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Research Description

The presentation intended for the realization of this research proposal clearly gives an

important emphasis of student achievement through differentiated instruction. The

proposal will involve relevant data in terms of providing a concrete review of the

literature integrating useful information needed in order for the researcher to vividly

present what needs to be considered in acquiring the purpose of the study and what

needs to be done in the whole process of data and interpretation as well as providing

clear research questions that must be answered concisely with good content materials

and substance. There needs to have the use of respondents that will basically cover as

the sample population of the study along with methods to be used for this research be it

statistical or quantitative data and the application of preliminary as well as secondary

data is also important. It is a must to show dependent and independent variables that

will give clarity to the topic being investigated. There needs to have the discussion of

the issues concerning the steps to protect the research respondents from such risks.

This research proposal presentation will serve as a tool for further investigations of the

study as well as future research that speaks clearly of the factors relating to the

research topic and will provide awareness to the people involved in giving worth and

value for the completion of this research study respectively.


 Statement of the Problem

There are many issues that involve differentiated instruction that intends to increase

student achievement in reading as well as mathematics that will inhibit students’

possibility for improvement. The findings will provide insights on the future of

differentiated instruction relating to student achievement in terms of their reading and

mathematics abilities per se. The problem is that, is true that not all students are alike

and basing from this statement, it can be said that differentiated instruction applies an

approach to teaching and learning so that these students will have various options for

taking in information and making sense of ideas. That is why this study aims to analyze

and evaluate them and later to use them as evidences that differentiated instruction

really increases student achievement in any circumstances and situations. The intent of

differentiating instruction is to maximize student’s growth and individual success by

meeting each student where he is and assisting in the learning process.

To address the problem of the study, the following general research questions will be


Research Questions

1. Does the use of differentiated instruction increase student achievement?

2. Does the use of differentiated instruction increase student achievement in


3. Does the use of differentiated instruction increase student achievement in


Review of Literature

moreover, research evidences indicates that students are more successful in school

and more engaged if they are taught in ways that are responsive to their readiness

levels (Vygotsky, 1986) their interests (Csikszentmihalyi, 1990) and their learning

profiles (Sternberg et al., 1998). According to Tomlinson (2003) in adopting

differentiated instruction, teachers are always trying to address such characteristics for

every student. Moreover, in reinforcing the concept of differentiation as it involves a

compilation of many educational theories and practices. (Howard, 1994; Jensen, 1998)

Many teachers assert that their classrooms have been transformed significantly and

better by means of a differentiated instruction (Tomlinson, 2000) towards differentiation

as a promising practice and principles which are basic to any good teaching, as critical

to and the foundation for successful differentiated instruction. (Howard, 1994; Jensen,

1998) The learning environment must make students feel safe before learning will take

place that teachers demonstrate and encourage openness and respect for student

differences and value learners (Watson, 1985; Tomlinson, 2001; Pettig, 2000).

Thus, it is said that learning is the construction of understanding, each learner needing

to make his own meaning of the ideas and skills being taught. Therefore, effective

teaching is based on concepts with concept-based teaching, learners are more likely to

construct and enhance frameworks of meaning, understand the relationship of the parts

to the whole and relate the subject to their life and to other topics (Kesner et al., 1993).

They also are more likely to retrieve and remember the ideas and information (Erickson,

1998) and to use ideas more readily (Keverns et al., 1997). However, in the recent

studies Murphy et al (2001) found evidence of a positive association with the use of

student achievement in reading and mathematics, an association consistent with earlier

reviews of the research literature on the effectiveness of differentiated instruction

through computers (Kulik & Kulik, 1991; Kulik, 1994; Fletcher-Flinn & Gravatt, 1995;

Ryan, 1991). Students in the early grades, from pre-kinder to grade 3 and middle school

grades appear to benefit most from DES applications for reading instruction, as

students with special reading needs.


