fli6 O Z) Lifs Tyf Fdfflhs LJSF +:yf, G) I8F) G) KFN

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g]kfndf ul/aL /x];Dd ul/aLlj?4sf] xfd|f] n8fO{ lg/Gt/ hf/L /xg]5 .

Govt. Nepal Regd. No.: 102/051/52 Nepal Rastra Bank License No.: 50 Social Welfare Council Aff. No.: 3222

/fli6«o z}lIfs tyf ;fDfflhs ljsf; ;+:yf, g]i8f] g]kfn

National Educational & Social Development Organization, NESDO Nepal
An Organization for Propoor Social Inclusion, livelihood Improvement & Sustainable Development

Branch Office:
• Kusma, Parbat
Phone: 067-420229
rnfgL g+M ÷)&%÷&^ ldltM @)&%÷)*÷)*
• Beni, Myagdi
Phone: 069-521023 nfO{M
• Chipledhunga, Pokhara
Phone: 061-524908
• Lekhnath, Kaski
Phone: 061-561716
>L ================================== Ho",
• Damauli, Tanahun
Phone: 065-561771
• Putali Bazar, Syangja
Phone: 063-420836
>4]o÷cfhLjg÷;fwf/0f ;b:o
• Waling, Syangja
Phone: 063-440593
• Bhoteodar, Lamjung
Phone: 066-400123
ljifoM ;fwf/0f ;ef ;DjGwdf .
• Dumre, Tanahun
Phone: 065-580186 dxf]bo,
• Tansen, Palpa
Phone: 075-520342
• Gorkha Bazar, Gorkha
lhNnf k|zf;g sfof{no kj{tdf btf{ eO{ ;dfh sNof0f kl/ifb sf7df08f}df cfj4 eO{ g]kfn /fi6« j}+sjf6 n3'
Phone: 064-421475
• Duipiple, Lamajung
Mob.: 9846063433
ljQLo sf/f]jf/ ug]{ Ohfht lnO{ g]kfnsf !@ lhNnfdf %^ j6f zfvf sfof{no dfkm{t *) xhf/ dlxnf, ljkGg
• Khairenitar, Tanahun
Phone: 065-570776 tyf ;fdflhs ?kdf jlGrtLdf k/]sf ju{sf] r]tgf, ;+u7g, cfocfh{gsf] dfWodjf6 hLljsf]kfh{gdf ;'wf/ Nofpg

Fighting Against Poverty Since 1995

• Baglung Bazar
Phone: 068-522736
• Beshisahar, Lamjung ;dlk{t o; /fli6«o z}lIfs tyf ;fdflhs ljsf; ;+:yf, g]i8f] g]kfnsf] @$cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f;ef–@)&%,
Phone: 066-520808
• Bharatpur, Chitwan ær]tgf, ;+u7g / cfocfh{g, zxsfo{, ;befj / Pstf .
Phone: 056-530893
• Tandi, Chitwan
Phone: 056-563439 3/b}nf]df u'0f:t/Lo n3' ljQLo ;]jf g]i8f] g]kfnsf] k|ltj4tf ..
• Chanauli, Chitwan

Phone: 056-592147
• Rampur, Palpa
dlxnf, ljkGg Pjd\ jlGrt ef}uf]lnstfdf ljsf;sf] jxf/ .
Phone: 075-400029 cfly{s, ;fdflhs Pjd\ ef}lts ljsf;, /fli6«o ;d[4Lsf] cfwf/ ..Æ
• Patichaur, Parbat
Phone: 067-410085
• Naudanda, Kaski
Phone: 061-414023
eGg] d'ngf/fsf ;fy lgDg
• Kawasoti, Nawalparasi
Phone: 078-541086
• Bardaghat, Nawalparasi
ldlt, ;do / :yfg
Phone: 078-580741
• Sunwal, Nawalparasi ldltM @)&% d+l;/ @( ut] zlgjf/sf lbg
Phone: 078-570509
• Huwas, Parbat
Phone: 067-411076
ldltM ljxfg l7s &=)) jh],

• Arghali, Palpa
Mob.: 9847647238 :yfgM xf]6n j]Gh', s'ZDff kj{tsf] ;efxndf
• Galkot, Baglung
Phone: 068-412031
• Burtibang, Baglung
cfXjfg ul/Psf] Joxf]/f ;xif{ hfgsf/L
Phone: 068-410093
• Kharbang, Baglung
Phone: 079-412126
u/fpFb5f}+ . ;+:yfsf] pQm @$cf}+ jflif{s ;fwf/0f;ef df oxfFsf] clgjfo{ ;xeflutfsf] nflu xflb{s cg'/f]w ub{5f}+ .
• Birauta, Kaski
Phone: 061-464013
• Bhandara, Chitwan
oxfFsf] hfgsf/Lsf] nflu ;fwf/0f;efsf] sfo{qmd tklzn jd]flhd /x]sf] 5M
Phone: 056-550595 tklzn
• Belatari, Nawalparasi
Phone: 078-419089
• Mugling, Chitwan
Phone: 056-540115
qm=;+= sfo{qmd ;do ;fwf/0f ;efdf lg0f{ofy{ k|:t't k|:tfjx?
• Phalewas, Parbat != ljxfgsf] gf:tf ljxfg &M)) b]lv &M#) jh];Dd, • cf=j= @)&$÷&% sf] k|ult k|ltj]bg k|:t't÷cg'df]bg
Phone: 067-430043
• Darwang, Myagdi @= ;b:ox?sf] gfd btf{ ljxfg &M#) b]lv *M)) jh];Dd, • cf=j= @)&$÷&% sf] cfly{s k|ltj]bg k|:t't÷cg'df]bg
Phone: 069-420003
• Lunkhu, Parbat #= ;fwf/0f;ef pb\3f6g ljxfg )*M)) b]lv !!M)) jh];Dd, • c=j= @)&%÷&^ sf] jflif{s sfo{qmd k|:t't÷kfl/t &
Mob.: 9817567943
• Thapathana, Parbat $= vfgf lj>fd lbgsf] !!M)) b]lv !@M#) jh];Dd, • c=j= @)&%÷&^ sf] k|:tfljt jh]6 k|:t't÷kfl/t
Mob.: 9867706981 %= jGb z];g lbgsf] !@M#) b]lv $M#) jh];Dd, • n]vf kl/If0f k|ltj]bg dfly 5nkmn tyf cg'df]bg,

• Madi, Chitwan
Phone: 056-501042
• Arunkhola, Nawalparasi
^= ;dfkg ;df/f]x ck/fGx $M#) b]lv %M#) jh];Dd, • cf=j= @)&%÷&^ sf] nflu n]vf kl/Ifs lgo'QmL tyf kfl/>lds lgwf{/0f
Phone: 078-555110
• Parasi Bazar, Nawalparasi
• ;~rfns ;ldltsf] lg0f{o tyf kl/dflh{t gLlt, lgodx?sf] cg'df]bg,
Phone: 078-520611
• Bhimad, Tanahun
• g]i8f] ;Dj[4 n3'ljQ ljQLo ;+:yf ln= df sf/f]jf/ x:tfGt/0f ;DjGwdf,
Phone: 065-572352
• Karaputaar, Lamjung
• cGo ;d;fdflos k|:tfj kfl/t,
Phone: 066-410158
• Thantipokhari, Gorkha dfly pNn]lvt k|:tfjx?sf] cnjf s'g} ljz]if k|:tfj ePdf @$ 306f cufj} ;+:yfsf] k|wfg sfof{no, s'Zdf kj{tdf
Phone: 064-400085
• Ghalchowk, Gorkha
Phone: 010-416080
lnlvt btf{ u/fpg' xf]nf . wGojfb .
• Arughat, Gorkha
Phone: 064-410175
• Galyang, Syangja
Phone: 063-460373
• Chapakot, Syangja
Phone: 063-411125
• Parbatipur, Chitwan
Mob.: 9845519156
• Amarapuri, Nawalparasi
Mob.: 9867223385
-ljZj k|sfz k|;fO{_
• Dedhgaun, Nawalparasi
Mob.: 9846573963
• Chhahara, Palpa
;b:o ;lrj
Mob.: 9867838462
• Setibeni, Parbat
Mob.: 9857068574
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Our Vision
We Want - Poverty Free, Inclusive & Prosperous New Nepal
Head Office: Kushma Muncipality-06, Newroad, Parbat Microfinance Central Office: Pokhara Metropolitan-17, Birauta, Damsideroad, Kaski
Tel.: +977-67-420229, 420060, 420803, Fax: +977-67-420803 Tel.: +977-61-460060, 463160, 460329, Fax: +977-61-460329
E-mail: bishwa.nesdo@gmail.com, Website: www.nesdonepal.org
‘‘dfgjLo ;]jfdf ;dlk{t :jo+;]jLx?sf] kxndf :yflkt ;fdflhs ljsf; ;+:yf’’

24 Annual Report 2017/018

24th Annual General Assembly
15th December 2018 (29th Mangsir 2075 )
A. Registration & Breakfast 7:00AM to 8:00AM
B. Opening Ceremony 8:00AM to 11:00AM
1. Chairing the Chairperson
2. Chairing the Chief Guest and other Guest of Honor
3. Distributing Batch to Guest, Institutional Welcome to Guests, Honoring Institutional
Anthem and National Anthem
4. One Minute Silence invocation for Martyr and for National & World Peace
5. Formal Program inaguration by lighting the perprosus lamp
6. Commitment for Fight Against Poverty by Staff and Management
7. Brief Institutional Program Presentation:
7.1. Brief Annual Progress Report of FY 2074/075 and Poliy & Program of FY
2075/076 Presentation
7.2. Brief Financial Progress of FY 2074/075 and Budget for FY 075/076 Presentation
8. Personality Recognition Award Declaration and Distribution
9. Various Caltural Show
10. Warm Greeting Speech by Guest
11. Filiciating Chief Guest along with other Guest of Honor
12. Chief Guest Speech
13. Speech and Opening Ceremony Closing Remarks by the Chairperson
Lunch Break 11:00AM to 12:30PM
Inhouse Session: 12:30PM to 4:30 PM
1. Chairing the Chairperson & BoD
2. Assined Responsibility Such as (Time keeper, Reporter & Surzent at Arm)
3. AGM Agenda Presentation and its approval from General Assembly
Main Agendas:
4. Annual Progress of FY2074/075 & Annual Program of FY 2075/076, Presentation,
Discussion & Approval
5. Annual Financial Report of FY 2074/05 and Annual Budget for FY 2075/076,
Presentation, Discussion and Approval
6. Audit Report of FY 2074/075 Presentation, Discussion, Approval, Appoinment of
Auditor for FY 2075/76 & fixing the audit fee
8. Approval of Amended Constitution, Policy, Rule, Regulation & Board Decision
9. Decesion for Hand Over all the finicial transaction of NESDO, Nepal to NESDO
Sambridha Laghu Bittiya Santha Ltd
10. Fixing the Salary and other Benefit of CEO and special authority to Board & CEO
for Employees Salary & Others
Closing of AGM 4:30PM to 5:30PM

II @$ jflif{s k|ltj]bg @)&$÷)&%


S.No. Particulars Page No.
1 Message from the Chair 1
2 From the Desk of the Executive Chief 2-3

Fighting Against Poverty Since 1995

3 Introducing NESDO Nepal/Governance 4
4 Governing Board: 5
5 Vision/Mission/Goal 6
6 Managements 7-8
7 Management Team 9
8 Working Area of NESDO Nepal 10
9 Area of Expertise 11
10 Major Input & Output 12
11 Milestones 13
12 The Unique Features 14
13 Microfinance 15-22
14 Welfare Scheme & Remittance 23-25
15 Human Resources 26-28
16 Financial Information 29
17 Stories to Smile 30-31
18 Community Development Program 32-35
19 Annual Program & Approve Budget 36-37
20 From Suffering to Smile 38-39
21 Nesdo Nepal in Print Media 40
22 Audited Financial Statements 41-51
23 Events 2074/075 52-53
24 NESDO, Nepal at a Glance 54
25 NESDO Nepal Branch Offices 55-68
26 NESDO's Institutional Members List: 69-70
27 Legal Documents 71

24 Annual Report 2017/018

IV @$ jflif{s k|ltj]bg @)&$÷)&%
Message from the Chair

The year 2074/075 (2017/018) has been yet another successful year for NESDO Nepal. I take
the pride in all the progess and achievements that have been made by all the branch offices of
NESDO Nepal. It has completed two decades of its operation of the various activities in 12districts

Fighting Against Poverty Since 1995

of Nepal. Its Program activities cover a wide range of areas with particular focus and efforts on
Microfinance, Micro insurance, Agriculture, Health, Drinking Water & Sanitation, Gender
Promotion, Environment protection and so on. With these programs NESDO Nepal, till the end
of the reporting period had been serving more than 77 thousands ultra-poor families within the
working area. NESDO Nepal is thoroughly committed to its mission that it works in such way that
the beneficiaries can feel that the outcome at the end of the day is a collective achievement.
The Financial year 2074/075 (2017/018) demonstrated a higher progress and improvements of work
in all these programs under taken by NESDO Nepal. This was possible due to definitive policies
adopted and practiced, arduous work done by all the staff members of the organization support
provided by development partners, stake holders and well wishers. This year there had been 11
board meetings and the Annual General meeting. All these meetings reviewed the periodically
progress of the organization, approved the plans and budgets and decided policy issues and provide
guidance. I thank all the board members for their attendance and participation in board meetings as
well as the members of the general assembly for their cooperation, support and active participation
in the assembly in contributing to frame policy decisions and guidance.
The report outlines the activities performed by NESDO Nepal over the past one year and records the
story that the target people are moving forward being enabled by various programs implemented
by NESDO Nepal. The reader will find the details activities and the progress made during the FY
2074/075 (2017/018) .I sincerely thank all those who had put their hard work in achieving the
growth targets; I congratulates the relevant personnel who had put their labor in compiling and
preparing the report. I do believe that the readers will get an insight of NESDO Nepal through this
report .However; any suggestion from the readers will enable us to enrich the quality of the report
in the future.

