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1. To open a file c:\test.txt for reading, we should give the


(a) filel = open("c:\ test.txt", "r")

(b) file1 = open("c:\\ test.txt", "r")
(c) file = open(file = "c:\ test.txt", "r")
(d) file1 = open(file = "c:\\s test.txt", "r")

2. To open a file c:\ test.txt for writing, we should use the


(a) fobj = open("c:\test.txt", "w")

(b) fobj = open("c:\\ test.txt", "w")
(c) fobj = open(file = "c:\ test.txt", "w")
(d) fobj = open(file = "c:\\ test.txt", "w")

3. To open a file c:\ test.txt for appending data, we can give

the statement:

(a) fobj = open("c:\\ test.txt", "a")

(b) fobj = open("c:\\ test.txt", "rw")
(c) fobj = open(file = "c:\test.txt", "w")
(d) fobj = open(file = "c:\\ test.txt", "w")

4. Which of the following statements is/are true?

(a) When you open a file for reading, if the file does not exist,
an error occurs.
(b) When you open a file for writing, if the file does not exist, a
new file is created.
(c) When you open a file for writing, if the file exists, the
existing file is overwritten with the new file.
(d) All of the above.

5. To read two characters from a file object from, the command

should be:

(c) fobj.readline()
(d) fobj.readlines()

6. To read the entire contents of the file as a string from a file

object fobj, the command should be:

(c) fobj.readline()
(d) fobj.readlines()

7. What will be the output of the following snippet?

f = None
for i in range (5):
    with open ("data.txt", "W") as f:

        if i > 2:
print (f.closed)

(a) True
(b) False
(c) None
(d) Error

8. To read the next line of the file from a file object fobj, we

(c) fobj.readline()
(d) fobj.readlines()

9. To read the remaining lines of the file from a file object fobj,
we use:

(c) fobj.readline()
(d) fobj.readlines

10. The readlines() method returns:

(a) String
(b) A list of integers
(c) A list of single characters
(d) A list of lines
11. Which module is required to use the built-in function
dump( )?

(a) math
(b) flush
(c) pickle
(d) unpickle

12. Which of the following functions is used to write data in

the binary mode?

(a) write
(b) output
(c) dump
(d) send

13. Which is/are the basic I/O (input-output) stream(s) in file?

(a) Standard Input

(b) Standard Output
(c) Standard Errors
(d) All of the above

14. Which of the following is the correct syntax of


(a) file.writelines(sequence)
(b) fobj.writelines()
(c) fobj.writelines(sequence)
(d) fobj.writeline()
15. In file handling, what do the terms "r" and "a" stand for?

(a) read, append

(b) append, read
(iii) write, append
(d) None of the above

16. Which of the following is not a valid mode to open a file?

(a) ab
(b) rw
(c) r+
(d) w+

17. Which statement is used to change the file position to an

offset value from the start?

(a), 0)
(b), 1)
(c), 2)
(d) None of the above

18. The difference between r+ and w+ modes is expressed as?

(a) No difference
(b) In r+ mode, the pointer is initially placed at the beginning
of the file and the pointer is at the end for w+
(c) In w+ mode, the pointer is initially placed at the beginning
of the file and the pointer is at the end for r+
(d) Depends on the operating system
19. What does CSV stand for?

(a) Cursor Separated Variables

(b) Comma Separated Values
(c) Cursor Separated Values
(d) Cursor Separated Version

20. Which module is used for working with CSV files in


(a) random
(b) statistics
(c) csv
(d) math

21. Which of the following modes is used for both writing and
reading from a binary file?

(a) wb+
(b) w
(c) wb
(d) w+

22. Which statement is used to retrieve the current position

within the file?

(b) fp.tell()
(c) fp.loc
(d) fp.pos

23. What happens if no arguments are passed to the seek()


(a) file position is set to the start of file

(b) file position is set to the end of file
(c) file position remains unchanged
(d) results in an error

24. Which of the following modes will refer to binary data?

(a) r
(b) w
(c) +
(d) b

25. Every record in a CSV file is stored in reader object in the

form of a list using which method?