In a 2000 study commissioned by the Software and Information Industry Association,

Sivin-Kachala and Bialo (2000) reviewed 311 research studies on the effectiveness of

technology on student achievement. Their findings revealed positive and consistent

patterns when students were engaged in technology rich environments, involved gains

and achievement in certain subject areas, increased achievement in preschool through

high school for both regular and special needs students and improved attitudes toward

learning and increased self-esteem. Thus, O'Dwyer, Russell, Bebell and Tucker-Seeley

(2005) found that while controlling for both prior achievement and socioeconomic status,

fourth-grade students who reported greater frequency of differentiated instruction at

school were likely to have higher total English arts test scores on fourth grade test

scores on the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS) English

Arts test.  Schacter (1999) found that students with access to any of a number of

technologies like for example, computer assisted instruction, integrated learning

systems, simulations and programming technologies show positive gains in

achievement on researcher constructed tests, standardized tests and national tests.

Cavanaugh's synthesis (2001) of 19 experimental and quasi-experimental studies of the

effectiveness of interactive distance education using videoconferencing and

telecommunications for K-12 academic achievement found positive effect in favor of

distance education and more positive effect sizes for interactive distance education

programs that combine an individualized approach with traditional classroom instruction.

Researchers are making progress on the more complicated task of investigating the

impact of differentiated instruction on student achievement in terms of reading and

mathematics on higher thinking skills as measured through the use of standardized

tests. They are examining students' ability to understand complex phenomena, analyze

and synthesize sources of information and build logical representations of their

knowledge that will emphasize the ability to access and synthesize information.

(Roschelle, Pea, Hoadley, Gordin and Means, 2000) Research studies focusing on

student achievement seem to bear different results than studies focusing on equity

issues about the educational significance of the findings. Students can move from group

to group as they progress, and the whole class receives the same basic instruction.

Mullis, 1991) On the basis of results from many separate studies, some have argued

that students of all ability levels do no better in tracked classes than in classes of mixed

ability (Slavin, 1990). These findings prompted many schools to abolish tracking.

Gamoran also found that the difference in achievement between students in the upper

and lower tracks was even greater than the difference between those who stayed in

school and those who dropped out.

In attempting to place these findings in a broader context, it is worth considering the

general levels of proficiency in mathematics among high school seniors as measured by

the National Assessment of Educational Progress (Mullis, 1991). Though students in

academic programs, with plans to attend college, performed significantly higher in

mathematical achievement than students in general was barely above the level required
to successfully understand the material introduced.  The gap between high and low

achievers will indeed narrow under mixed ability grouping, because the high and

average students will likely achieve less, but the lower students will not likely achieve

more. It also seems that the process does not necessarily have the same effects in

reading and math courses (Epstein & MacIver, 1992) while lower achieving students

were found to benefit from mixed-ability grouping in some math survey courses that

seemed to benefit students some tracked algebra classes.

Definition of Terms

Differentiated Instruction is a teaching theory based on the premise that instructional

approaches should be adapted in relation to individual and diverse students in

classrooms. (Tomlinson, 2001) It is an approach that enables teachers to plan

strategically to meet the needs of every student. It is rooted in the belief that there is

variability among any group of learners and that teachers should adjust instruction

accordingly (Tomlinson, 2003). It is the teacher’s response to the diverse learning

needs of his or her students. (Tomlinson, 2003)

Student achievement involves the accomplishments of the students in relation to their

academic that has improved across levels and have higher achievement and that the
rate of gain varies significantly and that student efforts shows better achievement and

the idea to always take in control of the challenges within the context of better

instruction received at school engaging to a better process of education.

Readiness refers to a student’s knowledge, understanding and skill related to a

particular sequence of learning. It is influenced by a student's cognitive proficiency as

well as life experiences and attitudes about school. Readiness can vary according to

topic and circumstance. As Tomlinson (2003) points out, if readiness levels in a class

vary, so must the complexity of work provided. It can also be addressed through small

group sessions or the provision of one on one teacher and peer support or coaching.  

Interest arises from topics that evoke curiosity and passion in students and in which

they want to invest time and energy to learn about. When a student’s interests are

tapped, that student is more to be engaged to persist in learning (Csikszentmihalyi,

1990; Maslow, 1962; Sousa, 2001; Wolfe, 2001).

