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Deep Learning for massive MIMO: Challenges and

Future prospects
Vandana Bhatia Malay Ranjan Tripathy Priya Ranjan
Department of Computer Science Department of ECE Department of ECE
NOIDA, Uttar Pradesh, India NOIDA, Uttar Pradesh, India Amarawathi, Andhra Pradesh, India

Abstract—The wireless networks today are complex, massive antennas are grouped together at the receiver and transmit-
and have dynamic capacity demands. Increase in demand re- ter for providing better spectrum efficiency and throughput.
sulted into trouble in managing and monitoring the network com- But, for efficiently implying massive MIMO, global opti-
ponents. Thus, intelligent data-driven designs and approaches are
required so that the 5th generation (5G) of mobile systems can mization is required. For providing global optimization in
be reformed for enabling self-organizing capabilities. Thus, in advanced wireless networks, data-driven artificial intelligence
the last decade, mathematical models are designed and adapted based methods are being used by many researchers [1]–[4].
among modems. This paper presents a comprehensive outline of Deep learning [5] being a prominent machine learning and
the emerging research on deep learning-based models for massive artificial intelligence method has become an persuasive way
MIMO systems. In most of the work, Deep learning models are
used for redesigning the conventional communication system. It of providing intelligence among modern wireless networks
may involve channel encoding, decoding, detection, recognition, constituting large-scale topology and complex nature. Deep
antenna selection, modulation, etc. It will be interesting to com- learning is among one of the popular data-driven approach
prehend that replacement of the communication system with a that is used for optimizing networks over a huge training data.
profoundly new architecture such as deep learning based autoen- Deep learning can be defined as more than two layers in neu-
coder, convolutional neural network, etc. These Deep learning-
based models show promising performance enhancements with a ral networks for accomplishing brain-like intelligent feature
few limitations and can be efficiently used with massive MIMO. extraction and selection. Thus, deep learning based models
can provide useful insights about the multifarious wireless
Index Terms—Wireless transmission, Deep Learning, MIMO, networks having dynamic links and large group of connected
Channel Matrix devices. The models based on deep learning ensemble with
advanced communication technology can provide a prominent
I. I NTRODUCTION design in comparison to the traditional digital communication
In last decade, there is tremendous increase in demand systems. The rest of this paper is ordered as follows. The
of data-driven technologies for handling the complex nature mathematical modeling of Massive MIMO is given in Section
of wireless communication networks. The deployment of II. Section III explains deep learning based models and various
data-driven structures had made significant advancements in challenges that can arise in massive MIMO. A comparative
wireless communication networks for shifting them into next analysis of the existing work is provided in Section IV. Section
generation network technology so that information can be V contains discussion about future prospects and challenges
handled at much larger rate than earlier. Numerous technolo- of using deep learning for optimizing wireless channels. The
gies having the capability to handle the large wireless data last section concludes the paper.
were proposed in literature [1], [2]. In wireless transmis- II. M ASSIVE MIMO
sion, multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO), are used
for improving communication performance. MIMO is one According to IEEE, moving from MIMO to massive MIMO
of the popular smart antenna technology in which multiple involves the use of many service antennas over active terminals
antennas are used at both sender and receiver to provide and time-division multiplexing. It will result in lower latency,
significant improvement in link range and data throughput robustness against jamming and also reduction in overall cost.
without incorporating additional transmit power or bandwidth. Consider a single user massive Multiple Input Multiple Output
Like, IEEE 802.11n, WiMAX, MIMO is a vital modern (MIMO) system constituting Nt transmitting antennas and
wireless communication standard that offers high spectral Nr receiving antennas as shown in Fig. 1. The antennas at
efficiency, link reliability and diversity for handling network receiver side and transmitter side are fully connected. All the
traffic. The imminent Wireless and smart fifth generation(5g) transmitting side antennas passes signals from to each receiver
arrangements are exploiting massive MIMO based approaches side antennas. The transmitter sends (Nt × 1) signals.
The vector at receiver side can be given as:
for providing efficient communication [1]. Massive MIMO is a
subsequent extension to traditional MIMO in which multiple y = Hx + n (1)