Mr. Ratna Prasad Adhikari

24 Annual Report 2017/018

2 @$ jflif{s k|ltj]bg @)&$÷)&%
NESDO Nepal Completed 24 years in 2075 (2018).After two decades when I look back, It
reminds me, in what difficult situation NESDO Nepal started its journey from a remote
Village of Parbat districts of Nepal called Bajung,my birth place. After completing my
graduation in Law me with my 27 friends decided to registered a NOG Named NESDO
Nepal with an objective to serve the poor, marginalized community of Nepal. Over the
years NESDO Nepal has been able to overcome difficulties it faced and developed many
economic, social and safety nets, service dedicated to towards improving the socio-economic
conditions of the poor people.
NESDO Nepal as its very nomenclature is likely to denote is an organization primarily
devoted to create or assist in employment opportunities or income –generating activities in
the remote hilly rural area of Nepal.
NESDO Nepal realizes that the poor of the country are in the poverty circle because of
the Inheritance of some socio-economic realities. Reduction of poverty cannot be achieved
merely by making funds available. Funds have to be used for purpose that will enable them
to fight it back with some realistic plans. The fundamental principle on which the birth and
growth of NESDO Nepal was conceived relate to the improvement of the lives of the poor
reside in the remote hilly area. Looking back at the time span of more than two decades of

Fighting Against Poverty Since 1995

its operation, we fell that NESDO, Nepal had been in the right track and could make some
valuable and lasting contribution for the lives of the poor.
NESDO Nepal has emerged as the leader in Microfinance in the hilly area for its innovative
and vision –oriented ideas and for the passion that its personnel inject into implementation
of the program. Naturally our sincere efforts have earned commendations from the people
we target to serve, from the development partners, government agency, who put trust in us
and we try to honor the trust with our utmost commitment.
I feel delighted to share the fact that NESDO Nepal has not only been managing microfinance
sustainably but also providing social services from its own income. This is a rare example
in development practice. To keep the process of poverty reduction going and for the
sustainability of its achievements more social issues like health, education. Sanitation,
Hygiene has to be given due emphasis because there are interrelated with efforts of curbing
poverty. Lack of sound health, education pushes poor people in to chronic poverty.
I want to note that the success of NESDO Nepal is a collaborative achievement that has
established this organization as the most esteemed player in the comprehensive transaction
of microfinance in Nepal. While submitting this Annual Report for public readership .I fell
happy for the successful milage that we have traveled in the last financial year but this does
not signify our absolute self-gratification. I do humbly acknowledge the services rendered
by my colleagues at every level of the organogram, the assistance and cooperation from the
development partners who put in us their trust and all important resources.
We are going to celebrate our Silver Jubilee in next year. Altogether we left behind financial
year 2074/075 (2017/018) with a mixed bag of experience as we are able to reach 77 thousands
ultra poor families through our passionate and caring financial and non-financial services.
We are committed to reach more helpless people as well as more remote area with more
crucial services for the common mass in the coming year.
Thanking You All
Mr. Bishwa Prakash Prasai
Executive Chief

24 Annual Report 2017/018

Introducing NESDO Nepal:
National Educational and Social
Development Organization (NESDO,
Nepal) is non-profit making, self-
governed, autonomous, continuous
legatee Micro Finance Institution,
Knowing the fact that the state only
cannot address the issues of gender,
caste community at all level. NESDO
Nepal was established in 2051B.S.
(1995) to assist the state in addressing
the gender, caste, community issues
by empowering the community by
Bajung Birth Place of NESDO, Nepal
giving emphasis on income generating
activities of the poor, dalit, janajati, destitute, minority which resulting eradication of
poverty. Achievements of such aim are possible through implementation of various
community level programs and Microfinance program that aims to assists the national
development by utilizing the local recourse. The Principle objective of NESDO, Nepal is
to help reduce poverty through employment generation.
Starting with Microfinance Program NESDO Nepal has diversified its portfolio over
the years. This program aimed at helping the poor to gain access to finance and trade
training so that they under take income generating activities, while creating mostly self-
employment. In recent years emphasis has been on enterprise development and various
assistance to raise client’s financial abilities, education, entrepreneurship , health etc .In
other words NESDO Nepal is now seeking to promote integrated development in which
financing is an important element.
At Present NESDO Nepal Providing Microfinance Services to 77 thousands ultra-poor
families reside in the remote hilly area of Nepal through its fifty branch offices located
in the 12 districts.

The General Assembly
The supreme authority of NESDO Nepal is the Generally Assembly. The Generally
Assembly consists of 131 members out of which 5 are honorary member 76 life and
50 are general member. At the same time the member composition consists of 51%
male & 49% female of which 71% belongs to BCN, 16% Janajati, 9% Dalit & 4% from
minority community. Every year the members participate in the general assembly. The
general assembly of NESDO Nepal mainly aims at providing policy guidance to achieve
the intended goals of the organization and approves the annual budget, audit report &
next year plan. At the end of every three year the Generally Assembly selects 7 members
Governing Board as the executive committee of the Institution.

4 @$ jflif{s k|ltj]bg @)&$÷)&%

Governing Board:
The Governing Board is the highest policy and decision making body of NESDO
Nepal. The Governing Board of NESDO Nepal consists of Seven Members from
different professions such as university teachers, Government officials and retired
professionals. The Governing Board is responsible for the formulation of plan
and budget for various Programs to be implemented by the Organization. The
Governing Board evaluates and monitors the implementation of policies, programs.
The Executive Director works as Member-Secretary of the Governing Board. The
Executive Director is the chief Executive of NESDO Nepal and responsible for the
smooth implementation of all activities of the Organization. The Executive Director
implements activities through the support staff of the organization.

Fighting Against Poverty Since 1995

Mr. Ratna Prasad Adhikari
Chair Person

Mr. Hom Bdr. Purja Mr. Prem Prasad Poudel Mrs. Sabitri Khatri Chhetri
Vice-Chair Person General Secretary Treasurer

Mr. Jit Bahadur Nepali Mrs. Hira Kumari Hamal Mr. Bishwa Prakash Prasai
Secretary Board of Director Member Secretary

24 Annual Report 2017/018

Establishment of Poverty Free,
Inclusive & Prosperous Nepal.

• Sensitizing, unification and
income generation of the destitute
community by identification and
optimal mobilization of local
• Capacity building of local
community and self reliance group.
• Promotion and advancement of
self-reliant initiatives, institutional
development and professionalism.

• Creating awareness among pro-poor
women and disadvantage cast and
• Community empowerment, improvement
in life standard and bring gradual social
change by facilitating for income generating
sensitizing and union of rural community
especially women and destitute.
• Inspire the community for human, financial
and physical independence and self-reliant
by providing complementary support for
initiatives that are began in local area.
• Promoting peace good governance social
• Social Service is an alternate profession.

6 @$ jflif{s k|ltj]bg @)&$÷)&%

NESDO Nepal Management is consists of various Departments. There are five different
departments operating in NESDO Nepal. Each Department has one department chief
with necessary support staffs. A brief description of the major departments of NESDO
Nepal is mentioned below.
1. Admin & Finance Department:
The admin and finance department of NESDO Nepal works according to the national/
International Accounting standard and uses nation/International Financial Reporting
Standard in all financial reporting. Financial and accounting manuals, Policies are
reviewed continuously as and when necessary to meet the demand for changes in
financial reporting and policies. One Department Head, one junior account officer
manages the tasks related to this Department.
2. Microfinance Department:

Fighting Against Poverty Since 1995

The Department primary responsibility for developing is to create and develop a
Microfinance Department, different products and services for as per the need of the
clients. At the same time it is responsible assuring its full integration with other activities of
NESDO especially to identify and implement cross-strengthening activities in regards to
microfinance Program. This department prepare plan for qualitative outreach expansion
of microfinance program. . One Department Head, one senior officer manages the tasks
related to this Department.
3. Human Resource & Community Development Department:
NESDO Nepal provides human resource management and community development
support to its 272 staffs connected with different programmers. It Includes recruitment
placement, promotion grievance resolution and procurement and management.
The overall tasks of this department manage by one department head, one program
coordinator and one junior officer.
4. Internal audit Department:
NESDO Nepal has two mechanism of internal audit. A board level three members
internal audit committee which carryout audit of the head office & randomly cross audit
the branch level transaction. The internal audit has been conducted on two parts, one
is system or process audit & other is financial audit. One Department Head, one junior
officer manages the tasks related to this Department
5. MIS & Planning Department:
This department Provide vision and leadership for Developing and Implementing
Information Technology Initiatives that Align with the Mission of NESDO. This
department lead IT Strategic & Operational Planning to achieve NESDO goal by Fostering
Innovation, Prioritizing it Initiatives and Co-coordinating the evaluation, Development
and Management of Current and Future IT System across the Organization. At the same

24 Annual Report 2017/018

time Provide help-desk and on-site technical support of hardware and software to the
Head Office and Branch Office Staff, Develop & Maintain an Appropriate IT Organizational
Structure that Support the needs of the Organization. This department is Responsible
for overall aspect of the information Technology and System. One Department Head,
one junior officer manages the tasks related to this Department.

As of 2075 Ashad (2018) NESDO Management Team is supported with 299 regular staff,
16 Head office staffs, 52 Branch Managers, 179 field staff & 52 Branch level support staff.
NESDO Nepal always maintained a high standard in the recruitment process through
which excellent individual are recruited. Well-structured induction training with an
extensive field work at the local level is provided to all the new recruits.

Good Governance Practices

With regards to good governance practices NESDO Nepal Strictly follows a mechanism
that assures the accountability and transparency at all the activities of NRSDO Nepal at
all the levels and also ensures that resources are appropriately used according to their
intend purpose. NESDO Nepal maintained precise and explicit policies for different
activities such as Microfinance operation Policies, Monitoring and internal control
policies, Admin& Financial Policies, HR policies, Procurement policies etc. NESDO has
a specific delegation of powers and separate independent audit committee to ensure
internal control so that any kind of fraud and mistake can be avoided.

General Assembly
(Every Year-131 Members)

Parents & Advisory Committee Executive Committee Internal Audit Committee

(5 Persons) (Every 3 Year-7 Persons) (3 Persons)

External Inspection by Donor, DAO, DDC
Implementing Role

External Inspection by NRB

Community Admin & Finance ME & Internal Planning & Mgmt. Micro Finance
Development Dept. Department Audit Department Inf. System Dept. Department

Area Office-5
Foundation, Supporting & Backstoping Role (Proposed)
Int. & External Resource

Only Internal Resource

Project Office/Team
Branch Office

Community & Right RH Member

Holders 76886

8 @$ jflif{s k|ltj]bg @)&$÷)&%

24 Annual Report 2017/018
Fighting Against Poverty Since 1995
Working Area of NESDO Nepal
NESDO Nepal can operate all over Nepal as per its constitution, For microfinance services
this organization gets licensed from Nepal Rastra bank (The Central Bank) to provide
microfinance service in 17 districts of Nepal. NESDO is currently operating in Parbat,
Maygdi, Kaski, Syangja, Palpa, Lamjung, Gorkha, Tanahu, Baglung, Chitwan, Nawalparasi
& Nawalpur. NESDO Nepal is providing microfinance along with other community
development activities in the field of social awareness, drinking water, health sanitation
and many more in 746 ward of 2 Metropolitan, 37 Municipality & 66 Rural municipality
of 17 districts of Nepal. Its Started its microfinance journey from a remote village called
Bajung of parbat district in 2000 in six VDCs Bajung, Tilhar, Chuwa, Shivalaya, Chitre &
Deurali with a small fund from RMDC. At the end of 2074/2075 (2018) NESDO Nepal
has been able to provide its Microfinance service to 76,886 ultra-poor families reside in
the remote hilly area of Nepal through its 52 branch offices located in the 17 districts of

NESDO Nepal has been registered under Institution Registration Act-2034 in District
Administration Office Parbat. It also affiliated to Social Welfare Council. NESDO Nepal
for its microfinance activities get licensed under Financial Intermediary Act-2055 from
Nepal Rastra Bank (The Central Bank of Nepal).
Government Agency/Organization Subject Date Number
District Administration Office Parbat Registration 2052/03/07 102/051/052
Social Welfare Council Affiliation 2052/05/27 3222
Nepal Rastra Bank(Central Bank) Permission 2057/07/16 12/057/058
Inland Revenue Office Pokhara PAN 2063/06/26 301978567

10 @$ jflif{s k|ltj]bg @)&$÷)&%

enterprise Microfinance

Drinking water.

Fighting Against Poverty Since 1995

and Income
Non formal Generation


Forestry Social
and Natural Mobilization

24 Annual Report 2017/018

Major Inputs in Society
)) Creating Employment opportunity in the society.
)) Providing loan facilities in a simply way.
)) Providing micro insurance facilities.
)) Creating awareness in communities about
Education, Health & Sanitaion.
)) Encouraging communities for Income generation
activities and saving Mobilization.
)) Providing Remittance Services.
)) Support in Human resources Development and
Local Resource management.

Major Outputs
)) Reductrion in unemployment in the local area.
)) Employmnet creation and Increase in Income
generation activities.
)) Participation of dalit, janajait women in the
decision making process.
)) The living standard and economic condition of
the ultra-poor increased.
)) Increases access to banking services facilities.
)) Redecing in economic exploitation by indigenous Birthday celebration of client
money lenders at the local level.
)) Helath, Education and sanitation condition of the
people increases.
)) Increase participation of local communities in
Natural resources management and preservation.
)) Incesaese in the social economic statue of the
rural women.
)) Involvement of women in self-employment sector.
)) Incerase in School enrolment of Girl Child.
Center Meeting
)) Reduce in Child Labor in Hazardous industries.

