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Ocean Engineering 38 (2011) 1946–1956

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Study of offshore monopile behaviour due to ocean waves

Miao Li n, Hong Zhang, Hong Guan
Griffith School of Engineering, Griffith University, QLD 4222, Australia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Offshore monopile foundations are one of the most commonly used foundation structures in offshore
Received 3 February 2011 renewable energy, especially in areas with relatively shallow water. They are characterised by relatively
Accepted 10 September 2011 large geometric dimensions compared with other offshore pile foundations and differ from onshore
Editor-in-Chief: A.I. Incecik
piles in that they suffer from more dynamic ocean environments during their lifetime. One of the most
Available online 28 September 2011
significant aspects is associated with the wave effect on the structural behaviour of monopile
Keywords: foundations. In this study, a three-dimensional scaled boundary finite element model (SBFEM) is
Offshore monopile foundations proposed to investigate structural responses of monopile foundations when exposed to ocean waves.
Ocean waves Unlike other numerical techniques, SBFEM provides an analytical solution in the radial direction with
Structural behaviour
numerical approximation along the discretised faces of the monopile foundation. The SBFEM model is
Scaled boundary finite element model
validated by an equivalent finite element model, by which favourable computational efficiency and
Three-dimensional analysis
reliable accuracy are demonstrated. Subsequently, a parametric study is carried out focussing on
various wave properties to gain an insight into monopile behaviour. Results show that the lateral
displacement of the monopile foundation increases as wave numbers, wave amplitudes or water depths
increase. This study aims at improving the design of offshore monopile foundations, when wave load is
a dominant factor.
& 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction and requires special consideration when conducting the analysis.

One of the most significant aspects is associated with ocean
Offshore monopiles, as an important foundation concept, have waves, to which monopiles are inevitably exposed. Ocean waves
been receiving increasing attention of scientists and engineers impose cyclic and detrimental loads on monopiles during their
since offshore renewable energy gained global popularity in the entire operational lifetime, and therefore, are considered as pre-
last few decades. Generally, embedded in shallow waters with a dominant factors when analysing monopile behaviour.
depth of no more than 50 m, offshore monopiles typically have a Unfortunately, there is no established technical guideline for
much larger diameter than those of other pile foundations. offshore monopile design and construction that can be universally
Serving as a supporting element connecting the turbine tower applied due to its environmental-dependent nature. Pioneers in
and the seabed, monopiles are key elements in offshore wind Northern Europe and other regions have been consistently doc-
farm design and construction as they transfer all the loads acting umenting their experiences so that offshore renewable energy can
on the turbine above sea level to the seabed and are exposed to be expected to contribute to sustainable development thereby
harsh ocean environment itself. Their stability and structural benefitting human kind. Kellezi and Hansen (2003) developed
behaviour are of great significance to an offshore wind farm both static and dynamic models, based on the Finite Element
project. Therefore, scientists and engineers have been engaged in Method (FEM), to investigate monopile–seabed interactions. Sta-
exploring and investigating offshore monopile behaviour as it tic calculations were carried out for extreme static horizontal
develops. Previous theoretical and practical experiences from loads and rotational moment. The nonlinearity of the pile–seabed
conventional geotechnical pile foundations and onshore wind interaction was taken into consideration using a ‘contact pair’
farms have been reviewed and referred to during the course of along the monopile–seabed interface, where elastic–plastic beha-
this research. However, the obvious difference in the sitting viour was enforced. Within this static analysis, a maximum
environment between offshore monopiles and their onshore horizontal deformation of 35–40 mm for a 22 m height pile at
counterparts, or conventional geotechnical piles, poses challenges the seabed level was examined. The preliminary dynamic investiga-
tion of the seabed–monopile interaction was presented thereafter,
which was carried out in time domain with an absorbent boundary
Corresponding author. Tel.: þ61 7 555 27608. modelling the unbounded seabed. Johansen et al. (2008) proposed
E-mail address: (M. Li). two solutions: ‘Fins Structure’ and ‘Diversion Fence Structure’ to

0029-8018/$ - see front matter & 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Li et al. / Ocean Engineering 38 (2011) 1946–1956 1947

