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1. Reorder the adjectives’ position in the following sentences
1. My sister lives in a (new/ nice/wooden/ black) house.
2. We are happy today because today is a (memorable/ training/ long) day.
3. My collogue has a (white/ Korean/ small/ old) car.
4. My friend and I often go home on (shopping/ new/ narrow/ crowed) street.
5. Mrs. Navy likes wearing a (red/ long/ lovely/ cotton) dress on special occasions.
6. The flower girl wore a (silk pretty white) dress at the wedding ceremony last night
7. She has (blue/ big/ glassy) eyes, so she is really different from others.
8. The little boy is wearing a (nice/ old/ blue/ big) pullover.
9. My grandparents live in a (magnificent/ two-storey/ spacious/ old) house during their lifetime.
10. My mother often wears a pair of (small/ comfortable/ black/ leather/ Chinese) gloves when she
washes the dishes.
11. She has a (pretty/ happy/ oval) face, so she is quite beautiful.
12. In the kitchen is a (round/ large/ wooden/ beautiful) table.
13. My friend bought a (brown/ nice/ leather/ Channel) belt from a shop on Tran Phu street.
14. Mrs. Annie looks so graceful because she has (black/ long/ beautiful) hair.
15. Her father spent money on (interesting/ Vietnamese/ oil/ old) paintings.
16. We bought some (German/ lovely/ old) glasses.
17. My teacher is a (Japanese/ tall/ kind/ middle-aged) man, so a lot of students love him.
18. We usually throw trash into (plastic/ black/ small/ convenient) bags.
19. My father wore a (cotton/ white/ new/ collarless) shirt to my cousin's wedding.
2. Choose the best answer
1. They take their _________ children to the park every day.
A. lovely African small young B. African small young lovely
C. small young lovely African D. young lovely African small
2. At first sight I met her. I was impressed with her _________.
A. big beautiful round black eyes B. beautiful black big round eyes
C. beautiful big round black eyes D. beautiful round big black eyes
3. This is a picture of a _________ bus.
A. red bright London B. bright red London
C. London bright red D. London red bright
4. Lara goes to a _________ temple every week.
A. great big ancient Buddhist B. Buddhist great big ancient
C. ancient great big Buddhist D. big great ancient Buddhist
5. There are some _________ pictures in this newspaper.
A. white interesting computer-generated new
B. computer-generated white interesting new
C. interesting new white computer-generated
D. new interesting computer-generated white
6. She is doing extremely well in her _________ graduate course.
A. intensive one -year English B. one -year English intensive
C. intensive English one-year D. English intensive one-year
7. During the winter I like having a _________ house.
A. pretty small red wooden B. wooden pretty small red
C. small pretty red wooden D. red wooden pretty small
8. I would like to have _________ sports shoes to run in the park.
A. grey medium leather comfortable B. comfortable medium grey leather
C. comfortable leather grey medium D. medium leather comfortable grey
9. The speaker is a _________ professor.
A. old short Spanish kind B. kind short old Spanish
Spanish kind old short D. kind Spanish short old
10. My sister lives in a _________ apartment.
A. nice wooden new B. new nice wooden
nice new wooden D. wooden nice new
11. My cousin bought a _________ bowl.
A. blue ancient lovely small B. lovely blue small ancient
C. small blue ancient lovely D. lovely small ancient blue
12. They cook a _________ meal for their children.
A. delicious big traditional Vietnamese B. Vietnamese delicious big traditional
C. traditional delicious big Vietnamese D. big delicious traditional Vietnamese
13. They are trying to build a _________ house.
A. four-bedroom elegant modern Italian
B. modern elegant four-bedroom Italian
C. Italian elegant four-bedroom modern
D. elegant four-bedroom modern Italian
14. His brother presented her a _________ clock.
A. oval nice Japanese digital B. nice oval digital Japanese
C. digital oval Japanese nice D. digital Japanese oval nice
15. The old man owns a _________ coffee table.
A. French beautiful round old B. beautiful French old round
C. old round beautiful French D. beautiful old round French
II. -ed and -ing Adjectives
1. You should take a rest. You look really (tire) _______.
2. She’s feeling (depress) _______, so I’m suggesting that she should go home, drink warm water, and go to
bed early with (relax) _______ music.
3. Mary was (fascinating) _______ by Mandarin at the first time he learned languages. she decided to
practise more and now she can speak it fluently.
4. He looked very (confuse) _______ when we told him we had to change the flight because of him.
5. That film was so (depressed) _______! There was no happy ending for any of the characters.
6. It’s so (frustrated) _______! No matter how much I concentrated on his speech I couldn’t understand
what he meant.
7. The journey was (bore) _______! Twenty hours by train made us (exhaust) _______.
8. Don’t show my baby photos to others, Mum! It’s so (embarrassing) _______!
9. The little girl was (terrify) _______ when she saw dinosaur model in museum.
10. She got really (annoy) _______ yesterday because someone threw rubbish in front of her house.
III. Comparisons
1. I’ll be there __________ I can.
A. sooner as B. no sooner as C. as soon as D. soonest as
2. Despite its smaller size, the Indian Ocean __________ the Atlantic Ocean.
A. as deep as B. is the same deep as C. deeper as D. is as deep as
3. Which girl is ________? Dana or Karen?
A. Young B. the youngest C. younger D. more young 
4. Indian cooking has some of ________dishes in the world. 
A. hot   B. the hottest       C. hotter   D. hottest
5. Tommy is _________ boy in the class.
A. the strongest B. stronger  C. strong    D. the most strong
6. Sharon __________ from other women I know.
A. different B. as different C. differs D. more different
7. This one is prettier, but it costs __________ as the other one.
A. as much as B. twice as much C. as many D. twice as may
8. You can take __________ books as you want.
A. as many B. as much C. so much D. too many
9. Of the two sisters, Linda __________.
A. is beautiful B. the most beautiful C. is more beautiful D. is so beautiful as
10. The lab is __________ from the bus stop than the library.
A. far B. farther C. further D. B and C
11. The younger you are, __________ it is to learn.
A. easier B. you are easier C. the easier D. the easy
12. __________ electricity you use, __________ your bill will be.
