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The entity of instruments to support implementation of concepts and

ideas at all levels of conceptualization and realization of concepts,
ultimately aiming to support organizational processes.

• management tool provides you the ability to easily establish a

hierarchy of tasks for effective and efficient completion. It also
lets you indicate which steps are sequential and which tasks are
dependent on one another. In turn, this makes it easier for the team
to do their work

• Affinity Diagram
• Interrelationship diagraph
• Tree Diagram
• Matrix Diagrams
• Matrix Analysis PDPC,
• process decision program charts
• Arrow diagrams
• Cause and effect diagram relationship diagram ishikawa
Affinity Diagram
• An Affinity Diagram is a special type of brainstorming process that is
used for organising large groups of information into meaningful
categories. It helps us to clarify and make sense of a large or complex
• Record each idea on cards or notes Look for ideas that seem to be
related Sort cards into groups until all cards have been used.

• Example
• How to implement a process of continual improvement throughout the
organisation? Which causes of waiting time in the hospital should we be
working on?
• This tool displays all the interrelated cause-and-effect relationships
and factors involved in a complex problem and describes desired
outcomes. The process of creating an interrelationship diagraph helps
a group analyze the natural links between different aspects of a
complex situation.
• Agree on the issue or question.
• Add a symbol to the diagram for every element involved in the issue.
Compare each element to all others.
• Use an "influence" arrow to connect related elements.
• The arrows should be drawn from the element that influences to the one
• If two elements influence each other, the arrow should be drawn to reflect
the stronger influence. Count the arrows.
• The elements with the most outgoing arrows will be root causes or drivers.
• The ones with the most incoming arrows will be key outcomes or results.
• The quality issue is the potential causes or factors contributing to late
• The inference is that Potential causes for late delivery are:
• ‘Poor scheduling practices’ (6 outgoing arrows),
• ‘Late order from customer’ (5 outgoing arrows),
• and ‘Equipment breakdown (3 outgoing arrows).
• This tool is used to break down broad categories into finer and finer
levels of detail. It can map levels of details of tasks that are required
to accomplish a goal or task. It can be used to break down broad
general subjects into finer and finer levels of detail. Developing the
tree diagram helps one move their thinking from generalities to
• Develop a statement of the goal
• Ask a question that will lead you to the next level of detail.
• Brainstorm all possible answers.
• Write each idea in a line below. Show links between the tiers with arrows.
• Do a “necessary and sufficient” check. Are all the items at this level
necessary for the one on the level above?
• Each of the new idea statements now becomes the subject: a goal,
objective or problem statement.
• Continue to turn each new idea into a subject statement and ask the
question, till you reach a root cause
• Do a “necessary and sufficient” check of the entire diagram. Are all the
items necessary for the objective?
• This tool shows the relationship between items. At each intersection
a relationship is either absent or present. It then gives information
about the relationship, such as its strength, the roles played by
various individuals or measurements.
• A personnel department wanted to improve social activity within the
company in order to increase loyalty levels. A theory was put forwards that
soft-skills training contributed significantly towards this in-house socializing.
The personnel manager consequently decided to use a Matrix Diagram to
investigate this.
The steps taken were:
Objective: Investigate effect of soft-skills training on social activity.
Matrix: T-matrix, with people on main stem, in-house training courses to left,
attendance of social clubs to right, plus an extra column for years of service.
Comparison: In-house training - tick for attendance within last three years;
social clubs - three bands corresponding to under 30%, 30% to 70% and over
70% attendance in the same period.
• The resultant matrix, showed that people with higher levels of social
training also tended to be more committed members of social clubs.
It was also noticed that there seemed to be a particular increase in
commitment after going on the team-building course. The length of
service showed no particular pattern. As a result, the training was
expanded, and people were given more encouragement to attend
(particularly the team-building course). This resulted in a steady
increase in social activity and a reduction in attrition rates.
• This tool is used to prioritize items and describe them in terms of
weighted criteria. It uses a combination of tree and matrix
diagramming techniques to do a pair-wise evaluation of items and to
narrow down options to the most desired or most effective
• Pay and work overload, as the highest scoring motivational problems,
were selected for carrying forward for further investigation. As a
result of consequent work in the project, the pay structure for certain
grades was revised and training on job scheduling was introduced. In
the following year, the survey improved in these areas by 2 and 3
points, respectively.
PDPC (Process decision Program Chart)
• A useful way of planning is to break down tasks into a hierarchy, using
a Tree Diagram. The PDPC extends the tree diagram a couple of levels
to identify risks and countermeasures for the bottom level tasks.
Different shaped boxes are used to highlight risks and identify
possible countermeasures (often shown as 'clouds' to indicate their
uncertain nature). The PDPC is similar to the Failure Modes and
Effects Analysis (FMEA) in that both identify risks, consequences of
failure, and contingency actions; the FMEA also rates relative risk
levels for each potential failure point.
• From the bottom level of some activity box, the PDPC adds levels for:
identifying what can go wrong (failure mode or risks)
• consequences of that failure (effect or consequence)
• possible countermeasures (risk mitigation action plan)
• A dress production team at a clothes manufacturer was improving the
cutting-out process in order to minimize material wastage. They
decided to use PDPC on the work breakdown structure to identify
potential problems and ways of avoiding them. As the most expensive
element is the material itself, they defined a significant risk as,
'Anything that might cause the cut cloth to be ruined', and viable
countermeasures as, 'Anything that will reduce the risk, and which
costs less than 100 pieces of cloth' .
• As a result of this, the cutting was tested on cheaper material,
resulting in the material clamp being redesigned to prevent drag, a
start notch provided for the cutter and the general area being
inspected for sharp corners to minimize snag problems. The cutting
operator was involved in the PDPC process and the subsequent tests,
resulting in her fully understanding the process. The final cutting
process thereafter ran very smoothly with very little error.
• This tool is used to plan the appropriate sequence or schedule for a
set of tasks and related subtasks. It is used when subtasks must occur
in parallel. The diagram enables one to determine the critical path
(longest sequence of tasks). (See also PERT diagram.)
• Two Types
• Arrow on Node
• Arrow on Arrow