prevent scour from occurring around monopile foundations for the z

sake of environmental protection and cost reduction. A computa-
tional fluid dynamics model was employed to numerically analyse
the benefits of the proposed scour protection solutions in their work. 2a
Physical experiments were also carried out to simulate the installa- Incident wave
tion and maintenance operations. A rough cost analysis was direction
provided to illustrate the economical-feasibility of the proposed A Mean water
solutions. Achmus et al. (2009) applied the results of drained cyclic level
triaxial tests on cohesionless seabed soil in a ‘degradation stiffness
model’ to evaluate the accumulated displacement of the monopile d Sea water
head under cyclic lateral loads. Parametric studies to identify the
effects of geometric configurations, subsoil properties and loading
conditions on monopile behaviour were carried out. The results z=0 Seabed level
showed that the displacement accumulation rate is closely depen-
Fig. 1. Configuration of a typical monopile foundation.
dent upon the loading level, whereas that for a given load is mainly
governed by the embedded length of a pile. Achmus et al.’s analysis
is expected to fulfil the preliminary design, which involves long-
term cyclic loading. foundations, such as those for oil rig installations, are also applica-
Given the limited studies of wave impacts on monopile tions of the proposed formulation.
behaviour, Li et al. (2010b) proposed a semi-analytical numerical A free standing monopile foundation is shown in Fig. 1, with
model based on the Scaled Boundary Finite Element Method its bottom fixed at the seabed, i.e., the penetration depth into the
(SBFEM), to study the monopile behaviour due to ocean wave seabed is neglected in this study. In Fig. 1, a denotes the monopile
loads and examine the effect of wave numbers on the structure radius, h the monopile height, d the mean water depth and A the
response. SBFEM inherits the advantages of both FEM and wave amplitude.
Boundary Element Method (BEM), the two numerical techniques Considering a specific condition when the magnitude of the
from which SBFEM was derived. Featuring at discretising the dynamic wave pressure acts upon the monopile, the governing
boundary only and satisfying the boundary condition exactly at equations of the monopile behaviour follow those of elastostatics
infinity when dealing with problems involving unbounded (Gould, 1994; Huang and Bush, 1997):
domain, SBFEM does not necessitate any singular integral or
½LT fsg ¼ 0 ð1Þ
fundamental solution. These favourable features bring about a
wide application of SBFEM into various fields of engineering, such with [L] representing the partial differential operator. The stress
as structural engineering (Yang, 2006; Yang and Deeks, 2007), ocean amplitude {s} is related to the strain amplitude {e} and the elastic
engineering (Li, 2007; Tao et al., 2007), geotechnical engineering matrix [D] as follows:
(Khani, 2007), hydraulic engineering (Wang et al., 2010) and
fsg ¼ ½Dfeg ð2Þ
electromagnetic engineering (Liu et al., 2010).
In this study, the SBFEM is employed to develop a semi-analytical The strain amplitude {e} and displacement amplitude {u} are
numerical model to further explore the monopile response to ocean related by [L] in the form of
waves. The model is non-dimensionalised for the benefit of subse-
feg ¼ ½Lfug ð3Þ
quent parametric analysis. Discussions based on variation of wave
properties are expected to contribute to the fundamental under- Eqs. (1)–(3) describe the structural behaviour of any point within
standing of monopile responses to ocean waves. The remaining part the monopile foundation. They can be solved with the boundary
of this paper is organised as follows: the physical problem descrip- conditions specified at the seabed level, sea water–monopile inter-
tion is introduced in Section 2, followed by presenting the SBFEM face and the faces of monopile above mean water level.
model of the monopile and its non-dimensionalisation in Section 3. Zero displacements are enforced at the seabed level where the
Subsequently, the monopile behaviour is investigated and detailed in monopile foundation is rested.
Section 4 and a parametric study in terms of how wave properties
fug ¼ 0, at z ¼ 0
affect monopile behaviour is presented in Section 5.
Wave pressure, acting on the sea water–monopile interface,
results from the summation of the dynamic wave pressure and
2. Problem formulation the hydrostatic pressure.
In real ocean environment, short-crested waves are very likely
A typical monopile-supported wind turbine is associated with to be generated and therefore, are the most common form of
three physical aspects according to the spatial division by the waves resulting from winds blowing over the surface of the open
medium surrounding it, i.e., aerodynamically with the wind, sea. Since Jeffreys (1924) developed the theory of short-crested
hydrodynamically with the sea water, and geotechnically with waves, many researchers have investigated their kinetic and
the seabed. The wind exerts aerodynamic forces on the turbine dynamic properties, as well as the diffraction, reflection and
rotor during the wind turbine operation. There are also static axial radiation phenomena due to their interactions with coastal
loads transferred from the turbine tower and act on the monopile. and offshore structures. Zhu (1993) systematically studied the
These aspects are not considered due to the intensive objective of loads exerted by short-crested waves on a cylindrical pile of
this study, which mainly focuses on the wave loads and the coastal or offshore structures, and presented an analytical expres-
resulting structural response of the monopile. On the other hand, sion of the dynamic wave pressure acting at any point on the
the embedded part of the monopile foundation exhibits relative cylinder from the seabed level up to the free surface elevation,
motions with respect to the seabed, horizontal deflection and with the magnitude of which being given as follows:
rotation for instance, the effect of which to the monopile beha- 1 X
rw gA cosh kz0 X 1
viour are out of the scope of the current research. Considering the pm ða, y,zÞ ¼ em en im Q mn ða, yÞ ð4Þ
2 cosh kd m ¼ 0 n ¼ 0
above assumptions, it is worth mentioning that, passive monopile
1948 M. Li et al. / Ocean Engineering 38 (2011) 1946–1956

with the origin of the coordinate system being indicated in Fig. 1.

