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P-05 Dr. PAGUIRIGAN | September 9, 2018

*NOTE: This only includes the additional notes

during our first meeting on ANS. Please refer to
topnotch review for the full discussion.
CATECHOLAMINES  Directly acting agent with selectivity for Beta
1 receptor(leads to increased inotropic and
DOPAMINE chronotropic effects)
 Immediate metabolic precursor of  Relatively more effective in enhancing the
Norepinephrine and Epinephrine contractile force of the heart than in
 Central neurotransmitter with intrinsic increasing the heart rate
pharmacologic activities  It does not affect the Atrial conduction
 Substrate for both Monoamine Oxidase velocity but it augments the conduction
(MAO) and Catechol-O-methyl transferase – velocity through the AV node
thus it is not effective when administered  There’s little to no effect on the ventricular
orally impulse conduction
 Cardiovascular effects:  Does not produce Renal vasodilation
o Positive inotropic effect on the  Plasma half-life: 2 mins
myocardium, acting as an agonist on  Not effective when given orally
the Beta 1 receptor  Usual dose: 2.5-10 nanograms/kg/min
o Capable of releasing Norepinephrine  Rapidly metabolized in the Liver to an
from Nerve Terminals inactive conjugate with Glucoronic acid and
 Tachycardia effect is less than Isoproterenol 3-o-methyl dobutamine
 Can cause increased:  Should not be used in patients with Atrial
o systolic and pulse pressure Fibrillation
o Glomerular Filtration Rate  Side effects:
o Renal Blood Flow and Sodium o May be less frequent
excretion o Can be in the form of Nausea,
 The untoward effects due to overdosage are Headache, Palpitation, Shortness of
generally attributable to excessive Breath and Anginal Pain
sympathomimetic activity – Nausea,  Therapeutic uses:
Vomiting, Tachycardia, Anginal pain, o Congestive Heart Failure
Arrhythmias, Headache, Hypertension, o Cardiogenic Shock
Vasoconstriction may be encountered  Contraindication/s:
during IV infusion of Dopamine o Patients with marked obstruction to
 Should not be used in patients who have Cardiac ejection (like in Idiopathic
received Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors Hypertrophic Subaortic Stenosis)
(MAO Inhibitors)
 Therapeutic uses: NON CATECHOLAMINES
o Tx of some types of shocks
o Beneficial for patients with Oliguria and AMPHETAMINE
with low or normal Peripheral vascular  Has a powerful CNS stimulant action in
resistance addition to the peripheral alpha and beta
o Tx of Cardiogenic and Bacteremic action that is common to indirectly acting
(septic)shock sympathomimetic drugs
o Tx of profound hypotension following  Effective after oral administration and its
removal of Pheochromocytoma effect may last for several hours


 The effect increases both the systolic and  Marked mucosal vasoconstriction can be
diastolic blood pressure, the heart rate is produced by local application of the drug but
reflexively slowed and cardiac arrhythmias it is used clinically mainly as a pressor
may occur agent in various hypotensive states
 The L-isomer form is slightly more potent
that the D-isomer as far as the
Cardiovascular action is concerned HYDROXYAMPHETAMINE
 One of the most potent Sympathomimetic  Actions are similar to that of Ephedrine with
amines with respect to stimulation of the the exception that this drug almost entirely
Central Nervous system lacks CNS stimulant activity
 Depression of Appetite: It can cause weight  Its only current clinical use is as a Mydriatic
loss in obese humans but the weight loss is
almost entirely due to reduced food intake METARAMINOL
and only small measure in increased  Used almost exclusively for the treatment of
metabolism Hypotension
 Has both a direct and an indirect action
EPHEDRINE  Overall effects are similar to those of
 Stimulate both alpha and beta receptors Norepinephrine but it is much less potent
 Minimal uses related to both types of action and has a more prolonged action
 Its cardiovascular action intercedes 10x  Also lacks CNS stimulant effect
longer than epinephrine  It is absorbed after oral administration but
 Bronchial muscle relaxation is less for equal effects the oral dose to be given
prominent but more sustained compared must 5 or 6 times greater than the dose that
with epinephrine should be given by IM and IV
 Mydriasis occurs after local application of  The pressor effect of an IM dose of 5mg will
the drug to the eyes last for about 15hours
 The activity of the human uterus is usually  Principal use: Pressor agent in certain
reduced by ephedrine hypotensive states
 Less effective than epinephrine in elevating
the concentration of Glucose in the blood PHENYLEPRINE
 The CNS effects are similar to those of
Amphetamine but are considerably less  Powerful alpha 1 receptor stimulant with
marked little effect on the Beta receptors of the
 Therapeutic uses: heart
o For bronchospasm  The direct action on receptors accounts for
o Stokes Adams syndrome the greater part of its effect, only a small
o Nasal Decongestion part is due to its activity to release
o Allergic disorders Norepinephrine
o Pressor agent during Spinal Anesthesia  The CNS stimulant action is minimal
o Central Stimulant in cases of  The response to the drug will persist for
Narcolepsy 20mins after an IV dose and as long as
50mins after subcutaneous administration
 One of several pressor agents that can be  The effects of the drug are marked reflex
used various Hypotensive conditions bradycardia, slight increase in heart race,
the cardiac output is slightly decreased and
 Prolonged duration of action – up to 4 hours
peripheral resistance is considerably
 Cardiac contraction is enhanced; Cardiac
increased. Coronary blood flow is also
output, Systolic and Diastolic pressures are
increased. The pulmonary BV is constricted
also increased