Learning Profile refers to how a student learns best. Preferences for learning are

shaped by intelligence preference, culture and gender. Teachers differentiate by

learning profile when they provide learning activities that offer students choices for

demonstrating mastery of learning: journals, presentations, role plays

Content refers to what students need to learn: the major concepts, principles and skills

that are taught. The learners should be given access to the same content. (Tomlinson,
2001) Teachers should adjust the degree of complexity using diverse instructional

processes to teach the content. (Tomlinson, 1999)

Process refers to ways in which the content is taught the activities that help students

understand and eventually own the concepts and skills being taught. The key to

differentiating process is flexible grouping, in which learners are sometimes grouped by

readiness levels, sometimes by interest, and sometimes by learning profiles. This

approach supports the growth of a strong community of learners among everyone in the

class. It would be difficult to differentiate instruction without using flexible grouping.

Instruction is concept focused as well as principle-driven as these concepts should be

broad based and not focused on such unlimited facts. Teachers must focus on the

principles and skills that students should learn. The content of instruction should

address the same concepts with the students but be adjusted by degree of complexity

for the diversity of learners in the classroom.


The methodology of the study is to have a random sampling analysis with certain

comparisons of data and information gathered to have valid details as well as analysis

that if certain instruments will have unstable reliability and validity if the methods to be

used in the sampling of the population are not randomized per se. The research design

that will be used in the study is descriptive research. Descriptive research intends to

present facts concerning the nature and status of a situation, as it exists at the time of

the study (Creswell, 1994). It is also concerned with relationships and practices that

exists and processes that are ongoing, trends that are developing. (Best, 1970) In

addition, such approach tries to describe present conditions, events or systems based

on the impressions or reactions of the respondents of the research (Creswell, 1994).

Respondents in the study high school students who will be chosen randomly from

different school campuses within the US. They will be chosen through stratified random

sampling and will be surveyed with a self-report survey instrument. A five-point Likert

Scale will be used to measure the level of differentiated instruction (as the dependent

variable for this study) in student achievement in terms of reading and mathematics (as

the independent variable) in every statement in the questionnaire.

In the Likert technique, the degree of agreement or disagreement) is given a numerical

value ranging from one to five, thus a total numerical value can be calculated from all

the responses (Underwood, 2004). The equivalent weights for the answers will be:

Range                                                            Interpretation

            4.50 – 5.00                                                    Strongly Agree

            3.50 – 4.00                                                    Agree

            2.50 – 3.49                                                    Uncertain

            1.50 – 2.49                                                    Disagree         

            0.00 – 1.49                                                    Strongly Disagree

Finally, personal interviews will be conducted on both students and teachers to

determine the educational nature of the differentiated instruction among the desired

sample population.. This will be done with a guide of an open interview questionnaire

regarding on the matter. Data will be analyzed with the use of the latest survey software

and will be compared with the use of chi-square.


The researcher anticipate that use of such tools that will increase the students’

achievement in reading and mathematics due to the exposure of differentiated

instruction and active learning through interaction with both supplemental materials and

their classmates and teachers. This interaction and active searching for information are

not components of a modern lecture type course within the context structure of

differentiated instruction and it is expected to increase the level of student achievement

performance like for instance, on quizzes and examinations in their reading and

mathematics classes. An incentive for students to utilize on these instructions along with

the interactive components that involves the provision of each student’s grade devoted

to classroom achievements because of enough involvement and participation during

class. One hundred students enrolled in two middle reading and mathematics courses

at a university will need to participate in this study and will complete an online survey

during the second week of classes. The demographic data will be tabulated as it will

provide a basis from which to describe the increase of student achievement because of

the use of differentiated instructions both reading and mathematics and will include the

following: class standing: freshman, sophomore, junior and senior as well as gender

and race, hours spent and the amount of time they spend commuting to campus.

There should be a certain study analysis and the useful application of the methodology.

There is a comparative study to be done to the participants who are the freshmen

students done to the senior students by means of the following: The Coates &
Humphreys (2001) study utilized the students enrolled in their own reading and

mathematics classes. This study will evaluate data collected from two intermediate level

courses that have been taught in differentiated instruction format with web based

support. The control that helps equate the recently taught differentiated classes and that

there is an underlying principle of comparison that is made between each study through

the sampling process. The intermediate classes are chosen to more closely mirror the

choice of instruction in order to measure properly student achievement in both reading

and mathematics class as a part of the secondary school curriculum. There describes

the tools, measures and techniques for collecting data that could be of so much use in

simple ways as the study may use certain established validity and reliability and to see

to it that the mind in terms of student achievement and the differentiated instruction will

relate vividly to the educational appropriateness of the study that is valid and reliable

when being used by the sample students. The instruments are in the form of survey

technique as well as comparison with the respected analysis that is of great relevance

in dealing to the context of the study.

