Amniotic Fluid Embolism

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Amniotic fluid embolism

Jatin D. Dedhia DA DNB FRCA

Mary C. Mushambi FRCA

Key points Amniotic fluid embolism (AFE) is a cata- If the fetus is alive at the time of event,
strophic obstetric emergency that can present as nearly 70% will survive delivery but 50% of
Amniotic fluid embolism is a
sudden, profound, and unexpected maternal the survived neonates will incur neurological
rare but catastrophic
emergency that is unique to collapse associated with hypotension, hypoxae- damage.
pregnancy; it is associated mia, and disseminated intravascular coagulation
with high maternal and fetal (DIC). It occurs when amniotic fluid, fetal Timing
morbidity and mortality. cells, hair, or other debris enter the maternal
Most cases of AFE (70%) occur during labour,

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Clinical features include circulation. The entry of the amniotic fluid was
cardiovascular collapse, first described by Ricardo Meyer in 1926. The 19% during Caesarean section, and 11%
dyspnoea, cyanosis, and clinical consequences became established in following vaginal delivery. It has also been
haemorrhage secondary to 1941, after Steiner and Lushbaugh published a reported during early gestation, second trimester
disseminated intravascular maternal mortality case series of eight women abortions, during amniocentesis, or following
coagulation. who had squamous cells and mucin, presum- closed abdominal injury.
Pathophysiology is still ably of fetal origin, within their pulmonary vas-
poorly understood; it is culature at postmortem. They described it as a Risk factors
multifactorial and involves syndrome of sudden peripartum shock. Since
immunological mechanisms. then, a national registry has been developed by There are no proven risk factors. However, the
Clark in the USA1 and by Tuffnell in the UK, following appear to be associated with a higher
Presently, there is no
specific diagnostic test in resulting in the accumulation of numerous risk of developing AFE: advanced maternal
clinical use. TKH-2, a new clinical reports and reviews. age; multiparity; meconium stained liquor;
simple, blood test is being intrauterine fetal death; polyhydramnios; strong
developed. frequent or tetanic uterine contractions;
Treatment is supportive and Incidence maternal history of allergy or atopy; chorio-
based on resuscitation and amnionitis; microsomia; uterine rupture; and
early delivery. The true incidence of AFE is unknown, but has placenta accreta.
been reported to range from 1:8 000 to
1:80 000 pregnancies.2 The number of maternal
deaths due to AFE has fallen significantly over
the last 20 yr. In 1979, the suggested maternal In AFE, amniotic fluid enters maternal circula-
mortality rate was 86%; in the triennial report tion via ruptured membranes or ruptured
of 2000–2002, the mortality was 25%.3 The uterine or cervical vessels down a pressure gra-
national registry from the USA suggested a dient from the uterus to veins. Although the
mortality rate of 61%. The changing mortality site of placental implantation is one portal of
rates are due to better resuscitation techniques, entry, small tears in the lower uterine segment
Jatin D. Dedhia DA DNB FRCA
intensive care facilities, and early recognition. and endocervix are thought to be the most
SpR in Anaesthetics
University Hospitals of Leicester
However, despite this reduction, AFE still common site of entry.
Leicester Royal Infirmary accounts for 4.7% of direct maternal deaths in The pathophysiology of AFE syndrome is
Leicester LE5 1WW the UK, 13% in France, 30% in Singapore, and unclear. In the past, it was thought to be due to
up to 10% in the USA and Australia. The fetal tissue/amniotic fluid forcibly entering
Mary C. Mushambi FRCA majority of patients with AFE die within maternal circulation causing transient pulmon-
Consultant Obstetric Anaesthetist the first hour of onset of symptoms and about ary vasospasm, cardiac failure, hypoxaemia,
University Hospitals of Leicester and death. However, in 1995, Clark suggested
85% of those who survive have permanent
Leicester Royal Infirmary
Leicester LE5 1WW neurological impairment. Elements of pre- that the syndrome arose from an immune rather
UK sumed fetal origin were detected in 73% of than embolic process. According to Clark, AFE
Tel: þ44 116 2586474 is caused by fetal antigens in the amniotic fluid
those undergoing autopsy and in 50% of those
Fax: þ44 116 2586261
E-mail: in whom such evidence was sought during stimulating a cascade of endogenous immune-
(for correspondence) life by the examination of pulmonary artery mediators, producing a reaction similar to
catheter aspirate. Neonatal mortality is 70%. anaphylaxis. Amniotic fluid contains various
152 Continuing Education in Anaesthesia, Critical Care & Pain | Volume 7 Number 5 2007 doi:10.1093/bjaceaccp/mkm031
& The Board of Management and Trustees of the British Journal of Anaesthesia [2007].
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Amniotic fluid embolism

