What Is The Difference Between Proficiency and Achievement in The Context of The Language Learning

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What is the difference between proficiency and achievement in the context of the language


Ans) Definition & Meaning

“Achievement” means how well students have learned or what we expect them to know. On the
other hand, “proficiency” is the ability to do something very well.

Take for example a driver’s test, the paper and pencil questions on the knowledge related to
driving and traffic rules represent the achievement test.

While a proficiency test determines how well the person can drive the car.

An achievement test measures knowledge of specific information (what a person knows)

While a proficiency test measures what an individual can do with what he or she knows.

In the field of language learning, there are two types of tests that we use commonly in
educational institutions. The first type is the achievement test.

We use it at the end of a specific period, to evaluate how much students have learned about a

The other commonly used test is the proficiency test.

This kind of test measures students’ overall skills in a language and is not directly related to a
particular course or period.

In other words, achievement test evaluates learners’ understanding of a specific course or study
programme and measures how much they have learned in a specific time which can be, e.g., at
the end of a chapter, or at the end of a course, etc to specify their weak points or strengths.

In this case, the learners who have finished units 1 – 4 of a coursebook can take an
achievement test based on what they have seen in these units.

The test composer base the test on the student’s book and the activity book.

However, proficiency tests measure how much learners are able to use the knowledge or skills
they have learned in real-time situation(s) and these tests evaluate the learners’ level of
knowledge or skills in a specific area.

In other words, the proficiency test is an evaluation of how well a person can use language to
communicate in real life.
It refers to one’s ability to use language for real-world purposes to accomplish real-world
linguistic tasks across a wide range of topics and settings.

Purposes of Each Kind.

Achievement tests have educational and diagnostic purposes that they can help the teacher and
the learner to investigate which area(s) the learner needs to improve.

In many educational systems throughout the world, students take regular achievement tests and
pass them in order to move to a higher level or graduate from an educational institution.

Achievement tests can have many additional functions aside from evaluation.

Learners can, for example, develop an action plan for further study based on the results of an
achievement test.

On the other side, a proficiency test can have the following purposes:

Predict a learner’s ability to complete a course or take an exam.

Evaluate progress in attaining and acquiring the language.
Make it easy for teachers to take placement decisions for students.
Measure students’ ability to use the language.
Specify to what extent students are proficient in different language skills.
In brief and simply stated, each kind has a role in language learning.

A Proficiency test is measuring the ability of learners to use the language to communicate in the
real world and in real-world situations.

An achievement test is measuring students’ ability to repeat language elements that have been
taught and mastered at some level.

Explain the four basic skill need to be developed in English language learning

Ans) Concept of language skills

There are four skills of language

reading and

1) Listening Skills
One of four language skills
Involves sender, message and a receiver.
It is a psychological process and it involves
Receiving message
Constructing meaning from it
Responding to (spoken/non-verbal) messages.
Process of listening:-
(a) Hearing:-

It is sound waves simulating the sensory receptors of ears.

It is a physical response.
Hearing is the perception of sound waves, you must hear to listen but you need not listen to
Brain screams stimuli and permits only a select few to come into focus and these selective
perceptions are known as attention.
Attention is an important requirement for effective listening.
(b) Understanding:

Understanding is taking out the meaning from previous associations and successful
interpretation of the message being received.
For successful interpersonal communication, the listener must understand the intended
meaning and context assumed by the sender.
(C) Remembering:

Remembering or memorizing is an import part of the process of listening.

It means the individual who is receiving the message has received the message, interpreted
It and added it to the mind’s storage bank.
While listening our attention might be selective so what we rambler might be quite different from
what was originally Sean or heard.

(d) Evaluating:-

Only active listeners participate at this stage of listening.