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NESDO Nepal Completed 24 years of its operation. NESDO Nepal came into existence to serve
the poor, marginalized community of Nepal. Over the years NESDO Nepal has been able to
overcome difficulties it faced and developed many economic, social and safety nets, service
dedicated towards improving the socio-economic conditions of the poor people. The milestone
reached by NESDO Nepal is broadly divided in to three phase.

Foundation Phase Microfinance- Program

2052-2057 (1995 to 2000) Specialization Phase
• Registered As an NGO.
• Depend on Welfare Approach. 2062-to date (2005-to date)
• Start Donor based Program/Services. )) Specialized in Microfinance program.
• Awareness building of the poor for )) Market survey and need based product
enabling them to perform the necessary design.
social function. )) Expansion of Microfinance in other districts

Fighting Against Poverty Since 1995

• Women empowerment through the of Nepal.
improvement of Health, Education, Sanitation. )) More Emphasis on Microfinance than
• Self-helppromotion. Donor Based Program
• Depend on donor based project/program.
)) Capacity Development trainings Started
• Feel lack of sustainability in donor based
for staff.
)) Different Welfare scheme introduced for
Reformative Phase clients.
2057-2062 (2000-2005) )) Expansion of Program in the remote hilly
™™ Get License from NRB, (The central Bank of area.
Nepal) for Microfinance. )) Improvement in the service delivery
™™ During this period Lon term Donor based system.
program started in the local communities.
)) Introduce Low cost Housing program for
™™ Microfinance Program dominatedby
the ultra-poor families.
Donor based program.
™™ Expansion of CDP in other district of Nepal. )) Educational /Foreign employment loan
™™ Microfinance Program confined to Parbat introduce for client’s family member.
district only. )) Introduce Remittance service for clients.
™™ Little bit confusion whether to expand )) Health Awareness program was initiated
Microfinance program or fully depend on to create awareness among the clients on
CDP in the long run. cleanliness and pursuing healthy habit in
daily life.
)) Microenterprise Loan for male was
)) Established itself as a lead FINGO in the
hilly area of Nepal.
)) Completed all process for Converting it to
“Microfinance Development Bank”
)) Credit plus services will be supported by
NESDO Nepal to Bank’s clients.

24 Annual Report 2017/018

NESDO Nepal has achieved sustainability within a couple of years from the starting of
its microfinance activities. The innovative policies of the management and cost effective
approaches in all the aspects are the key to make it possible within the shortest possible
time. Besides that strong determination of the management was also an important
factor for attaining self-sufficiency with a steady growth.

Following are the few unique

features of NESDO Nepal.
• Dynamic and forward looking leadership.
• Self-explanatory written working
• Specialization in microfinance and rapid
expansion policy.
• Transparent and faster recruitment
• Follow on the job training approach.
Income generation activities by clients
• Simple and cost effective branch
• All expenditure is standardize with set cost ceilings.
• Simple and least hierarchical Organization.
• Simple, easy and transparent account and record keeping system.
• Decentralization and delegation of authority to the branch official level and
participatory process in decision making.
• Easy and close communication among officials as well as between officials and clients.
• Continuous strong monitoring and supervision from all levels.
• Effective Fund Management.
• Diversified loan product to meet the client’s need.
• Simple and Shorter Loan Processing.
• No collateral for providing loan.
• Education loan for member’s children.
• Special Loan for Natural disaster affected clients.
• Health assistant to the clients.
• Scholarship Facilities to client’s children.
Income generation activities by clients

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Generally rural poor do not have any access to formal financial organization, ironically
because of their poverty. Since its inception in 2052(1995) NESDO Nepal has consistently
been trying to address such poor people. NESDO Nepal’s Microfinance Program provides
financial inclusion offerings appropriate assistance to help the lower income segment,
economically disadvantages, marginalized community and helping them improving
their socioeconomic conditions and in turn reducing poverty. NESDO has concentrated
in transforming its products and services into more clients’ friendly and responsive
initiative to the target people. Numbers of branch offices has been established in the
suitable localities making available hassles-free service to the clients at their doorsteps.
NESDO Nepal will continue to keep reforming its programs and activities according to
the changing necessity of the clients so as to support and strengthen the economy at
the bottom level of the socio-economic pyramid. As we all knows that Microfinance
playing a crucial role in poverty reduction. At present NESDO Nepal is able to provide
Microfinance services to more than 77 thousands ultra poor families reside in the

Fighting Against Poverty Since 1995

remote hilly area of Nepal through its 52 branch offices located in 17 districts. Over the
years more than 10000 thousand clients graduated to micro entrepreneur, which itself a
great achievement for NESDO Nepal. In this financial year 2074/2075 (2017-18) member
enrolment is quite good and the total member enrolled till now is 76886 and the total
number of borrowers is 45420.
Features of Microfinance:
• Targeted to the Poor
• Selection of target family by PWR method.
• 7 days Pre-group Training & group rating test.
• Personal status analysis & final selection of group members.
• Group & centre formation (5 members in a group & 2 to 10 groups in each centre.)
• Saving & Credit mobilization, loan utilization analysis.
• Credit plus Program such as Micro insurance, Remittance & Skill Development
trainings to clients.
• Simple operating Procedure
• Service at Client’s door step.
• Transparency In transactions.

Microfinance clients

24 Annual Report 2017/018

Growth of NESDO’s Microfinance in Different Financial Year.

S. Financial Years
N. 2070/2071 2071/2072 2072/2073 2073/2074 2074/075
1 Districts 11 11 11 11 12
2 Metro/MP/RMP 392 438 501 425 105
3 Branch 34 40 50 52 52
4 Total Staff 167 186 227 273 299
5 Total Field Staff 119 132 162 171 179
6 Total Member 52926 61890 74266 77366 76886
7 Total Borrowers 33719 40160 46645 46769 45420
8 Loan Out Standing 830520339 1187255395 1644065487 1944806532 2173905853
9 Savings 390842375 569453795 797605696 1107019217 1420832723

Products & Services:

NESDO Nepal provides following products and services to its clients
1. Savings Product
2. Loan Product
3. Welfare Scheme
4. Remittance Services

Saving is one of an essential component
to improve the economic status of clients
lending to their poverty alleviation. Making
the poor people aware about the significance
of saving and creating savings attitude are
important operating approaches adopted by
NESDO Nepal in its Microfinance Program.

Objective of NESDO Saving Program:

• Motivating members to increasingly engage in saving from income out of their
income generation activities.
• Developing a capital fund for their additional income generation activities.
• Assisting ultra-poor clients to attain self sufficiency
• Creating a formidable funding source to meet family needs.
• Overcoming helplessness in natural or other disasters.

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Presently this organization is offering broadly two types of savings
1. Short Term Savings 2. Long Terms Savings
)) Group Saving. The aims of NESDO Long term saving is to ensure
future financial safety and security of clients
)) Personal Saving. family its duration is 5 to 15 years.
)) Business Saving. )) Fixed Deposit.
)) Center Fund saving.
)) Pension Saving.

Features of NESDO Nepal Savings Products

S.No Types Product Name Features

• Minimum Balance Rs.50per Month

Fighting Against Poverty Since 1995

• It is mandatory for member
Group Savings
• 8% Yearly interest
• Can with draw at the time of leaving the group

• Minimum balance Rs.100 per month

• It is mandatory for member
Short • 8% yearly interest
1 Personal Savings
Terms • Members may withdraw from their saving
anytime maintaining a balance of at least 10% of
their loan out standing
• Minimum 1% of loan disbursed
• 8% yearly interest
Business Saving • Members may withdraw from their saving
anytime maintaining a balance of at least 10% of
their loan out standing
• Minimum Balance Rs.20000
• It is optional
• 8% to 10% yearly interest based on saving
Fixed Deposit Balance.
• Period of the saving is fixed as per the mutual
understanding between member and office.
• Members can with draw after the fixed period.
2 terms
savings • 4% of loan Disbursed
Center fund saving • 8% Yearly Interest
• Member can with draw after five years
• Minimum Rs.100.Rs.200 & Rs.500
Pension saving • 13.3% Yearly interest (Provisioning)
• Member can with draw after Maturity

24 Annual Report 2017/018

NESDO Pension Saving:
Under NESDO Pension saving Scheme a client has to decide in advance whether she
is going to deposit the amount for 10 or 15 years. The duration of the saving is for the
period of ten to fifteen years. The minimum balance of deposit is Rs.100, Rs200 and
Rs.500 depending upon the choice of the client. If a client deposit Rs. 100 she will get
Rs. 36000 for Rs. 200 she will get Rs. 72000 and for Rs. 500 she will get Rs. 180000 after 15
years After Maturity if a client says that she/he will not going to receive the lump-sum
amount but interested to receive Pension then client depositing Rs. 100 per month will
get Rs. 500, Depositing Rs. 200 will get Rs. 1000 and Depositing Rs. 500 will get Rs.2500
per month as pension. There is no age limit for the pension, as long as the client wants to
draw the pension she/he can do so. After receiving the pension for some time if a client
says that now she/he will not receive the pension amount then she will get the lump-
sum amount.
If a client wants to withdraw her amount after 10 years then she will get ½ of the lump-
sum amount. If a client wants withdraw her/his amount before ten years then she/he
will get 5% interest on his deposited amount.
10 Years Scheme 15 Years Scheme
S. Monthly Total
Amount Total Addition Total Return Monthly Total Addition Monthly
No Return
(Rs.) Deposit Amount Amount (Rs.) Pension (Rs.) Deposit Amount Pension
(Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) Amount (Rs.)
1 500 60000 30000 90000 No Pension 90000 90000 180000 2500
2 200 24000 12000 36000 No Pension 36000 36000 72000 1000
3 100 12000 6000 18000 No Pension 18000 18000 36000 500

Speciality of NESDO Saving Program:

™™ Deposit can be withdrawn at any time
™™ Saving services is provided at the clients locality
™™ Interest rate are competitive
™™ NESDO accepts even very small deposit
™™ Transparent accounting
™™ Strong MIS
™™ Compassionate and professional behavior of NESDO Staff.

Income generation activities by clients Income generation activities by clients

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Saving Status of NESDO Nepal:
The Clients of NESDO Nepal Microfinance deposit their small income in their different
saving accounts. The saving ratio to member is quite good in the financial year 2074/2075
(2017/018) and this trend will continue in the coming year too. The saving balance per
member is Rs.18479
S. Financial Years
No. 2070/2071 2071/2072 2072/2073 2073/2074 2074/2075
1 Group Saving 45606607 61111221 79088492 116947412 160030623
2 Personal Saving 113802608 194405170 306682773 474378743 648879613
3 Pension Saving 227007439 308550789 405647334 508361639 586585332
4 Center Fund Saving 2436737 2531502 2294353 2468015 18800703
5 Welfare Saving 1988984 2855113 3892744 4863408 6536452
6 Total Saving 390842375 569453795 797605696 1107019217 1420832723


Fighting Against Poverty Since 1995

Growth of Members and Savings
The table below shows the growth trend of members and savings during 2070-075
It also shows trend of geographical expansion of the organization as well.
S. Financial Year
No. 2070/2071 2071/2072 2072/2073 2073/2074 2074/2075
1 Member (by year) 7646 8964 12376 3100 -480
2 Member (Cum) 52926 61890 74266 77366 76886
3 Group(Cum) 10585 12378 14853 15473 15377
4 Center(Cum) 2807 3444 4376 4802 5088
5 Branch(Cum) 34 40 50 52 52
6 District(Cum) 11 11 11 11 12
7 Municipality (Cum) 392 438 501 425 360
8 Savings (by Year) 123057309 178611420 228151901 309413521 313813506
9 Savings (Cum) 390842375 569453795 797605696 1107019217 1420832723

24 Annual Report 2017/018



NESDO Nepal continues to keep reforming its loan
products according to the changing necessity of
the clients so as to support and strength the socio-
economic condition of the ultra-poor community.
NESDO Nepal has been providing various kinds of loan
in different categories without collateral to its clients. At
present NESDO Nepal granted a maximum amount of
Loan Rs.300000 to its clients based on group guarantee.
During this fiscal year 2074/2075 NESDO Nepal disbursed (Rs.4090554187) 4090 million.
The Loan Product of NESDO Nepal is broadly divided in to three categories.

A. Productive Loan
B. Social Security Loan
C. Special Loan

Income generation activities by clients Income generation activities by clients

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Loan Product Details
S. Loan Size Loan Interest
Particulars Product Name
No. Min-Max (Rs.) Tenure Rate (P.a)
General Loan 50000 to 90000 12 months 20%
Productive Agriculture/Livestock Loan 80000 to 150000 18 months 17%
Loan Business Loan 90000 to 200000 18 Months 20%
Microenterprise Loan 100000 to 300000 30 Months 20%
Consumable Loan 50000 12 Months 18%
Festival Loan 10000 to 20000 12 Months 16%
2 Emergency Loan Up to 20000 12 Months 0-15%
Security Loan
Senior Citizen Loan Up to 20000 12 Months 15%
Educational Loan Up to 100000 12 Months 15%
Seasonal Loan 5000 to 30000 12 Months 20%
Discipline Member Loan Up to 50000 12 Months 16%
Committed Member Loan Up to 30000 12 Months 16%
3 Special Loan Housing Loan Up to 200000 24 Months 18%

Fighting Against Poverty Since 1995

Natural Calamity Loan Up to 200000 36 Months 16%
Greenery Promotion Loan Up to 100000 24 Months 18%
Foreign Employment Loan Up to 200000 24 Months 18%
The table below shows the loan composition of NESDO Nepal from 2070-2075
S. Financial Year
No. 2070/2071 2071/2072 2072-2073 2073-2074 2074-2075
1 General Loan 675077026 981664474 1350105271 1603176897 1243956565
2 Seasonal Loan 26759848 25240360 25308856 40935232 47456315
3 Business Loan 36107966 51735524 68587483 111760600 729273055
4 Housing Loan 42407626 64529572 73401382 90955504 87845519
5 Emergency Loan 373148 1088050 5793371 11110191 13435590
6 Festival Loan 49794725 62997415 120869124 86868108 51938809
Total Loan 830520339 1187255395 1644065487 1944806532 2173905853


24 Annual Report 2017/018

Loan Disbursement, Repayment and Outstanding
In Order to reduce poverty NESDO Nepal has been providing various types of loan to its
member as per their requirement. The table below shows the growth trend of borrowers
and loan outstanding during 2070-2075. During the financial year 2074/2075 NESDO Nepal
disbursed (Rs.4090554187) 4090 million with 99.92% recovery rate.