• In the activity on node (AON) diagram, each activity is represented by

a rectangular box – the arrows merely indicate precedence.
• AON networks do not need dummies to maintain logic of precedence.
• More information is normally included on the AON diagram.
• Most computer packages for project planning and control tend to use
AON notation.

• In the activity on arrow (AOA) diagram each activity is represented by

an arrow connecting two circles (nodes) The nodes represent
transitions between activities – referred to as events The duration of
an activity is written by the arrow representing it.
Example shows activity (A), the duration of which is four days, between
events 1 and 2.
• Drawing the Network
• List all the necessary tasks in the project or process. One convenient method
is to write each task on the top half of a card or sticky note. Across the middle
of the card, draw a horizontal arrow pointing right.

Determine the correct sequence of the tasks. Do this by asking three questions
for each task:
Which tasks must happen before this one can begin?
Which tasks can be done at the same time as this one?
Which tasks should happen immediately after this one?
It can be useful to create a table with four columns —prior tasks, this task,
simultaneous tasks, following tasks.
• Diagram the network of tasks. If you are using notes or cards, arrange
them in sequence on a large piece of paper. Time should flow from
left to right and concurrent tasks should be vertically aligned. Leave
space between the cards. Between each two tasks, draw circles for
“events.” An event marks the beginning or end of a task. Thus, events
are nodes that separate tasks.
• Look for three common problem situations and redraw them using
“dummies” or extra events. A dummy is an arrow drawn with dotted
lines used to separate tasks that would otherwise start and stop with
the same events or to show logical sequence. Dummies are not real
• It is a graphical tabular chart to list and analyze the potential causes
of a given diagram • Its also called as fishbone diagram because of its
appearance and Ishikawa diagram after the man who developed it in
1943. • The diagram consist of a central stem leading to effect(the
problem), with multiple branches coming of the stem listing the
various groups of possible causes of the problem.
When do we use it?
• The CE diagram has unlimited application in research , manufacturing,
marketing, office operations, services and so forth. • The CE diagram
are used • To analyze cause and effect relationship , • To facilitate the
search for the solution of related problem, • To standardize existing
and proposed operations and • To educate and train personnel
indecision making and corrective action activities.
steps to construct fish born diagram.
• 1. Define the effect(the problem) clearly and concisely.
• 2. Mark the short description of the effect in a box. Then draw a line
from this box towards left.
• 3. List down all the possibilities minor and major causes through a
brain storming session.
• 4. Mark the major causes on the branches and minor causes on the
sub branch of the CE diagrams.
• 5. Look for the possible solutions for these problems.
• 6. Introduce the changes. CATEGORIES O
• This fishbone diagram was drawn by a manufacturing team to try to
understand the source of periodic iron contamination. The team used
the six generic headings to prompt ideas. Layers of branches show
thorough thinking about the causes of the problem
Thank you

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