Busin Ss S: C: Some Lamp - Built D: Woman - Pulling Suitcase

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C Businesses

Answer Key p.19

0 25 llliiil

A: flower - sitting C: some lamp - built

B: women - behind counter D: woman - pulling

1. (A) (B) (C) (D)

A: examining - bottle
kiểm tra chai
026 llliiil
C: stocking - shelves
còn hàng - kệ
B: picking - basket
D: placing - item
nhặt - rổ
đặt - hàng
2. (A) (B) (C) (D)

A: some produce - put

- tow bags

C: man - pushing cart

B: labels - have been D: man - writing

- below - food
3. (A) (B) (C) (D)

24 I Chapter 1 =~ Firs/News


028 lliilill
A: woman - placing clothes C: man - folding - clothes
đặt gấp
B: woman - typing keyboard D: some clothes are
hung on the rack
4. (A) (B) (C) (D)


A: some clothes - being folded

quần áo được gấp
C: woman - sitting -
on the floor
B: woman - wearing jacket D: some shoes - placed
on the shelf
s. (A) (B) (C) (D)


A: woman - stacking - pastries

C: man - baking bread
xếp bánh ngọt nướng bánh mì
B: man - cleaning glass D: woman - carrying
basket: xách giỏ
6. (A) (B) (C) (D)

~~~ Firs/ News Listening Practice I 25

A: man - giving bag
031 lllilif

C: man - wrapping shirt

gói áo sơ mi
B: woman - holding D: woman - picking - clothes
shopping bag chọn áo
7. (A) (B) (C) (D)

A: setting down a cup

đặt cóc xuống
032 lllilif
C: hanging - frame
treo khung
B: washing - glasses D: sitting down a chair
lau kính
8. (A) (B) (C) (D)

A: chair - pushed
ghế đc đẩy vào
033 lllilif
C: glasses - tow plate

B: women - picking D: women - pointing menu

gắp chỉ vào menu
9. (A) (B) (C) (D)

26 I Chapte r 1 ;f First News






A: woman - holding purse C: some items - hanging -

t giữ chiếc ví hooks : treo trên móc
B: man - making - phone call D: people shaking hand
' gọi điện thoại bắt tay

I 10. (A) (B) (C) (D)

r A: a server - behind - chair
phục vụ phía sau ghế

C: table - covered - cloth

'• B: dinner - being server
bao phủ - tấm vải
D: table - has - 4 chair
bữa tối đag được phục vụ
'' 11. (A) (B) (C) (D)


I A: chef - putting - oven

lò nướng

C: chef - pouring - liquid

đổ - chất lỏng
B: man - serving - food D: man - holding - bread
phục vụ cầm - bánh mì
12. (A) (B) (C) (D)

Liste nin g Prac ti ce I 27

D Other Public Places

Answer Key p.19

037 llijjjj

A: people - rowing - boat C: man - holding - rope

chèo thuyền cầm - dây thừng
B: man - swimming D: people - sailing - boat
chèo thuyền
1. (A) (B) (C) (D)

A: man - showing - ticket

038 llllil
C: baggage - loaded

B: passenger - waiting - board D: a train - entering -

khách chờ lên máy bay station: tàu vào ga
2. (A) (B) (C) (D)

A: some railing - street

lan can dọc đường

C: a car - turning

B: man - walking D: a bike - changed

3. (A) (B) (C) (D)


28 I Chapte r 1 -----=;f First New.\

r II


040 llllill
A: man - weighing - bag C: man - picking: nhặt
cân túi
B: some people - gathered - desk D: people - opening
tập hợp - bàn
4. (A) (B) (C) (D)

A: woman - hanging - tree

treo - cây
041 llllill
C: people - walking

D: people - around -
B: man - playing - instrument musician: nhạc sĩ
chơi - nhạc cụ
5. (A) (B) (C) (D)

A: riding - subway
042 llllill
C: elevator - not working
thang máy không hoạt động
đi tàu điện ngầm
B: waiting - escalator D: people - waiting - shop
I 6.
chờ thang cuốn
(A) (B) (C) (D)
chờ vào shop


_;r Fir.i t N ews Li stening Practice I 29
A: people - checking
043 (ljjjjj

C: people - using
B: shells - empty D: tow chair - by table

7. (A) (B) (C) (D)

044 (ljjjjj

A: bus - waiting C: people - getting off

B: people - lined up D: man - wiping: lau

8. (A) (B) (C) (D)

A: gate - displayed - screen

045 (ljjjjj

C: monitor - on top -
B: baggage - has been D: floor - being -
9. (A) (B) (C) (D)


-:_:-~ ~First News

30 I Chapter 1
,~ II



A: people - getting into C: truck - standing - traffic -
B: truck - pulling into D: people - standing - in
kéo vào front of truck
10. (A) (B) (C) (D)

