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What defies something or someone "alive"? Is it a heartbeat? A pulse? Warmth?

Or an idea that
is forever stuck within one's mind and heart? From the reading and experience, I consider
Filipinos as one of people with strong beliefs and faith. We tend to hold on to hopes even if it
was falsified. Adding layers of blankets to our comfort and eventually crushing us in the process,
but even if I sound ridiculous we can all agree that at least once or more people came cross our
lives enthusiastically and exaggeratedly proudly and or shoving their beliefs to our faces, even so
we can’t deny that perhaps our skepticism may be ignoring the “truth” out there. Despite the
claims it rather sounds supernatural or mythical. “Rizal’s body” magically shifting through
different places sounds fictional but in comparison what is “religion” to what the Rizalians
believes? I myself question religion a lot and do not think it is because “I lack faith”, it is
because I seek the truth and to me “truth” begins when I feel the satisfactory in me in the
answers that I found, and perhaps this is what Rizalians feel? In the short passage one would feel
ridicule for the old man yet he sang there full of passion and energy because of belief, he was
motivated and proud but to my perspective, he was a mortal like us that could change history if
we throw our passivity and act as one. I consider him more of a “prophet”, in our belief we
follow our prophet’s righteous acts. Rizal acted as if he was sent by the lands to guide millions of
us, and a prophet is a mortal. A mere mortal that decays and leaves ideas for the people behind.

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