S. Financial Year
No. 2070/2071 2071/2072 2072-2073 2073-2074 2074-2075
1 Borrowers (by Year) 6304 6441 6485 124 -1349
2 Borrowers (Cum) 33719 40160 46645 46769 45420
3 Loan Disbursed( by Year) 1508809630 2164436100 2994449859 3637342101 4090554187
4 Loan Disbured(Cum) 4289597073 1126274109 9448483032 13085825133 17176379320
5 Loan Recovered( by Year) 1201641877 1807701044 2537639767 3336601056 3861454866
6 Loan Recovered (Cum) 3459076734 5266777778 7804417545 11141018601 15002473467
7 Loan Outstanding(Cum) 830520339 1187255395 1644065487 1944806532 2173905853
8 Repayment Rate 99.98 99.98 99.92 99.86 99.71


Loan by Purpose
NESDO Nepal’s Clients receives loan for different purpose. Most of them are related to Retail
business, Microenterprise business, Agricultural activities, animal husbandry, Poultry etc. The
table below shows the purpose wise loan outstanding.
S. Financial Year
No 2070/2071 2071/2072 2072-2073 2073-2074 2074-2075
1 Agriculture/Livestock 182714475 237451079 394575717 466753567 521737404
2 Microenterprise 49831220 83107878 98643929 116688391 130434351
3 Small Business 523227814 771716007 1019320602 1205780049 1347821628
4 Service Business 49831220 59362770 82203274 97240326 108695292
5 Others 24915610 35617661 49321965 58344199 65217178
Total 830520339 1187255395 1644065487 1944806532 2173905853

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1. Life and House Protection Scheme
2. Loan Security Scheme

Fighting Against Poverty Since 1995

Life and House Protection Scheme:
NESDO Nepal started this fund in 2062.NESDO Nepal observed that most of the members and
their family members suffers from various common diseases and spent a lot of money for medical
treatment. In most cases they use money from their business or borrow from other source which
makes their economic situation worse. Groups members asked to find some solution to address
these common problems. We there for came up with the idea of forming a Fund Called Life and
House Protection Fund with the joint contribution of NESDO and group member. The main
purpose of the creation of the fund is to support group members and their family members in
case of Delivery, death, accident etc.

NESDO Nepal uses its branch offices to implement micro insurance. NESDO Nepal reaches
its clients through its branch offices. In case of any claim of death, accident, delivery, natural
disaster etc the clients inform the respective center manager who along with branch manager
investigate the case. In every case groups/center recommendation is necessary to get the claim.
At the same time the clients or his/her nominee has to produce necessary document. The branch
manager authorized to pay the claim.

Every member of a center has to Pay Rs.100 as premium per year. It is valid for one year only. After
the completion of one year if the members do not deposit another premium of Rs.100 then they
will not get the benefits.

NESDO Nepal’s Micro insurance has 6 components
F Maternity Support. F Natural disaster Support
F Scholarship support for client’s Children. F Accidental Treatment Support
F Family Planning Support
F Death
• Death of the Member • Death of Member’s husband • Death of family member due to lighting.

24 Annual Report 2017/018

S.No Case Benefits Documents Required
1. Maternity Support (for 1 & 2 child)
st nd
Rs 1000 each Birth Certificate
2. Members Death* Rs.2500 to Rs.4000 Death certificate
3. Member’s Husband Death* Rs.5000 to Rs.8000 Death Certificate
4. Death by Lightening Rs.1000 Death Certificate
5. Natural Disaster Support Rs 2000 Police/VDC Report
6. Accidental Treatment Support Rs.1000 to Rs.4000 Medical Report
7. Scholarship support for (Girl) * Rs.1500 to Rs.1800 Mark sheet
8. Scholarship support for (Boy) * Rs.1200 to Rs. 1440 Mark sheet
9. Family Planning Support for both Rs. 500 Each Medical Report
*Amount paid in case of member/Member’s husband death the support amount will increase
Rs.300 per year.
*Incase of scholarship support if the client’s children get more than 80%marks in School
certificate examination (SEE), Rs.1500 for girl child and Rs1200 for boy and after that up to
master level 60% Marks is necessary for getting Rs.1800 for girl and Rs.1440 for boy.
The clients found this product as an important tool for their protection against delivery,
accident, and work as safety-nets against disasters. The table below shows the present status.
S. No. of Claims Met Amount Paid
No In 2074-2075 Up to 2075 In 2074-2075 Up to 2075
1. Maternity Support (for 1st & 2nd child) 1517 8648 1517000 8671900
2. Members Death* 121 589 367340 2487910
3. Member’s Husband Death* 330 1527 1877100 6791181
4. Death by Lightening 0 2 0 2000
5. Natural Disaster Support 161 1141 288500 2015600
6. Accidental Treatment Support 6 64 14000 125500
7. Scholarship support 118 1266 176170 1920170
8. Family Planning Support for both 24 83 12000 44000
Total 2277 13320 4252110 22058261


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NESDO Nepal started this scheme in 2062. We observe that after the death of the client due
to accident or by any reason it is very difficult for the family member to repay the loan. As
we disburse the loan on group guaranty the group member also unable to repay the loan
of the deceased. The family members as well as the Groups members asked to find some
solution to address this problem. We there for came up with the idea of forming a Fund
Called Loan Security fund with the joint contribution of NESDO and group member. The
main purpose of the creation of the fund is to support group members and their family
members in case Members death. In order to get these benefits the nominee of the
client has to produce death certificate and center recommendation letter. The member
will contribute 1% of the disbursed loan amount and the remaining 99%is contributed
by the Organization. During this FY 2074/2075 total loan waived out is Rs.3002382 of
71clients and so far the total loan waived out is Rs.14373380 of 436 clients.
)) In case of member’s death the remaining installment along with the interest will fully waived out.

Fighting Against Poverty Since 1995

)) The savings of the deceased will return to his/her the nominee.

Funeral Support by CEO Funeral Support by Branch Manager

The remittance has become a formidable input for revitalizing the country’s economy.
Especially the rural economy gets a boost when the family members of our clients send
money homte. The remittance service is operated through all the branches of NESDO
Nepal. For this purpose NESDO Nepal has properly equipped all its branches mostly
located in the rural area. The remittance service facilitates the local clients to collect their
money from the nearby branch offices of NRESDO Nepal .We are determined to provide
quick and reliable remittance services by collaborating with different remittance agency.
During this FY 2074-2075 Rs. 28 million was distributed through the remittance service.

24 Annual Report 2017/018

Efficient human resources is a key to every organization success. It is very much important
for every organization to have a good human resource to implement its activities to
achieve its goal. NESDO Nepal always give due importance to maintain a high quality of
human resource. NESDO Nepal recruits professional staff on a competitive basis through
advertisement in the daily newspaper & FM radio. Most of the NESDO Nepal’s fields located
in very remote hilly area of Nepal. In spite of that NESDO Nepal’s staffs are maintaining
very good performance by their hard work. NESDO Nepal has a good staff performance
evaluation system according to whichthe performance of every staff evaluated at the
end of every year based on target and achievement. At the end of the year staffs as well
as best performing branch office are rewarded for their best performance in different
categories. NESDO Nepal always follow an inclusive staff selection process through
which women, poor, dalit janajati & BCN candidates has been selected. At present 75%
of total staff are female. The staff composition consists of 32% are BCN, 51% are janajati,
11% are dalit & 6% from minority community etc.
Pre-service Training:
After staff recruitment the Branch manager and the center-manager undergo intensive
training on group-management, basic principles of microfinance, saving & credit
rules,office management, accounting, reporting and monitoring for eight months.The
objective of this training is to develop the capacity of staff so that they can implement
the program activities efficiently.After successfullycompleting the training by fulling
certain criteria they appointed as the BM/Center-manager of NESDO Nepal. 11 branch
manager and 60 center manager were recruited and provided pre-service training in
2074-075. The following table depict the human resource composition of NESDO Nepal.
S.No Designation Male Female Total
1 Executive Director 1 - 1
2 Department Chief 3 2 5
3 Senior Officer 1 - 1
4 Program Manager 1 - 1
5 Junior Officer 1 2 3
6 Branch Manger 30 22 52
7 Sr. Account Asst - 1 1
8 Admin Asst 1 1
9 Center Manger 36 143 179
10 Store Keeper - 1 1
11 Runner(Messenger) - 53 53
12 Driver - - -
13 Security 1 - 1
Total 74 225 299

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Training, Workshop and Observation
NESDO Nepal Provides training to its own staff for the successful implementation of its
microfinance programmes. As we know that NESDO Nepal is specially working with the
ultra-poor families and every day the branch manager as well as the center manager
interact with the client on different issues in the field level. So the training are intended
to enhance their strategic and operational skill with sound understanding on different
issues relating to poverty alleviation and income generation of the poor people. At the
same time NESDO Nepal sends its official for different training program organized by
external agencies. NESDO Nepal organized various training and workshop for it staff
and clients.
In-house Training and Work Shop Program in FY2074/2075
S. No of
Training/Workshop Participant Organizer
No Program
1 Annual Progress Review & Planning Workshop 1 66 NESDO Nepal

Fighting Against Poverty Since 1995

2 Half Yearly Progress Review Workshop 1 66 NESDO Nepal
3 District level Progress Review Workshop 5 133 NESDO Nepal
4 Quarterly Progress Review Workshop 2 132 NESDO Nepal
5 Pre-Service Training Managerial Level 1 11 NESDO Nepal
6 Pre-Service Training Center Manager Level 1 60 NESDO Nepal
7 Financial Management Training 1 19 NESDO Nepal
8 Microfinance Mgt & Leadership Development 1 13 NESDO Nepal
9 Training on Career Prospect In Microfinance 1 32 NESDO Nepal
10 Board Level Interaction Workshop 1 15 NESDO Nepal
11 Financial Literacy Workshop (Naudanda, 3 588 NESDO Nepal
Darbang, Beni)

Financial Literacy Campaign Training Inaguration by Anil Shah

Pre-Job Staff Training Pre-Job Staff Training

24 Annual Report 2017/018

Member's Skill Development Training
NESDO Nepal has been providing different types of skill development training for its clients
and for its family members for enhancing their functional skill through which they can earn
additional income as well as manage their venture effectively and efficiently. These are mainly
vegetable and fruits gardening, cutting and tailoring, Cattle rearing, Poultry framing Goat
rearing, enterprise development, business management etc.

Exposure Visit
NESDO Nepal organizes internal and external exposure visit for its officials in view of sharing
knowledge and experiences with the high performing organization in different part of the
world. At the same time various national as well as international organization visit NESDO
Nepal to observe its activities.

Bangladesh Visit Bangladesh Visit

Internal Visitor Team Internal Visitor Team

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S. Financial Year
No 2070-071 2071-072 2072-073 2073-074 2074-075
1. Reserves And Funds 263328563 422492843 659146025 943338798 1257953937
2. Borrowings 274582286 334608212 381416768 274508301 245055886
3. Deposit Liabilities 390842375 569453795 797605696 1107019217 1420832723
4. Other liabilities 22838689 25580800 31426479 36363943 37306808
5. Loan Loss Provision 30639463 41730020 43618460 58646084 67198259
Total Capital Liabilities 982231376 1393865670 1913213429 2419876343 3028347614
1. Bank Balance 105357097 151999593 212761803 411276291 744088521
2. Cash Balance 347451 102435 562635 177321 83770
3. Loan Advances 830520339 1187255395 1644065487 1944806532 2154989443
4. Fixed Assets 35760574 39400855 41022472 42439504 42712254
5. Deposit& Advance 8324179 13324466 12957924 19271559 36665250
6. Investment 1388220 1238220 1238220 1238220 49238220
7. Stationery Stock 533516 544706 604891 666916 570155
Total Assets 982231376 1393865670 1913213429 2419876343 3028347614

Fighting Against Poverty Since 1995

Financial Year
No 2070-071 2071-072 2072-073 2073-074 2074-075
1. Interest Income 132152325 197771524 274383632 347747035 404115367
2. Other Income 35266192 49671997 67744427 84186886 110825285
3. Grant Income 3739032 2515838 1345004 2152785 0
Total Income 171157548 249959359 343473063 434086706 514940652
1. Interest Expenses 52032666 68282302 90866783 119619367 155523612
2. Staff Expenses 36692178 46018884 66512322 85466178 103093290
3. OfficeOperating Expenses 15951539 90394932 101900875 118002377 105293900
4. Provision for Loan loss 9086616 11090557 1888440 15027624 27468585
5. Program Expenditure 3534462 2616208 1106540 2071477 0
6. Depreciation 2645432 4560081 5542300 6435179 6184354
Total Expenditure 119942893 222962964 267817260 346622202 397563742
Net Surplus/Deficit 51214655 26996395 75655803 87464505 117376910