components that contribute to the pathophysiology of AFE in Systemic changes

different ways (Table 1). Biochemical mediators found in the sol-
ution are thought to trigger the main features of anaphylactoid Haemodynamic
reaction with multi-system involvement. The products found in Amniotic fluid and fetal cells cause an increase in both systemic
suspension are responsible only for the minor effects caused by and pulmonary vascular resistances resulting in acute pulmonary
actual mechanical obstruction. Clark suggested that ‘the syndrome hypertension. Survivors of this response develop left ventricular
of acute peripartum hypoxia, haemodynamic collapse and coagulo- failure and pulmonary oedema. The cause of myocardial dysfunc-
pathy should be described as anaphylactoid syndrome of pregnancy tion is not clear. It may be due to ischaemic insult from the initial
’and not AFE. There are also striking similarities between clinical acute hypoxaemia or the effect of a direct myocardial depressant
and haemodynamic findings in AFE and septic shock, which factor present in the amniotic fluid. The presence of endothelin
suggests a common pathophysiological mechanism. (a potent vasoconstrictor) and humoral factors such as histamine,
Clark described a biphasic response to AFE (Fig. 1): prostaglandins, serotonins, thromboxane, and leukotrienes causes
myocardial depression, decrease in cardiac output, pulmonary
Table 1 Components of amniotic fluid hypertension, and DIC.2 Similar mechanisms exist in anaphylaxis

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Solution (biochemical mediators) Suspensions
and septic shock.

Surfactant Lanugo hair

Endothelin Vernix caseosa Pulmonary
Leukotrienes C4 & D4 Fetal squames
IL-1 & TNF-a Bile-stained meconium Pulmonary vasospasm and ventricular dysfunction cause rapid and
Thromboxane A2 Fetal gut mucin profound hypoxaemia, which may result in permanent neurological
Prostaglandins Trophoblasts impairment. Initial profound shunting and rapid recovery may
Arachidonic acid
Thromboplastin occur in some patients. In survivors, primary lung injury often
Collagen and tissue factor II leads to acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).
Phospholipase A2

Phase 1: Amniotic fluid and fetal cells enter the maternal circu- Up to 83% of patients develop some form of DIC with or without
lation resulting in the release of biochemical mediators which clinically significant bleeding. Amniotic fluid contains activated
cause pulmonary artery vasospasm followed by pulmonary hyper- coagulation factors II, VII, and X. It also has a direct factor X acti-
tension. This results in elevated right ventricular pressures and vating property, induces platelet aggregation, releases platelet
right ventricular dysfunction, which will lead to hypoxaemia and factor III, and has a thromboplastin-like effect. Lockwood and col-
hypotension with associated myocardial and capillary damage. leagues suggested that amniotic fluid contains a tissue factor,
Phase 1 may last up to 30 min. which is a procoagulant.5 The source of procoagulant is sloughed
Phase 2: This occurs in patients who survive the initial insult. fetal skin and respiratory, gastrointestinal, and genitourinary
Left ventricular failure and pulmonary oedema occurs. epithelia. Tissue factor is responsible for activating the extrinsic
Biochemical mediators trigger DIC leading to massive haemor- pathway by binding with factor VII. This complex in turn triggers
rhage and uterine atony. clotting by activating factor X. Once clotting is triggered within
pulmonary vasculature, local thrombin generation can then cause
vasoconstriction and microvascular thrombosis and release of vas-
cular endothelin. Endothelin depresses myometrial and myocardial
Signs and symptoms
contractility. The end results include massive haemorrhage and
AFE may present with maternal collapse, associated with breath- haemodynamic collapse.
lessness, cyanosis, hypotension, dysrrhythmias, and DIC.4
However, it is becoming increasingly clear that the presentation
can be more subtle than this. It can be preceded by fetal distress.
The main signs and symptoms of AFE are summarized in Table 2. There is still no pathognomic marker of AFE. The diagnosis is one
Other non-specific symptoms (e.g. vomiting, complaints of chills, of the exclusion criteria. The presence of fetal squamous cells in
anxiety) may be seen in some patients. pulmonary vasculature was once considered diagnostic, but it is
The differential diagnosis includes: obstetric causes (e.g. now considered to be neither sensitive nor specific. The presence
eclampsia, placental abruption, peripartum cardiomyopathy) and of fetal squamous cells in the broncho-alveolar lavage may support
non-obstetric conditions (e.g. anaphylaxis, pulmonary embolus, the diagnosis.
pulmonary aspiration, septic shock, haemorrhagic shock, myocar- Diagnosis is aided by non-specific and specific diagnostic tests
dial infarction, drug toxicity, total spinal anaesthesia). which are summarized in Table 3. Non-specific tests include a full

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Amniotic fluid embolism

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Fig. 1 Proposed pathophysiological mechanisms of AFE.

blood count and coagulation screen to demonstrate low haemo- zinc coproporphyrin concentration, and serum tryptase
globin and abnormal coagulation. Arterial blood gases may show concentrations.
hypoxaemia. Chest X-ray does not often show any abnormality in A pulmonary microvasculature blood sample can be taken in
the early stages before ARDS develops. ECG may demonstrate a patients with established central venous access. A pulmonary
right ventricular strain pattern in the early stage. Ultrasound is artery (PA) catheter is floated into a wedged position. Ten milli-
useful to demonstrate either right or left ventricular dysfunction. litres of dead space blood is slowly withdrawn from the distal lumen
Diagnostic tests include cytological analysis of central of PA catheter and discarded. An additional 10 ml is then with-
venous blood and broncho-alveolar fluid, Sialyl Tn antigen test, drawn, heparinized, and saved for analysis. Two-to-three-millilitre

