Time Allowed For This Work Is 1:00 HR This Work Is Done Individualy So Do Each Task One by One

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Exam include the following module:-operat personal computer,develop keybord skile,create and use spreadsheet

 Time allowed for this work is 1:00 hr

 This work is done individualy so do each task one by one / Total mark for this 100%
Project one Practical work on word writing this paragraph on word and do tasks one by one

Computer keyboard and there description

Alphanumeric Keys:- These keys contain letters and numbers on the keyboard. These keys are: A-Z for alphabets, and 0-9 for

Punctuation keys:- The keys used for inserting various punctuation marks are period (full stop), comma, semicolon, brackets,
apostrophe, parenthesis etc

Special keys:-Understanding the keyboard also means learning the special functions of certain keys. Commonly used special
keys are explained as under.

Task 1.Save your work on hard drive (D)or document crating new folder by your name and using file name final exam

Task 2. Make the font size of the title “20”, centered, underline, bold and italic.

Task 3. Change all the font into “times new roman”

Task 4. Line spacing between paragraph is 1.5

Task 5. Insert drop cap for the first paragraph drop cap option is dropped

Task 6.Insert your wanted bulleting on paragraph three.

Task 7.Copy all paragraph & paste it under the third paragraph.

Task 8. Divide this paragraph into 3 columns.

Task 9.insert your wanted word art for your work and page number.

Task 10.Insert water mark for your work is final exam for level I

Project two do the following task on spreadsheet/excel

No Computer Company Name Amounts in birr
Asset Liability Capital Income Expense Tax
1 Toshiba 5646 900
2 Dell 8765 1500
3 Lenovo 10400 4900
4 Hp 4578 1250
5 Apple 7650 3000
Calculate according the following formula:

1. Capital = Asset – Liability

2. Income = 55% of Assets
3. Expense = 25% of Liabilities
4. Tax =5%of income
5. Calculate the sum, average, minimum, and maximum resultsof each
6. Produce column chart for the above task.
7. Give chart title is computer company.
8. Set the Y-axis Revenue/amount in birr and X-axis Name of the computer company.
9. Show steps for shut down and open your computer for your assessor.

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