24 Annual Report 2017/018

Stories to

Sunita Bogati was born in 2041 in Majphant VDC of Parbat district. There are eight member in her family.
Her eight members' family fully depend upon farmimg. It is very difficult for them to meet their both ends.
Despite difficulties Sunita completed her high school level and admitted to +2 in a nearby college .Her father
always supported her in study. At the age of 19 she got married to Mr.Mahendra of Maygdi district. Mr.
Mahendra is also from a farmer’s family. His family depends on farming and they cultivate vegetables and
sell them in a nearby market. After marriage sunita lost her father and mother in-law in a quick interval.
After in-laws death the joint family of Mahendera separated and there is no income source of Mahendra
to maintain his family. Tensions and uncertainties inflicted in her life. The burden of the family further
increased as two children born to them. He decided to go abroad for employment, but it was not so easy.
Finally they postpone the idea of going abroad and decided to stay in the village for vegetable farming. Due
to lack of fund she cannot start her farming as she wished. The commercial bank did not provide loan as
they have not sufficient collateral in their name. They got entangled in to a web of hardship, freedom from
which could only be found till Sunita meets a NESDO Nepal Staff. It was a sheer chance that matured into
success. After listen everything about NESDO Nepal from the branch manager, she felt motivated to become
a member of NESDO Nepal. Then she attained the 7 days pre-group training in her village along with other
14 women. After completing the training she takes Rs.20000 loan for vegetable cultivation. She invest the
amount in vegetable cultivation that paid up and encouraged her to make more investment in vegetables.
Then she took Rs.30000 loan and gradually her loan celling increases to Rs.150000 as per the volume of
her business. She prepared organic manure out of domestic waste, unusable parts of fruits and vegetable,
debris in kitchen. She used the organic manure in her vegetable which improve the soil fertilities at the same
time increase the vegetable production. Now they cultivated various types of vegetable and it also create an
employment opportunity for her husband. The demand for their vegetable increase in the market as they
use organic manure. Her spirit and believe in herself were raised with NESDO Nepal by her side. Now her
family lived in a house that has been well-furnished and has improved latrine facilities. Her two children
going to an English boarding school with faces beaming with smiles. The days of old sufferings are now just
memories. The Success of Sunita earned for her an elevated status in the locality.
Beni Branch

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Fighting Against Poverty Since 1995

Shanta Khand was born in Marlangkot VDC of Syangja District. The entire family of Santa depends upon
her father for living. As a farmer it is very difficult for Santa’s father to maintain his seven members' family.
As we know poverty irresistible traveller and so it has its reaches to all area including Marlangkot VDC. Due
to poverty Shanta was unable to continue her study. At the age of 20 she got married to Chandra Bahadur
of jogithum VDC of Syangja district. Her husband did not have any formal education to look for a good job
nor is he a skilled worker in any trade. He could not find any employment in the locality or around. That
drove him for sundry places to earn something for the family. He then took loan a from the local money
lender and go to abroad for earning. But life is not a bed of roses. After spending sometimes in abroad he
returns to Nepal with a small amount of money, hard to repay his early loan. Now Shanta felt that Poverty
is a perpetual reality for her .She had no idea that this can ever be confronted or eliminated. The burden
of the family further increased as a child born to them. Shanta wants to undertake a move that promises
a secure future. One day an official from NESDO Nepal passed a piece of information about the prospect
of some amount of loan to start a business. Next day she met the NESDO Nepal Staff and asked for help.
The branch Manager clarified every things to Shanta .Shanta has come to learn how to combat this menace
with the assistance from an organization like NESDO Nepal. Shatnta understood that she could start a
small business in which she has some skill while the family members can also lend some useful hands. The
domestic meeting ended up with a “yes” for the receipt of a loan from NESDO Nepal. Then she asked
for Rs.20000 loan which was dully granted. After receiving the loan she started a small poultry business.
Her husband also help in her business. As her business paid-up, she took additional loan of Rs.150000/
for the expansion of her business. Her business gradually increase and she opened a fresh house in walling
market where her husband selling the chicken and meat. In addition to that she started trading of some
grocery items from a Kirana stores opened in his house. From then on it’s a story of success rolling on. It is
surprising and heartening to observe her spiral success. Shanta is now a well-known person in the locality.
Now she lives a life of comfort. Memories of sheer hardship still haunt her from time to time. Now her son
doing fairly well in the school. Now Shanta is a source of inspiration for the poor people of the locality. It
is the strong determination and willpower of shanta which makes her what she is today. Shanta’s talent of
entrepreneurship has now brought smiles to many.
Walling Branch

24 Annual Report 2017/018

Community Development Program
From its inception NESDO Nepal has been carried various community development
program for the ultra-poor and under privileged communities to uplift there living
condition in collaboration with different national and international donor agency. NESDO
Nepal has been performing community development activities in various sector like
Health & Drinking water, sanitation, education, forestry management and environment
protection, agriculture, biodiversity conservation, child labor and many more. Following
table shows the community development program implemented by NESDO Nepal.
S.No Program/Project's Name Started Completed Period Donor/Support
1. HIV/AIDS awareness Program 2053 Sarwan 2056 Posh 4 years WI-Come Ktm.
2. Non-formal Education Program 2053 Posh 2056 Ashad 3 years PACT & HMG
3. Self-Help Promotion Project 2053 Marga 2058 Posh 5 years GTZ/NGO-FP
4. Micro Credit Project for Women 2053 Sarwan 2056 Ashad 3 years ADB/CECI/HMG
5. Rural Infrastructure Dev. Program 2054 Sarwan 2055 Chaitra 2 years GTZ/FFW
6 Bridge Building at Local Level 2054 Aswan 2055 Ashad 2 years HELVETAS/BBLL
7. Sustainable Soil Management Progrom 2054 Sarwan 2057 Ashad 3 Years SDC/SSMP
8. Community Forestry Literacy Prog. 2056 Aswan 2056 Chaitra 9 Month NUKSFP
9. Community D/W, Health & Sanitation Prog. 2055 Sarwan 2057 Chaitra 2 years Water Aid/ NEWAH
10. Water Supply, Health & Sanitation 2054 Baisakh 2062 Ashad 8 years RWSS Fund Board
11. Rural Sanitation Program. 2056 Sarwan 2067 Ashad 7 year FINIDA/DDC
12. Brighter Future Program 2059 Posh 2065 Ashad 6 years World Education
13. Community Forestry Animation 2059 Jestha 2068 Ashad 10 years DFID/LFP-DFO
14. Community School Support Program 2061 Baiskh 2063 Chaitra 2 years WB-CSSP
15. Anti Tobacco Awareness Campaign 2061 Baiskh Continue 8 years RESPHC
16. SM Project and EAP 2063 Sarwan 2070 Ashad 9 years DFID/NSMP, GoN
17. New Nepal-Model Village Porgram 2063 Posh Continue 6 years Inst. Core Fund
18. Customary Business Promotion 2064 Sarwan 2066 Ashad 2 years World Bank/PAF
19. Disable Social Inclusion Program 2064 Posh 2067 Ashad 3 years INF/PFR
20. CAFAAG Re-integration Program 2065 Magh 2068 Ashad 3 years UNCEF/WE
21. Peace Building Support Program 2065 Magh 2068 Ashad 3 years UNCEF/WE
22. RWSS/WASH Program 2067 Sarwan 2069 Ashad 3 years GON/FINIDA
23. EAFS Project 2067 Ashad 2069 Kartik 2 years NRB/UNCDF/ UNDP
24. CFUGs Social Mobilization Program 2068 Bhadra 2069 Ashad 9 Month UK Aid/IFP/RN
25. Micro Enterprise Promotion 2070 Sarwan 2071 Sarwan 9 Month DFID/FINIDA/SDC
26. Social Mobilization Program 2068 Sarwan 2070 Ashad 1 Years DDC/DGLSP
27. MSFP/Micro Enterprise Promotion in CFUGs 2070 Sarwan 2072 Chaitra 2 Years MSFP/Libird

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The Better Brick Nepal program address labor challenges as well as environment and quality
issues in Nepal’s brick industry. It also provides critical input to the construction industry
that is among the largest sector of the economy. Many of the workers in the brick industry
are children and adult who are bonded by debt. They are subject to extreme harsh lining and
working conditions. The prime objectives of this program is to eradicate forced, bounded
child labor, uplift their standard of living, improve the working environment in the brick kiln
industries of Nepal. For the child education and care early child care and education centre has
been established near the brick kiln that provides education and child care to children of the
laborer. From its inception NESDO Nepal has been working in child labor sector. NESDO Nepal
in collaboration with BBN Implement this program in three brick kiln of Gorkha, Lamjung &
Nawalparasi District.

Fighting Against Poverty Since 1995

NESDO Nepal has been working for affordable housing by providing financial and
technical support for poor homeless families. The objective of this program is to provide
shelter to poor homeless families with safe water and sanitation facilities. NESDO Nepal
provides housing loan with lower interest rate for those who don’t have a house to live.
For low cost sustainable housing we always give emphasis on using locally available
resources. At the same time NESDO Nepal provides technical knowledge on low cost
housing. In the initial stage Habitat for Humanity International Nepal technically support
NESDO Nepal for Low cost housing, now NESDO Nepal continued this initiative with its
own resources. In Chitwan NESDO Nepal construct 36 model houses for Clients live
in the slums area of Tandi. So far NESDO Nepal provides housing loan and technical
support to 10850 ultra-poor families.
Status of Low cost housing Program
S.No Particulars As on 2075 Ashad
1. No of house Built (Cum) 10850
2. Total Amount Disbursed 46041223037
3. Total Repayment 4516277518
4. Total Amount Out Standing 87845519

24 Annual Report 2017/018

Health Awareness Program
In Nepal the poor and the vulnerable are often
suffers from various health problems. Lack of
knowledge and information prevent people
belonging to poor and illiterate rural households
from taking proper measures against even
common diseases. This seriously hampers their
lives and livelihood as well as earnings. Recurring
illness pushes them to fall victim of continuous ill-
health. This health problem of the poor is a major
challenge to poverty alleviation. The health status of the majority of the rural poor
remains a major concern. NESDO with a pledge for making poverty free society pursues
a consciousness raising program to reduce health hazard and maintain sound health
among its client’s predominately ultra-poor families resides in the remote. This program
adopts measures to provide basic knowledge about general and communicable diseases,
personal hygiene, child care, maternity care, nutrition and nutritious food. At the same
time NESDO Nepal in collaboration with other agency organizes different health camp
in the remote area. In such camps general checkup, fever checkup, blood sugar check,
blood pressure, eye check, minor operation is carried out. Sometimes free drugs also
distributed in such camps.

Disaster Management
NESDO Nepal identified risk for both natural and man-
made disasters in its working area and developed a
disaster management plan. In order to cope with the
natural disaster like landslide, earthquake, fires, floods
NESDO has arrangement for shelters in its working
area. During disastrous earthquake in 2072 NESDO
Nepal distribute tarpaulin in its working area and its
staff helps in the rescue operations. Keeping in mind
NESDO Nepal develops a flexible loan product for the
required rehabilitation in case of such natural calamities. Conceptually NESDO Nepal
does not believe in charity but it does not ignore a rescue and safety operation. From
time to time NESDO Nepal trained its staffs and the client’s family member on disaster
management for recues work in case of any disaster.

Greenery Promotion Program

From Its inception NESDO Nepal has been working in the field of greenery promotion. At
the same time NESDO Nepal developed a flexible loan product for greenery promotion
to its clients. Clients take this loan for the construction of biogas plant, installation of
solar panel, improved cooking stove and plantation of herbal plant.

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Community Radio Sambridha Nepal (92.6 Mhz)
NESDO Nepal established its own radio in 2072. The radio
program includes financial news bulletins, promotion of
NESDO Nepal's products and services, various programs
and activities undertaken by NESDO Nepal and its branch
offices in its working area, promoting of client's business
and activities and promote the voice, rights of Ultra-poor,
under-Privileged, Women Dalit community.

CBOs Promotion Program

NESDO Nepal always gives emphasis

Fighting Against Poverty Since 1995

on promoting community based
organization including Groups,
local Clubs and child clubs. NESDO
Nepal provide financial as well as
Non -financial support to these
organization. It includes capacity
building trainings, equipment
support, Institutional Development.
Promoting and encouraging the
initiation taken by the CBOs in the
local level. Using their network for
social mobilization. During this financial year NESDO Nepal supported more than 10
CBOs in its working districts.

NESDO Nepal introduce Web based MIS in Head office and Branch offices in 2071 to
replace manual MIS.For this purpose NESDO Nepal selected UransTechnology and Derose
Technology as implementing partner. Web based MIS will provide the facilities of accessing
reports and data through internet from anywhere. Any department can get their report from
server. NESDO Nepal established a separate MIS department for the smoothimplementation
of this program. MIS Department works in close coordination with the implementing
partners for system development and provides different kinds of software and hardware
related problems at different levels. All Branch office along with head office of NESDO Nepal
Completely transfer all their manual transaction in to electronic MIS.NESDO Nepal planning
to keep its own server next year for quick data accessibility.

24 Annual Report 2017/018

National Education & Social Development Organization, NESDO Nepal
Kushma, Parbat
Fiscal Year 2075/76
Presented by

Mr. Prem Prasad Poudel Mrs. Sabitri Khatri Chhetri

General Secretary Treasurer

Program Budget Rs.