The use of quantitative methods will involve demographic data gathered from the survey

conducted during the second week of class. To answer the research question as

mentioned earlier in this study. The Pearson r statistical test will be used to determine

the presence or absence of a relationship between the variables: student achievement

in reading and in mathematics. A likelihood-ratio c2 (Pearson c2) test with a predicted

value of more than 5 percent to make the c2 test valid and will be used in finding out the
focal point of this study that, is the idea that the use of differentiated instruction will

increase student achievement such as in reading and mathematics respectively.  This

research study will somewhat repeat Coates and Humphrey’s statistical model to

provide a method for analysis that mirrors differentiated instruction efforts. The model

relates student achievement and performance on quizzes and examinations to the

gathered data from the student survey and measures the efforts to access differentiated

instruction material and participate in interactive communication activities.

The basic model being repeated is:

Yi,t = α0 + α1 Wi,t + α2Ci + α3Zi + ei,t

Were i indexes students (i=1…N) and t indexes student achievement in terms of scores

on quizzes, exams and the overall grade of their reading and mathematics (t=1…T), the

αj’s are vectors of parameters to be estimated and the variables are defined as:

Yi,t                    Outcome for student i on examination t

ZI, 2, 3               A class indicator variable

Wi,t                  List of variables reflecting student i’s of differentiated instruction material

prior to the examination t

Ci                    List of variables reflecting measurable factors specific to student I

ei,t                    Mean zero, normally distributed error term

Thus, included in the Wi,t are variables measuring the number of attempts students’

achievement as well as variables reflecting experience with the differentiated instruction

and participation on class discussions. Ci contains attributes of the student and

involvement in their reading and mathematics class. These factors may vary across

students but do not vary from achievement to the next. Zi is a dummy variable

distinguishing students enrolled in the each of the intermediate classes in reading and

mathematics. (Bassey, 1999; Klein, 2000; Rodgers & Jensen, 2001).

Students were required to reflect on the results and the class discussion and write a

summary that they would take to improve their learning in experiencing differentiated

instruction. Students were encouraged to continuously reflect and make changes in

their cognitive functioning if required for greater success. However, while overall student

achievement seems to have risen somewhat in recent years, the middle grades are not

necessarily responsible for that gain. For instance, it has been argued that the value

added by grades five to eight has actually declined over time in mathematics and has

remained stagnant in reading (Haycock and Ames, 2000). That is, eighth-grade student

scores have improved, this improvement might be attributable to better student

achievement in fourth grade rather than what is happening in the middle grades.

(Mizell, 2000; Cooney, 1998; Schmidt et al, 1996).


Students performing in the lowest quartile tend to receive less academic guidance than

their high-achieving peers and face lower expectations from their teachers. Their

teachers tend to score lower on various indicators of pedagogical effectiveness and

personal efficacy than teachers of students performing at higher levels. (Wang, 2001;

Bracey, 2000), it provokes much concern about middle grades student achievement

particularly in mathematics. The key findings are well-known: In mathematics and

reading, U.S. fourth-graders reached a higher achievement level than their peers in

other developed nation.


The issues will cover ethical principles, ethical dilemmas between informed choice and

informed consent and emerging reality that raise ethical concerns.

Human Research Must Protect Participants

Research among humans is necessary to learn how to better improve methods, and

policies as it is essential that such research be done in an ethical manner with careful

planning and procedures to protect research participants. Thus, by means of informed

choice and informed consent, research providers and researchers can help ensure that

clients and study participants make fully informed and voluntary decisions about the

goal and purpose of the study. Researchers need to have a converted standard consent
format to a brochure with clear diagrams which is suitable for the reading level of the

students as the respondents for research wherein some volunteers would be required in

the process.


Week One:

Drafting and Lay outing of the research proposal and determine such important and

related studies to support any validity of findings and results

Week Two:

Collecting and Gathering of possible data information and appropriate research


Week Three:

Finalization, Assessment and Evaluation of research discussions and its overall

contextual process and be applicable for future research

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