In Eq. (4), the azimuth angle y is measured along the monopile
circumference in the anti-clockwise direction. pm is also related to
the radius of the pile a, and the properties of the short-crested
waves, i.e., the wave amplitude A and the wave number k. rw
represents the water density, g the gravitational acceleration, d
the water depth and Zy, the wave elevation along the circumfer-
ence of the pile, the magnitude of which is expressed as
1 X
A X 1
Zy ¼ em en im Q mn ða, yÞ ð5Þ

z0 is the stretched coordinate calculated according to Wheeler

(1969) as
z0 ¼ ð6Þ
d þ Zy Fig. 2. Definition of the scaled boundary coordinate system.
Source: Wolf and Song (1996).
where z is measured along the height of the monopile.
In Eqs. (4) and (5), em, en and Qmn(a, y) are related to the series
terms and are defined as PDE in x, y, z
( Boundary
1 m,n ¼ 0 discretisation
em , en ¼ Geometric
2 m,n a 0
Shape transformation
Q mn ða, yÞ ¼ ½J m ðkx aÞJ 2n ðky aÞAmn Hm þ 2n ðkaÞcosðm þ 2nÞy
þ½J m ðkx aÞJ 2n ðky aÞBmn H9m2n9 ðkaÞcosðm2nÞy ð7Þ PDE in ξ,η,ζ
Element coefficient
where Weighted
Assembly residual method
kx J0m ðkx aÞJ 2n ðky aÞ þ ky J m ðkx aÞJ02n ðky aÞ
Amn ¼ ð8Þ
kH0m þ 2n ðkaÞ Global coefficient Matrix ODE
kx J 0m ðkx aÞJ2n ðky aÞ þky J m ðkx aÞJ 02n ðky aÞ
Bmn ¼ ð9Þ
kH09m2n9 ðkaÞ Boundary Eigenvalue/Schur
conditions decomposition solution
In Eqs. (7)–(9), J represents the Bessel function of the first kind
and H represents the Hankel function. kx and ky explain the
periodic property of the short-crested waves at the free-surface Analytical nodal function
level in the x and y directions, respectively. They are related to the of ODE in ξ
incident wave angle a by
kx ¼ k cos a, ky ¼ ksin a ð10Þ Specifying η, ζ

Generally, the wave period T for wind waves in ocean envir-

onments ranges from 5 s to 20 s. With this condition, the wave Semi-analytical solution
number k in Eq. (4) can be evaluated using the wave dispersion of the problem
equation ð2p=TÞ2 ¼ gktanhðkdÞ, given the water depth d.
The hydrostatic pressure ph is calculated as Fig. 3. SBFEM solution procedure.
ph ¼ rw gðdz Þ ð11Þ
ordinary differential equation (ODE). Therefore, the behaviour of the
physical problem is investigated numerically in the FEM sense along
3. SBFEM model the boundary, and analytically in the radial direction by solving the
matrix-form ODEs mathematically. The solution procedure of SBFEM
3.1. Brief introduction of SBFEM is illustrated concisely in Fig. 3. Galerkin’s weighted residual concept
is employed in the circumferential direction when deriving the weak
SBFEM, based on BEM and FEM from the nomenclature, was form scaled boundary finite element equation. The coefficient
proposed by Wolf and Song (1996). The main framework of SBFEM is matrices are assembled from the boundary discretisation in the same
based on a local coordinate system, the scaled boundary coordinate way as that in FEM. After the nodal function is obtained, interpola-
system (x, Z, z) (see Fig. 2), which is defined by a scaling centre O, a tion using shape functions and specification of the scaled boundary
radial direction x starting from the scaling centre to the boundary coordinates lead to the semi-analytical solution in the entire domain.
and circumferential directions, Z and z, on the boundary. Same as Apart from the above-mentioned advantages, the radiation condition
BEM when dealing with problems involving unbounded domains, at infinity can be satisfied exactly in SBFEM for unbounded domain
SBFEM does not necessitate a fundamental solution, which conse- problems. However, SBFEM shows its disadvantages when dealing
quently generalises its application in many fields. Applying the with problems involving nonlinearity and material inhomogeneity.
geometric transformation from a conventional coordinate system
(Cartesian coordinate (x^ , y^ , z^ ) for example) to the scaled boundary 3.2. SBFEM model formulation
coordinate system (x, Z, z), and employing the discretisation concept
of FEM only on the boundary of the study domain, the governing The three-dimensional local scaled boundary coordinate system
partial differential equation (PDE) is transformed into a matrix-form (x, Z, z) introduced for the monopile foundation is shown in Fig. 4.
M. Li et al. / Ocean Engineering 38 (2011) 1946–1956 1949