Broad Sector Program Activities Unit
Documentary No. 1
Institutional Audio Video Material No. 1 1950000
Calendar Publication Pcs 50000
Program Cost Day 1
24th General Assembly 630000
Institutional Annual Report No. 500
Governance and Silver Jubilee Program Management Day 3
Management 6300000
Celebration Souvenir Publication No. 1000
Board & Mgt Board Meeting Event 12
Committee Meeting Mgt Com. Meeting Event 48
8th Convention of Program Management Day 1
NESDO Election Process Day 7
Sub Total: 11984000
MIS Training Person 21
Management Staff Computer Application Training Person 6
Capacity Building Computer Hardware Training Person 2
Micro Finance ToT Person 21
Leadership Development Training Person 30
Branch Level Staff
Branch Management Training Person 30
Capacity Building 1057500
Collateral Loan Mgt Training Person 100
Refresher Training Person 65
M. Finance Service Expansion Program Event 3
Quarterly Progress Review Meeting Event 4
Human Workshop & Campaign 3752000
Cluster Level Review Workshop Event 4
MF Conversation Campaign Event 60
Management &
Development Annual Review Workshop Event 1
Participation in External Branch Mgt Training Person 5
Training & Workshop Account Management Training Person 3
Financial Mgt Training Person 3
Domestic Observation Tour for CM Person 60
National & International
Domestic Observation Tour for B. M. Person 60 2030000
Exposure Visit
Observation Tour for Mgt Team Person 20
Bangladesh MF Observation Tour Person 20
National & International BoD & Management Int. Tour Person 12 5435000
Exposure Visit International Workshop Participation Person 5
Guest Welcome Event 10 100000
Total: 13452000

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Awareness Material Develop & Print Pcs 3000
Legal Literacy Program 800000
Legal Awareness Program Event 20
Awareness Material Develop & Print Pcs 3000 450000
Anti Tobacco Campaign
Health Right Awareness Program Event 20
Scholarship Support No. 200
Blood Donation Support Event 2
Social Welfare Program Health Camp Support Event 2 1190000
Best Student Prize Support No. 50
Institutional Reorganization No. 25
Funeral Support for Staff No. 10
Staff Base Welfare Staff Personality Promotion Support No. 10
Staff Vocational Skill Development Support No. 15 1200000
Institutional Mirage Support No. 10
Responsibility Media Promotion Renewable Fund No. 1
Media Interaction No. 100
Media Promotion Radio Sambridha Parbat Support No. 1 4100000
Radio Sambridha Pokhara Support No. 1
Community Heath Service Centre No. 1
CBO Promotion & Partnership No. 8
Natural Disaster Support No. 1
CBOs & Social
Financial Support for Ambulance (Rotary & 3300000
Campaign Promotion No. 1
Amar Tika)
Amar Tika Foundation Partnership No. 1
Religion Tolerance Festival Support Program Event 10
Promotion National Days & Festival Support Event 16

Fighting Against Poverty Since 1995

Infrastructural Small Infrastructural Support No. 40
Development Follow up & Monitoring No 40
Sub Total: 13400000
Total Institutional Governance, Human Resource Development & Social Responsibility: 53176000

Program Budget
Particular 16 July'18 This Year 16 July'19 S.No Budget Heading Amount (Rs.)

Total Staff 299 101 400 A. Financial Cost:

Field Staff 179 76 255 1 Interest on Saving 2455000

District 17 10 27 2 Interest on Borrowing 3985000
Metropolitan 2 - 2 3 Interest on P. Saving 1533000
Municipality 37 10 47 4 Service Charge 1000000
Rural Municipality 66 20 88 Sub Total: 8973000
Finance Total Branch 52 4 56 B. Staff Cost:
Service Total Centre 5082 444 5526 1 Monthly Salary 36300000
Total Member 76886 12795 89681 2 Allowances 11500000
Total Loanee 45420 27548 72968 Sub Total: 47800000
Total Saving (000) 1420398 648241 2068635 C. Administration Cost: 73151000
Total Outstanding (000) 2173905 2411419 4585325 D. Provision & Depression:
Overdue Loan (000) 44141 (29245) 14898 1 Loan Loss Provision 7500000
Overdue Loanee (000) 1362 (921) 441 2 Staff Leave Provisions 1500000
3 Depression 7500000
During this financial year all the financial transaction will be handed over to NESDO
Gratuity Pr
Sambridha Laghubitta bitiya Sanstha Ltd., So the target is made on yearly basic and at 4 4000000
the same time the financial budget is made half yearly basis.
Sub Total: 20500000
Total: 12992400
Total Budget of Fiscal Year 2075/76 (Institutional Goveance, HRD, CSR & Financial Activities): 260373000
Income: Assets (Addition during this F. Year):
S.No. Income Head Amount (Rs.) 1 Furniture 3696000
1 Interest Income from Loan & Advances 195300000 2 Office Equipment 2575000
2 Interest Income From Bank 3750000 3 Vehicle 47690000
3 Service Charge from Loan 500000000 4 Land 100000000
4. Fund Expenditure Reverse 15000000 5 HO Building Constriction 25000000
5. Other Income 2000000 6 Maintenance 3000000
Total Income: 266050000 Total: 128000000
Net Surplus: 5677000

24 Annual Report 2017/018

From Suffering to SMILE

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24 Annual Report 2017/018
Fighting Against Poverty Since 1995

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NESDO, Nepal

Fighting Against Poverty Since 1995

Independent Auditor's Report and
Audited Financial Statements

Year Ended Ashad 2075

24 Annual Report 2017/018

During FY 2074/2075 the earning of NESDO
Nepal is Rs.514.94 million. This income
includes Rs.404.11 million from interest
on loan and advances, Rs.81.84 million
from services charge, Rs.25.71 million from
bank interest and Rs.3.28 million from
other sources such as selling of pass book,
commission from remittance transaction.

The total expenditure of NESDO Nepal
during FY 2074-2075 was Rs.397.56 million
including personnel expenses Rs.103.09
million, office operating expenses Rs.105.29
million .Financial expenses Rs155.52 million
,loan loss provision Rs. 27.46 million and
other cost Rs.6.2million. The net surplus at
the end of 2074-075 was Rs.117.38 million.

Sources of Fund
The total fund of NESDO Nepal for operating
its Microfinance services was App.Rs.2961.14
million at the end of FY2074-075.This
comprises of retained earnings Rs.1257.95
million (including reserve fund) Rs.1420.83
million from members deposit,Rs.245.05
million from bank and financial institutions
and Rs.37.31 million from other sources.

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24 Annual Report 2017/018
Fighting Against Poverty Since 1995
National Educational & Social Development Organization
(NESDO, Nepal)
Kushma, Parbat
Balance Sheet
As at 32 Ashad, 2075
Current Year Previous Year
Capital & Liabilities Sch.
Amount Rs. Amount Rs.
Reserves and Funds 1 1,257,953,937.30 950,529,833.11
Borrowings 2 245,055,886.61 274,508,301.26
Deposit Liabilities 3 1,420,832,723.01 1,107,019,217.00
Other Liabilities 4 37,306,808.95 29,172,906.20
Loan Loss Provisions 5 67,198,259.20 58,646,084.05
Total Capital & Liabilities 3,028,347,615.07 2,419,876,341.62

Current Year Previous Year

Assets Sch.
Amount Rs. Amount Rs.
Bank Balance 6 744,088,522.04 411,276,289.96
Cash Balance 7 83,770.00 177,321.00
Loans & Advances 5 2,154,989,443.00 1,944,806,532.00
Fixed Assets 8 42,712,254.88 42,439,504.15
Deposit, Advances and Receivables 9 36,665,250.04 19,271,558.51
Investment 10 49,238,220.00 1,238,220.00
Stationery Stock 570,155.11 666,916.00
Total Assets 3,028,347,615.07 2,419,876,341.62
Schedule 1 to 19 form part of financial statements.

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National Educational & Social Development Organization
(NESDO, Nepal)
Kushma, Parbat
Income and Expenditure Statement
For the period from 1st Shrawan 2074 to 32nd Ashad, 2075
Current Year Previous Year
Particulars Sch.
Amount Rs. Amount Rs.
Interest Income 11 404,115,367.00 347,747,035.00
Other Income 12 110,825,285.48 148,840,216.29
Total 514,940,652.48 496,587,251.29

Current Year Previous Year
Particulars Sch.
Amount Rs. Amount Rs.
Interest Expenses 13 155,523,612.69 119,619,366.85

Fighting Against Poverty Since 1995

Staff Expenses 14 103,093,290.00 85,466,177.86
Office Operating & Program Expenses 15 105,293,900.54 120,273,855.04
Provisions for Loan Loss 5 27,468,585.15 15,027,623.58
Depreciation 8 6,184,354.43 6,435,179.38
Total 397,563,742.80 346,822,202.71
Net Surplus/Deficit 117,376,909.68 149,765,048.58
Net Surplus/Deficit carried to Reserve & Fund 117,376,909.68 149,765,048.58
Schedule 1 to 19 form part of financial statements.

24 Annual Report 2017/018

National Educational & Social Development Organization
(NESDO, Nepal)
Kusma, Parbat
Cash Flow Statement
As at 32 Ashad, 2075
Current Year Previous Year
Amount Rs. Amount Rs.
(a) Cash flow from operating activites
Profit for the year before taxation and extraordinary item 117,376,910 149,765,049
Depreciation 6,184,354 6,435,179
Bank Interest - -
Fixed Assets Written Off 315,458 6,155
Prior Year Adjustment #REF!
Provisions for Loan Loss 27,468,585 15,027,624
Operating profit before working capital changes #REF! 171,234,007
(increase) / decrease in current assets :
Loan & Advance (210,182,911) (456,810,092)
Deposit & Staff Advance (17,393,692) 366,542
Stationery Stock 96,761 (60,185)
increase / (decrease) in current liabilites :
Deposit Liabilities 313,813,506 228,151,901
Other Liabilities 8,133,902 5,845,680
Funds 194,877,814 160,997,380
Cash generated from operation 289,345,380 (61,508,774)
Net cash flows from operation activities #REF! 109,725,232
(b) Cash flow from Investing activites
Purchase of fixed assets (6,943,436) (7,170,072)
Investment in Share (48,000,000) -
Net Cash flows from investing activites (54,943,436) (7,170,072)
(c) Cash flow from financing activites
Borrowings (29,452,415) 46,808,556
Net Cash flows from financing activites (29,452,415) 46,808,556
Net increase in cash or cash equivalents #REF! 149,363,717
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period 411,453,611 152,102,028
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period 744,172,292 411,453,611
Schedule 1 to 19 form part of financial statements.

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National Educational & Social Development Organization
(NESDO, Nepal)
Schedules to Balance Sheet
As at 31 Ashad, 2075

Schedule 5
Loans & advances
Previous Year
Particulars Agricultural & Cottage Small Scale
(NRs.) Others Total
Livestock Industry Trading
1,930,408,312.00 1. Performing loans 384,201,570 64,033,595 1,451,428,154 234,789,848 2,134,453,168.00
1,930,408,312.00 1.1 Pass 384,201,570 64,033,595 1,451,428,154 234,789,848 2,134,453,168.00
- 1.2 Restructured - - - - -
14,398,220.00 2. Non-performing loans - - 20,536,275 - 20,536,275.00
2,508,947.00 2.1 Sub-standard - - 6,535,515 - 6,535,515.00

24 Annual Report 2017/018

4,261,267.00 2.2 Doubtful - - 12,734,244 - 12,734,244.00
7,628,006.00 2.3 Loss - - 1,266,516 - 1,266,516.00
1,944,806,532.00 (A) Total loans 384,201,570 64,033,595 1,471,964,429 234,789,848 2,154,989,443.00
3. Loan loss provision
19,304,083.12 3.1 Pass 1% of good loan 3,842,016 640,336 14,514,282 2,347,898 21,344,531.68
- 3.2 Restructured - - - - -
627,236.75 3.3 Sub-standard - - 1,633,879 - 1,633,878.75
2,130,633.50 3.4 Doubtful - - 6,367,122 - 6,367,122.00
7,628,006.00 3.5 Loss - - 1,266,516 - 1,266,516.00
28,956,124.68 3.6 Additional Provision as required by NESDO 6,531,427 1,088,571 24,974,786 3,991,427 36,586,210.77
58,646,084.05 (B) Total provision 10,373,442 1,728,907 48,756,584 6,339,326 67,198,259.20
4. Provision up to previous year
43,618,460.48 (C) Total provision up to previous year 58,646,084.05
- (D) Written back from previous year's provision 18,916,410.00
15,027,623.58 (E) Additional provision this year 27,468,585.15
15,027,623.58 Net changes in this year 27,468,585.15
1,886,160,447.95 Net loans (A-B) 2,087,791,183.80

Fighting Against Poverty Since 1995
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24 Annual Report 2017/018
Fighting Against Poverty Since 1995
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24 Annual Report 2017/018
Fighting Against Poverty Since 1995
Financial Literacy Camping 24th Installation Ceremony


Felicitating Ms. Padma Sana Sakya Chairperson MIFAN Nepal

Food Distribution at District Hospital, Parbat

Educational Material Support

CEO Participating in RMDC Program

23rd AGM Birauta Cleaning on 24th Installation Ceremony

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CEO & MIFAN Team member with Honourable Finance Minister Dr. Yuvaraj Khatiwada

17th Microfinance Day at Beni Branch

Fighting Against Poverty Since 1995

Annual Progress Review Meeting
Felicitating Mr. Bikash Lamsal Minister for Tourism, Environment & Forest, Province-4


24th Installation Ceremony Inaguration

Felicitating deligates from different sectors

Expousure Visit Team from Mahuli E-Library Opening at Balmandir, Kushma

24 Annual Report 2017/018

UP to 2075 Kartik (16th Nov 2018)
A. Coverage
1 No Of Districts Covered 17
2 No of Metropolitan/Municipality/Rural Municipality Covered 105
4 Total No Of Staffs 299
5 Total No Of Field Staff 179
6 Total No Female Staff 225
7 Total Center 3433
8 Total Group 15557
9 Total Member 77785
10 Total Borrowers 45085
B. Savings Mobilization
1 Group Savings 172673550
2 Personal Savings 680141303
3 Center Fund Saving 2425963
4 Pension Savings 628958439
5 Welfare Savings 7121568 1491320823
C. Loan Transaction
1 General Loan 981845233
2 Seasonal Loan 36749499
3 Busines Loan 1113864238
4 Housing Loan 83177093
5 Emergency Loan 14414513
6 Festival Loan 235334402 2465384978
D. Performance Indicators
1 Percentage of saving on Loan Out Standing (%) 60%
2 Repayment Rate (%) 99.71%
4 Member Per Field Staff (No) 434
5 Borrowers Per Field Staff (No) 251
6 Loan Out Standing Per Field Staff (Rs.) 13773100

Public Audit Program MF Clients

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Kushma Municipality-6, New Road, Parbat Pokhara-17, Birauta, Damside Road, Kaski
Phone: 067-420229.420060 | Fax-067-420803 Phone: 061-460060,463160 | Fax-460329
E-mail: bishwa.nesdo@gmail.com E-mail: bishwa.nesdo@gmail.com
Website: www.nesdonepal.org Website: www.nesdonepal.org


Brief Branch Status as on 2075 Ashad

No. of Staff :5

No. of Members : 2068

No. of Borrowers : 770
Total Disbursement : 504576748
Total Repayment : 468708161