A. The more/ the higher B. The most/ the higher
C. The more/ the high D. More/ higher
13. __________ you are, __________ you concentrate.
A. Tired/ the least hard B. The more tired/ the harder
C. The tiered/ the harder D. The tired /the harder
14. __________ the man gets, __________ he becomes.
A. The more old/the more weak B. The older / the weaker
C. The older/the weakest D. Older /weaker
15. Of all the candidates, Peter is probably __________.
A. the less qualified B. the qualified less C. the most little qualified D. the least qualified
16. Sarah's house is ____ than Shannon's house.
A. large B. more larger C. larger D. more large
17. Today I was ____ than I was yesterday.
A. sad B. sadder C. more sad D. more sadder
18. Germany is an ____ country than the United States.
A. more older B. more old C. old D. older
19. Jack is much _____ than his sister, Jennifer.
A. tall B. taller C. more tall D. more taller
20. The grass is _____ than the sidewalk.
A. more wetter B. more wet C. wetter D. wet
21. Jason is ____ in math than his brother.
A. smarter B. more smart C. more smarter D. smart
22. I think kittens are ____ than puppies.
A. more cuter B. more cute C. cute D. cuter
23. My sister Elaine is ____ than my brother Fred.
A. more younger B. more young C. younger D. young
24. Monkeys and chimpanzees are _____ than birds.
A. biger B. bigger C. more big D. more bigger
5. My cat Nero is _____ than my other cat, Sebastian.
A. soft B. softer C. more soft D. more softer
26. The more a car costs, _________ it goes.
A. faster B. the faster C. the more fast D. the more faster
27. The younger you are, _______ it is to learn.
A. easier B. you are easier C. the easier D. the easy
28. _______ we finish the project, _______ we can start the next one.
A. The soonest/ the sooner B. The sooner/ the most soon
C. The sooner/ the sooner D. The soonest/ the soonest
29. __________ I forget, _________I know.
A. The more/ the less B. the more/ the little
C. The many / the less D. The many / the little
30. __________The sun is, ________the shadow is.
A. the higher / the low B. The more high / the more low
C. The higher / the lower D. the more higher / the more lower
31. _______it is, _________miserable I feel
A. The hotter / more B. The hotter / the more
C. The more hotter / the more D. The more hot / the more
32. Hotels have developed ________ restaurants.
A. as rapidly as B. as rapid as C. so rapidly that D. as rapid than
33. Commercial centres are ________ they were many years ago.
A. as popular than B. the most popular C. more popular than D. most popular
34. Computers are considered as________ tools today.
A. much modern than B. modern as C. the most modern D. more modern
35. A supermarket is________ a shopping centre.
A. less convenient as C. less convenient than
B. not so convenient than D. the most convenient as
36. Vietnam becomes________ to foreign tourists.
A. most and most attractive C. much and more attractive
B. the more attractive D. more and more attractive
37. The sooner, the________.
A. better B. best C. good D. more good
38. Of the two sisters, Linda ________.
A. is beautiful B. the most beautiful c. is more beautiful D. is so beautiful as
39. The ________accident in the history of the city occurred last night on the Freeway.
A. badest B. most bad C. worse D. worst.
40. He finished the test ________of all.
A. rapidly B. the most rapidly C. most rapidly D. more rapidly
41. It’s becoming ________to find a job.
A. more difficult and more b. more and more difficult
C. most and more difficult d. more difficult than.
42. ________electricity you use, ________ your bill will be.
A. The more / the higher B. The most / the higher
C. The more / the high D. More / higher
43. The more I got to know Tom, ________ I liked him.
A. least B. the less C. the least D. the fewer
44. The rooms in the front ________noisier than those in the back.
A. are more B . are little C. are very D. are much.
45. ________you are, ________you concentrate.
A. Tired / the least hard B. The more tired / the harder
C.The tireder / the harder D. The tired / the harder
46. Of all the candidates, Peter is probably________.
A. the less qualified B. the qualified less
C. the most little qualified D. the least qualified.
47. The CDs here are more expensive ________over there.
A. those B. than those C. than that D. than this.
48. These two girls ________ that I can’t tell them apart.
A. are so like B. are so alike C. are too alike D. alike enough
49. I don’t think our daughter is ________to understand this matter.
A. too young B. is such young C. not enough old D. not age enough
50. The woman was so beautiful________.
A. that I couldn’t help looking at B. that I couldn’t help looking at her
C. for me looking at her D. that for me to look at.
1. tired 2. depressed/relaxing 3. fascinated 4. confused 5. depressing

6. frustrating 7. boring/exhausted 8. embarrassing 9. terrified 10. annoyed

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