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Explosive Detection and Testing

INL scientists and engineers
also have extensive expertise
INL has developed a remote in bulk explosives detection
explosives detection system technologies and are in-
for the Department of
volved in the development
and demonstration of the
Idaho Explosives Detection
System (IEDS) for cargo
truck inspections at entry
points to Department of
Defense facilities. INL is
also developing other bulk
explosives detection tech-
nologies for DHS and DoD
customers such as modifying
Performing research, developing its award-winning detection
technology – the portable
technologies, and conducting field isotopic neutron spectros-
testing for real-world solutions. copy system (PINS).
National Security

errorist bombings of conducting research and INL is conducting research
U.S. military posts performing testing on trace in diverse areas addressing a
and government explosives detection systems multitude of explosives-
installations are on the rise for the U.S. Department of related issues.
throughout the world. In Homeland Security and
addition, experts are con- other federal agencies. They Enhanced Explosives
cerned that these attacks perform explosive forensic Testing
could spread to various analysis, design improved Use large-magnitude explo-
types of U.S. infrastructure sensors and develop detec- sive devices to validate blast
facilities, ranging from tion testing protocols and effects models and to
power distribution stations standards. determine the effectiveness
and dams to subways and
INL maintains a Class II, Continued next page
sports complexes.
Division I Operations Room
Idaho National Laboratory is for explosives assembly and
attacking this threat head-on a BATF-certified magazine
with comprehensive re- for explosives storage.
search, field-ready technolo-
gies, and the facilities and
multidisciplinary teams of
experts to develop and test
systems and solutions.
INL scientists perform
INL scientists, experts in ion testing on trace explosives
mobility and secondary ion detection systems for TSA
mass spectrometry, are at its on-site laboratory.

concealed under clothing explosives, record dynamic

using passive, long wave effects, measure/record
infrared sensors. pressure-time histories,
crater size, barrier damage,
Advanced Automated Ion
and the extent of the debris.
Mobility Spectrometer for
These test data are then used
Explosives Detection
INL’s explosive test range enables our scientists to conduct to validate blast effects
experiments using large-magnitude explosive devices to validate the Design, model and fabricate models, enhance the accu-
effectiveness of physical security barriers, to quantitatively identify
a simultaneous dual-mode
the threat and to develop methods for mitigating vulnerabilities.
racy of vulnerability assess-
IMS with a unique auto- ment models, and support
Continued from previous page mated spectral interpretation the development of im-
system to improve detection proved protective structures.
of security barriers and other
limits and resolution while
protective structures. Facilities
enabling simultaneous
Next-Generation Neutron detection of a greater INL’s Test Range – 32 miles
Generator number of compounds west of Idaho Falls, Idaho – is
For more information including explosives and remote and secure yet still
Develop a reliable, portable
convenient to airport, inter-
neutron generator for use with chemical warfare agents.
Dr. Ernesto Cespedes state and rail. The Site
INL-developed prompt Testing
208-526-6469 contains clusters of facilities –
gamma-ray neutron activation INL has the capabilities to similar to several small cities.
analysis systems that is used
test a wide range of explo- The remainder of the land is
worldwide to characterize
sives threats, measure their native rolling landscape.
munitions filled with explo-
effects on structures and
INL is a U.S. Department of sives or chemical agents. INL has operated research
protective barriers, and
Energy National Laboratory and development, manufac-
Next-Generation Imaging evaluate the effectiveness of
turing and waste manage-
Systems for Stand-Off potential countermeasures.
ment programs for more
Detection of Suicide
INL has the ability to than 50 years, resulting in a
Bombing Suspects
detonate large explosive complex internal infrastruc-
Design, develop and test an charges to quantitatively ture containing facilities
imaging and analysis system characterize explosives representative of the nation’s
to enhance the stand-off threats. Most physical critical infrastructure. Many
detection of explosives barrier design data is un- of these facilities – active
tested and relies heavily on and inactive – are available
empirical calculations. for isolatable tests. Addition-
Security designs are based ally, INL has established
on extrapolations from several specific test beds
textbook equations devel- that can be used to conduct
oped for the design of independent or integrated
common construction tests. These include:
materials. Terrorist bombing,
• SCADA/Control System
a new tactic against national
security, challenges our • Powergrid
understanding of barrier • Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
performance against this
threat. INL’s explosives test • Wireless Communications
range enables our scientists • Cyber Security
to safely detonate large-scale
• Active Interrogation
INL scientists demonstrated explosives detection using active
interrogation technologies


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