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P7 C

Using the key words below; complete the block diagram to illustrate how electricity from fossil fuel is generated.

Fuel Heat Air Steam Boiler Cooling water in

Turbine Generator Condenser National Grid Cooling water out

Research on renewable sources of energy and fill in the table below. Below are some links you can use:

Use the websites to find out about some of the following forms of electricity generation. In each case explain where the
energy comes from, how the generator works and outline some of its advantages and disadvantages compared with a
thermal power station using a fossil fuel. Use the term renewable energy where appropriate.

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P7 C

Alternative forms of energy generation

1. Wind power Advantages: Renewable, No greenhouse gases released

Disadvantages: Expensive, inefficient, to some it's an eyesore, not always windy,

loud, difficult to install

Energy transfer: Kenetic (wind) ---> KE (turbine) ---> KE (generator) ---> Electrical

2. Wave power Advantages: Renewable, No greenhouse gases released

Disadvantages: Expensive, inefficient, seawater is corrosive, difficult to install

and maintain due to the distance from land

Energy transfer: KE (waves) ---> KE (turbine) ---> KE (generator) ---> Electrical


3. Tidal power Advantages: Renewable, No greenhouse gases released

Disadvantages: Expensive, inefficient, Requires large tides, Blocks natural flow of

water and/or can harm wildlife

Energy transfer: GPE (water) ---> KE (turbine) ---> KE (generator) ---> Electrical

3. Geothermal energy
Advantages: Renewable, No greenhouse gases released

Disadvantages: Expensive, inefficient, Have to dig far down for, only available
where there is [strong(?)] geothermal activity

Energy transfer: Thermal energy in the ground ---> Thermal energy in house/

Advantages: Renewable, No greenhouse gases released

5. _______________
(chose one other type which
Energy transfer: KE (Sunlight/electromagnetic waves) ---> Electrical Energy
you are interested in)

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