In this step active listeners
Weight evidence
Sort out facts from opinion
Determines the presence and absence of bias in the message.
The listener should start evaluating message only after listening to the message, not at the
beginning of the message.
(e) Responding:-
In this step individual receiving the message sends verbal or non-verbal feedback to the
speaker (or sender)
This step allows the speaker to determine if a message has been received or not.
Through feedback, the sender may determine the degree of success in transmitting the
2) Speaking Skills
The main goat of teaching speaking skills is to achieve efficiency in communication.
Learners should be able to make themselves understand, using their current level of proficiency.
They should try to avoid confusion in the message due to wrong pronunciation, grammar or
Teachers can help learners develop their speaking skills by wing balanced activities that
combine language input, structured and communicative output.
Language input comes from teacher talk, listening, reading passages and language heard or
read outside the class.
3) Reading Skills
Reading is the most challenging skill to be introduced to children.
It is the most difficult and exciting skill to introduce.
Reading is not a simple skill as it involves a combination of many skills and cognitive abilities.
There is no single, foolproof method of teaching how to read, as every method has its own
Once a child has been introduced to reading books successfully there is no end to what a child
can accomplish.
‘Sound reading skills’ means the child is able to associate meaning with written or printed
Unless a child can make sense of what he or she reads, or relate it to something else that he
already knows, we cannot call its reading sound.
In a nutshell, we can say that Reading is a process of finding written words.
4) Writing Skills
We mainly write to communicate with someone when often he is not present in front of us.
We do a lot of writing simply to preserve something i.e., a piece of information, an idea, or a
A teacher introduces young children to how to write as, by the time they start schooling for the
first time, they are already capable of talking with confidence with a variety of people on various

What do you mean by reading with comprehension

Ans) Reading comprehension is the ability to process text, understand its meaning, and to
integrate with what the reader already knows.[1][2] Fundamental skills required in efficient
reading comprehension are knowing meaning of words, ability to understand meaning of a word
from discourse context, ability to follow organization of passage and to identify antecedents and
references in it, ability to draw inferences from a passage about its contents, ability to identify
the main thought of a passage, ability to answer questions answered in a passage, ability to
recognize the literary devices or propositional structures used in a passage and determine its
tone, to understand the situational mood (agents, objects, temporal and spatial reference points,
casual and intentional inflections, etc.) conveyed for assertions, questioning, commanding,
refraining etc. and finally ability to determine writer's purpose, intent and point of view, and draw
inferences about the writer (discourse-semantics).[3][4]

There are many reading strategies to improve reading comprehension and inferences, including
improving one's vocabulary, critical text analysis (intertextuality, actual events vs. narration of
events, etc.) and practicing deep reading.[5] Ability to comprehend text is influenced by readers'
skills and their ability to process information. If word recognition is difficult, students use too
much of their processing capacity to read individual words, which interferes with their ability to
comprehend what is read.

Explain skimming and scanning with an example

Ans) Reading is often treated as a leisure activity but very few people know that it is actually a
technique. Skimming and scanning are the two often confused techniques for reading or to be
specific reading strategies.

Skimming often refers to the way in which one reads at a faster rate to gain the general idea
about the text without paying heed to the intentional and detailed meaning of the text.

For Example - When one reads the text only in order to understand the thesis statement, in one
or two lines.

Skimming is achieved by reading that text only which is considered to be relevant.

Skimming requires a lower understanding of word recognition than compared to scanning.
Procedure - Read the introductory paragraph and the conclusion paragraph very carefully. You
should search for headings and subheadings to get a good grasp of the idea.

Scanning refers to the technique when one looks into the document or the text provided for
searching some specific text such as some keywords.

Example - Now it may be applied to the real-life example of a dictionary, wherein one looks for a
specific word meaning or a directory wherein one searches for the phone number of someone.

Scanning requires one to have a look at the whole document quickly at least once.
Scanning requires a higher understanding of word recognition compared to skimming.
Procedure - You should search for headings and subheadings to get a good grasp of the idea,
as to where your required detail will be found.

Skimming and scanning, therefore, are two very different strategies for speed reading. They are
used for different purposes, and they require different reading skills, but they are very significant
to go about reading comprehension.

What are the problems you face in queue class while teaching English language

Ans) 10+ Problems Faced by Teachers in Teaching English Language

1. Disturbed Environment of the Class

Environment matter most in learning and teaching the English language. Mostly the English
teachers faced environmental problems in teaching the English language.

The disturbing environment of the classroom distracts the teachers and affects the teaching of
the English language.

A suitable and comfortable environment is the basic need of teaching the English language.

If the environment is not suitable and comfortable for the teachers then it ruins all the teaching
and learning process of the English language.

A positive and comfortable learning environment is very essential for teaching the English

Mostly the teachers faced such kind of disturbing environment in teaching the English language.

2. Limited Teaching Resources

Not only the English language, Teaching anything mostly depends on the resources.

Mostly the teachers faced this kind of problem, the resources which are essential for delivering
the lectures of the English language to the students for effective learning are not provided to

It became very difficult for the teachers to teach without the resources essential for the lectures.

The resources include speakers, mike, projectors, computer systems,s and other kinds of digital

It makes the overall lecture and environment interesting and effective for the students and helps
them in learning the English language.