(a) writer()
(b) append()
(c) reader()
(d) list()

26. Information stored on a storage device with a specific

name is called a _____.

(a) array
(b) dictionary
(c) file
(d) tuple

27. Which of the following format of files can be created

programmatically through Python to some data?

(a) Data files

(b) Text files
(c) Video files
(d) Binary files

28. To open a file c:\ss.txt for appending data, we use

(a) file = open("c:\\ss.txt", "a")

(b) file = open("c:\\ss.txt", "rw")
(c) file = open(r"c\ss.txt", "a")
(d) file = open(file = "c:\ss.txt", "w")
(e) file = open(file = "c\\ss.txt", "w")
(f) file = open("c\ res.txt")

29. To read the next line of the file from a file object infi, we

(c) infi.readline()
(d) infi.readlines()

30. To read the remaining lines of the file from a file object infi,
we use
(c) infi.readline()
(d) infi.readlines()

31. The readlines() method returns

(a) str
(b) a list of lines
(c) a list of single characters
(d) a list of integers

32. Which of the following mode will refer to binary data?

(a) r
(b) w
(c) +
(d) b

33. In file handling, what does this term means "r, a"?

(a) read, append

(b) append, read
(c) all of the mentioned
(d) none of these

34. Which function is used to read all the characters?

(a) read()
(b) read characters()
(c) readall()
(d) readchar()

35. Which function is used to read single line from file?

(a) readline()
(b) readlines()
(c) readstatement( )
(d) readfulline()

36. Which function is used to write all the characters?

(a) write()
(b) writecharacters()
(c) writeall()
(d) writechar()

37. Which function is used to write a list of strings in a file?

(a) writeline()
(b) writelines()
(c) writestatement()
(d) writefullline()

38. Which of the following is modes of both writing and

reading in binary format in file?

(a) wb+
(b) w
(c) wb
(d) w+

39. Which of the following is not a valid mode to open a file?

(a) ab
(b) rw
(c) r+
(d) w+

40. What is the difference between r+ and w+ modes?

(a) No difference.
(b) In r+ mode, the pointer is initially placed at the beginning
of the file and for w+, the pointer is placed at the end.
(c) In w+ mode, the pointer is initially placed at the beginning
of the file and for r+, the pointer is placed at the end.
(d) Depends on the operating system.


1. b
2. b
3. a
4. d
5. a
6. b
7. a
8. c
9. d
10. d
11. c
12. c
13. d
14. c
15. a
16. b
17. a
18. b
19. b
20. c
21. a
22. b
23. d
24. d
25. c
26. c
27. b, d
28. a, c
29. c
30. d
31. b
32. d
33. a
34. a
35. a
36. a
37. b
38. a
39. b
40. B
1. _____ in Python are interpreted as a sequence or stream of
bytes stored on some storage media.

2. The _____ function creates a file object used to call other

support methods associated with it.

3. Files in Python can be opened in one of the three modes -

_____, _____ and _____.

4. The _____ method writes a list of strings to a file.

5. The _____ method of a file object flushes any unwritten

information and closes the file object.

6. The name of the current working directory can be

determined using _____ method.

7. The_____ method is used to rename the file or folder.

8. The _____ method is used to remove/delete a file.

9. A _____ file is a series of 1's and 0's, treated as raw data and
read byte-by-byte.

10. The _____ statement automatically closes the file after the
processing on the file gets over.

11. The read() function reads data from the _____ of a file.

12. The pickle module produces two main methods called

_____ and ____ for writing and reading operations.

13. The readlines() returns a list of lines from the file till _____.

14. The _____ method reads 'n' characters from the file.

15. _____ function is used to force transfer of data from buffer

to file.

16. _____ format is a text format accessible to all applications

across several platforms.

17. _____ method is used for random access of data in a CSV


18. _____ method of pickle module is used to write an object

into binary file.
19. _____ method of pickle module is used to read data from a
binary file.

