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CLASS: 7A DATE: ___________ Trần Minh An

YOUR NAME: ___________________________________________________

Part 1: You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1-8, choose the best
answer (A, B or C).
1. You hear a student talking about her college course. What does she say about it?
A. She enjoys seeing how things work in practice.
B. She is sure she'd like to work in a related field.
C. She wants to know more about an aspect of the course.
2. You hear a conversation between a customer and a florist. What does the customer decide to
A. take the florist's advice B. research a new species of rose
C. buy an expensive bunch of flowers
3. You hear two students discussing their maths class. What do they agree about?
A. how helpful their maths teacher is
B. how useful the maths phone app is
C. how difficult the maths topic is
4. You hear a weather forecast on the radio. Where are violent storms expected?
A. the south coast B. the east coast C. the west coast
5. You hear a woman leaving a message for a plumber. The woman wants him to
A. correct an error he has made. B. call her when he finishes work.
C. discover the source of a problem.
6. You hear a man talking about his travel plans. What is he doing?
A. complaining about train timetables B. confirming a hotel reservation
C. making a request of someone
7. You hear two friends talking about the football team they support. How does the man feel?
A. optimistic about the team's prospects
B. annoyed by the referee's decision-making
C. surprised by the goalkeeper's ability
8. You hear part of an interview with a student who wants to become a volunteer. What does the
student say about it?
A. He is keen to pass on his knowledge.
B. He wants to repay the people who helped him.
C. He regrets not getting involved earlier.

Part 2: You will hear part of a talk by a man called James Edwards, who is the director of a
museum association called Museums for All. For questions 9-18, complete the sentences with a
word or short phrase.
2 years
The association Museums for All was started (9) ________________________ ago.
belief experience
James says the task of Museums for All is to change people's (10) ________________________
of museum visits.
James worked for a big (11) ________________________ company before he was offered his
current position.
James believes that museums should be more (12) ________________________ in the way they
attract visitors.
James says that traditional museums used to be aimed at people with a good standard of (13)
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Cơ sở 2: Tầng 3 Tòa nhà 29T2-N05 Hoàng Đạo Thúy Trung Hòa Cầu Giấy Hà Nội 1
To raise interest in museums, James would like museums to have good (14)
________________________ with local schools.
shopping malls
James wants museums to be friendly, in the same way that (15) _______________________ are.
over-whelmed exhausting for some people.
James says that a trip to the museum can be (16) ________________________
James feels that it is the role of the (17) ________________________ to invest in rebuilding
The Museum Festival next year will be held in (18) ________________________.
Part 3: You will hear five short extracts in which people are talking about school trips they went on
when they were younger. For questions 19-23, choose from the list (A-H) what each speaker says.
Use the letters only once. There are three extra letters which you do not need to use.
A. I made some new friends. Speaker 1 19. A
B. I had some communication problems.
C. I would like to go back to the area soon. Speaker 2 20. E
D. I went on similar trips over the next few years. Speaker 3 21. H
E. I wasn't properly prepared for the trip. Speaker 4 22. C
F. I thought the trip was good value for money.
G. I thought the trip was too long. Speaker 5 23. F
H. I would have liked more independence.

Part 4: You will hear an interview with a woman called Patricia Jones, who is a naturalist. For
questions 24-30, choose the best answer (A, B or C).
24. According to Julia, nowadays Hollywood producers
A. usually think of ideas for films themselves.
B. write screenplays and contact stars.
C. contact agents to find writers for them.
25. Julia says that she
A. has written a number of successful screenplays for studios.
B. was lucky enough to have her first screenplay accepted
C. was not discouraged by the lack of response from studios.
26. Julia began writing in her spare time when she
A. published some articles in a magazine.
B. had an idea for a TV series.
C. came first in a short-story competition.
27. Julia says that
A she would like to write a version of a classic film.
B there is a danger she might imitate other films.
C creative people should think a lot about films.
28. Julia's screenplay is about two sisters who
A. set out to try living in the jungle.
B. find themselves in a difficult situation
C. end up hating each other.
29. The theme of the story is
A. how our emotions about our family can change.
B. Julia's relationship with her brothers and sisters.
C. about the importance of having a family.
30. It appears that the film based on Julia's screenplay
A. must be made within the next few months.
B. will be made when the studio has paid Julia
C. might never be made.