Fighting Against Poverty Since 1995

Loan Outstanding : 35868587
Total Saving : 37875578
Branch Manager: Mr. Mahadev Gautam
Address: Kushma Municipality-6, Parbat
Tel: 067-420229
Email: nesdo.kushma@gmail.com

No. of Staff :5

No. of Members : 2131

No. of Borrowers : 1329
Total Disbursement : 1170328994
Total Repayment : 1081599358
Loan Outstanding : 88729636
Total Saving : 85145031
Branch Manager: Mr. Krishna Psd. Chapagain
Address: Pokhara Metropolitan-9, Kaski
Tel: 061-524908
Email: nesdo.pokhara@gmail.com

No. of Staff :5

No. of Members : 1996

No. of Borrowers : 1292
Total Disbursement : 700771000
Total Repayment : 628094747
Loan Outstanding : 72676253
Total Saving : 52446335
Branch Manager: Mr. Subash Bhandari
Address: Pokhara Metropolitan-27, Kaski
Tel: 061-561716
Email: nesdo.lekhnath@gmail.com

24 Annual Report 2017/018

No. of Staff :6
No. of Members : 2750
No. of Borrowers : 1773
Total Disbursement : 702036500
Total Repayment : 626653231
Loan Outstanding : 75383269
Total Saving : 57427082
Branch Manager: Mr. Santosh Adhikari
Address: Vyas Municipality-4, Tanahun
Tel: 065-561771
Email: nesdo.damauli@gmail.com

No. of Staff :4

No. of Members : 1783

No. of Borrowers : 1239
Total Disbursement : 608288000
Total Repayment : 542291691
Loan Outstanding : 65996309
Total Saving : 39081261
Branch Manager: Mr. Sugat Paudel
Address: Bandipur Rural Municipality-4, Tanahun
Tel: 065-580186
Email: nesdo.dumre@gmail.com

No. of Staff :7
No. of Members : 2523

No. of Borrowers : 1406

Total Disbursement : 671063950
Total Repayment : 607014964
Loan Outstanding : 64048686
Total Saving : 58908574
Branch Manager: Mr. Bholanath Regmi
Address: Beni Municipality-8, Myagdi
Tel: 069-521023
Email: nesdo.myagdi@gmail.com

No. of Staff :6

No. of Members : 1433

No. of Borrowers : 740
Total Disbursement : 349210000
Total Repayment : 311059456
Loan Outstanding : 38150544
Total Saving : 31157151
Branch Manager: Mr. Dhurba Paudel
Address: Putalibazar Municipality-1, Syangja
Tel: 063-420836
Email: nesdo.syangja@gmail.com

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No. of Staff :5
No. of Members : 1000
No. of Borrowers : 613
Total Disbursement : 438290012
Total Repayment : 409922941
Loan Outstanding : 28367071
Total Saving : 21596438
Branch Manager: Mr. Santosh Kandel
Address: Sundarbazar Municipality-9, Lamjung
Tel: 066-400123
Email: nesdo.voteodar@gmail.com

No. of Staff :6

No. of Members : 1600

No. of Borrowers : 870
Total Disbursement : 334292500
Total Repayment : 291832895

Fighting Against Poverty Since 1995

Loan Outstanding : 42459605
Total Saving : 33282592
Branch Manager: Ms. Sangita Chhetri
Address: Walling Municipality-8, Syangja
Tel: 063-440593
Email: nesdo.waling@gmail.com

No. of Staff :6
No. of Members : 2213

No. of Borrowers : 1198

Total Disbursement : 547668830
Total Repayment : 492780064
Loan Outstanding : 54888766
Total Saving : 48628149
Branch Manager: Mr. Suman Ghimire
Address: Tansen Municipality-4, Palpa
Tel: 075-520342
Email: nesdo.palpa@gmail.com

No. of Staff :3

No. of Members : 875

No. of Borrowers : 509
Total Disbursement : 228066000
Total Repayment : 206817727
Loan Outstanding : 21248273
Total Saving : 15083840
Branch Manager: Mr. Rameshwor Tiwari
Address: Madhyanepal Municipality-4, Lamjung
Mob.: 98460-63433
Email: nesdo.duipiple@gmail.com

24 Annual Report 2017/018

No. of Staff :5
No. of Members : 1574
No. of Borrowers : 1061
Total Disbursement : 566549500
Total Repayment : 505981257
Loan Outstanding : 60568243
Total Saving : 33022951
Branch Manager: Mr. Lok Bahadur Pariyar
Address: Gorkha Municipality-8, Gorkha
Tel: 064-421475
Email: nesdo.gorkha@gmail.com

No. of Staff :5

No. of Members : 1649

No. of Borrowers : 1100
Total Disbursement : 610002037
Total Repayment : 550823752
Loan Outstanding : 59178285
Total Saving : 32916579
Branch Manager: Mr. Suk Bahadur Pun
Address: Suklagandaki Municipality-6, Tanahun
Tel: 065-570776
Email: nesdo.khairanitar@gmail.com

No. of Staff :5

No. of Members : 2039

No. of Borrowers : 1154
Total Disbursement : 470631115
Total Repayment : 427948945
Loan Outstanding : 42682170
Total Saving : 37356926
Branch Manager: Mr. Somnidhi Regmi
Address: Baglung Municipality-3, Baglung
Tel: 068-522736
Email: nesdo.baglung@gmail.com

No. of Staff :3

No. of Members : 1127

No. of Borrowers : 559
Total Disbursement : 228887274
Total Repayment : 209125783
Loan Outstanding : 19761491
Total Saving : 17274347
Branch Manager: Ms. Laxmi Gaha
Address: Annapurna Rural Municipality-1, Kaski
Tel: 061-414023
Email: nesdo.naudanda@gmail.com

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No. of Staff :4
No. of Members : 1167
No. of Borrowers : 594
Total Disbursement : 379273313
Total Repayment : 350930117
Loan Outstanding : 28343196
Total Saving : 17361502
Branch Manager: Mr. Shreekanta Neupane
Address: Besisahar Municipality-7, Lamjung
Tel: 066-520808
Email: nesdo.besisahar@gmail.com

No. of Staff :5

No. of Members : 1933

No. of Borrowers : 755
Total Disbursement : 283326825
Total Repayment : 249629838

Fighting Against Poverty Since 1995

Loan Outstanding : 33696987
Total Saving : 35037691
Branch Manager: Ms. Nisha Thapa Magar
Address: Modi Rural Municipality-2, Parbat
Tel: 067-410085
Email: nesdo.patichaurr@gmail.com

No. of Staff :5

No. of Members : 1977

No. of Borrowers : 1064
Total Disbursement : 409714352
Total Repayment : 367945933
Loan Outstanding : 41768419
Total Saving : 34452496
Branch Manager: Mr. Suman Karki
Address: Rampur Municipality-5, Palpa
Tel: 075-400029
Email: nesdo.rampurr@gmail.com

No. of Staff :6

No. of Members : 2231

No. of Borrowers : 1389
Total Disbursement : 715568500
Total Repayment : 632346195
Loan Outstanding : 83222305
Total Saving : 41764247
Branch Manager: Mr. Ramchandra Gautam
Address: Kawasoti Municipality-3, Nawalparasi
Tel: 078-541086
Email: nesdo.kawasoti@gmail.com

24 Annual Report 2017/018

No. of Staff :6
No. of Members : 2955
No. of Borrowers : 2003
Total Disbursement : 644331500
Total Repayment : 553210091
Loan Outstanding : 91121409
Total Saving : 59994188
Branch Manager: Mr. Buddha Bahadur Ghimire
Address: Sunwal Municipality-4, Nawalparasi
Tel: 078-570509
Email: nesdo.sunwal@gmail.com

No. of Staff :7

No. of Members : 2480

No. of Borrowers : 1450
Total Disbursement : 614580500
Total Repayment : 538409516
Loan Outstanding : 76170984
Total Saving : 43900656
Branch Manager: Ms. Manju Bishwakarma
Address: Bardaghat Municipality-4, Nawalparasi
Tel: 078-580762
Email: nesdo.bardaghat@gmail.com

No. of Staff :5

No. of Members : 1624

No. of Borrowers : 1197
Total Disbursement : 473852887
Total Repayment : 397963286
Loan Outstanding : 75884601
Total Saving : 33257637
Branch Manager: Mr. Sugriv Kulmi
Address: Bharatpur Metropolitan-18, Chitwan
Tel: 056-592147
Email: nesdo.chanauli@gmail.com

No. of Staff :5

No. of Members : 2147

No. of Borrowers : 1626
Total Disbursement : 556180000
Total Repayment : 470834464
Loan Outstanding : 85345536
Total Saving : 45501221
Branch Manager: Mr. Arjun Kunwar
Address: Bharatpur Metropolitan-9, Chitwan
Tel: 056-530893
Email: nesdo.bharatpur@gmail.com

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No. of Staff :5
No. of Members : 1552

No. of Borrowers : 1146

Total Disbursement : 475371000
Total Repayment : 411703594
Loan Outstanding : 63667406
Total Saving : 35445603
Branch Manager: Ms. Pratima Hamal
Address: Ratnanagar Municipality-1, Chitwan
Tel: 056-563439
Email: nesdo.tandi@gmail.com

No. of Staff :4

No. of Members : 1450

No. of Borrowers : 791
Total Disbursement : 241521260
Total Repayment : 209868038

Fighting Against Poverty Since 1995

Loan Outstanding : 31653222
Total Saving : 21348753
Branch Manager: Ms. Suna Malla
Address: Tansen Municipality-14, Palpa
Mob.: 98476-47238
Email: nesdo.arghali@gmail.com

No. of Staff :6

No. of Members : 1599

No. of Borrowers : 725
Total Disbursement : 261151500
Total Repayment : 212583943
Loan Outstanding : 48567557
Total Saving : 26969814
Branch Manager: Ms. Sanju Ale Rai
Address: Payau Rural Municipality-4, Parbat
Tel: 067-411076
Email: nesdo.huwash03@gmail.com

No. of Staff :5

No. of Members : 1727

No. of Borrowers : 926
Total Disbursement : 309808000
Total Repayment : 267903074
Loan Outstanding : 41904926
Total Saving : 26810927
Branch Manager: Mr. Puran Bagale
Address: Galkot Municipality-3, Baglung
Tel: 068-522736
Email: nesdo.galkot@gmail.com

24 Annual Report 2017/018

No. of Staff :4
No. of Members : 1173
No. of Borrowers : 677
Total Disbursement : 200079500
Total Repayment : 181937104
Loan Outstanding : 18142396
Total Saving : 16797284
Branch Manager: Ms. Tika Kunwar
Address: Badiguard Rural Municipality-2, Baglung
Tel: 079-412126
Email: nesdo.kharbang@gmail.com

No. of Staff :5

No. of Members : 1669

No. of Borrowers : 959
Total Disbursement : 249008500
Total Repayment : 216038995
Loan Outstanding : 32969505
Total Saving : 22613220
Branch Manager: Ms. Pushpa Malla
Address: Dhorpatan Municipality-1, Baglung
Tel: 068-410093
Email: nesdo.burtibang@gmail.com

No. of Staff :4

No. of Members : 1174

No. of Borrowers : 745
Total Disbursement : 303086717
Total Repayment : 263782425
Loan Outstanding : 39304292
Total Saving : 35088262
Branch Manager: Ms. Sangita Thada
Address: Pokhara Metropolitan-17, Kaski
Tel: 061-464013
Email: nesdo.berauta@gmail.com

No. of Staff :6

No. of Members : 1422

No. of Borrowers : 929
Total Disbursement : 333761500
Total Repayment : 285766810
Loan Outstanding : 47994690
Total Saving : 28030961
Branch Manager: Ms. Dhankumari Kawar
Address: Rapti Municipality-5, Chitwan
Tel: 056-550595
Email: nesdo.bhandra@gmail.com

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No. of Staff :5
No. of Members : 1934
No. of Borrowers : 1014
Total Disbursement : 251782465
Total Repayment : 204645908
Loan Outstanding : 47136557
Total Saving : 25759443
Branch Manager: Ms. Shova Joshi
Address: Pratappur Municipality-9, Nawalparasi
Tel: 078-419089
Email: nesdo.belatari@gmail.com

No. of Staff :5

No. of Members : 1136

No. of Borrowers : 925
Total Disbursement : 302904000
Total Repayment : 265717100

Fighting Against Poverty Since 1995

Loan Outstanding : 37206900
Total Saving : 24857282
Branch Manager: Mr. Tikaram Darji
Address: Echhakamana Rural Municipality-5, Chitwan
Tel: 056-540115
Email: nesdo.mugling@gmail.com

No. of Staff :4

No. of Members : 1762

No. of Borrowers : 794
Total Disbursement : 171750054
Total Repayment : 143774461
Loan Outstanding : 27935593
Total Saving : 23142604
Branch Manager: Mr. Shreeram Chapagain
Address: Phalewas Municipality-6, Parbat
Tel: 067-430043
Email: nesdo.phalebas@gmail.com

No. of Staff :4

No. of Members : 1369

No. of Borrowers : 968
Total Disbursement : 266752000
Total Repayment : 208908611
Loan Outstanding : 57843389
Total Saving : 32294741
Branch Manager: Mr. Bikash Shrestha
Address: Malika Rural Municipality-6, Myagdi
Tel: 069-420003
Email: nesdo.darbang@gmail.com

24 Annual Report 2017/018

No. of Staff :4
No. of Members : 831
No. of Borrowers : 360
Total Disbursement : 76028500
Total Repayment : 56789477
Loan Outstanding : 19239023
Total Saving : 9535767
Branch Manager: Mr. Suman Narayan Salmi
Address: Mahasila Municipality-5, Parbat
Mob.: 98175-67943
Email: nesdo.lunkhu@gmail.com