20. _____ statement is given for importing csv module into

your program.

21. _____ is a string method that joins all values of each row
with comma separator in CSV.

22. _____ object contains the number of the current line in a

CSV file.

23. To end all the file contents in the form of a list, _____
method may be used.

24. To read all the file contents, _____ method is used.

25. To force Python to write the contents of file buffer on to

storage file, _____ method may be used.

26. The default file-open mode is _____ mode.

27. A _____ governs the type of operations (e.g.,

read/write/append) possible in the opened file.

28. The two types of data files can be _____ files and _____ files.

29. The other name for file object is _____.

30. The _____ file mode will open a file for read and write

31. The _____ file mode will open a file for write and read
32. To close an open file, _____ method is used.

33. To read all the file contents in form of a list, ______ method
is used.

34. To write a list in a file, _____ method may be used.

35. To force Python to write the contents of file buffer on to

storage file, _____ method may be used.


1. Files
2. open()
3. read ('r'), write ('w'), append ('a')
4. writelines()
5. close()
6. getcwd()
7. rename()
8. remove()
9. binary
10. with
11. (beginning)
12. dump(), load()
13. end of file (EOF)
14. read(n)
15. flush()
16. CSV
17. seek()
18. dump()
19. load()
20. import csv
21. join()
22. line_num
23. readlines()
24. writelines()
25. flush()
26. read
27. file mode
28. text, binary
29. file handle
30. r+
31. w+ or a+
32. close()
33. readlines()
34. writelines()
35. flush()


1. An absolute path always begins with the root folder.

2. It is not necessary to always create the file in the same default

folder where Python has been installed.

3. In binary file, there is no delimiter for a line.

4. A binary file stores information in ASCII or Unicode characters.

5. readline() reads the entire file at a time.

6. A close() function breaks the link of the file object and the file on
the disk.

7. When you open a file in read mode, the given file must exist in
the folder, otherwise Python will raise FileNotFound error.

8. The default file open mode is write mode.

9. Opening a file in append mode erases the previous data.

10. A file mode defines the type of operations that is to be

performed on the file.

11. A stream is defined as a sequence of characters.

12. readlines() function returns a list of strings, each separated by


13. file() and open() functions have different usage.

14. Data maintained inside the file is termed as "persistent”

(permanent in nature) data.
15. with statement ensures that all the resources allocated to the
file objects get deallocated automatically.

16. CSV module can handle CSV files correctly regardless of the
operating system on which the files were created.

17. CSV module gets automatically imported into your program for
reading a CSV file.

18. The type of operation that can be performed on a file depends

upon the file mode in which it is opened.

19. Functions readline() and readlines() are essentially the same.

20. Every record in a CSV file is stored in reader object in the form
of a list.

21. writerow() method allows us to write a list of fields to the CSV


22. Comma is the default delimiter for a CSV file.

23. tell() method of Python tells us the current position within the
24. The offset argument to seek() method indicates the number of
bytes to be moved.

25. If the offset value is set to 2, beginning of the file would be

taken as seek position.

26. When you open a file for reading, if the file does not exist, an
error occurs.

27. When you open a file for writing, if the file does not exist, an
error occurs.

28. When you open a file for writing, if the file exists, the existing
file is overwritten with the new file.

29. The absolute paths are from the topmost level of the directory

30. The relative paths are relative to current working directory.

31. The relative path for a file always remains same even after
changing the directory.

32. The types of operations that can be carried out on a file depends
upon the file mode a file is opened in.
33. If no path is given with a file name in the file open(), then the
file must exist in current directory.

34. Functions readline() and readlines() are essentially the same.

35. Python automatically flushes the file buffers before closing a file
with close() function.


1. True

2. False

3. True

4. False

5. False

6. True

7. True

8. False

9. False

10. True
11. False

12. True

13. False

14. True

15. True

16. True

17. False

18. True

19. False

20. True

21. True

22. True

23. True

24. True

25. False

26. True

27. False

28. True

29. True

30. True

31. False

32. True
33. True

34. False

35. True

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