3. A Large Number of Students in the Classroom

A large number of students in the classroom produce a lot of disturbance and stress for the
teachers because teaching a large number of students the teachers have to do more effort and

See also Top 8 Problems Faced by Pakistani Students in Learning the English Language
The problems caused by a large number of students are given below:

Disturbed the teacher by making noises.

Difficult to manage the class students.
Engaging crowded students in learning is very difficult.
The learning resources are not available for all the students.
These are some problems that arise in a crowded class.

4. Wrong Syllabus to be Teach

The syllabus is a kind of content that the teachers follow to teach to the students. The syllabus
plays a very important role in teaching the English language and also in other subjects.

The syllabus helps the teachers to prepare the important factors of the course and organized
the overall course to teach to the students step by step.

Mostly the teachers faced this problem in teaching the English language. The wrong syllabus is
given to them to teach the students the English language.

The teachers teach the wrong syllabus will make negative impressions on the students, and by
this, the students cannot learn and speak the English language.

5. Limited Time for Lecture to Teach

Time is the most important thing in learning the English language. It takes time for the teachers
to observe their students and teach them at their level. The time of the class is very little for the
teachers to teach the English language.

This one of the most difficult tasks for the teachers to teach in less time.

This is probably not possible for the teachers to complete the topics of their lectures in less time,
which is not enough.

6. Students Hijack Lessons

Students hijack the lessons. Mostly the students are not interested in learning the English
language. They hijack the lessons and do other kinds of activities and the English learning
process is defeated.

The English language teachers always count the students because they cannot go further in the
course if the students are missing.
7. Students Disturbed the Class
Sometimes the students get bored and try to do other activities during the lectures which
disturbed the teachers during teaching the English language.

They try to speak to the other students during the lectures which disturbed the teachers a lot.

Some students come late for the lecture. They enter the class during the lecture it disturbed the

The disturbance is the biggest problem mostly the teachers faced in teaching the English
language. It defeated all the learning process of learning the English language.

8. Using Other Languages in the Classrooms

Speaking other languages or speaking in the native language is the most noticeable issue faced
by English teachers.

For the students, it’s very easy to speak in their native language or other languages which they
can speak easily instead of the English language.

It’s very frustrating for the students trying to speak the language and think the words and
sentences to speak which they didn’t know.

It’s very easy for them to communicate in their native language or the language they already
have experience with.

This is the most common and big problem faced by the English teachers in teaching the English
language to the students in which the English language is not their native language.

9. Student Depends on a Teacher

Another noticeable problem faced by the teachers is the students completely depend on the
teachers. They didn’t try to learn and speak themselves.

See also Importance of English Language for the Students in Education

Those students every time look to the teachers for helping them in learning and giving them the
correct answers.

They didn’t try to make words and correct sentences in speaking the English language.

By this problem, the students didn’t learn the technical terms and conditions of how to use
different kinds of tenses and words of the English language in speaking.

10. Students Bored and not Interested in Learning the English Language
Students getting bored and not interest in learning the English language is also a problem faced
by teachers.

Sometimes the students are not interested in learning and attending the lectures on the English
language. Then they try to do other activities.

Sometimes They disturbed the teachers by talking to the others and doing other non-sense
activities during the lecture.

Discuss the importance of English language in the age of globalisation


1.1 Study Background In this era of globalization, language has a very important role,
especially the function of Indonesian as a means of communication. English, which is
currently an international language, is very important to master, English is one of the languages
that is widely used in every aspect of life such as science, education, business and
entertainment. Learning English is a provision for us when all will step in the life of globalization,
by mastering English, someone can communicate further, so that insights in information
technology itself will be more open, and having the ability to communicate in English is one of
the big assets to move in a world and technological advances that are always moving forward.
1.2 Statement of Problem 1. Language as a means of communication? 2. The importance of
English? 3. How to improve English? 1.3 Study Objectives 1. Recognizing English 2. Starting to
like English 3. Dare to express yourself using English

2.1 Language as a means of communication Language in communication is a further

consequence of self-expression. Communication will not be perfect if our self-expression is not
accepted or understood by others, according to Kridalaksana (1985: 12) language is a
meaningful sound system used for communication by human groups. We are so close to the
language, especially Indonesian, that we don't feel the need to deepen and learn Indonesian.
As a result, Indonesians are not skilled in using the language. A weakness that we are
not aware of, the emergence of this globalization era, the Indonesian people must play a role in
the world of free competition, both in the political, economic, social and communication fields.
2.2 Importance of English As a means of global communication, English must be mastered
actively & both orally and in writing. It is possible that the rapid development of technology
requires us to be more proactive and respond to global information flows as an asset in
meeting market needs. As a social language, English is not only a children's need because its
mastery is only limited to the aspect of language knowledge but also as a global
communication medium. English is a globalization trend that has spread and developed English
throughout the world, a number of people from various countries are now able to speak English.
As a trend language that is so popular in the world, in many forms. It is estimated that English is
spoken by approximately 400 million people as their mother tongue and an additional 2 billion
as a second and foreign language.
Improve English