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Fig. 1. A MIMO System Model.

where, x is the transmit vector, H is a channel matrix and mented maximum likelihood (ML) for channel estimation to
n is the additive white Gaussian noise that can be represented compute CSI of macro-cellular OFDM uplinks in a time-
as (Nr × 1) vector. Provided n and x, the channel matrix H varying wireless environment. Least square estimation(LSE)
can be represented as: algorithm for demonstration of MIMO channel estimation
was employed by Shahmansoori et al. [9] by incorporating
H = [hij ] ∈ C Nt ×Nr (2) extended invariance principle. Ma et al. [8] have proposed a
linear MMSE technique for estimating the CSI of individual
here, hij is the attenuation coefficient amongst ith receiving channels, by using an LS channel estimator to find the initial-
antenna and jth transmitted antenna. The channel matrix helps ization point in the iterative linear MMSE.
to learn about the Channel State Information (CSI). CSI is a However, all of the above mentioned work involves complex
key concept that is used to solve many wireless communication matrix operations for example, matrix multiplication, matric
systems challenges. The collective effect of diffraction, fading, inverse, eigenvalue computation, etc. Matrix calculations in-
scattering, shadowing and path loss can be demonstrated by volve high computational complexity and therefore, are not
analysing CSI. Also, it can provide the relevant information appropriate for CSI estimation in modern wireless networks
about the channel properties in radio links. For analyzing such as massive MIMO.
the CSI signals, let x1 , x2 , ..xN , be the the discrete signals
sent by transmitter, where xi is the (Nt × 1) complex vector III. D EEP L EARNING APPROACHES FOR MASSIVE MIMO
of the transmitted signals. The channel estimation can be Deep learning models are efficient in finding convoluted
performed by computing the channel matrix H. It can be done structures and have achieved extravagant results in many
by transmitting N signals over the network and then recording applications such as pattern recognition [10] , image clas-
the feedback. The received signal vector matrix Y can be sification, language translation, speech recognition, network
represented as following: clustering [11], [12] etc..
A. Deep learning for Pre-processing in Wireless communica-
Y = HX + N (3) tion
Provided the knowledge about the input vector X and received The pre-processing tasks like feature learning and Nor-
signal vector Y , the challenge in most of the Massive MIMO malization can help to solve many challenges in Wireless
models is to find the channel matrix H. As the channel communication system [13]. The accuracy of the prediction
changes deliberately in many usual massive MIMO appli- capability of any machine learning models majorly depends
cations, researchers have proposed many channel estimation on the data features or representation. The pre-processing and
methods in literature. The most popular ones are estimation data transformation required in channel matrix can be effi-
of least-square (LS), computation of maximum-likelihood ciently performed by deep learning-based models. Tauqir and
(ML) estimation, estimation of minimum-mean-square-error Habib [14] deployed CNN for classification of beam channel
(MMSE), etc.. Researchers have been using the aforemen- information among multiple classes. The classes represent
tioned methods in many applications. Du et al. [7] imple- beam number for providing good performance to receiver. The