No. of Staff :4

No. of Members : 839

No. of Borrowers : 369
Total Disbursement : 66498000
Total Repayment : 52027255
Loan Outstanding : 14470712
Total Saving : 9304492
Branch Manager: Ms. Sumina Pun
Address: Phalewas Municipality-2, Parbat
Mob.: 98677-06981
Email: nesdo.thapathana@gmail.com

No. of Staff :5

No. of Members : 1261

No. of Borrowers : 837
Total Disbursement : 162122500
Total Repayment : 123588481
Loan Outstanding : 38534019
Total Saving : 14503321
Branch Manager: Ms. Jamuna Bhusal
Address: Madhi Municipality-3, Chitwan
Tel: 056-501042
Email: nesdo.madhi2@gmail.com

No. of Staff :5

No. of Members : 1203

No. of Borrowers : 679
Total Disbursement : 115979000
Total Repayment : 90126140
Loan Outstanding : 25852860
Total Saving : 14347875
Branch Manager: Ms. Bishnu Nepali
Address: Madhyabindhu Municipality-10, Nawalpur
Tel: 078-555110
Email: nesdo.arunkhola@gmail.com

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No. of Staff :5
No. of Members : 1611
No. of Borrowers : 717
Total Disbursement : 124903374
Total Repayment : 99066526
Loan Outstanding : 25836848
Total Saving : 20045463
Branch Manager: Ms. Dewaka Gyawali
Address: Ramgram Municipality-3, Nawalparasi
Tel: 078-520611
Email: nesdo.parasi@gmail.com

No. of Staff :4

No. of Members : 1502

No. of Borrowers : 906
Total Disbursement : 181390000
Total Repayment : 129220781

Fighting Against Poverty Since 1995

Loan Outstanding : 52169219
Total Saving : 21818317
Branch Manager: Ms. Samjhana Raimajhi
Address: Gaidakot Municipality-16, Nawalpur
Mob.: 98672-23385
Email: nesdo.amarapuri@gmail.com

No. of Staff :3

No. of Members : 1026

No. of Borrowers : 720
Total Disbursement : 117415500
Total Repayment : 82592662
Loan Outstanding : 34822838
Total Saving : 13967505
Branch Manager: Ms. Anju Malla
Address: Bharatpur Metropolitan-21, Chitwan
Mob.: 98455-19156
Email: nesdo.parbatipur@gmail.com

No. of Staff :5

No. of Members : 947

No. of Borrowers : 607
Total Disbursement : 135781000
Total Repayment : 103372011
Loan Outstanding : 32408989
Total Saving : 13156989
Branch Manager: Ms. Ramkumari K.C.
Address: Palungtar Municipality-5, Gorkha
Tel: 064-400085
Email: nesdo.thantipokhari@gmail.com

24 Annual Report 2017/018

No. of Staff :4
No. of Members : 822
No. of Borrowers : 449
Total Disbursement : 86378000
Total Repayment : 65311550
Loan Outstanding : 21066450
Total Saving : 11795310
Branch Manager: Ms. Khimkumari Thapa
Address: Galyang Municipality-3, Syangja
Tel: 063-460373
Email: nesdo.galyang@gmail.com

No. of Staff :5

No. of Members : 908

No. of Borrowers : 482
Total Disbursement : 91534000
Total Repayment : 67100925
Loan Outstanding : 24253077
Total Saving : 13062648
Branch Manager: Ms. Jamuna Basyal
Address: Chapakot Municipality-9, Syangja
Tel: 063-411125
Email: nesdo.chapakot@gmail.com

No. of Staff :4

No. of Members : 702

No. of Borrowers : 413
Total Disbursement : 71084500
Total Repayment : 45606031
Loan Outstanding : 25478469
Total Saving : 8541908
Branch Manager: Mr. Hari Prasad Gautam
Address: Bungdikali Rural Municipality-2, Nawalpur
Mob.: 98465-73963
Email: nesdo.dhedgaun@gmail.com

No. of Staff :4

No. of Members : 828

No. of Borrowers : 497
Total Disbursement : 74395500
Total Repayment : 55634355
Loan Outstanding : 18761145
Total Saving : 9760221
Branch Manager: Mr. Mitra Bahadur Chhetri
Address: Bhimad Municipality-6, Tanahun
Tel: 065-572352
Email: nesdo.bhimad@gmail.com

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No. of Staff :5
No. of Members : 538
No. of Borrowers : 361
Total Disbursement : 69435000
Total Repayment : 53990006
Loan Outstanding : 15444994
Total Saving : 5187890
Branch Manager: Mr. Indra Bahadur Hamal
Address: Madhyanepal Municipality-7, Lamjung
Tel: 066-410158
Email: nesdo.karaputar@gmail.com

No. of Staff :3

No. of Members : 560

No. of Borrowers : 261
Total Disbursement : 48241500
Total Repayment : 38750301

Fighting Against Poverty Since 1995

Loan Outstanding : 9491199
Total Saving : 6487981
Branch Manager: Mr. Lok Bahadur Soni
Address: Gandaki Rural Municipality-8, Gorkha
Tel: 010-416080
Email: nesdo.ghayalchowk@gmail.com

No. of Staff :5

No. of Members : 921

No. of Borrowers : 596
Total Disbursement : 81745500
Total Repayment : 58706457
Loan Outstanding : 23039043
Total Saving : 12392623
Branch Manager: Mr. Santosh Rana
Address: Arughat Municipality-9, Gorkha
Tel: 064-410175
Email: nesdo.aarughat@gmail.com

No. of Staff :3

No. of Members : 876

No. of Borrowers : 402
Total Disbursement : 27687000
Total Repayment : 12677601
Loan Outstanding : 15009399
Total Saving : 5407028
Branch Manager: Ms. Manju Nepal
Address: Bihadi Rural Municipality-6, Parbat
Mob.: 98570-68574
Email: nesdo.setibeni@gmail.com

24 Annual Report 2017/018

No. of Staff :3
No. of Members : 826
No. of Borrowers : 426
Total Disbursement : 23173000
Total Repayment : 10955050
Loan Outstanding : 12217950
Total Saving : 4045577
Branch Manager: Mr. Hom Bahadur Thapa
Address: Rainadevichhahara Rural Municipality-4, Palpa
Mob.: 98678-38462
Email: nesdo.chhahara@gmail.com


Best Performing Branch 1st Amarapuri Best Performing Branch 2nd Damauli

Best Performing Branch 3rd Bardaghat Best Cultural Performer Mr. Suk Bdr. Pun

CEO Birthday Celebration Cultural performance by Anita Soti & Suk B. Pun

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NESDO's Institutional Members List:

S.No Member Type Member's Name Male Female BCN Janajati Dalit Minority
1 Hon. Member Mr. Bishwa Prahash Prasai
2 Hon. Member Ms. Laxmi Kumari Medhasi
3 Hon. Member Ms. Sabitri Khatri Chhetri
4 Hon. Member Mr. Bishwo Bandhu Prasai
5 Hon. Member Mr. Matri Ka Prasad Timilsina
6 Life Member Mr. Ratna Prasad Adhikari
7 Life Member Mr. Debendra Bikram Prasai
8 Life Member Mr. Indraman Khatri
9 Life Member Mr. Dhan Bahadur Medhasi
10 Life Member Ms. Partichhya Rana
11 Life Member Ms. Jog Maya Prasai
12 Life Member Mr. Chandi Prasad Sharma
13 Life Member Mr. Prem Prasad paudel
14 Life Member Mr. Narayan Prasad Prasai
15 Life Member Mr. Karna Bahadur lamichhane
16 Life Member Mr. Bhhudi Prasad Tiwari
17 Life Member Mr. Him Bahadur Paudel
18 Life Member Mr. Debendra Bahadur Medhasi
19 Life Member Mr. Durga Bahadur Medhasi
20 Life Member Mr . Dharma Raj Prasai
21 Life Member Mr. Purna Prasad Prasai

Fighting Against Poverty Since 1995

22 Life Member Ms. Batuli Paudel
23 Life Member Ms. Laxmi Kumari Prasai
24 Life Member Mr. Ram Chandra Subedi
25 Life Member Mr.Ghan Bahadur Prasai
26 Life Member Mr.Jhapat Bahadur Prasai
27 Life Member Mr.Yog Raj Giri
28 Life Member Mr. Bhadra Bahadur Prasai
29 Life Member Mr. Dil Bahadur Prasai
30 Life Member Mr. Tarapati Timilisina
31 Life Member Mr. Dharma Prasad Paudel
32 Life Member Ms.Bhima Sunar
33 Life Member Ms.Gita Lamichhane
34 Life Member Mr. Youdhisthira Bhusal
35 Life Member Mr. Lok bahadur Pariyar
36 Life Member Ms. Hira kumari Hamal
37 Life Member Ms. Chandra Kuamri Shahi
38 Life Member Ms. Pabitra Kumari Paudel
39 Life Member Mr. Uttam Prasad Adhikari
40 Life Member Ms. Nanda kumari Prasai
41 Life Member Mr. Dal Bahadur Prasai
42 Life Member Mr. Jaganath Sharma
43 Life Member Mr. Krishna Prasad Jamarkatel
44 Life Member Ms. Dorpati Gurung
45 Life Member Mr. Prem Sharma Paudel
46 Life Member Ms. khim Maya Paija Giri
47 Life Member Mr. Krishna Prasad Chapagain
48 Life Member Mr. Bhumi Raj Sharma
49 Life Member Mr. Hom Bahadur Purja Pun
50 Life Member Mr. Ram Chandra Gautam
51 Life Member Mr. Badri Prasad Mishra
52 Life Member Mr. Sugat Paudel
53 Life Member Ms. Indra Khatri Chhetri
54 Life Member Mr. Chandra Prakash Paudel
55 Life Member Mr. Prem Prasad Paudel
56 Life Member Mr. Om Prasad Upadhaya
57 Life Member Mr. Bishwo Prem Prasai
58 Life Member Ms. Omna Chhetri
59 Life Member Mr. Somnidhi Regmi
60 Life Member Mr. Esori Prasad Sharma
61 Life Member Ms. Durga Kumari Sharma
62 Life Member Ms. Khim Kumari Thapa
63 Life Member Mr. Tikaram Darji
64 Life Member Mr. Yam Bahadur Khatri
65 Life Member Ms. Gumisara Rana
66 Life Member Ms. Muna Bhusal
67 Life Member Ms. Parbati Timilisina
68 Life Member Mr. Debendra ju Thakuri

24 Annual Report 2017/018

S.No Member Type Member's Name Male Female BCN Janajati Dalit Minority
69 Life Member Mr. Jayaprakash Yadav
70 Life Member Mr. Kamal Prasad Sharma
71 Life Member Ms. Sushma Prasai
72 Life Member Ms. Santoshi Chapagain
73 Life Member Ms. Nirmala Sahi
74 Life Member Ms. Kalpana Hamal
75 Life Member Mr.Tek bahadur Lamichhne
76 Life Member Mr. Tikaram Paudel
77 Life Member Ms. Sangita Thada Magar
78 Life Member Mr. Suk Bahadur Pun
79 Life Member Mr. Bholanath Regmi
80 Life Member Mr. Santosh Adhikari
81 Life Member Mr. Sudeep Prasai
82 General Member Mr. Laxman Hamal
83 General Member Mr. Devraj Giri
84 General Member Mr. Lal bahadur Parja
85 General Member Ms. Prem Kumari Malla
86 General Member Mr. Jit Bahadur Nepali
87 General Member Ms. Rita Devi Kandel Paudel
88 General Member Ms. Soni K.C
89 General Member Ms. Anita Soti
90 General Member Ms. Durga Adhikari
91 General Member Ms. Uma Koirala
92 General Member Ms. Laxmi Gaha Magar
93 General Member Ms. Suna Kumari Malla
94 General Member Ms. Laxmi Pun
95 General Member Mr.Suprim Prasai
96 General Member Mr. Rabin Kumar Chepang
97 General Member Ms. Kesa Pariyar
98 General Member Ms. Rita Kumari Sen
99 General Member Ms. Sanam Begam
100 General Member Mr. Shreeram Chapagain
101 General Member Mr. Jagannath Sharma (Parbat)
102 General Member Ms. Bishnu Nepali
103 General Member Ms. Khagisara Darji
104 General Member Ms. Manju B.K
105 General Member Ms. Nimshree Rana Magar
106 General Member Ms. Sumina Pun
107 General Member Ms. Rita Adhikari
108 General Member Ms. Santoshi Sunwar
109 General Member Ms. Goma Hamal
110 General Member Mr. Mahadev Gautam
111 General Member Mr. Subas Bhandari
112 General Member Ms. Samjhana Rayamajhi
113 General Member Mr. Nirmala Gautam
114 General Member Ms. Dhan Kumari Darji
115 General Member Ms. Nisha Thapa Magar
116 General Member Ms. Devi Thapa Magar
117 General Member Ms. Sanju Ale Rai
118 General Member Ms. Durga Sunwar
119 General Member Ms. Samichaya Rana Magar
120 General Member Ms. Sangita Chhetri
121 General Member Ms. Sharmila Bote
122 General Member Mr. Bhudha Bhadur Ghimire
123 General Member Ms. Pratima Hamal
124 General Member Ms. Anusa Gurung
125 General Member Ms. Saraswati Rai
126 General Member Mr. Sanjib Prasai
127 General Member Ms. Jayanti Gurung
128 General Member Mr. Chhabilal Sharma
129 General Member Ms. Radhika Kunwar
130 General Member Mr. Krishna Kumari B.K.
131 General Member Mr. Prasanta Lamichhane
  Total: 67 64 94 21 11 5
  Percentage: 51 49 71 16 9 4

Membership Strategy:
• At the Time of enrolling instutional member emphasis will be given on Janajati, Dalit & Minority Community.
• Encouraging Life member from Dalit, Janajati & Minority Community.
• Emphasis on member enrolment will be given on unfield business sector

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Fighting Against Poverty Since 1995

Inst. Registration Certificate PAN

NRB Permission

SWC Affliation Tax Exemption Certificate

24 Annual Report 2017/018


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