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Faculty of Information Technology(FIT)

Internship Handbook

This handbook is used for Internship module as part of the Diploma and Degree programmes in the
Faculty of Information Technology (FIT)
INTI International University

Aug 2019
1. General Guidelines for Interns....................................................................................................3
2. The Internship Process Flowchart...............................................................................................4
3. Internship Administration and Operation Guidelines..................................................................5
4. Oversea Internship Guidelines..................................................................................................12
5. Help Desk Support and Contact Information............................................................................13
6. Appendix A: Application Letter................................................................................................14
7. Appendix B: Host Company Internship Offer Form.................................................................15
8. Appendix C: Appreciation Letter..............................................................................................16
9. Appendix D: Host Company Internship Communication Form...............................................17
10. Appendix E: Intern Internship Communication Form..............................................................18
11. Appendix F: Host Company Termination Form.......................................................................19
12. Appendix G: Daily and Weekly Log Book...............................................................................20
13. Appendix H: Intern Midterm Report.........................................................................................24
14. Appendix I: Host Supervisor Evaluation Form.........................................................................25
15. Appendix J: Report Cover and Table of Contents.....................................................................29
16. Appendix K: Intern’s Supervisor Feedback Profile..................................................................33
17. Appendix L: Intern’s Profile and On-Site Work Experience....................................................34
1. General Guidelines for Interns
Below are the general guidelines for Interns to refer:
 To abide by the Host Company Rules and Regulations
 Adhere to requirements of Host Company Supervisor and Internal Supervisor
 To wear proper attire all time
 Maintain the Daily and Weekly Log Book promptly and submit to your Host Company
Supervisor for verification and send to Internal Supervisor
 Keep close contact with the Internal supervisor and Career Services (CS)
 To keep in touch with Internal Supervisor to provide mutual support and encouragement
 Should not seek for actual help from your supervisors or any other persons in order for
you to complete the assignment, project, and final report
 To fill up Intern Internship Communication Form (Appendix E) should you wish to raise
any issues and submit to Director of CS
 Should the Host Company terminate Intern service or Intern wish to resign from the Host
Company, CS will only act according to Faculty advice for a second placement
 Interns are responsible if the Host Company asks for compensation on administrative
charges should Interns withdraw prematurely without good supporting reasons
 Complete and send the Intern Midterm Report (Appendix H) to Internal Supervisor by
week 6 (Diploma) or week 8 (Degree)
 Arrange with Internal Supervisor for Internship’s on-site work experience’s presentation
and submit the complete report, Host Supervisor Evaluation Form (Appendix I) to
Faculty on time
 Send the Intern’s Supervisor Feedback Profile (Appendix K) to CS once you have
completed your Internship

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2. The Internship Process Flowchart

As a general guide, Interns will follow a standard workflow process for Internship as shown
below. The specific schedule is available separately in the Career Services (CS) and Faculty
for this Process Flowchart (Figure 1).

Internship duration:
Diploma : 9 weeks
Degree : 16 weeks

Figure 1: Internship Process Flowchart

3. Internship Administration and Operation Guidelines

Phase 1: Briefing, Training and Pre-Registration (By CS)

The CS and Faculty will give a regular briefing to students participating in the Internship.
The students will be given a briefing in all matters pertaining to the administration, pre-
registration, application procedure, training schedules, support services, policies, and
guidelines on Internship.

The pre-registration (aims to produce the Internship candidate list) is important so that CS
and Faculty could allocate the needed resources, and support services in providing Internship
placement to all the students.

Students are required to attend the briefing conducted by CS in order to register your
Internship through the given link during the briefing. CS will issue a certification letter to you
upon success registration. You are required to attach this certification letter with your
application letter to the company.