so there is a rise and increase in pulmonary flow and there is decrease in the airway
arterial pressure resistance.
 Therapeutic uses: nasal decongestant,  After oral dose, there is an improvement in
hypotension, mydriasis and as local airway function up to 4 hours
vasoconstrictor in local anesthesia. It is also  After inhalation, the improvement in
used as a relief of paroxysmal atrial respiratory function will become apparent
tachycardia. for 3-4 hours
 Approximately 40% is absorbed after oral
dose. It is excreted in urine primarily as
METHOXAMINE conjugate with glucuronic acid.
 The pharmacologic properties of  Adverse reactions: tachycardia,
methoxamine are almost exclusively those hypertension, nervousness, tremors,
that are characteristic of alpha receptor palpitations, nausea and vomiting
stimulation and it acts directly on this site.  It is used clinically as a bronchodilator
The effects are thereof the same as
 Its effects are increased in the blood TERBUTALINE
pressure due entirely to vasoconstriction.
There is no stimulant action in the heart.  is a synthetic sympathomimetic agent
And it lacks beta receptor action on the  It is given orally, SQ, or by inhalation
smooth muscles. There is also no central  It used for the treatment of reversible
nervous system stimulation. obstruction of the airway.
 Reflex bradycardia is prominent so it used  It is relatively selective beta-2 agonist
clinically to relief paroxysmal atrial  It is not methylated by COMT
tachycardia. It does not appear to
 After oral dose of 5 mg, it produces
precipitate cardiac arrhythmias. It prolongs
bronchodilation after about 1 hour and this
ventricular muscle action potential and
will persist for about 7 hours
refractory period and slows the AV
 When it is given SQ, the effects will start
within 5 mins and will last for 4 hours
 Therapeutic uses: used as pressor agent in
 Side effects: nervousness, muscle tremors,
hypotensive states and ends attacks
headache, tachycardia, palpitation,
paroxysmal tachycardia.
drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, sweating
 it is a selective beta-2 adrenergic agonist
with pharmacologic properties and
therapeutic effects similar to terbutaline
 Inhalation: the effect will start after 15 mins
 Quite similar chemically to isoproterenol but
and will last for 3-4 hours
it is resistant to methylation by COMT. It is
effective and given orally and it has
somewhat long duration of action compared
 selective beta-2 adrenergic agonist
to isoproterenol
 It is used to delay or prevent premature
 Primary beta-2 adrenergic agonist
 Inhalation: relative effect on the beta-1
 It is rapidly but it is completely absorbed
receptors of the heart
(about 30%) following oral administration
 After oral or inhalation of metaproterenol,
and 90% is excreted in the urine as an
there is an increased in the force expiratory
inactive conjugate
volume and maximal rate of force expiratory
 About 50% of the drug is excreted
unchanged after IV administration
-MOA: -appears to exert its vasodilator action
ISOETHARINE thru the blockade of post synaptic a1 receptors
 for bronchospastic diseases -cause reversal of pressor responses to
epinephrine and blocks pressor responses to
PRENALTEROL norepinephrine
 selective beta-1 adrenergic agonist -reduces vascular tone in both the
 it is used for chronic congestive heart failure resistance and capacitance vessels
-associated with reduction of venous return
PROPYLHEXEDRINE and cardiac output
 used as an inhaler 4. Trimazocin
-clinically related exhibits similar
pharmacologic properties to Prazosin
NAPHAZOLINE HCl -has less potent inhibition on a1 adrenergic
 used as ophthalmic and nasal solution receptors
-Half life: 2hours
TETRAHYDROZOLINE -it is extensively metabolize in the liver
 used as ophthalmic and nasal solution 5. Ergot Alkaloids
-act to a varying degree as partial agonist or
OXYMETAZOLINE antagonist at the alpha adrenergic, and
dopaminergic receptors
 nasal spray or nasal drop
coronary vasoconstriction
 nasal spray or nasal drop
-associated with schemic changes in the ECG
and anginal pain in coronary artery disease
-USE: stimulation of uterine contraction
 used orally as nasal decongestant (postpartum) and relive migraine
-prolongs and enhances the pressor response
7. Haloperidol
 blocks the alpha adrenergic receptors but -inhibits dopamine induce renal vasodilation
they don’t have agonistic activity 8. Yohimbine
1. Phenoxybenzamine and Diphenhydramine -produces competitive alpha-adrenergic
-drugs that block alpha adrenergic receptors blockade but limited duration only
but don’t have alpha agonistic activity -has little direct effect on smooth muscle but it
2. Phentolamine and Tolazoline readily penetrates the CNS
-they produce moderately effective
competitive alpha-adrenergic blocking that is NON-SELECTIVE BETA BLOCKERS
relatively transient 1.Propranolol
-USE: Cardiac stimulation, Stimulation of GI 2. Alprenolol
tract (those that are block by atropine), 3. Bunolol
Stimulation of Gastric secretion, Peripheral 3. Nadolol
vasodilation 4. Oxyprenolol
-AE: Tachycardia, cardiac arrythmias, anginal 5. Penbutolol
pain 6. Pindolol
-Note: Phentolamine (more potent) 7. Sotalol
3. Prazosin 8. Timolol
-USE: -popular antiHTN agent