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Cơ sở 2: Tầng 3 Tòa nhà 29T2-N05 Hoàng Đạo Thúy Trung Hòa Cầu Giấy Hà Nội 2
You are going to read a magazine article about how to become a published author. Seven
sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences A-H the one which fits
each gap (9-15). There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.
If you are wondering where to send your story, our expert Margaret Stubbs is here with the advice
you need.
Readers of this magazine often write in saying, 'I have written this story/book. Can you please
tell me who to send it to?' One of the first things they need to know is that they should be
researching their markets and finding out about publishers as well as practising their writing skills.
Turning words into a saleable commodity takes a good deal of knowledge about the 'writing game'.
Whatever kind of writing you do, you need to develop a knowledge of the markets you are
aiming at. (9 ___________) Use your local library and go round the local bookshops and
newsagents. Reading widely will always give you the best guide to what kinds of writing publishers
are actually accepting at any given time.
As time goes on, this knowledge must be updated as new publications are constantly appearing
- editors change jobs, and magazines change direction. (10 ___________) Publishers are always
hungry for new blood; as writers we have to make sure we give them what they want.
To begin with you may be looking around, not quite sure what you want to write. Let us say you
feel that you might like to write short love stories. The very first thing you must do is find out which
magazines use love stories, a rather limited market these days, and get hold of as many recent
copies as you can. (11 ___________) These readers will expect different things from their
magazine, and the editor is only interested in catering to their needs.
Writers often send me their stories saying, 'This has been rejected three times - please tell me if
I am wasting my time... do I stand a chance at all?' (12 ___________) But it is unlikely that the
work is of publishable standard; so I have to try to give an honest opinion, but always with a
positive viewpoint.
The problem is that most new writers are too eager to send their work out, usually long before
they are ready to enter the market. If you have only written one story or one article, it is not at all
likely to be published. (13 ___________) When you read about so-called 'overnight success', you
usually find that the person has been in the publishing trade or journalism for some years before
their current success.
When you do finally send off some of your work for the first time, immediately get on with more
work while you await a reply; write ten more stories, twenty even. Each one will be better than the
last, and you will begin to think of yourself as a writer, and both your fluency and your confidence
will grow. (14 ___________) Also I would advise not showing your work to anyone else, certainly
in the early stages.
Don't forget that every successful writer will have had many rejections before succeeding. Do
everything you can to advance your career as a writer. See whether there's a creative writing
course near you. (15 ___________) Think of yourself as a writer and get that writing practice in -
every day if possible.
A. However, if you fancy yourself as a writer of thrillers then you will need to read books by thriller
B. Then familiarise yourself with the kind of stories they are buying, taking special note of who the
readers are.
C. That almost never happens.

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Cơ sở 2: Tầng 3 Tòa nhà 29T2-N05 Hoàng Đạo Thúy Trung Hòa Cầu Giấy Hà Nội 3
D. If not, try joining a local writers' group which will help you to gain ideas and confidence from
mixing with other aspiring writers.
E. There are several ways of doing this, but the best one is simply by reading everything relevant
you can lay your hands on.
F. Don't tear any of them up - improve them instead.
G. New titles are coming and going all the time.
H. As a former teacher, I would never actively discourage anyone.


A. Choose the correct answer.

It seems entirely (1) _______ to us that there are teams of scientists in universities and other
institutions around the world, attempting to (2) _______ the way the world works. However, it
hasn't always been that (3) _______. Although the scientific method is now four or five hundred
years old, the ancient Greeks, for example, believed that they could work out the (4) _______ of
natural events just by the power of thought.
During the 17th century, more and more people began to realise that they could (5) _______ their
scientific ideas by designing a relevant (6) _______ and seeing what happened. A lot of (7)
_______ was made in this way by individual scientists. These men and women often worked
alone, carrying out (8) _______ into many different areas of science, and they often received very
little (9) _______ for their hard work. At the start of the 20th century though, it became (10)
_______ that science was becoming more complicated and more expensive. The individual
scientist disappeared, to be replaced by highly qualified teams of experts. Modern science was
1. A. physical 8. natural C. typical D. real
2. A. create B. invent C. construct D. discover
3. A. route B. method C. way D. technique
4. A. aims B. reasons C. causes D. impulses
5. A. calculate B. estimate C. measure D. test
6. A. experiment B. research C. attempt D. analysis
7. A. development B. movement C. progress D. evolution
8. A. research B. experiment C. discovery D. education
9. A. award B. prize C. gift D. reward
10. A. clear B. true C. accurate D. actual

B. Circle the correct word.

1. Many materials have been used for artificial / false teeth, including wood.
2. Be careful! You might give yourself an electric / electronic shock!
3. I'm afraid the problem with your washing machine is the engine / motor.
4. Many employers in the chemicals industry / factory object to the new law.
5. My computing exam is taking place / occurring next week.
6. Technology is a fundamental part of new / modern life.
7. We had our car serviced and it seems there's a problem with the engine / machine.
C. Complete using the correct form of the words in the box.
plug • turn • carry • narrow • put • work • come • break

1. A lorry had ____________________________ down on the motorway and we had to wait for
over an hour.
2. I have ____________________________ it down to two computer games, but I still can't make
up my mind.
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3. I wish you would ____________________________ the TV off and go outside and get some
4. Scientists are trying to ____________________________ out ways to reduce pollution from
carry out
5. Tomorrow, we will be ____________________________ out an experiment to test this theory.
has come
6. Who ____________________________ up with the idea of the ball-point pen?
7. I'll just____________________________ you through to our research department. Please hold
8. No wonder the vacuum cleaner isn't working. You haven’t ____________________________ it
D. Match to make sentences.
1. Alex's electricity was cut ________ A. off because she forgot to pay the
2. Wear a mask because these chemicals give bill.
________ B. metals such as lead into gold.
3. I'm writing an essay and I need to find C. out who discovered penicillin.
________ D. on in physics over the last year.
4. I was pleased that our gamble came ________ E. off fumes that can be harmful.
5. Alchemists spent years trying to turn ________ F. off and the experiment was a
6. Your teacher says you've really come success.