Students are encouraged to attend some of the following workshops organized by CS before
the commencement of their Internship period, such as:
 Handling Job Interviews
 Creating Cover Letters & Resume Effectively
 Self-evaluation & Personality Profiling
 Career Networking & Planning
 Grooming / Imaging for Success
 Presentation Dynamics
 Developing Business / Project Proposal

** The above workshops may vary every semester

Phase 2: Enrolment, Application, Interview and Selection (By CS and Faculty)
Upon completion of the above briefing preparations, training, and pre-registrations, students
are now able to officially register or enroll by doing an advanced enrollment in the Internship
programme at the Faculty or at CS.

** No students will be allowed to proceed further in Internship if they are not officially
enrolled or registered in advanced for Internship.

Upon completion of the advanced registration and enrolment on Internship, students are now
ready to source and submit their Internship applications to their prospective employers of
their choice. Students have to send the Application Letter (Appendix A) together with
Certification (issued by CS, if any) and Host Company Internship Offer Form (Appendix B).
At this stage, students are expected to have their own Internship portfolios ready and
available anytime such as the hard copies and soft copies of the following relevant
documents and credentials before they could start sending their applications to the
 Well written and dated Internship application cover letter
 Appropriate and up to date personal resume or curriculum vitae
 Relevant certificates and transcript of records
 Letter of commendations and awards received
 Recommendation letters from Professionals
 CS Support Documents: Certification Letter and the Host Company Internship Offer Form

Students are to furnish a copy of the above documents to CS and CS to file them under
individual student’s PDP file for the generation of their Employability Transcripts in the near
Application for Internship placement is divided into TWO parts:
1. The first part was the Self-Internship Placement (SIP) where students apply and source for
their own employers for at least THREE different employers in one-month time. It is an
important provision on Internship and requirement that will allow students to experience
all the stages of searching and applying for jobs. Students must produce all the necessary
evidence that they have tried and attempted to apply for jobs to three different employers
and yet they are not able to get placement from the employers. A sample of evidence is
Email replies and written document.

2. With sufficient evidence presented by the student on the difficulties of getting placement,
the students could opt for the second part by availing of the university placement services,
by seeking help from CS for the University Internship Placement (UIP), CS will try its
best to look and select for its corporate/industry partners to assist and provide Internship
placement for the students. Students who opted for UIP have no choice on the type of
employer and location as CS will finalize the placement. Students are expected to attend
job interview sessions during the application period for screening and selection by
employers. Students are encouraged to write an Appreciation Letter (Appendix C ) to
the respective company if they choose to turn down the offer.

Phase 3: Placement, Confirmation, Approval and Orientation (By CS and Faculty)

Internship placement to the company/industry, including all Host Company Internship Offer
Form and/or Appointment Letter given by the company/industry must be signed by students
if they agreed to it. The placement requires verification and confirmation from the CS and
approval from the Faculty. Once the application for Internship is successful either by SIP or
UIP, the following actions must be carried out by students, CS, Faculty and Host Company:
1. To forward a copy of Host Company Internship Offer Form ( Appendix B) and/or
Letter of Offers (from company) to CS for verification on the followings:
 The Host Company has a physical office
 The Host Company has a valid website address
 The Host Company has at least FIVE full-time staff at work
2. CS will contact and check the authenticity of the company and will immediately get the
approval of the Faculty for the said Internship placement
3. Host Company is to assign a supervisor and provide a briefing to the Interns on the
expectations, rules and regulations of the company. Interns will be treated just like any
other employee in the company.
4. Interns to obey and follow all the regulations set by the Host Company.

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Phase 4: Internship at Work: Reporting, Supervision & Learning Diaries (By Supervisor
and Intern)
a) Reporting
Interns are required to report to the Host Company at the specified date and time as per
Internship period. The Host Company will ensure that a company supervisor is
assigned to the Intern and proper briefing/orientation on the rules, regulations and
policies are given to the Intern.

b) Supervision
Each Intern will have two supervisors; one supervisor from the Host Company (External
Supervisor) and another one from the University (Internal Supervisor), both supervisors
will guide and assess the students' performance, its Daily and Weekly Log Book and
Internship report during the period of Internship. Depending on the performance of the
Intern, the Internal Supervisor may or may not visit the Interns during the Internship
period. If there is a need for a work site visitation for the Intern, the Faculty or CS will
coordinate the said visitation with the Host Company.

