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BEE Assignment Solutions

Ans. D) Its efficiency is high due to a high voltage across the junction.

Ans. D) I 3>I1>I2

Ans. B) A common emitter amplifier circuit

Ans. A) An OR gate and an AND gate respectively.

Ans. B) NOR gate

Ans. D) Sample X is undoped while samples Y and Z have been doped with a
fifth group and third group impurity respectively.

Ans. Vs =vp(n2/n1) = 311(50/1000) = 311/20 = 15.5V
Vs=Vm (maximum voltage across secondary winding)
In CT FWR, PV is maximum voltage across the reverse biased diode which is
2Vm = 31V.
Q8. A) Given: R1=R2 = 7.5Kohms, C=0.1µF, Vcc = 5V
To find: Output frequency (F)=?
Ans. F=1/T
t1=0.693(7.5+7.5) *0.1 = 1.04s
t2= 0.693(7.5) *0.1 = 0.52s
T= 1.56s
F=1/1.56 = 0.641KHz.
Output Waveform:
B) Given: F=1KHz, C=0.01µF, D=50% (0.5)
To find: R1 and R2. Draw the circuit.
Ans. R1= 1.44*(2*D-1)/(F*C) = 1.44*(2*0.5-1)/ (1*0.01)
= 1.44*(0)/ (0.01) = 1.44*0 = 0Kohms.
R2= 1.44*(1-D)/(F*C) = 1.44*(1-0.5)/ (1*0.01)
= 1.44*(0.5)/0.01 = 1.44*50 = 72Kohms.
Therefore, R1=0Kohms and R2= 72Kohms.
Circuit Diagram:

An IoT device may consist of wired and wireless connections to

other devices.
• I/O interfaces for sensors
• Interfaces for Internet connectivity
• Memory and storage interfaces
• Audio/video interfaces.

 Physical things exist in the physical world and are capable of being
sensed, actuated and connected.
Examples of physical things include the surrounding, environment,
industrial robots, goods and electrical equipment.
 Virtual things exist in the information world and are capable of being
stored, processed and accessed.
Examples of virtual things include multimedia content and application
 The "Things" in IoT usually refers to IoT devices which have unique
identities and can perform remote sensing, actuating and monitoring
 Things are smart objects, that can communicate with each other through
E.g., Sensors, Smart-phones, Electronic Appliances etc.

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