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authors used specialized pre-processing for appropriate tuning unsupervised learning based approach for analysing end-to-
of various parameters. end communications system. The authors have optimized the
reconstruction loss in a channel autoencoder. In the paper,
B. Deep Learning for Modulation Recognition
a novel technique was proposed for learning new modula-
There are many modulation techniques available for wire- tion schemes and methods of modulation that blur the lines
less networks. Deep learning has been used by many re- amongst modulation and error correction. The authors have
searchers for getting accurate modulation recognition. Various claimed that their approach provides similar capacity and
deep learning based approaches has been used for modulation bit error rate performance (BER). It also make significant
recognition [15]. Wang et al. [16] have designed a model reduction in computational complexity requirements at runtime
based on deep learning by combining two convolutional neural than the existing systems while eliminating the requirement for
networks (CNNs) that are trained using two different types of low level expert design [6]. The use of autoencoder in MIMO
dataset. The goal was to achieve highly accurate Automatic is shown in Fig. 2.
modulation recognition (AMR). Radio modulation recognition Huang et al. [21] have proposed a deep learning based
is not limited by network depth and more work can be done framework for calibration between uplink(UL) and down-
for learning synchronization and equalization in a better way. link(DL) channels in massive MIMO systems. In their work,
C. Deep Learning for Beam Selection authors have observed a non-linear relationship in between
DL and UL. The applicability of deep learning based models
Beamforming is the interference of multiple waves in con- had also been demonstrated for antennas, propagation and
trolled way, for permitting upsurge in the signal strength in electromagnetics (EM) in literature [22].
the direction of the target. Precisely, it can be accomplished
by employing multiple transmitting antennas having dissimi- E. Deep Learning for Antenna Selection
lar phase shifts. Massive MIMO networks use beamforming In massive Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) sys-
technology which enables it to use spectrum appropriately. tems, Antenna selection problem has many challenges. The
There are many challenges involved that can be faced while main challenge is faced in providing a balance among commu-
using beamforming technology in massive MIMO. When the nication performance and computational time. A good balance
receiver has multiple antennas, the transmit beamforming may decrease computational complexity, the hardware cost
cannot maximize the signal level at all of the receiving and retain adequate gain rate or signal-to- noise ratio (SNR)
antennas simultaneously, in such cases, pre-coding with mul- subsequently. Generally, for procurement of optimal antenna
tiple streams are used which requires familiarity of channel subset, a comparative analysis between all possible combina-
state information(CSI) at the transmitter end. Kokshoorn et tions is performed by exhaustive searching. It involves large
al. [17] presented a fast channel estimation algorithm for calculations and is very time-inefficient. There are two types
mmWave communication systems using a overlapped beam of methods for antenna selection, that are, Optimization driven
pattern based novel design. Tauqir and Habib [14] employed methods and data driven methods. Various work in literature
Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for classifying the have used deep learning approaches for data normalization,
beam channel information among different classes. The classes labeling of channel matrix for training samples, etc. [13].
represent beam number which is providing the best communi- Assume that the channel matrix is recognized at the receiv-
cation performance of receiver. The authors trained CNN by ing end, and unidentified at the transmitting end. Selection of
providing the training images for predicting a class for unseen Ns receiving antennas amongst the Nr receiving antennas for
receiver. maximizing the channel capacity is a big challenge. Let the
partial channel matrix is denoted by B ∈ C Ns ×Nt . The rows
D. Deep Learning for Channel Estimation
of matrix B are chosen from the original channel matrix H.
While estimating the channel capacity, aim is the estimation The objective function can be given as follows:
of the channel matrix H given in eq. 2. Let the channel is ρ H
estimated by Least Square (LS) method for discrete positions. max C(B) = log(det(INt + B B))s (5)
B Nt
If the LS estimated channel matrix is deliberated as a diagonal
Elbir and Mishra [23] have designed a convolutional neural
matrix HpLS ∈ C Nt ×Nr which will be estimated using:
network (CNN) such that hybrid beamformer design and
HpLS = arg min ||yp − Hp xp ||22 (4) antenna selection task can be performed together. The au-
thors proved that CNN framework do not need the accurate
Many researchers have used autoencoder for channel esti- knowledge of the channel matrix. Deep learning based CNN
mation in both MIMO [18] and massive MIMO. First, deep improved the performance significantly when compared to the
learning based autoencoder had been used in the Single Input conventional approaches used in mmWave MIMO systems.
Single Output (SISO) channel for physical layer learning in In their extended work, the authors exploited deep learning
literature. It was observed that autoencoder can achieve good for antenna selection and for designing hybrid beamformer
performance with near-optimal existing modulation and coding sequentially [24]. Some other work is also done to solve
schemes by exploiting an autoencoder to mutually learn the the problem related to antenna using machine learning based
system [15], [19], [20], [32]. Shea et al. [6], have used the approaches such as deep learning [4], [8], [13], [22], [25].

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Fig. 2. Autoencoder in MIMO System.