Both the Host Supervisor and Intern must fill up the Host Company Internship
Communication Form (Appendix D) or Intern Internship Communication Form
E) and submit it to Director of CS to raise any issues. In case if there is any termination
incident, Host Company will need to submit Host Company Termination Form
F) to the respective Internal Supervisor and Faculty.

c) Daily and Weekly Log Book and final Internship report

Daily and Weekly Log Book (Appendix G) refers to all forms of documentations and note
takings of all the personal experiences and reflections that the Interns had during the
Internship period. It is an important evidence of the achievement gained at the worksite.
Interns must record clearly the supplementary skills and knowledge gained during the
Internship. Interns are expected to be organized in their work and be diligent in keeping
their learning diaries complete, signed by the supervisors and accurate for reporting and
to be submitted on-time.

Interns must record clearly jobs assigned, problems encountered, details of discussion and
job accomplished during the Internship. Daily and Weekly Log Book should be presented
to and signed by the Host Company supervisor.

All signed Daily and Weekly Log Book should be submitted altogether with the final
Internship Report in hard copy to the faculty for marking and review.

d) Intern Midterm Report

Intern has to conduit self-assessment on Intern Midterm Report (Appendix H) and send to
Internal Supervisor by week 6 (Diploma) or week 8 (Degree).

Phase 5: Portfolio Submission, Presentation, Evaluation Assessment and Grading (By

Supervisor and Intern)
a) Portfolio Submission
Once the required number of work-hour for Internship are met or the Internship
appointment and placement is completed, the Intern is now on the last stage of his
Internship by completing and submitting the needed Internship written report portfolios as
suggested in the given template of Cover Page and Table of Contents (Appendix J) which
including the Daily and Weekly Log Books and presentation slides, to both the Faculty
and CS.

Following are the assessment criteria for your reference:

1) Introduction (5%)
2) Internship On-site work experience (20%)
3) Critical discussion of work activities in the company (25%)
4) Lesson learnt (15%)
5) Recommendation (15%)
6) Conclusion (5%)
7) Report format (5%)
8) Completeness of daily and weekly log book (10%)
Prepare the Internship written report as below:
 The reported size should be in A4 paper size, single sided
 Font format: Font type - Times New Roman; size -12; spacing – 1.5 spacing
 Include the footer section for each page where the footer must be in the size of 10 and
must consist of page number in the center
 comb-bind your report

CS will check the completion of the portfolios submitted by the Interns, liaise with the
employer and will provide clearance for the administration of Interns presentation,
evaluation, and grading by the Faculty. Internship report portfolios must be submitted
within the stipulated date and time. Late submission of any report is not allowed. But for
some reasonable cases, a penalty of 5% of the total mark is deducted for each day delay
in submission of the Internship written report portfolios.

** Intern needs to send the Intern’s Supervisor Feedback Profile (Appendix K) and
Intern’s Profile and On-Site Work Experience (Appendix L) to CS and Faculty
separately upon submission.

b) Presentation
Upon submission of all the Internship report portfolios, each Intern will do an oral
presentation of Internship experiences for about 15-30 minutes to students,
representatives from Faculty and CS. This presentation is a summary of what you learned
from the Internship, knowledge, and skills acquired during the Internship. If time permits,
there would be a session for Questions and Answers where the audience will ask
questions to the Interns based on what they have presented.

c) Evaluation, Assessment, and Grading.