Applying the weighted residual technique and Green’s theo-

rem, and through a series of manipulations, the governing PDEs
(1)–(3) are transformed into the second-order matrix-form Euler–
Cauchy ODEs with respect to the nodal displacement function
½E0 x fuðxÞg, xx þð2½E0  þ ½E1 T ½E1 ÞxfuðxÞg, x
þ ð½E1 T ½E2 ÞfuðxÞg ¼ 0 ð15Þ

Eq. (15) is termed as the scaled boundary finite element

equation. In Eq. (15), only the radial coordinate x appears. The
other two coordinates Z and z are incorporated in the coefficient
matrices in the form of
Z 1Z 1
Fig. 4. SBFEM model of symmetrical half of the monopile foundation.
½E0  ¼ ½B1 ðZ, zÞT ½D½B1 ðZ, zÞ9JðZ, zÞ9dZ dz
1 1
Z 1 Z1
Due to symmetry of the physical problem, only half of the monopile ½E1  ¼ ½B2 ðZ, zÞT ½D½B1 ðZ, zÞ9JðZ, zÞ9dZ dz
1 1
is analysed. The scaling centre O(x0, y0, z0) is selected to coincide Z Z
1 1
with the geometric centre of the monopile. The radial coordinate x ½E2  ¼ ½B2 ðZ, zÞT ½D½B2 ðZ, zÞ9JðZ, zÞ9dZ dz ð16Þ
ranges from 0 at O to 1 at ! , which represents the external surface 1 1
of the symmetrical half of the monopile (see Fig. 4). The other two where [D] is the elastic matrix representing the physical property
local coordinates Z and z, with magnitudes ranging from  1 to of the monopile foundation. The three matrices [E0], [E1] and [E2]
1 for each element, rely on the tangential directions of ! . The two in Eq. (16) are first formulated for each individual element dis-
coordinate systems are geometrically related by the following cretised on ! and then assembled in the same way as in FEM.
x^ ðx, Z, zÞ ¼ x½NðZ, zÞfxg þ x0 3.3. Non-dimensionalisation of SBFEM model
y^ ðx, Z, zÞ ¼ x½NðZ, zÞfyg þ y0
z^ ðx, Z, zÞ ¼ x½NðZ, zÞfzg þz0 ð12Þ In order to investigate monopile responses to various ocean
wave loads, the variables and coefficient matrices appeared in Eq.
where {x}, {y} and {z} represent the coordinates of the discretised
(15) are non-dimensionalised using a set of reference variables,
nodes on ! . Eight-node quadratic quadrilateral elements are used
which are listed in Table 1. Therefore, all computed quantities are
for boundary discretisation with a shape function [N(Z, z)] being
of relatively similar magnitude regardless of the unit systems
expressed as
used to measure the variables.
N1 ðZ, zÞ ¼ 14 ð1ZÞðz1ÞðZ þ z þ1Þ N 2 ðZ, zÞ ¼ 12 ðZ2 1Þðz1Þ To derive the non-dimensional version of Eq. (15), the following
1 2 definitions are introduced based on the fact that, different from
N3 ðZ, zÞ ¼ Z
4 ðz1Þð1 þ Þð1 þ zÞ Z N4 ðZ, zÞ ¼ 12 ðZ þ 1Þð1z Þ
1 1 2 conventional coordinates, x^ , y^ and z^ in Cartesian coordinate for
N 5 ðZ, zÞ ¼ Z Z
4 ð þ1Þðz þ 1Þð þ z1Þ N6 ðZ, zÞ ¼ 2 ð1 Z
Þðz þ1Þ
example, the scaled boundary coordinates x, Z and z are dimension-
1 1
N7 ðZ, zÞ ¼ 4ð Z1Þðz þ 1ÞðZz þ1Þ N 8 ðZ, zÞ ¼ Z
2 ð 1Þðz 1Þ less
With this geometric mapping, the differential operator [L] is ½E0  ½E1  ½E2  fuðxÞg
½E0 n ¼ ½E1 n ¼ ½E2 n ¼
, , , fuðxÞg ¼ ,
reformulated in the scaled boundary coordinate system using x, Z rw ga rw ga rw ga a
and z as fuðxÞg, x fuðxÞg, xx
h i @  i @ fuðxÞg
¼ , fuðxÞg
1 h 2 i @ h ,x
a , xx
½L ¼ b1 ðZ, zÞ þ b ðZ, zÞ
þ b ðZ, zÞ ð13Þ
@x x @Z @z
where asterisks denote dimensionless variables. Rearrange the above
in which, [b1(Z, z)], [b2(Z, z)] and [b3(Z, z)] only depend on the equations in terms of the dimensional variables and substitute into
boundary discretisation, and are independent of the radial coor- Eq. (15), a constant coefficient rwga2 appears for each term through-
dinate x. out the equation and can be cancelled out. Therefore, the non-
Using the same shape function [N(Z, z)] as for boundary dimensionalised form of Eq.(15) can be obtained as
discretisation, the displacement amplitude is expressed as 2
½E0 n x fuðxÞg, x þ ð2½E0 n þ ½E1 nT ½E1 n ÞxfuðxÞg, x þ ð½E1 nT ½E2 n ÞfuðxÞg ¼ 0
n n n

