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Nama : Jenny Azzahra 1806199562

M. Haikal 1806148504
Kelompok 6 NME – 02
6. Methane is burned in a furnace with 100% excess dry air to generate steam in boiler. Both the
air dan the methane enter the combustion chamber at 500F and 1 atm, and the products leave the
furnace at 2000F and 1 atm. If the effluent gases contain only CO2, H2O, O2, and N2, calculate
the amount of heat absorbed by the water to make steam per pound of methane burned.

Known :

500F = 533,15K ≈ 500K

2000F = 1366.483K ≈ 1400K

Asked : Heat absorbed by H2O to make steam/lb of methane burned?

Answer :

Reaksi dengan udara : CH4 + udara → CO2 + H2O + N2 + O2

Reaksi Pembakaran : CH4 + 2O2 +N2 → CO2 + 2H2O + N2

Basis = 1lb mol Methane (feed)

● Jumlah udara masuk:

1lb mol methane 2 lb mol O2 2 lb mol O2 1 lb mol udara = 357 lb mol
used udara
1lb mol methane 1 lb mol O2 0,21 lb mol O2

Yang terdiri dari:

N2: 3,57(79%) = 2,82 lb mol N2

O2: 3,57 (21%) = 0,75 lb mol O2

● Kesetimbangan unsur ialah:

Masuk Keluar

CH4 1 x1

N2 2,82 x3

O2 1(2)+0,75 -

H2O 2 x2

P masuk (lb mol)

CO2 1

N2 2,82

H2O 2

Selanjutnya, membuat kesetimbangan energi, dengan ΔE = 0, W = 0, ΔP = 0, dan ΔK = 0.

Kesetimbangan berkurang menjadi Q = ΔH.

ΔH (Btu/lb mol) dari lampiran D.2 dan D.6

suhu CH4 O2 N2 CO2 H2O

500K 3913 2928,7 2857 3957,7 3333,4

1400K 30404,9 16208 15324,8 24449,8 19021,9

Dengan mengasumsikan bahwa efek tekanan (1 atm) pada perubahan entalpi dapat diabaikan.

ΔHf (Btu/lb mol):

CH4 O2 N2 CO2 H2O
-32,19 0 0 -169,44 -104,06

● Q = [ΔH CO2 + ΔH H2O + ΔH N2]produk - [ΔH CH4 + ΔH N2 + ΔH O2]reaktan


ΔH CO2 : 1[(24449,8 + (-169,44)] = 24280,36

ΔH H2O : 2[(19021,9 + (-104,06)] = 37835,68

ΔH N2 : (2,82)[(15324,8) + 0] = 43215,94

ΔH produk = 105331,98 Btu/lb mol


ΔH CH4 : 1[3913 + (-32,19)] = 3880,81

ΔH O2 : (0,75)[2928,7 + 0] = 2196,53

ΔH N2 : (2,82)[2857 + 0] = 8056,74

ΔH reaktan = 14134,08 Btu/lb mol

Q = 91197,9 Btu/lb mol CH4

91197,9 Btu 1 lb mol = 5699,87
Btu/lb CH4
1 lb 16 lb CH4

∴ Q = 5699,87 Btu/lb methane burned

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