Intern needs to pass the Host Supervisor Evaluation Form (Appendix I) to the Host
Supervisor assessment. The Host Supervisor has to return the completed Host
Supervisor Evaluation Form in a sealed envelope with company’s official stamp to the
Below is the Internship assessment breakdown for your reference:
4. Overseas Internship Guidelines
Students who wish to have the Internship placement outside Peninsular Malaysia must abide
by these stated rules and regulations carefully:
1. Students must:
 Seek and apply for Internship placement, obtain the offer and confirm the acceptance
all on your own
 Inform CS and Faculty upon receiving the letter
 Enroll to the Internship module and pay the fee before departure
 Obtain valid insurance and visa (outside Malaysia)
 Bear with all the cost and expenses involved during the Internship (such as airfares,
ground transportation, and accommodation, etc., which INTI-IU is not liable for
 Obtain learning outcomes of the Internship module from Host Company
 Show proof and certify that the company you are attached to is a legitimate Host

2. To satisfy the due Diligence Checking, the Host company:

 Must have a physical office or factory
 Should have video conferencing or email facilities in order to enable communications
to CS or Faculty supervisor
 Must ensure that all communications to CS or Faculty are in the English Language
 Must provide full details of the company to CS (such as facilities, the work to be
done, the supervision, insurance)
 To provide Host contact person and Host Supervisor details to CS (Host company)
 Must assign the student(s) with duties and responsibilities that are related to the field
of study

3. The Host Company or Host Supervisor must not be the relatives of Interns

4. During Internship, please be informed of the following items:

 There will be NO visitation by Faculty supervisor
 For Assessment & Monitoring process, students must provide the followings:
 Evidence & correspondence learning work diaries
 Daily and Weekly Log Book
 Work portfolio (rigid submission of report)
 Host company Evaluation Form
 Evidence of correspondence done between student / Host Supervisor & Faculty
supervisor (for evaluation):
o A compulsory weekly communication
o Communications can be done via email / messenger / video call / online
phone call or bulletin board / groups / forum depending on the total number of
Interns in the company

5. After Internship, please be informed of the following items:

 Submit:
o Written Report
o Host Supervisor Evaluation Form (Appendix I), to remind Host Supervisor to
email the form to Internal Supervisor
o Intern’s Supervisor Feedback Profile (Appendix K), to remind Host Supervisor to
o Intern’s Profile and On-Site Work Experience (Appendix L)
 Present you industrial training work

** Failing to comply with all the above requirements, you will not be graded, hence
FAIL the Internship Module and will NOT BE ALLOWED to graduate.

5. Help Desk Support and Contact Information

Should you need further assistance or clarification, please contact CS or the Faculty at 06-
6. Appendix A: Application Letter

Intern Name
Intern Home Address
Intern Contact Number
Intern Email Address

Name of Person In Charge @ HR Manager

Host Company
Host Company Address


Dear Sir/Madam,

Subject: Application for Internship

I am a student from INTI International University. Currently I am in the <Year> of <Programme

Name> of the <University Name, Country Name>

As part of the programme curriculum requirements, each student is required to undertake

<Duration> of Internship.

I will be available for Internship placement beginning from <Start Date> to <End Date> for a
minimum period of <Duration>.

Attached is my resume for your consideration. I will be very grateful if given the opportunity to be
an Intern in your esteemed organization. I will appreciate it if you can respond by <Date>, which is
the dead line for me to report back to INTI International University.
Than you.

Yours sincerely,

<Intern Name in Full>

7. Appendix B: Host Company Internship Offer Form


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8. Appendix C: Appreciation Letter

Intern Name
Intern Home Address
Intern Contact Number
Intern Email Address

Name of Person In Charge @ HR Manager

Host Company
Host Company Address


Dear Sir/Madam,

Subject: Internship Placement

I, <Name of Student>, a student from INTI International University has been offered an
Internship placement in your esteemed company starting <Date>.

Thank you for offering me the Internship, however, I am unable to accept your kind offer. I would
like to extend my sincere apologies for the time and effort taken by this arrangement.

Thank you.

Yours sincerely,

<Intern Name in Full>

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9. Appendix D: Host Company Internship Communication Form

Name of Host Company

Name of the Host Supervisor

Name of Intern :

Commencement Date:


□ Poor Attendance
□ Poor Health
□ Non-compliance to Company rules
□ Insubordination
□ Misconduct
□ Unable to Perform
□ Others, please Specify

Additional comments (if any)

Have you informed the Intern about the issue? Yes / No

( Signature ) (Date)
10. Appendix E: Intern Internship Communication Form

ID No.