fuðx, Z, zÞg ¼ ½NðZ, zÞfuðxÞg ð14Þ

where {u(x)} represents the displacement variation with the radial
Following discussions are based on this non-dimensionalised
coordinate x. Once it is solved, the displacement field within the
analysis. For ease of presentation, all asterisks are removed from
monopile foundation can be obtained using Eq. (14) with the
the mathematical expressions thereafter.
specified scaled boundary coordinates x, Z and z, and subsequently
the stress and strain fields can be calculated as
Table 1
  h i 1 h 2 i  Reference parameters for non-dimensionalisation.
feg ¼ eðx, Z, zÞ ¼ B1 fuðxÞg, x þ B uðxÞ
h i
x  Reference Descriptions Dimensions Units Magnitudes
  1 h 2 i 
fsg ¼ sðx, Z, zÞ ¼ ½D B1 fuðxÞg, x þ B uðxÞ parameters
1 2 a Radius of monopile {L} m 2.5
in which [B ] and [B ] are formulated as rw Density of sea {ML  3} kg/ 1000
water m3
½B1 ðZ, zÞ ¼ ½b ðZ, zÞ½NðZ, zÞ, g Gravitational {LT  2} m/s2 9.8
2 2 3 acceleration
½B ðZ, zÞ ¼ ½b ðZ, zÞ½NðZ, zÞ, Z þ ½b ðZ, zÞ½NðZ, zÞ, z
1950 M. Li et al. / Ocean Engineering 38 (2011) 1946–1956

To solve the scaled boundary finite element equation (17), a pressure being expressed as: ph ¼ rwg(d z). The geometric prop-
new variable erties and other quantities are listed in Table 2. To examine the
( þ 0:5 ) convergence, the displacements in the z direction (to simplify the
x fuðxÞg
fXðxÞg ¼ nomenclature, the circumflex (4) is omitted when used to
x0:5 fQ ðxÞg indicate a direction) at the monopile head level are plotted in
Fig. 5(a) for several discretisation schemes, which are shown in
is introduced to incorporate the nodal displacement function
Table 3. ‘Mesh1’ corresponds to ‘1-3-4’, meaning that 1 element
{u(x)} and the nodal force function {Q(x)}, which is expressed
2 along the height of the monopile above the mean water level,
as: fQ ðxÞg ¼ ½E0 x fuðxÞg, x þ½E1 T xfuðxÞg.
3 elements below and 4 elements each for both monopile radius
By introducing {X(x)} and employing a Hamiltonian matrix [Z],
and a quarter of the monopile circumference. Fig. 5(a) shows a
which is formulated by coefficient matrices of Eq. (17) and the
satisfactory convergence of the proposed SBFEM model when
identity matrix [I] as
" # ‘Mesh4’ is employed, which is thus adopted for the analysis
½E0 1 ½E1 T 0:5½I ½E0 1 thereafter.
½Z ¼
½E2  þ ½E1 ½E0 1 ½E1 T ½E1 ½E0 1 þ0:5½I For convenient interpretation of the results, two representa-
tive locations on the monopile foundation as shown in Fig. 6 are
the number of DOFs of the problem is doubled; however, the specifically examined. One is Line L–L0 along the monopile height
order of the matrix-form ODE (17) is reduced from two to one, as at y ¼01; the other one is Line R–R0 along the monopile circum-
can be examined from the resulting homogeneous linear ODE (18) ference at the monopile head level.
xfXðxÞg, x þ½ZfXðxÞg ¼ 0 ð18Þ

The Schur decomposition has been proven to be a qualified

and efficient method to solve Eq. (18), following the solution Table 3
procedure presented in Song (2004) and Li et al. (2010a). The Discretisation scheme description and results comparison.
nodal displacement function is expressed as
Discretisation scheme Mesh1 Mesh2 Mesh3 Mesh4 Mesh5
0:5 ½Sn  ½Sn 
fuðxÞg ¼ x ð½Cu1 x fC 1 g þ ½Cu2 x fC 2 gÞ ð19Þ 1-3-4 2-6-6 4-12-6 4-12-8 4-12-10

with [Cu1], [Cu2] and [Sn] being determined from the Schur Number of DOFs
decomposition of [Z]. {C1} and {C2} in Eq. (19) are two sets of SBFEM 795 1959 2871 4227 5799
constants to be determined according to the displacement and FEM 1731 6657 12,753 21,795 33,249
stress boundary conditions on monopile boundaries ! . Z-displacement (  10  3)
SBFEM 0.2834 0.2949 0.2991 0.2992 0.2992
FEM 0.2862 0.2978 0.3011 0.3012 0.3012
4. Structural response

4.1. Convergence test and model verification

z y
To validate the proposed three-dimensional SBFEM model of
the monopile and its numerical performance, a case is studied as a
benchmark with a monopile foundation subjected to a hydrostatic L

Table 2 θ
Dimensionless parameters for SBFEM model verification.
R’ R
Parameters Notations Magnitudes x
180° 0°
Monopile radius a 1
Monopile height h 16
Young’s modulus E 1.14  106
Poisson’s ratio n 0.25 L’
Water depth d 12 x
Density of sea water rw 1
Gravitational acceleration g 1 Fig. 6. Illustration of representative locations L–L0 and R–R0 on the monopile
foundation: (a) monopile axisymmetric plane and (b) half of monopile top face.

