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QlikView Technical Brief

June 2013
QlikView 11.2

INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 3

SET THE SCENE ................................................................................................................ 4

FUNCTIONS, FEATURES AND TRICKS USED .................................................... 4

DATA MODEL ..................................................................................................................... 4

TABLES .................................................................................................................. 4

SCRIPT................................................................................................................................ 5

STEPS TO IMPLEMENT AND-MODE IN A LIST BOX ...................................................... 6

SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................ 10

REFERENCES .................................................................................................................. 10

AND-Mode | 2
• QVW. A QVW titled AND
In this document, the steps necessary to use AND-Mode in your
Mode.qvw was created to
QlikView list box will be explored. What is AND-Mode? AND-Mode
illustrate how to use AND-
allows us to change the logic in a list box from OR to AND so when
making multiple selections in a list box, data associated with all the
selections is displayed. This document will cover the criteria that need
to be met before AND-Mode can be used and the steps necessary to
add the functionality to a QlikView application.

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Set the Scene
By default, multiple selections in a list box are interpreted as a logical OR so when more than
one item is selected in a list box, the other fields will display data associated with any of the
selections. When using AND-Mode, the other fields will display data associated with all of the


The following QlikView features were used:
•Use of Distinct

Data Model
Before beginning, let’s take a look at the data model and how we loaded the field that will be
used for AND-Mode. Below is an illustration of the data model created.

• Customers - stores the customers
• SalesDetails – stores the transactions made by the customers
• ItemMaster – stores product information
• ANDModeTable – stores the field that will be used in the AND-Mode list box

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For the most part the script used to create the data model is straight-forward but there are some
rules when creating the table (ANDModeTable) that stores the field that will be used in the AND-
Mode list box.

1. The table that stores the AND-Mode field has to be in a table with only two fields, one
of which is a key and the other which is the field that will be used in the AND-Mode
list box.
2. The records in the ANDModeTable must be distinct.

Here is the script used to illustrate AND-Mode:

The Customers, ItemMaster and SalesDetails tables are loaded from QVDs. To create the
ANDModeTable, the Distinct keyword is used to load the Customer Number field which is a key
field and Product Sub Group Desc which is the field that will be used in the AND-Mode list box.
If the Distinct clause is excluded from the Load statement, AND-Mode will not work. It is not
enough that the table contains only distinct records or that the data is loaded using a “SELECT
distinct,” the Distinct clause must be included in the Load statement. Since we want to use the
Product Sub Group Desc field in the application to see what customers bought, it is important to
create the ANDModeTable from the SalesDetails table that has all the customer transactions.

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Now that the data model is created, we can move to the UI to see how we set up the AND-Mode

Steps to Implement AND-Mode in a List Box

Now that the data model is complete, the AND-Mode list box can be created.
1. Add a list box to the sheet for the Product Sub Group ANDMode field. This is the field
created in the script specifically for AND-Mode use.
2. Right-click on the list box and select Properties.
3. Go to the General tab and check the And mode check box. This option is enabled
because we followed the proper criteria for using AND-Mode: the AND-Mode field is one
of two fields in a table and distinct was used when creating the table. If the AND-Mode
check box is disabled then the field was not set up properly.

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4. Click the OK button.

Now that the AND-Mode list box is created, let’s take a look at how it can be used. On the sheet,
there is a normal list box for Product Sub Group that works like a default QlikView list box and
there is an AND-Mode list box for the Product Sub Group. Normally, you would use one or the
other but this document has both to illustrate the differences between the two.

When a selection is made in the Product Sub Group – Default list box, it works as expected
using a logical OR. The other fields on the sheet will filter if there is a data association to any of
the selections. For example, when Bologna and Cheese are selected, the pivot table is filtered
to show customers who purchased Bologna or Cheese. Since it is a logical OR, we can see that
some customers purchased Bologna, some purchased Cheese and some purchased both
Bologna and Cheese.

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Now if the Product Sub Group – ANDMode list box is used to make the Bologna and Cheese
selections, the results will be different. Using AND-Mode, uses a logical AND instead of OR so
the data returned in the pivot table will show customers who purchased both Bologna and

Notice in the Product Sub Group – ANDMode list box, there is an amperstand (&) in front of the
selected values. This is the case when AND-Mode is activated. Another feature of the AND-
Mode is the ability to make selections a NOT which is a forced exclusion of a value. For

AND-Mode | 8
example, we are looking at customers who purchased Bologna and Cheese but what if we want
to see customers who purchased Bologna and Cheese and not Sliced Bread. We can see this
by making an additional selection in the Product Sub Group – ANDMode list box. To make a
NOT selection, click on the item and hold it a moment, the selection will switch from an AND to a
NOT selection and will appear in red with an exclamation point (!) in front instead of an

Once this selection is made, the pivot table will display customers who purchased Bologna and
Cheese and did not purchase Sliced Bread.

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This is a good way to see what items were purchased together or not purchased together.

In this technical brief, the steps to add an AND-Mode list box to a QlikView application was
explored. The criteria that must be met when creating the data model as well as how to activate
the functionality was reviewed. Examples were also provided on how the AND-Mode can be
used and how if differs from the default list box.

Below are supporting materials that may be helpful:

QVW – AND Mode.qvw

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