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This assessment is made up of multiple choice questions.
 Each multiple choice question has four (4) responses. There is only one (1) correct answer.
 Read all questions carefully before answering.
 Attempt all questions.
 For multiple choice questions, circle the letter beside correct answer or fill in the correct circle. If you make a mistake cross out the entry
and circle the correct answer. Clearly indicate ONE answer only.
 Do not begin to write until instructed to do so.
 Check with your supervisor if you are allowed to use a dictionary, calculator or other resources.
 All mobile phones are to be switched off before the commencement of the examination.
 No other papers, books or resources are allowed. All other documents and resources must be left with the supervisor.
 All writing and working to be done on the answer sheets.
 If you require any assistance during the examination, raise your hand and the supervisor will attend to you.
 Please observe strict silence.

There may be variations to these Instructions to Candidates for specific examinations. Your Supervisor will explain any specific requirements.

Examiner Comments and Feedback

Result Reassessment
S = Satisfactory S = Satisfactory
NS = Not Satisfactory NS = Not Satisfactory
NA = Not Assessed NA = Not Assessed

 Multiple Choice Knowledge

Assessment B S | NS | NA S | NS | NA

Comments and Feedback:

The Students overall result

was: □ Satisfactory □ Unsatisfactory □ Resit Required

Student Examiner
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Choice Business College Pty Ltd

ABN 28 130 302 000 | RTO 41297 | CRICOS PROVIDER CODE 03444C
V 2.0 Last updated 23 January 2018
SITHCCC004 - PACKAGE PREPARED FOODSTUFFS – Multiple Choice – Knowledge Test

1. What quality checks should you complete on any food being selected for packaging?
(a) Freshness, chemical contamination, cleanliness of the packaging container.
(b) All food should be tested for nutritional value and correctness of ingredients to ensure accurate
labelling procedures later.
(c) Freshness, visual appeal, portion sizes, potential contamination.
(d) That food items and their ingredients were correctly prepared and stored prior to packaging.

2. You have been asked to package fresh pasta for sale to customers. When you remove the cling wrap
covering the bulk container, you notice an unpleasant smell and black spots on some of the pasta.
The internal date stamp states it was made three days ago. What should you do next?
(a) Express your concerns with a higher-level staff member and discuss how to resolve the issue.
(b) Investigate if the rest of the batch also has black spots. Throw out the damaged pasta and
package the rest as per normal procedures.
(c) Take the pasta to the kitchen and tell them you cannot package the pasta in its current state.
Order them to resolve the issue and then return to other duties.
(d) Discuss the issue with a colleague to work out how best to resolve the problem. Take action
based on the results of your discussion.

3. Which factor influences what packaging material you select for specific types of foods?
(a) If customers or staff are handling the packaging and the long-term effects of storage.
(b) The potential for contamination of high-risk hazardous foods and storage requirements.
(c) The visual presentation of the food item, permeability and ability to recycle.
(d) Its intended use, permeability and the acidity of the food.

4. How do the dimensions of the packaging affect its visual presentation?

(a) Oversized containers are difficult for the customer to manage opening and can lead to
(b) Incorrectly shaped packaging means the packaged items cannot be displayed, stored or
transported easily.
(c) If the dimensions are inappropriate the portion of food can look small or the food looks like it has
been squashed into the packaging.
(d) The packaging must be large enough for garnish and accompaniments to be included so
customers feel they are getting value for money.

5. What is the difference between labelling guidelines outlined in the Food Standards Code and those
required by the organisation?
(a) The Code details what types of foods must be labelled and where the labels are located
whereas organisational specifications relate to internal codes.
(b) The Code details mandatory labelling requirements. Organisational labels provide additional,
non-mandatory, information.
(c) Organisational standards outline information to be written on a label. The Code’s guidelines
describe food safety procedures to be followed when packaging the food.
(d) Organisational standards are mandatory whereas the Code’s guidelines are not.

Choice Business College Pty Ltd

ABN 28 130 302 000 | RTO 41297 | CRICOS PROVIDER CODE 03444C
V 2.0 Last updated 23 January 2018
SITHCCC004 - PACKAGE PREPARED FOODSTUFFS – Multiple Choice – Knowledge Test

6. What is one procedure you can follow to reduce the risk of food items becoming contaminated during
the packaging process?
(a) Ensure all packaging is made from recyclable materials which have been chemically treated.
(b) Return unused packaging to the main storage area after packing processes are completed.
(c) Check the use-by and best-before dates of all food ingredients prior to starting packaging
(d) Keep foods awaiting packaging covered at all times.

7. How can you reduce the risk of food becoming contaminated by the packaging environment?
(a) Ensure the temperature of refrigerated and hot storage areas is monitored and adjusted to suit
environmental conditions.
(b) Clean all packaging, storage areas and benches on a daily basis using hot water and detergent.
(c) Clean and sanitise all surfaces, utensils and packaging equipment between different tasks.
(d) Place pest control devices, such as baits, underneath bench areas and packaging equipment to
eliminate contamination from pests.

8. What tasks do you complete when restoring the work area to its original condition?
(a) Store unused food and equipment, transfer dirty equipment to wash up area, clean the work
area and restock packaging materials.
(b) Return all food to the refrigerator, wash all equipment using hot soapy water and return to
correct position in work or storage area.
(c) Wipe down and sanitise all surfaces, obtain and prepare or assemble all equipment required for
the next tasks, obtain all necessary food and packaging materials.
(d) Remove all portable equipment from the work area, clean and sanitise all surfaces, floors and
walls, return clean equipment to allocated positions.

9. What do you do if you identify unsafe or faulty equipment?

(a) Complete a maintenance request form and submit it to the maintenance department.
(b) Rectify the issue if you have the ability and authority to do so, otherwise report the problem
using appropriate procedures and documentation.
(c) Remove the item of equipment from the work area and clearly label it with what the problem is
so it will be followed up.
(d) Rectify the issue to the best of your ability. If you are unable to fix it, label the item so others will
not use it and report the problem to your immediate supervisor.

10. You have just completed packaging lasagne for distribution to an outlet. There is half a tray of lasagne
left. It was cooked earlier today and chilled prior to packaging. What should you do with it?
(a) Cover it and return to the refrigerator for use at a later time.
(b) Dispose of it as it cannot be reheated.
(c) Freeze it for at least two days as this destroys any bacteria and means it can be reheated and
served later.
(d) Dispose of it as it contains high-risk, perishable ingredients and the food has been on the bench
for 30 minutes during packaging.

Choice Business College Pty Ltd

ABN 28 130 302 000 | RTO 41297 | CRICOS PROVIDER CODE 03444C
V 2.0 Last updated 23 January 2018

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