IV. C OMPARISON approximate. However, the true channel evolves dynamically

A comparative review is performed for all the mentioned and has non-linear phase transition effects and thus, requires
challenges in Section III. The deep learning approaches used a more generalized approach. The data-driven approaches
for MIMO are compared based on type of deep learning like deep learning can learn the optimal network architec-
framework used, the challenge it is intended to solve, type of ture basically by learning from the available data. But data-
learning, significance and the limitation as shown in Table I. driven approaches such as deep learning based autoencoder
It can be observed that most of the existing models have been can exploit the training data and can invert the unknown
using simulation-based data for training deep neural network. non-linear channels directly. Therefore, method best suited
However, the generalization error for such model may be very for ensuring the reliability in communication system remains
high because it was trained for simulated data only. Also, most unclear. While the optimally designed approximate models are
of the models have high time complexity and are supervised. limited by the accuracy in representation of reality, the black-
The parameter selection is a major challenge in most of the box DL algorithms uses the real-data for learning, but the
existing models. In most of the existing work, channel matrix data, most of the time, is of limited size and application thus
is used as input to deep learning models. do not provide generalization. Another challenge is the power
required by system machinery to train the model using deep
V. C HALLENGES AND F UTURE S COPE learning. Even the recent mobile devices have limited memory,
The recent advances in machine learning and deep learn- computation power and energy resources. Also, the limited
ing have created a buzz in wireless communication. Many data constraint is applicable to each end-user that further limit
researchers have exploited deep learning for solving challenges the capabilities of deep learning-based training. Although, the
in wireless communication. It is leading towards a shift from problem can be solved using cloud and edge processing on the
traditional approaches to data-driven based approaches such top of which the deep learning model can be trained centrally
as deep learning. However, the black-box nature of deep using all the available data. However, the data transfer will
learning algorithms makes the solution unreliable. Also, deep consume energy and bandwidth of mobile devices. Also, there
learning-based approaches does not provide any guaranteed can be major privacy concerns in cloud. Therefore, it is highly
performance and the communication engineers are bounded desirable to design algorithms which can be easily deployed in
to provide guaranteed performance in terms of interference distributed processing environment without breaching security.
level, channel outage, error probability, latency, etc. The
channel modeling performed by many researchers is mostly

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Approach Problem Model Type Significance Limitations

Spatial Multiplexing
Shea et al. [5] Channel State Information Autoencoder Un-supervised High Complexity
is also considered
Autoencoder with Residual blocks based
Ji et al. [19] Channel State Information Semi-supervised High Complexity
Convolutional Layers Receiver and transmitter
Deep Convolutional Designed classifiers
Cai et al. [13] Antenna Selection Supervised Simulated Results Considered
Neural Networks for selecting antennas
Convolutional Neural
Elbir and Mishra [23] Antenna Selection Supervised Require channel matrix only High Complexity
Channel estimation from Gradient Quantization Task-based quantization
Shohat et al. [26] Supervised Only serial scalar ADCs are used
quantized observations Based DNN is performed
Convolutional Neural Improved communication
Tauqir and Habib [14] Beam- selection and switching Supervised High Complexity
Networks performance
Channel estimation and
Spatial structure
Huang et al. [27] Direction-of-arrival(doa) Deep Neural Networks Supervised Simulated Results Considered
is considered
CSI for downlink Deep Convolutional Reduced CSI
Yang et al. [28] Supervised Simulated Results Considered
MIMO channels Neural Networks feed- back load
Automatic modulation Convolutional Neural Able to recognize
Wang et al. [16] Supervised Simulated Results Considered
recognition (AMR) Networks 8 modulation modes
Convolutional Neural Spatial- temporal relationship
Luo et al. [29] Online CSI prediction Supervised High Complexity
Networks of the CSI is exploited
Convolutional Neural offline-online two-step Simulated data considered
Klautau et al. [2] Online CSI prediction Supervised
Networks training mechanism and High Complexity
Can also be implied Simulated data considered
He et al. [30] MIMO Detection Deep Neural Networks Supervised
in Time-varying channels and High Complexity
Only received signal
Deep Neural Network Simulated data considered
Balevi et al. [31] MIMO Channel Estimation Supervised and some pilots
and Least Square and High Complexity
are required.

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