Name of Host Company :

Name of Supervisor:

Commencement Date:

Kindly briefly state your issues.

Have you discussed your issues with your company supervisor? Yes / No

(Signature) (Date)

For Office Use

Action by :
(Head of Programme) Name and Signature (Date)

Action Taken (if any):

11. Appendix F: Host Company Termination Form

Name of Host Company

Name of the Person / Staff Reporting
Email of Person / Staff Reporting

Name of Intern:

Intern ID No.:

Commencement Date:

Termination Date:


□ Poor Attendance
□ Poor Health
□ Non-compliance to Company rules
□ Insubordination
□ Misconduct
□ Unable to Perform
□ Others, please Specify

Additional comments (if any)

Have you informed the Intern about the issue? Yes / No

(Please submit the Interns’ office/work attendance together with this completed form.)

(Signature) (Date)

For Office Use

Authorized by:
(Head of Programme) Name and Signature


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12. Appendix G: Daily and Weekly Log Book



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The following daily reports dated …………………………. to ……………………………. have been read and
verified by
…………………………………… (external supervisor’s name) ……………………………. (position in the company).

(External supervisor’s signature & name)


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DAILY LOG (Week 1)
(This report is to be verified and submitted (email) to Internal Supervisor on a weekly basis.)

No. Day/Date Log Entry


(Date: ……………)


(Date: ……………)


(Date: ……………)


(Date: ……………)


(Date: ……………)


(Date: ……………)


(Date: ……………)
WEEKLY LOG (week 1 till week 9 (Diploma) or week 16 (Degree))

Week Log Entry

13. Appendix H: Intern Midterm Report


1. General Information
Name of Intern
Name of Host Company
Commencement Date
Working Hours/Days Completed
2. Job Description




3. Progress

4. Overall Internship Evaluation

Please circle the appropria te range : 1 – Least 5 – Most

Technical 1 2 3 4 5
Interpersonal 1 2 3 4 5
Communication 1 2 3 4 5
Report writing 1 2 3 4 5
Presentation 1 2 3 4 5
External Supervisor’s attitude 1 2 3 4 5
Internal Supervisor’s attitude 1 2 3 4 5
Overall rating on the Training 1 2 3 4 5

Intern’s signature:
14. Appendix I: Host Supervisor Evaluation Form


To be filled by external supervisor
Name of Student
Name of the
Training duration
Trained in
Trained as

Present Duties (i)


Appraised by:

( Name : )


Appraisal’s Guideline:

5 – Excellent 85 – 100 (Consistently exceeding requirements)

4 – Good 75 – 84 (Performance exceeds requirements)
3 – Average 60 – 74 (Performance meets requirements)
2 – Poor 45 – 59 (Performance meets minimum requirements. Needs improvement.)
1 – Unsatisfactory 0 – 44 (Performance does not meet minimum requirements)
Appraisal Factor External Supervisor’s Appraisal
For INTI-IU Usage
(Weightage) Please circle one
1 Quantity of Work
The volume of acceptable 5 4 3 2 1
work under normal
External Supervisor’s Comments:

2 Quality of Work
Thoroughness, neatness 5 4 3 2 1
and accuracy of work.
External Supervisor’s Comments:

3 Knowledge of Job
Clear understanding of 5 4 3 2 1
the facts or factors
External Supervisor’s Comments:
pertinent to the job

4 Attitude
Towards work, fellow 5 4 3 2 1
colleagues and
External Supervisor’s Comments:

5 Dependability
Ability to carry out duties 5 4 3 2 1
and assignments
External Supervisor’s Comments:
satisfactorily with
minimum supervision.
6 Initiative
Tendency towards self- 5 4 3 2 1
initiated action and
External Supervisor’s Comments:
ability to assume

