Chapter 5 - Fluid Systems and Thermal Systems

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Fluid systems and thermal systems


 To develop mathematical model in fluid systems and

thermal systems
Laminar vs Turbulent Flow
Laminar Flow
◦ Flow dominated by viscosity forces is
called laminar flow and is
characterized by a smooth, parallel
line motion of the fluid

Turbulent Flow
◦ When inertia forces dominate, the
flow is called turbulent flow and is
characterized by an irregular motion
of the fluid.
Resistance of Liquid-Level Systems
Consider the flow through a short pipe connecting two tanks
as shown in Figure.

Where H1 is the height (or level) of first tank, H2 is the height

of second tank, R is the resistance in flow of liquid and Q is
the flow rate.
Resistance of Liquid-Level Systems
The resistance for liquid flow in such a pipe is defined as the
change in the level difference necessary to cause a unit change
inflow rate.

change in level difference m

Resistance   3
change in flow rate m /s

( H1  H 2 ) m
R  3
Q m /s
Resistance in Laminar Flow
For laminar flow, the relationship between the steady-state flow rate
and steady state height at the restriction is given by:

Q  kl H
Where Q = steady-state liquid flow rate in m/s3
Kl = constant in m/s2
and H = steady-state height in m.

The resistance Rl is dH
Rl 
Capacitance of Liquid-Level Systems
The capacitance of a tank is defined to be the change in quantity of stored
liquid necessary to cause a unity change in the height.

change in liquid stored m3

Capacitance   or m 2
change in height m
Capacitance (C) is cross sectional area (A) of the tank.
Capacitance of Liquid-Level Systems

Rate of change of fluid volume in the tank  flow in  flow out

 qi  q o

d ( A  h)
 qi  qo
Capacitance of Liquid-Level Systems

A  qi  qo

C  qi  qo
Modelling for liquid level system
Example 5.1
• The rate of change in liquid stored in the tank is equal to the flow in
minus flow out.
C  qi  qo (1)
• The resistance R may be written as

dH h
R  (2)
dQ q0
• Rearranging equation (2)

q0  (3)
Example 5.1
dh h
C  qi  qo (1) q0  (4)
dt R

• Substitute qo in equation (3)

dh h
C  qi 
dt R

• After simplifying above equation

RC  h  Rqi
• Taking Laplace transform considering initial conditions to zero

RCsH ( s )  H ( s )  RQi ( s )
Example 5.1
RCsH ( s )  H ( s )  RQi ( s )
• The transfer function can be obtained as

H (s) R

Qi ( s ) ( RCs  1)
Example 5.1
• The liquid level system considered here is analogous to the
electrical and mechanical systems shown below.

RC  eo  ei
b dxo
 xo  xi
k dt
RC  h  Rqi
Example 5.2
• Consider the liquid level system shown in following Figure. In this
system, two tanks interact. Find transfer function Q2(s)/Q(s).
Example 5.2
dh1 h1  h2
• Tank 1 C1  q  q1 R1  Pipe 1
dt q1

dh h2
• Tank 2 C2 2  q1  q2 R2  Pipe 2
dt q2
Example 5.2
dh1 h1  h2 h1  h2
• Tank 1 C1  q Pipe 1 q1 
dt R1 R1

dh2 h1  h2 h2 h2
• Tank 2 C2   Pipe 2 q2 
dt R1 R2 R2

• Re-arranging above equation

dh1 h1 h2 dh2 h2 h2 h1
C1   q C2   
dt R1 R1 dt R1 R2 R1
Example 5.2
dh1 h1 h2 dh2 h2 h2 h1
C1   q C2   
dt R1 R1 dt R1 R2 R1

• Taking LT of both equations considering initial conditions to zero

[i.e. h1(0)=h2(0)=0].

 1  1
 C1s   H1 ( s )  Q( s )  H 2 (s) (1)
 R1  R1

 1 1  1
 C2 s   
 H 2 (s)  H1 ( s ) (2)
 R1 R2  R1
Example 5.2
 1  1  1 1  1
 C1s   H1 ( s )  Q( s )  H 2 ( s ) (1)  C2 s    H 2 ( s )  H1 ( s ) (2)
 R1  R1  R1 R2  R1

• From Equation (1)

R1Q( s )  H 2 ( s )
H1 ( s ) 
R1C1s  1

• Substitute the expression of H1(s) into Equation (2), we get

 1 1  1  R1Q( s )  H 2 ( s ) 
 C2 s   
 H 2 (s)   
 R1 R2  R1  R1C1s  1 
Example 5.2
 1 1  1  R1Q( s )  H 2 ( s ) 
 C2 s   
 H 2 (s)   
 R1 R2  R1  R1C1s  1 

• Using H2(s) = R2Q2 (s) in the above equation

R2C2 s  1R1C1s  1  R2C1sQ2 ( s )  Q( s )

Q2 ( s ) 1

Q( s ) R2 C1 R1C2 s 2  R1C1  R2C2  R2C1 s  1
Mathematical modelling of thermal
Thermal system
• Involve the transfer of heat from one substance to another.
• Analyzed in terms of resistance and capacitance.
• Basic processes involved; mixing of hot and cold fluids, the
exchange of heat through adjoining bodies and generation of
heat by combustion or chemical reaction.
Mathematical modelling of thermal systems
• The constant that relates temperature change and heat flow is
called the thermal capacity of the body;

𝐶 =𝑞

𝐶 = thermal capacitance (cal/°C)
𝑑𝑇/𝑑𝑡 = the rate of change of temperature (°C/s)
𝑞 = heat flow (cal/s)
Mathematical modelling of thermal
• The thermal capacitance of a body is found by;

𝐶 = 𝑀𝑆

M = the mass of the body (gm)
S = the specific heat of the material (cal/gm)(°C)
Mathematical modelling of thermal
• Heat transfer through;

• The rate of heat flow through a body is determined by its

thermal resistance.
Mathematical modelling of thermal
• Thermal resistance is defined as ;
• Change in temperature that results from a unit change in
heat flow rate.
• Thermal resistance R for heat transfer between two

𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑡𝑒𝑚𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑒 𝑑𝑖𝑓𝑓𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒 (∘ 𝐶)

𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑓𝑙𝑜𝑤 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒 ( )
• Thermal resistance for conduction and convection heat
transfer is given by;

𝑑(∆𝜃) 1
𝑅= =
𝑑𝑞 𝐾
Mathematical modelling of thermal
• Thermal resistance is analogous to the resistance in an
electrical circuit.
• If a temperature of a body is considered to be uniform
throughout, its thermal behavior can be described by a linear
differential equation.
• This assumption is generally true for small bodies of gases or
liquids where perfect mixing takes place.
• For such a system, thermal equilibrium requires that at any
instant the heat in to the system is equals the heat stored and
the heat out. Thus,

Heat in = Heat out + Heat stored

Mathematical modelling of thermal
• Consider a thermal system below;
Mathematical modelling of thermal
Mathematical modelling of thermal
Mathematical modelling of thermal
Mathematical modelling of thermal
Mathematical modelling of thermal

Consider a building with a single room. The resistance of the walls between the room
and the ambient is Rra, and the thermal capacitance of the room is Cr, the heat into the
room is qi, the temperature of the room is θr, and the external temperature is a constant,
θa. Develop a mathematical model (i.e., a differential equation).

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