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Amniotic fluid embolism

Table 2 Presenting signs and symptoms of AFE (in order of frequency) The suggestion that AFE may be related to anaphylaxis led
Symptoms Signs Nishio and colleagues to measure tryptase concentrations. They
reported concentrations of 67.2 ng ml21 (normal ,10 ng ml21).7
Dyspnoea Hypotension However, others have found normal tryptase but low complement
Cough Fetal distress
Headache Pulmonary oedema/ARDS
Chest pain Cardiopulmonary arrest
Coagulopathy Management
Uterine atony The key factors in the management of AFE are early recognition,
Bronchospasm prompt resuscitation, and delivery of fetus. The input of consult-
Transient hypertension ants (anaesthetists, obstetricians, haematologists intensivists) must
be enlisted early.
aliquots of blood are passed through nucleopore filters, which are
then stained. The presence of squamous cells, specially if they are Oxygenation

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coated with neutrophils and found in significant large numbers
along with fetal debris such as mucin or hair, is suggestive of AFE. Maintaining oxygenation may necessitate intubation and venti-
The Sialyl Tn antigen test was described by Kobayashi and col- lation. CPAP or PEEP may be indicated.
leagues, who showed that monoclonal antibodies TKH-2, MA54,
B72.3, and CC49 react with meconium and amniotic fluid-derived Haemodynamic stability
mucin.6 TKH-2 has the ability to detect the lowest concentration
Rapid intravenous filling, direct acting vasopressors such as
of the antigen. Sialyl is a mucin-type glycoprotein that originates
phenylephrine and inotropes may be necessary to improve cardiac
in fetal and adult intestinal and respiratory tracts. It is a major
output. Invasive monitoring, including PAWP, if indicated, can be
component in meconium (10% by weight) and is also present in
hazardous due to rapid developing coagulopathy. During cardio-
clear amniotic fluid. Using a sensitive anti-mucin antibody TKH-2,
pulmonary resuscitation, left uterine displacement must be main-
the authors found no difference in the serum levels of Sialyl Tn
tained if the patient is still pregnant. Surgical intervention may be
antigen in pregnant patients throughout gestation or in early post-
necessary to control haemorrhage.
partum period when compared with non-pregnant controls. In con-
trast, the antigen concentrations were significantly elevated in
patients with AFE. The monoclonal antibody TKAH-2 may even- Uterine tone
tually prove useful in rapid, non-invasive diagnosis of AFE.
Uterine tone should be maintained in the usual way using oxyto-
Plasma concentration of zinc coproporphyrin, a characteristic
cin, ergometrine, and prostaglandins such as carboprost and miso-
component of meconium, has shown to be greater in patients with
prostol as indicated. Bimanual uterine massage and uterine
suspected AFE. At present, clinical experience with the Sialyl Tn
packing may help to reduce blood loss.
antigen and zinc coproporphyrin is limited and further studies are
needed to assess the reliability and utility of these tests.
Table 3 Diagnosis of AFE
Clark reported that 83% of his cases had either clinical or labora-
Test Possible findings
tory evidence of a consumptive coagulopathy. Early involvement
Non-specific tests of haematologists is essential. Plasma, cryoprecipitate, and plate-
Full blood count Low haemoglobin lets are frequently required. Recombinant factor VII has been used
Coagulation Low platelets, increased PT and APTT, low fibrinogen to treat uncontrollable massive obstetric haemorrhage and perhaps
Arterial blood gas Hypoxaemia, raised PaCO2
Chest X-ray Normal, cardiomegaly, pulmonary oedema should be considered in consultation with haematologists if haem-
ECG Right heart strain, rhythm abnormalities orrhage becomes difficult to control.
V/Q scans V/Q mismatch
Echocardiogram Right or left ventricular dysfunction, low ejection fraction
More specific tests Delivery of baby
Pulmonary blood Presence of squamous cells coated with neutrophils and
sample presence of fetal debris The baby should be delivered as quickly as possible. If the mother
Sialyl Tn antigen Raised
is undergoing cardiopulmonary resuscitation, surgical delivery
Zinc Raised
coproporphyrin should be performed within 5 min for improved maternal outcome.
Serum tryptase Normal or raised Once stabilized, most patients will require transferring to ICU.
Steroids, prostacyclin, nitric oxide as well as plasma exchange,
PT, prothrombin time; APTT, activated partial thromboplastin time; V/Q, ventilation/ haemofiltration, and cardiopulmonary bypass have been used in
perfusion. patients with AFE.

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Amniotic fluid embolism

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potential explanation for the symptoms and signs observed or a patho- 6. Kobayashi H, Ohi H, Terao T. A simple, non-invasive, sensitive method of
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