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Here's what you do: 

1. Click on the video below.

2. Watch the video, and pay attention to it! (You can pause and rewind
the video.)
3. Answer the listening comprehension questions below the video.
4. Check your answers.

CLIP SOURCE: Silver Linings Playbook


1. What are the two people talking about at the beginning?

   The prescription pills they've taken
   The movies they've seen
   The food they know how to cook

2. After the woman says she's tired, she _______________.

   asks the man if he'll drive her home
   asks the man if he'll walk her home
   asks her sister to drive her home

3. The man says that the woman _______________.

   is crazy
   scares people
   has poor social skills

4. The woman's sister tells her husband to _______________.

   drive the woman home
   drive both the man and the woman home
   walk the woman home

5. The woman who is standing asks her sister to _______________.

   stop talking about her in the third person
   stop talking about her in front of other people
   stop telling people she's a bad person
CLIP SOURCE: The Avengers (2012)


1. Loki is ______________ the "cage" he's in. 

   not impressed by
   ambivalent to
   impressed by 

2. The cage was supposedly built for ______________.

   someone as strong as Loki
   someone stronger than Loki
   someone much weaker than Loki

3. Loki refers to the Hulk as a "mindless ______________". 


4. Which of the following does Nick (the man with the eye patch) NOT
accuse Loki of?
   Killing for financial profit
   Threatening to start a war

5. Loki _____________ Nick's plans for humanity.

   wants to understand
Watch the first 1:20 of the video, and pay attention to it


1. What does Bradley Fine (Jude Law) blame for accidentally shooting the
   A faulty gun

2. What did Susan (Melissa McCarthy) do before joining the CIA?

   She was a lawyer.
   She was a teacher.
   She was an accountant.

3. Why did Susan join the CIA?

   She wanted to become a spy.
   She wanted to help her country.
   She wanted to meet interesting people.

4. What do we know about Susan's mom?

   She was a tall woman.
   She wasn't very supportive of Susan.
   She encouraged Susan to follow her dreams.

5. Rick (Jason Statham) thinks that Susan looks like a ____________.

   real spy
   lunch lady

Watch the first 1:40 of the video, and pay attention to it!


1. The ideal secret weapon is ________________.

   an insect the size of a soldier
   an insect
   a soldier the size of an insect

2. The man with the goatee (Michael Douglas) thinks that Scott
   deserves a chance at redemption
   is no different from anyone else
   is a bad person

3. Does the suit itself have power?

   No, only Scott does.
   Yes, uncontrollable power.
   Yes, but Scott has to control it.

4. Who are Scott's greatest allies?

   Other superheroes

5. The woman shows Scott how to ________________.

   put on the suit
   control the suit
Trailer: Titanic

Titanic (1997) is a movie directed by James Cameron.

Watch the trailer and fill in the blanks.

1. 2.

Take a journey    in time in search of a mystery locked   

 the sea. On December nineteenth you'll be given the key. We're going to

America. Forget it boy, you'll never get    to


the likes of her. Don't come any .  I'll let go. No, you won't. You
are not to see that boy again. I'm the king of the world. What made you
5. 6.

think you could put your hands    my fiancée? It's not    to

you to save me, Jack. He's got you trapped. If you don't break   
 you're gonna die. It's a ship! There's only so many places she can be.

Find her! Iceberg right . 

Lower away! The water is freezing and there aren't enough boats. Half the
people on this ship are going to die. For God's sake, there's women and
9. 10.
children    here. Let us    so we can have a chance. Where
are you going? Not to him!? You jump, I jump, right? I hope you enjoy
11. 12.
your time .  And God shall wipe away all the tears    their
eyes and there shall be no more death. God almighty! This is it!
Finding Nemo


1. Why does the bird tell the fish to stop at the beginning?
   He wants to say hello
   He wants to tell them something
   He wants to ask them a question

2. The blue fish can't understand:

   why it's difficult for men to ask for directions
   where they are
   why they always have to ask for directions

3. What's the first thing the crab says to the fish?:

   That he'll tell them where Nemo is
   That he won't tell them where Nemo went
   That he hasn't seen Nemo

4. When the fish find Nemo, they want to:

   help him escape
   find out if he is happy
   help him swim better

5. The fish that wants to find Nemo the most is:

   Nemo's best friend
   Nemo's brother
   Nemo's dad

Silver Linings Playbook

1. A
2. B
3. C
4. B
5. A

The Avengers (2012) 

1. C
2. B
3. C
4. A
5. B

1. C
2. B
3. A
4. C
5. C

Ant Man 
1. C
2. A
3. C
4. B
5. B

1. back
2. beneath
3. next
4. closer
5. on
7. free
8. ahead
9. down
10. out
12. from

Finding Nemo
1. B
2. A
3. B
4. A
5. C

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