0.31 40000
Number of DoFs


0.30 FEM

0.29 SBFEM
0.28 0
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Mesh cases Mesh cases

Fig. 5. Convergence test of SBFEM and FEM models versus discretisation schemes: (a) displacement convergence and (b) number of DOFs.
M. Li et al. / Ocean Engineering 38 (2011) 1946–1956 1951

A comparative FEM analysis, using the commercial software ocean wave loads is studied herein. Parameters of the monopile
package STRAND7 (2010), is also carried out to verify the credibility foundation and the wave condition are tabulated in Table 4.
and numerical competency of the SBFEM model. The converged As mentioned in Section 3.2, when setting up the SBFEM
displacements from both SBFEM and FEM models are plotted in model, the physical problem is symmetric with respect to the
Fig. 7 against the height of the monopile along L–L0 . Only a 0.67% incident wave direction, which results in zero displacement in the
discrepancy is observed, which guarantees the reassuring agreement y direction along L–L0 . Displacements in the z direction are less
of the results from the two models. With respect to the DOFs used by significant compared with the x counterparts and are not of major
the two models, as compared in Fig. 5(b) and Table 3, it is easy to see concern. Therefore, displacements in the x direction, reflecting
that SBFEM requires a significantly less number of DOFs for the same lateral deflections of the monopile when subjected to wave loads,
mesh than that of an equivalent FEM model, through which the are mainly addressed in the following discussions.
favourable numerical efficiency of the SBFEM model is demonstrated. The non-dimensionalised lateral displacement along L–L0 in
Fig. 8(a) shows a maximum displacement of 0.8254  10  3 at the
monopile head level when the wave amplitude, wave number and
4.2. Monopile behaviour analysis
the water depth are 1, 0.25 and 12, respectively. The displacement
variation along monopile circumference at z¼16 is illustrated by
With the proposed SBFEM model, the problem described in
the polar plot in Fig. 8(b). Note that numerics in the polar plot
Section 2, viz the structural response of a monopile foundation to
mark the scale of the radial axis, and this is the same for the
following polar plots. It is noticed that the maximum displace-
ments at the monopile head level are the same everywhere
16 around the monopile circumference when y ranges from 0 to pi.
To understand how each force component, i.e., the dynamic
wave pressure and the hydrostatic pressure, contributes to the
14 monopile behaviour, displacements due to the two components
are illustrated separately. It is observed from Fig. 9 that the
displacement at the monopile head level caused by the hydro-
12 static component is greater than that from the dynamic counter-
part, with corresponding magnitudes being 0.4354  10–3 and
0.3899  10–3, respectively. Propagating in the positive x direction
with A ¼1 and k¼ 0.25, the incident short-crested wave generates
a total free-surface elevation Zy as being depicted in Fig. 10. It is
Monopile height

noticed that Zy at y ¼1801 is greater than that at y ¼01. This

elevation distribution leads to a resultant hydrostatic force acting
8 on the monopile in the incident wave direction and causes a
displacement of 0.4354  10–3. Prevailing throughout the entire
vertical length from the free surface to the seabed, the hydrostatic
6 pressure contributes more to the monopile deflection than the
dynamic pressure, which predominates only around the free
surface and decays rapidly into the water. The displacements
y-SBFEM around the monopile circumference are uniformly distributed for
z-SBFEM both the hydrostatic and the dynamic components, as read from
Fig. 9(b).
5. Parametric study
0 Key wave parameters such as wave numbers, wave amplitudes
-0.02 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 and water depths are of great significance to the monopile
Displacement (×10-3) behaviour. Considering the real situation where these parameters
vary within a certain range, a study on the monopile response to
Fig. 7. Displacement comparison from SBFEM and FEM models.
the variation of these parameters is carried out to gain further
insight into the functional performance of the monopile founda-
tion. In this study, the analysis mainly focuses on how these
Table 4
Parameters related to monopile behaviour analysis. parameters affect the wave load on the monopile and accordingly
the monopile behaviour.
Parameters Notations Magnitudes

