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Chapter 6
Selecting Employees
Lecturer: Dao Thi Ngoc Mai, MBA.
HRM Check in
HRM Contents

1 The basis of testing and selecting employees

2 Types of tests
3 Interviewing Candidates
4 Using other selection techniques
HRM The basis of testing & selecting employees

Why careful selection is important?

HRM Reliability & Validity

Do you agree that…?

final exams can measure exactly your ability
HRM Reliability & Validity

the consistency of scores obtained by the same

Reliability person when retested with the identical or
equivalent tests

whether the test is measuring what one thinks it’s

supposed to be measuring
Validity • Criterion Validity
• Content Validity
• Construct Validity
HRM Type of tests 2

• Tests of Cognitive Abilities (mental abilities)

• Tests of Motor and Physical Abilities
• Measuring Personality
• Achievement tests
• Computerized Online Testing
• Work Samples & Simulation
• Situational Judgment Tests
• Management Assessment Centers
• Video-Based Situational Testing
• Miniature Job Training & Evaluation Approach
• Computerized Multimedia Candidate Assessment Tool
HRM Tests of Cognitive Abilities (mental abilities)

IQ test
HRM Measuring Personality
• Non-Performance Test, measure basic aspects of an
applicant’s personality, such as introversion, stability, and
• Interest Inventories: are tests that compare one’s interests
with those of people in various occupations

Take the MBTI test – question 1,5,9,13,17

HRM Tests of Motor and Physical Abilities


Classify the beans

Test physical abilities such as finger dexterity, strength,

& manual dexterity
HRM Situational Judgment Tests
You are looking after Mrs King, who is being investigated in hospital. You
are asked by her family not to inform Mrs King if the results confirm cancer.
Choose the three most appropriate actions to take in this situation.
A Ignore the family’s wishes
B Agree not to tell Mrs. King C, D, E
C Explain to the family that it is Mrs. King’s decision
D Ask Mrs. King whether she wishes to know the test results
E Ask Mrs. King whether she wishes you to inform the family
F Inform Mrs. King that her family do not wish her to have the results
G Give the results to the family first
H Give the results to the next of kin first
HRM Achievement tests
• Measure of what someone has learned
• They specifically measure knowledge
HRM Interviewing candidates 3

Interview is the procedure designed to solicit information from

a person’s oral responses to oral inquiries
HRM In group…

You need to find a person who will work at the

restaurant check-in counter
Prepare a list of (at least 6) questions that you want to ask
this person in the interview
Who will be the interviewer(s)?
HRM Interviewing candidates

1 Structure Structured vs. Non-structured

• Situational questions
2 Types of questions • Behavioral questions
• Knowledge & background questions

3 How to administer • One-on-one

• Sequential • By video or phone
• Panel
HRM Interviewing candidates 3

A friend comes in
angry and upset. How Situational questions
would you handle this

Have you ever made a

Behavioral questions mistake? How did you
handle it?
HRM How to administer?
Which one is more valid/ reliable?

1 Structure Structured vs. Non-structured

• Situational questions
2 Types of questions • Behavioral questions
• Knowledge & background questions

3 How to administer • One-on-one

• Sequential • By video or phone
• Panel
How to avoid common interviewing
• Snap judgements  keep an open mind and be careful not to quickly judge
• Negative Emphasis  keep an open mind & consciously guard against unwarranted
negative impressions.
• Not Knowing the Job  making sure the interviewer prepares beforehand.
• Pressure to hire
• Candidate Order (Contrast Error)
• Influence of Nonverbal Behaviors
• Attractiveness
• Ingratiation: when interviewees self-promote their own skills & abilities to create the
impression of competence.
HRM Activity
• Pair with a person (emotional clock)
• Write down 1 -2 first thoughts about this person
• Take turn to share in pair about the activity that you enjoy so much
HRM How to Conduct an Effective Interview 3

• Step 1: Design the Interview

• Step 2: Review the Candidate’s Background
• Step 3: Establish Rapport
• Step 4: Ask Questions
• Step 5: Close the Interview
• Step 6: Review the Interview
Sample Interview Questions
Asking Profile-Oriented Interview
HRM Using other selection techniques 4

• Background investigations & Reference checks

• Honesty testing
• Graphology (hand writing analysis)
• Medical Exams
• Drug screening
• Realistic job previews
• Tapping friends & acquaintances

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