"Face The Challenges With 20 Pesos": Ydann Mae Llorin Barcenas

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“Face the challenges with 20 pesos”

Ydann Mae Llorin Barcenas

I was born on May 14, 2002. That moment, I was given a chance to look at the beauty of
the world and live. That was the time where I do not doubt myself. Where I believe that life is
wonderful. I did not even think that life will be too hard as it was right now. I was just enjoying
my childhood days as if happiness will be the only feeling I will feel. I will just play and cry
because my friend does not give me candy or maybe because, my mother does not want to buy
me a doll. Sounds absurd right? But I can say that, those were the time where I can be as happy
as I want without having hesitations.

Looking back, I can say that I have gone so far because of my faith. I remember the first
time a man broke a promise to me, that is when my father left us to be with God. He promised
me that if I graduated, he will attend the ceremony. Since I started schooling, my father did not
attend any recognition ceremonies. Being a child, I envy my classmates for having their parents
with them. That time, it was devastating. I admit that my faith was affected and I did have a hard
time to cope up with the situation.

Another thing that almost made me stop believing is when I was abused at the age of 5 by
my own cousins. Yes, I was tricked that led me to a situation that I did not wish happened. It was
traumatizing. I really had a hard time, specially that I did not tell anyone about it, even my
mother. I was not able to speak about it up until I opened it up to my boyfriend last year, 2020. I
finally have someone who will listen after years. I know that I should have told my mother first,
but it was years long after that incident happened. THEY have their own families, and I am not
too selfish to ruin that. I do not also want to make my mother think and be stressed out. I already
forgave them even if they did not ask for it at all. I am now happy to live my life and love myself

I already felt pain. I already got my heart broken. I already messed up in my academics. I
already fell on the ground so many times. I know, if I will tell someone about my own
experiences, they would say that I lived a crazy life at such a young age. I am aware of that and
those experiences even made me question my faith. I will tell you a secret on how I managed to
face it all. You can buy it worth 25 pesos or if you have enough money, buy the one worth 99
pesos. Have an ice cream with you during your hard times.

I know those problems are not that easy but yes, I do believe that ice cream help ease the
pain, dip it in strength and sprinkle it with faith. Those three are my secret weapons. Now, I am
just looking back, wondering where the time has brought me. I am proud that I am still going on
and facing the challenges of life with some sweet, cold ice cream.

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