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Маршрутный лист для учащегося 7 класса

Предмет Английский язык, 7 класс

Ф.И.О. учителя Абдиева С.Т., Гришкевич А.В.

Учебник Excell

Урок № 9-10, тема Hobby


дата 22/09/20 г

Цели обучения very, too+ adjective

1. You will be able to use
2. Enough+ noun, adjective+enough

give something/it your best приложи максимум усилий;

shot делай все, что можешь

Порядок действий Ресурсы Выполнение

1. контроль домашней работы :

❖ What are some popular sports in Kazakhstan? Make a list and read it out.

❖ Would you take part in it?( по тексту) Give reasons and read them out.

2.повторение и подготовка к проверочной работе по грамматике

Very and Too + adjective
1. The exam is very difficult, but Jim can complete it.
2. The exam is too difficult. Jim can't complete it.

Very difficult = it is difficult but possible for Jim to complete the exam.
Too difficult = It is impossible for Jim to complete the exam.

Remember that Too implies a negative result.

❖ Enough + noun

Enough (pronounced "enuff" ... rhymes with "stuff")

• There was enough food for everybody at the party.
•I had enough money to pay for dinner with my girlfriend.
• Is there enough time to finish the test?
Adjective + Enough
• Sheis pretty enough for everybody to notice her. (Everybody notices her
because she is very pretty.)
• My friend lives close enough to my house to walk.
• Last summer it was hot enough to go swimming every day.

3. работа по грамматике по Whiteboard

4.задание на дом: выполните упражнения А, B,C, см Приложение

( четные – м, нечетные –д)

2. Very

4. Too, enough

6. Very, too, enough

8. Too, enough

10. Very, enough

2. It is very cold in Antarctica and there are constant snow - storms and so on.

4. Children cannot drive because they are small and cannot simultaneously reach
the pedal and look at the road

6. The disadvantages of my city also include its merits. My city is too small, but
small enough for a happy life. Since there are no protests, dangerous diseases, etc.
I am happy that I live in this city.

2. It's very dark in here. turn on the lights

4. That film was too sad. I almost cried

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