A: machine - out of order

máy bị lỗi
047 llilil
C: people - line up
xếp hàng
B: sing hang - ceiling D: man - typing - shoe
bảng hiệu treo trần nhà buộc dây giày
11. (A) (B) (C) (D)

A: wearing - t shirt
048 llilil

C: taking - book - shelf

B: reading - book D: wiping - shelf

12. (A) (B) (C) (D)

~ First News
Li stening Practice I 31
Port 2 Questions and Responses

Theme Notes

Read the questions below. Mark X or ✓ in the boxes. Answer Key p.19

A Questions with an Interrogative

1. Who/Whose/Whom
Answers that express
uncertai nty are very co mmon. Listen for a name, position title, or pronouns (/, someone, etc.) in the answer. Don't
Expect answers li ke these: confuse who's and whose.
"Let me check th e schedule:'
"It's bee n here all day:' Who is our new manager going to be?
"I'm not sure:'
0 I think it will be Mr. Smith.
D He is a good manager.

2. What/Which

Watch the noun after what. What time/What day means "when;' so look for dates and
times. Similarly, other nouns that follow what indicate what kind of thing to listen for. If
you hear What do, look for opinions or details about a certain item.

Pay attention to the noun after which . Look for phrases like the one ... or similar
phrasing in the answers.

What floor is the human resources department on?

D I think the 3'd floor.

D At 3 o'clock.

3. Where
The answers need not be full
sentences. Listen for ph rases Listen for a place.
with prepositi ons.

"In Room 102:' Where is the new branch located?

"On the 5'" floor:'
"At the Harting Hotel :' D I've been told it will be in Australia.
"In Spain :'
D We have many new branches opening.

4. When
Pay attent ion t o the tense for
when question s. Test writers Listen for a time, date, or day of the week. Also listen for time phrases (soon, later, etc.).
often use t he wrong tense to
confuse li steners. Remember
which time phrases go with
When do you expect the clients to arrive?
w hi ch t enses.
Past tense (When did .. . )
D They will arrive by train .
_, ago D They will be here soon .
Future t ense (when will .. . )
_, soon, later, in (time )

;f Ji'irst !\/t·10.i.
32 I Ch apt er 1

s. Why

Listen for a reason .

Why d id Mr. Jones get transferred?

The answers to why
questions often do not
begin with because. They
can even be questions.
A: Why did we get this

notice? o·
• He transferred last month. B: What notice? .,,

• Because he was promoted.




6. How

i. How can/do... ? ii. How many/much ... ?

Listen for a way or method. Listen for a number or an amount.
How do I send these packages to
How much does a new printer cost?

• Send them by air mail.

• It's about $50.

• It's expensive to send mail.

• The printer is new.

,.... iii. How long ... ? iv. How often ... ?

Listen for a specific period of time. Listen for frequency.

How long will you be in Hong Kong? How often do you visit headquarters?

• About three weeks.

• The head office is huge.

• Maybe next time.

• I go at least once a year.

v. How was ... I How do you like... I How do you feel about. .. ?

Listen for phrases of opinion, such as,/ think, it seems, etc., as well as adjective phrases.

How do you like San Francisco?

• It's better than I imagined.

• I fee I great.

B Questions with No Interrogative

1. Be/Do vm,
Some answers to be-verb
or do-verb questions are
i. Be-verb Questions ii. Do-verb Questions
another question.
Listen for affirmative or negative Listen for yes/no, sure/of course, or A: Why was Ann not at the
information about status or situation. information about habit or action. meeting?
B: Didn't she take the day
Is this shipment ready to go out? Do you have time to look over my proposal? off?
D I still need to w rite up the invoice. D I might have time after lunch.

D Shipments are sent out every day. D I might write my proposal after lunch.

- ~-=-;:;;f- First News Listening Practi ce I 33

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