Dimensional Non-dimensionalised
5.1. Effect of wave number k

Monopile radius a 2.5 m 1 For a water depth of 30 m, and with the wave period ranging
Monopile height h 40 m 16 from 5 s to 20 s, the wave number varies approximately from
Young’s modulus E 2.8  1010 Pa 1.14  106
0.02 m  1 to 0.18 m  1. Therefore, the non-dimensionalised wave
Poisson’s ratio n – 0.25
Water depth d 30 m 12 number k is chosen as 0.05, 0.15, 0.25, 0.35 and 0.45 to investigate
Wave amplitude A 2.5 m 1 how it affects the monopile behaviour. Other relevant parameters
Total wave number k 0.10 m  1 0.25 are listed in Table 4.
Incident wave angle a 0 0 Wave numbers influence the wave pressure distribution on
Water density r 1000 kg/m3 1
Gravitational acceleration g 9.8 m/s2 1
the monopile foundation in the vertical direction as well as the
horizontal direction. Being dominated by the z component: cosh
1952 M. Li et al. / Ocean Engineering 38 (2011) 1946–1956



Monopile height

6 1.5 (×10-3)

4 1

2 0.5

0 0
0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 (×10-3)

Fig. 8. Lateral displacement of monopile foundation at A¼ 1, k¼ 0.25 and d ¼12: (a) along L–L0 and (b) around R–R0 .



Monopile height

90° dynamic
8 hydrostatic

0.6 (×10-3)
2 dynamic
0 0 0°
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 (×10-3)

Fig. 9. Lateral displacement of monopile foundation subject to dynamic wave pressure and hydrostatic pressure separately with A ¼ 1, k¼0.25 and d¼ 12: (a) along L–L0
and (b) around R–R0 .

90° k is plotted in Fig. 11(a). Horizontally, on the other hand, greater

wave numbers indicate more frequent waves acting on the mono-
pile. With incident waves propagating in the positive x direction, the
1.1 wave pressure generated with a relatively small wave number is
distributed axisymmetrically around the monopile circumference as
shown in Fig. 11(b) for k¼0.05 and 0.15. When the wave number k
1.05 gradually increases to 0.45 by an increment of 0.10, the
wave pressure acting on the upstream face of the monopile
1 (corresponds to 901o y o1801) increases, whereas that on the other
side (01o y o901) decreases. This, consequently, results in a sub-
stantial increase in the magnitude of the resultant force acting on
180° 0° the monopile in the incident wave direction.
Fig. 12(a) shows the lateral displacement of the monopile
Fig. 10. Free surface elevation Zy around monopile circumference with A ¼1, along L–L0 for varying wave numbers at A¼1 and d¼12. With
k¼ 0.25 and a ¼01. increasing wave numbers from 0.05, 0.15, 0.25, 0.35 to 0.45, the
maximum displacement at the monopile head level increases
kz0 /cosh kd of the pressure formulation Eq. (4), the dynamic wave from 0.0076  10–3, 0.1878  10–3, 0.8254  10–3, 1.8805  10–3 to
pressure shows a rather rapid decay with water depth when it is 3.3194  10–3, respectively. It is noticed from Fig. 12(b) that for
associated with a higher wave number. Superimposed with the each individual case, the displacement at the monopile head level
hydrostatic pressure, the total wave pressure variation in the are the same everywhere around the monopile circumference
vertical direction along L–L0 on the monopile foundation for varying when y ranges from 0 to pi. Plotting these maximum
M. Li et al. / Ocean Engineering 38 (2011) 1946–1956 1953

14 k=0.15

Monopile height
8 90° k=0.15
6 2.25 k=0.45
2 1.5

0 180° 1.25

0 10 20
Wave pressure

Fig. 11. Total wave pressure distribution at A ¼ 1 and d¼ 12 for varying k: (a) along L–L0 and (b) around R–R0 .



Monopile height

10 k=0.25
90° k=0.35
8 k=0.45

6 5 (×10-3)
k=0.05 3.167
4 k=0.15
k=0.35 1.333
0 180° 0°
0 1 2 3 4 5 (×10-3)

Fig. 12. Lateral displacement of monopile foundation at A¼ 1 and d ¼12 for varying k: (a) along L–L0 and (b) around R–R0 .

×10-3 5.2. Effect of wave amplitude A

Maximum lateral displacement

The magnitude of the wave amplitude reflects the kinetic

4.0 energy associated with the wave motion. In this analysis, the
non-dimensionalised wave amplitude A ranges from 0.5 to 2.0 at
3.0 0.5 increments, which corresponds to a wave height of 2.5 m,
5.0 m, 7.5 m and 10.0 m, respectively. The wave height of 10.0 m
2.0 represents a wave condition which may serve as an extreme case
for engineering design. Other parameters are shown in Table 4.
1.0 The total wave pressure at the mean water level, shown in Fig. 14,
increases evenly as the wave amplitude A rises.
0.0 The lateral displacement along L–L0 of the monopile for
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
each case is plotted in Fig. 15(a). The corresponding polar plot,
wave number k illustrating the variation in the lateral displacement with res-
Fig. 13. Maximum lateral displacement versus wave number.
pect to the azimuth y, is shown in Fig. 15(b). Similarly, for each
case with certain wave amplitude, equal lateral displacement
is examined around the monopile circumference although the
pressure distribution, shown in Fig. 14(b), is not uniform when y
displacements against the wave numbers k in Fig. 13 and goes from 0 to pi. With the wave amplitude increasing from 0.5
examining the slope of the curve, it can be concluded that as k to 2.0, the maximum displacement increases from 0.4353 
becomes greater, the increase in the maximum displacement 10–3, 0.8254  10–3, 1.5024  10–3 to 2.2067  10–3, respectively
becomes more noticeable. at the monopile head level. The dependence of the mechanical
1954 M. Li et al. / Ocean Engineering 38 (2011) 1946–1956

