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Nama : Dyah Citra Resmi

Nim : 195055

Kelas : RMIK 2B

1 Diagnosis Takut ketinggian

BTM Acrophobia
Leadterm Acrophobia
Identasi -
Kode ICD 10 Volume 1 F40.2
Kode ICD 10 Volume 3 F40.2
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition F40.2
Kode ICD 10 Other -

2 Diagnosis Type 2 Presenile Alzheimer disease

BTM Type 2 Presenile Alzheimer disease
Leadterm Alzheimer's disease or sclerosis
Identasi - Early onset (presenile)
Kode ICD 10 Volume 1 G30.0
Kode ICD 10 Volume 3 G30.0
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition G30.0
Kode ICD 10 Other -

3 Diagnosis HIV dengan dementia

BTM HIV in dementia
Leadterm Human
Identasi - Immunodeficiency virus (HIV) disease
- - Dementia
Kode ICD 10 Volume 1 B22.0† F02.4*
Kode ICD 10 Volume 3 B22.0F02.4*
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition B22.0
Kode ICD 10 Other F02.4*

4 Diagnosis Delirium masa nifas (post partum)

BTM Delirium post partum
Leadterm Delirium
Identasi -puerperal
Kode ICD 10 Volume 1 F05.8
Kode ICD 10 Volume 3 F05.8
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition F05.8
Kode ICD 10 Other -

5 Diagnosis Gangguan perilaku dan perilaku akibat

ketergantungan kokain
BTM Mental and behavioural disorder due to cocaine
Leadterm Disorder
Identasi - Mood
- - Due to (secondary to)
- - - Cocaine
Kode ICD 10 Volume 1 F14.8
Kode ICD 10 Volume 3 F14.8
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition F14.8
Kode ICD 10 Other -

6 Diagnosis Gangguan mental akibat keracunan alkohol akut

BTM Delirium due to alcoholic acute
Leadterm Delirium
Identasi - due to
Kode ICD 10 Volume 1 F10.0
Kode ICD 10 Volume 3 F10.0
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition F10.0
Kode ICD 10 Other -

7 Diagnosis Depresi psikogenik atipikal

BTM Atypical psychogenic depression
Leadterm Depression
Identasi - Psychogenic (reactive) (single episode)
Kode ICD 10 Volume 1 F32.9
Kode ICD 10 Volume 3 F32.9
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition F32.9
Kode ICD 10 Other -
8 Diagnosis Gastritis akibat banyak pikir
BTM Gastritis cause nervous
Leadterm Gastritis
Identasi -nervous
Kode ICD 10 Volume 1 F54
Kode ICD 10 Volume 3 F54
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition F54
Kode ICD 10 Other -

9 Diagnosis Sulit mengikuti pelajaran, IQ 56

BTM Dyslexia
Leadterm Dyslexia
Identasi -
Kode ICD 10 Volume 1 R48.0
Kode ICD 10 Volume 3 R48.0
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition R48.0
Kode ICD 10 Other -

1 Diagnosis Gangguan bicara akibat gangguan artikulasio

BTM Speech articulation disorder
Leadterm Disorder
Identasi - Speech NEC
- - Articulation (functional) (specific)
Kode ICD 10 Volume 1 F80.0
Kode ICD 10 Volume 3 F80.0
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition F80.0
Kode ICD 10 Other -

1 Diagnosis Asthma karena nervous

BTM Asthma due to nervous
Leadterm Asthma
Identasi - Nervous
Kode ICD 10 Volume 1 J45.1
Kode ICD 10 Volume 3 J45.1
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition J45.1
Kode ICD 10 Other -

1 Diagnosis Gangguan pencernaan psikogenik

BTM Dyspepsia psychogenic
Leadterm Dyspepsia
Identasi - Psychogenic
Kode ICD 10 Volume 1 F45.3
Kode ICD 10 Volume 3 F45.3
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition F45.3
Kode ICD 10 Other -

1 Diagnosis Tidak nafsu makan karena putus cinta

BTM Loss of appetite
Leadterm Loss (of)
Identasi - Appetite
Kode ICD 10 Volume 1 R63.0
Kode ICD 10 Volume 3 R63.0
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition R63.0
Kode ICD 10 Other -

1 Diagnosis Psikosis post partum

BTM Psychosispost partum
Leadterm Psychosis
Identasi - Postpartum
Kode ICD 10 Volume 1 F53.1
Kode ICD 10 Volume 3 F53.1
Kode ICD 10 Main Condition F53.1
Kode ICD 10 Other -

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