SELECTIVE B1 BLOCKERS It causes a prolonged decrease on the
1. Metoprolol catecholamine content of the heart due to the
2. Atenolol destruction of sympathetic nerve endings. Most
3. Acebutolol peripheral sympathetic nerves are affected by
4. Bevandolol the drug. The Adrenal Medulla and the
5. Tolamolol Peripheral Cholinergic Neurons are not affected
6. Bisoprolol by this drug.
7. Esmolol
8. Betaxolol Ganglionic Stimulant Drugs:
- Nicotine
CENTRALLY ACTING - Tetramethyl Ammonium
1. Clonidine - Dimethylphenylpiperazine
2. Methyldopa
They are considered ganglionic stimulant drugs.
Adrenergic Neuron Blocking agent Stimulation of the ganglia by these drugs differs
1. Guanetidine from that produced by nicotine in that the initial
2. Guanadrel stimulation is not followed by a blocking action.
3. Betamidine While in that of nicotine the stimulation is
4. Bretylium followed a blocking action.
5. Debrisoquine
6. Reserpine Stimulation caused by Nicotine stimulates
markedly the Central Nervous System and the
Specific Inhibitors of Cathecolamine Cardiovascular System. It increases the heart
Synthesis rate and blood pressure.

1. Metyrosine GIT: It increases the tone and motor activity of

-competetive inhibitor of tyrosine hydroxylase the bowel.
that catalyzes synthesis of
dihydroxyphenylalanine which wil result in Exocrine Gland: Initial stimulation of the salivary
reduction in the synthesis of Noepinephrine and and bronchial secretion followed by inhibition.
Dopamine both in the PNS and CNS
Nicotine is readily absorbed in the respiratory
Tyrosine Hydroxylase - the enzyme that tract, on the buccal mucous membrane and on
catalyses the synthesis of the skin.
Dihydroxyphenylalanine from Tyrosine.
Approximately 80-90% of Nicotine is altered in
Inhibition of Tyrosine Hydroxylase will result in the body mainly in the liver but also in the
the reduction in the synthesis of Norepinephrine kidneys and in the lungs.
and Dopamine both in the peripheral and
central nervous system. Major Metabolite of Nicotine:
1. Cotinine – different from
Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors 2. Nicotine N-Oxide
1. Phenelzine
2. Isocarboxazine Ganglion Blocking Drugs:
3. Tranylcypromine - Hexamethonium
- Mecamylamine
Drugs that destroy the Adrenergic Nerve - Trimethophan
Fibers: - Pentolinium
- 6-Hydroxydopamine
In the Cardiovascular System they cause
postural hypotension, sympathetically mediated


vasomotor reflexes are inhibited, and the cold
pressor response is reduced.

They cause mild tachycardia that usually

accompany the hypotension. Cardiac output is
also reduced as a result of diminished venous
return due to venous dilatation and peripheral
pooling of blood.

In hypertensive patients, the cardiac output,

stroke volume and left ventricular work are all
diminished so the total systemic vascular
resistance is decreased by these ganglionic
blockers but the blood flow and the vascular
resistance of the individual vascular beds are



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