14 A=1.0
12 A=2.0
Monopile height
90° A=0.5
8 A=1.0
6 4 A=2.0

4 2.875
2 0.625

0 -0.5
180° 0°
0 10 20
Wave pressure

Fig. 14. Total wave pressure distribution at k¼0.25 and d ¼ 12 for varying A: (a) along L–L0 and (b) around R–R0 .



Monopile height

90° A=0.5
8 A=1.0
6 A=2.0
3 (×10-3)
4 A=0.5 2
2 A=1.5 1
0 0
180° 0°
0 1.0 2.0 3.0 (×10-3)

Fig. 15. Lateral displacement of monopile foundation at k¼ 0.25 and d¼ 12 for varying A: (a) along L–L0 and (b) around R–R0 .

3.0 the displacement of the monopile foundation induced by the
Maximum lateral displacement

wave load.

5.3. Effect of water depth d
The variation of water depth inevitably affects the hydrostatic
pressure, as well as the dynamic pressure according to Eqs (4) and
0.5 (11). Therefore, it is an important parameter when analysing the
monopile response to ocean wave loads. In this study, the non-
0.0 dimensionalised water depth in shallow water conditions varies
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 from 9 to 13 with an increment of 1. Being linearly related to the
wave amplitude A water depth, the hydrostatic pressure increases with the water
depth. The dynamic wave pressure, on the other hand, is related
Fig. 16. Maximum lateral displacement versus wave amplitude.
to the water depth by the hyperbolic cosine function
cosh kz0 /cosh kd. The superimposed total wave pressures acting
along L–L0 for varying d at k¼0.25 and A ¼1 are plotted in
behaviour of the monopile on wave amplitudes is presented in Fig. 17(a). Those acting upon the monopile foundation around
Fig. 16. Physically, the greater the wave amplitude, the greater the R–R0 at the mean water level are the same, and are overlapped as
energy associated with the wave motion, accordingly, the greater shown in Fig. 17(b).
M. Li et al. / Ocean Engineering 38 (2011) 1946–1956 1955

14 d=10
12 d=12
Monopile height 10
8 d=10
6 2 d=12
4 1.8
0 1.5
180° 0°
0 10 20
Wave pressure

Fig. 17. Total wave pressure distribution at k ¼0.25 and A ¼ 1 for varying d: (a) along L–L0 and (b) around R–R0 .



Monopile height

8 90° d=10
6 d=12
1.2 (×10-3) d=13
4 d=9
d=10 0.867
2 d=12 0.533
0 180° 0.2 0°
0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 (×10-3)

Fig. 18. Lateral displacement of monopile foundation at k¼ 0.25 and A ¼1 for varying d: (a) along L–L0 and (b) around R–R0 .

×10-3 plotted against the water depth in Fig. 19, which illustrates that the
Maximum lateral displacement

1.5 deeper the water, the more significant the displacement becomes.
Also, same lateral displacement is examined around the monopile
circumference for each individual water depth.

6. Conclusions
A three-dimensional SBFEM model is developed herein to
study the structural behaviour of a monopile foundation when
subjected to varying ocean wave loads. By introducing a local
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 scaled boundary coordinate system, the SBFEM model reduces the
PDEs governing the structural behaviour of the monopile founda-
water depth d
tion to matrix-form ODEs in the radial direction. Only the degrees
Fig. 19. Maximum lateral displacement versus wave depth. of freedom associated with the discretised monopile boundaries
are involved when formulating the coefficient matrices of the
ODEs, which considerably reduces the computational effort. Sub-
As shown in Fig. 18, the corresponding maximum lateral dis- sequently, the ODEs are solved analytically for the nodal dis-
placement for varying water depth at k¼0.25 and A¼1 is 0.4827  placement function, which represents the displacement variation
10–3, 0.5966  10–3, 0.7232  10–3, 0.8254  10–3 and 0.8954  10–3 in the radial direction. Adopting the same interpolation concept
when the water depth is 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13, respectively. Similar to as that of FEM, the SBFEM model explores the displacement field
Fig. 13, the maximum displacement at the monopile head level is within the monopile foundation by specifying the radial
1956 M. Li et al. / Ocean Engineering 38 (2011) 1946–1956

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