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The Shot That Started the Revolution

From Alexa Lehman

“On that night the formation of American independence was laid… Not the battle of Lexington
or Bunker Hill, not the surrender of Burgoyne or Cornwallis were more important events in
American history than the battle of King Street on March 5th 1770.”
as John Adams Famously Called the Boston Massacre

THE BOSTON escalated quickly with the Patrick Carr, Samuel

MASSACRE mob. Maverick, and James
Caldwell. They were
The Boston Massacre is a LOCATION AND
viewed as heroes and got
famous prerevolutionary INVOLVEMENT
buries together in the
incident that happened on
This altercation took place Granary Burial Ground.
March 5, 1770. The
in front of the Customs 12,000 Bostonians joined
incident involved a “mob”
House on King Street. The together to attend the
of protestors and the
initial altercation involved funeral.
British troops. An
small groups from each
altercation happened and a
side but then grew to 4,000
shot was fired into the mob
British troops and 20,000 AFTERMATH
due to the mob growing
bigger than the British After the incident
troops. Governor Willam
Hutchinson instigated an
investigation. The soldiers
WHAT LED UP TO CPL Williams Wemm, PV
THE MASSACRE Hugh Montgomery, PV
James Hatigan, PV
Many things led up to the
William McCauley, PV
massacre. The event that
Hugh White, PV Matthew
was crucial was the
Kilroy, PV William
Towshend Act in 1767,
Warren, and PV John
which led to the arrival of
DEATHS AND Caroll all were arrested
the troops to tame the
INJURIES and plead not guilty.
residents on September
Kilroy and Montgomery
28th, 1768. Things were Combined there were 5 found guilty.
already tense, and a soldier civilians killed and 6
named Hugh White got injured. The deceased
into an argument that names were Crispus
Attucks, Samuel Gray,

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