benefits.
- frozen capital - capital congelado
My money in the bank is a frozen capital
- full time – jornada complete
The full time in Peru is eight hours.
- goods – mercancía
A comerciant works selling goods
- gift regalo
I will sent a gift to my secretary
- goal – meta
My personal goal is to end the university
- hand luggage – equipaje de mano
When I fly I have just hand luggage.
- headquarters – sede central/oficinas centrales
The headquarters is ubicated on the city center.
- Human Resources – recursos humanos
Big companies has a lot of human resources
- Identification: Identificación
The guard at the entrance asks me for my identification to enter the building.

- illegal: ilegal
Opening management documents is illegal.
- Illegitimate: ilegítimo
The organization has reported the illegitimate use of its logo in the texts that are
being disseminated.
- illicit: ilícito
The association that invited us yesterday is an illicit association.
- Image: Imagen
The image of the tottus company is very good.
- Imitate: Imitar
Many of the companies imitate their competitors.
- Immoral: Inmoral
The security guard is immoral in front of the established norms.
- Impair: Dañar/perjudicar
One of the partners wants us to impair the image of the company.
- Impart: Impartir
The manager of the company decided to impart his business ideas.
- Impartial: Imparcial
The manager of the company was impartial when hiring the security personnel.
- Implicit: Implícito
The president's speech hinted at an implicit criticism of economists
- Impolite: Descortés
The security guard was impolite to the guests.
- Impose: Imponer
The new partner wants to impose other rules on the company.
- Impound: Embargar, confiscar
The nation's bank wants to impound the machinery that is in the factory.
- Impresario: Empresario
As a child I always dreamed of being an impresario.
- Imprint: Imprimir
They send the secretary many documents to imprint.
- Income: Ingresos
Income is favorable for the growth of the company.
- Inexpensive: Barato/Economico
The new products are inexpensive than the old ones.
- Investment: Inversion
An investment will be made for the accounting area.
- Investors: Inversionistas/ Inversoras
The new Investors from abroad will contribute to our Peruvian economy.
- Jointly: Conjuntamente
The meeting will be held jointly with the board of directors.
- Joint-stock company: Sociedad anonima
We will create a joint-stock company.
- Jotting: Apunte
The secretary makes a jotting of everything that is said in the meeting.
- Labourer: Obrero
The labourer finished her job.
- Loan: Préstamo
The company took out a loan for the security area.
- Management: Gestión
Management skills are important to work with us.
- Manager: Gerente
He’s the new advertising manager.
- Market: Mercado
The housing market is increasing these years.
- Marketing: Marketing, mercadotecnia
My aunt studied marketing when she was younger.
- Merchandise: Mercancía
We need to move this valuable merchandise this week.
- Motivation: Motivación
The company employees need motivation to complete their tasks.
- Nationalize: Nationalizar
The president want to nationalize the companies.
- Negotiate: Negociar
Tim is negotiating for a new contract.
- Network: Red
All the offices are on the same network.
- Notary: Notario
This document was verified by a notary.
- Obligation: Obligación
Ivana has many financial obligations as a manager.
- Offer: Oferta
They offered me a good job.
- Office: Oficina
I forgot my wallet in the office.
- Oligopoly: Oligopolio
Some people say that Swedish banking is an oligopoly.
- Opportunity: Oportunidad
The business opportunities are decreasing.
- Optimism: Optimismo
My coworker is very optimistic.
- Organization: Organización
We specialize in the organization of corporate events.
- Participation: Participación
We're talking about the participation of women entrepreneurs in the economy.
- Partner: Compañero
My partner plays video-games in his free hour.
- Payment: Paga
My boss gave me my first payment yesterday.
- Prioritize: Priorizar
You have to prioritize some things to work correctly.
- Privatize: Privatizar
The government privatizes the industries in our country.
- Promotion: Promoción
I recommended you for a promotion.
- Public sector: Sector público
Most doctors and teachers work in the public sector.
- Purchase: Compra
Some sotres require your credit card details if you want to make a purchase.
- Questions - preguntas
the questions in the company are frequent
- Quarter - trimestre.
Morocco S.A.C. raised $20,000 in the first quarter.
- Reporting – Informar
Morocco S.A. reports on accounting records
- Referral -Remisión
The referral to foreign law was unavoidable
- Registered - Registrado
The marketing used in the campaign was registered
- Restoration- Restauración
The restoration of the company was a success
- Recurrent - Recurrente
Sebastian's faults were recurrent in the company

- Results - Resultados
The results in the company were as expected
- Sales - ventas
Increase in company sales
- Sponsored - Patrocinado
The company was sponsored by Coca Cola
- Services – Servicios
The services offered by the company are Good
- System – Sistema
The company's system collapsed
- Surveys – Encuestas
The surveys gave an expected result
- Second - segundo
Morocco S.A. ranked second in the regional ranking.
- Start-up - Puesta en marcha
September start-up maintains low business volumen
- Standards – estándares
Company's standards are unwavering
- Term – plazo
Long-term business is unexpected
- Treatment – Tratamiento
The industrial plant is under treatment
- Techniques - técnicas
The techniques applied in the marketing area were a success.
- Time - Tiempo
The time spent in the administrative area is efficient
- Transaction -Transacciones
The transaction was a success
- Usually - normalmente
Usually a company is composed of two people
- Users – usuarios
the users in the company are the customers
- Update – actualización
there was an update in the payroll
- Using - Utilizando
The managers are using a new method of innovation for the company.

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