E. Choose the correct answer.

1. I don't think people should be allowed to perform experiments ________ animals.
A. for B. over C. on D. to
2. There was an explosion in technology ________ the beginning of the 20th century.
A. in B. at C. through D. on
3. Let's face ________ - we are destroying the environment and we need to do something now.
A. truth B. facts C. things D. information
4. The distance from the Earth to the Sun is, ________ average, about 149 million kilometres.
A. by B. on C. from D. in
5. It's amazing that creatures survive ________ the bottom of the ocean.
A. in B. by C. at D. to
6. Fox Talbot ________ the first photograph in 1835.
A. gave B. did C. drew D. took
7. Researchers have ________ to the conclusion that your personality is affected by your genes.
A. come B. got C. reached D. arrived
8. Do you mind if I just ________ a quick phone call from here?
A. do B. take C. have D. make
9. Many lives were saved ________ the introduction of antibiotics.
A. into B. at C. with D. in
10. The ________ of the nuclear accident is still unknown.
A. reason B. cause C. base D. motive
11. My father works at the university, doing research ________ weather control.
A. on B. to C. of D. from
12. The telescope will photograph distant galaxies ________ an attempt to understand their past.
A. on B. for C. with D. In
F. Find the extra word in each line.
1. ___________ We were discussing about the future in class today. Some people were
2. ___________ wondering it whether we would have to live in space when we destroy
3. ___________
them our own planet. I explained them that the answer lies in technology because
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4. ___________ scientists are intend to develop forms of energy that will not damage the
5. ___________ environment. The problems caused as being a result of technology will be
6. ___________ solved by technology. I am look forward to our next discussion.
G. Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning
to the first sentence. Write between two and five words in each gap.
1. The mistake by scientists caused a massive explosion. IN
resulted in
The mistake by scientists ______________________________________ a massive explosion.
2. Dr. Atherton finally succeeded in discovering the secret formula. MANAGED
managed to discover
Dr. Atherton finally ______________________________________ the secret formula.
3. Another name for iron oxide is 'fool's gold'. AS
also known as
Iron oxide ______________________________________ 'fool's gold'.
4. Many local residents intend to protest about the nuclear power plant. PLAN
Many local residents ______________________________________
plan to protest about the nuclear power
5. We are thinking of appointing Dr. Knight to the position of Professor. CONSIDERING
are considering appointing Dr.Knight to
We ______________________________________ the position of Professor.
6. We cannot live in outer space without special equipment. US
is impossible for us
It ______________________________________ to live in outer space without special
H. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the gap
in the same line.
Qualcomp have just brought out their (1) ___________________ new 1. REVOLUTION
handheld computer, the Powertop. It's (2) ___________________ not to 2. POSSIBLE
love it. with its smooth, shiny (3) ___________________ and its bright 3. APPEAR
screen. It might not be the best (4) ___________________
introduction to handheld 4. INTRODUCE
computing because it is quite advanced, but you'll find an (5) 5. EXPLAIN
___________________ of all the features in the detailed manual. The 6. SCIENCE
Powertop has been (6) ___________________ designed to fit a lot of 7. INVENT
computing power in your palm. The (7) ___________________ of a 8. DISCOVER
unique wireless Internet connection means there's a world of (8)
___________________ just waiting for you. We give the Powertop nine
out of ten.

I. Complete the sentences by changing the form of the word in capitals when this is
1. Did you know that George Washington had ___________________ (WOOD) teeth?
2. The old astronomer patiently made his ___________________
observation (OBSERVE) and wrote down
what he saw.
3. ___________________ (RESEARCH) have announced that a major breakthrough has been
4. I'm planning to train as a ___________________ (PSYCHOLOGY) when I grow up.
5. That red ___________________ (BUILD) over there is the Science Department.
6. The scientist said she had an announcement of international ___________________
7. Science Weekly has a special ___________________ (INTRODUCE) offer - the first issue is
8. If there are aliens out there, do you think they are much more ___________________
(TECHNOLOGY) advanced than we are?
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Cơ sở 2: Tầng 3 Tòa nhà 29T2-N05 Hoàng Đạo Thúy Trung Hòa Cầu Giấy Hà Nội 6

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