7 Personal Qualities
Personality, appearance, 5 4 3 2 1
sociability, leadership &
External Supervisor’s Comments:

8 Cooperation
Ability and willingness 5 4 3 2 1
to work with associates
External Supervisor’s Comments:
and supervisors.

9 Attendance
Attendance and 5 4 3 2 1
External Supervisor’s Comments:

10 Log-Book
Updated log book. 5 4 3 2 1
External Supervisor’s Comments:

TOTAL (50)
Identify Student’s Weakness and Areas of Improvement






Lists of Student’s Strength






Other comments/suggestion





15. Appendix J: Report Cover and Table of Contents

(Subject code)


My deepest appreciation to ……………………………………………… for his/her guidance and help throughout the
period of my Internship.

I would also like to record my gratitude to all lecturers and my supervisor, …………………… at INTI International
University for their constant support and guidance in helping me to complete the writing of this report.

I declare that this project is entirely my own work except where due references are made.

Student’s Name

** Below descriptions are only a guideline for your reference, please remove the descriptions listed in each topic below.

Table of Contents
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Organization Background, Vision, and Mission (if any)
1.3 Organization Core Business Value and Mandates (set of principles that the company is
implementing, such as “Innovations", "Independent", "Think big", etc. Example: INTI-IU’s
core business value is known as "STARS"1 and “3Is”2 )
2.1 Internship On-site work experience
2.2 Description of Training and Experiences Received
2.3 Opinions of the Training (what are the tasks that you have done in the company which
you think are beneficial for you)
3.0 Critical Discussions of Work Activities in the Company (what are the activities or tasks or
processes which you think can be further improved, maybe in terms of work culture in the
company, job description, social issues or related to clients who you have dealt with, or
certain tasks you could have done in other ways to achieve better results)
4.0 Lessons Learnt (what have you gained in this Internship? Not limited to technical knowledge,
you can include communication skills, understanding on business processes (if applicable), work
ethics and do these lessons change your personality?)
5.0 Recommendations (anything that you would like to highlight, what to be prepared or done
when going for Internship, how do you think you would improve better which it can be served
as a reflection report, and also advice for your juniors)
6.1 Conclusion
 Daily and Weekly Log Book
 Photos (workplace, with supervisor and colleagues, etc)
 Sample work completed (photocopies of paperwork, screenshot of system
interfaces, etc)
 Intern’s Midterm Report
 Photocopy of Intern’s Profile and On-Site Work Experience
 Photocopy of Intern’s Supervisor Feedback Profile
References (if any)

1 (SAO – Student Handbook, page 2)
16. Appendix K: Intern’s Supervisor Feedback Profile

Company Supervisor Feedback Form

Important Note: All information on this form must be typed (No hand writing)

Please paste 1 colour photo of yourself with company supervisor and company logo as backdrop.

Company Supervisor Profile Student Internship Profile

Name Of Name Of Student
Job Title / Position Student Matriculation No
Department INTI Programme Code
Phone Number Phone Number
Company Email Personal Email
Name Of Company Job Title / Position
Company’s Internship Start & End
Address Dates

Signature Signature

What are the specific types of work/project that you have given to the intern?
<type your answer or feedback here>

How did the Intern manage his/ her time in those work assignments or projects?
<type your answer or feedback here>

From your experience, what are the relevant soft skills or technical skills important for this type of job?
<type your answer or feedback here>

What are your comments or assessment on the Intern’s overall work performance?
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<type your answer or feedback here>

Based on the intern’s performance would you hire him/her in your company?
<type your answer or feedback here>

NOTE: Alternatively, you may submit the PDF Version (in colour, completed and duly signed copy) via email to Career
Services Department:

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17. Appendix L: Intern’s Profile and On-Site Work Experience

< Company Name >

Name: Things that I do that I like Most @ Work:


I need more training and re-skilling @

work on:

My Unforgettable Moment:

Worked For: Weeks My ADVICE to You:

Why I choose this career? About My Job:

What motivates me: Work Challenges:

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