• Enjoyment When they enjoy English and also when they like learning knowledge of the
language, namely grammar and structure. This statement shows that pleasure tends to
contribute to the speed of learning English.
(Rintaningrum, 2016) • Persistence This statement shows that students tend to improve their
skills in English if they persistently learn English. Learning involves wanting to learn, trying to
learn English and never giving up learning English. (Rintaningrum, 2016) • Importance
This statement shows that awareness of the importance of the English language tends to
help speed up language learning. (Rintaningrum, 2016) • Yourself Teaching Muscles
is not a way that makes it easy for students to learn English. This learner is a self starter who
maintains his intrinsic motivation which makes learning easier for him. He has an intrinsic
interest in the task and performs self-evaluation to check whether his understanding of his
concepts is correct.
(Rintaningrum, 2016) • Practicing in a Different Context The results of the interviews show
that learning English through the process of teaching English to others tends to help students
learn English easily. Moreover, teaching practice provides an opportunity to put ideas into
practice. In addition, more opportunities can be obtained if respondents have jobs as English
lecturers because they have to teach, prepare material and study theory, knowledge or
materials before teaching to be implemented in practice.
(Rintaningrum, 2016) • With Friend This statement shows that friends can help us learn English
more easily. I used to have a partner to practice speaking with. To talk, it is better to have a real
conversation with a friend.

Silent reading and loud reading

Ans) LOUD READING In loud reading, the students are to read aloud so that their voice is
audible. I He should correct immediately and give a pronunciation to the whole class. the wrong
pronunciation drill of correct There is a controversy on the point whether silent reading-should
be followed by loud reading or vice versa. Morrison is of the opinion that loud reading by
students should be followed by silent reading, just the opposite of what is practiced generally in
our schools

Reading aloud creates a classroom community by establishing a known text that can be used
as the basis for building on critical thinking skills that are related and unrelated to reading. •
Discussions generated by reading aloud can be used to encourage listeners to construct
meanings, connect ideas and experiences across texts, use their prior knowledge, and question
unfamiliar words from the text. Reading aloud gives students an opportunity to hear the
instructor model fluency and expression in reading technical or literary language. "Through
intonation, expression, and attention to punctuation, the reader demonstrates meaning
embedded in the text." Reading aloud develops adaptive expertise. Routine expertise relies on
automated recall of memorized declarative knowledge but adaptive expertise depends on the
acquisition of meaningful knowledge. That is, knowledge organized through connections to
other knowledge. An adaptive expert synthesizes knowledge groups to make meaning in new
ways to solve unexpected or novel problems. (Hatano 1988). • Reading aloud helps students
learn how to use language to make sense of the world; it improves their information processing
skills, vocabulary, and comprehension. • Reading aloud targets the skills of audio learners.
Research has shown that teachers who read aloud motivate students to read

SILENT READING Silent Reading- In silent reading there is no movement of the lips or the
tongue. But there should be full concentration and the thoughts should not wonder aimlessly
while they are reading silently. - Silent reading provides the opportunity to learn the meanings of
many new words in context …

Silent reading improves students' understanding because it helps them concentrate on reading
rather than pronunciation. This practice also allows children to read faster and improve
comprehension. • Silent reading also helps develop reading skills for a purpose, as the focus is
on understanding the content. • This also helps students retain thoughts into their subconscious
mind and use them in their daily lives. The only limitation, which I can find, is when reading
aloud, every word should be read and articulated effectively; however, when perusing quietly,
the reader may skip words either purposefully or inadvertently and focus less on pronunciation.

Active vocabulary and passive vocabulary


Vocabulary is the set of lexical items in a language; it is also called the ‘lexicon’. The
term lexicon is known in English from the early 17th century, when it referred to a book
containing a selection of a language’s words and meanings; arranged in alphabetical order. The
term itself comes from Greek ‘lexis’ word. It has taken on a more abstract sense, especially
within linguistics, referring to the total stock of meaningful units in a language-not only the words
and idioms, but also the parts of words which express meaning, such as the prefixes and

Words are referred to as ’the building blocks of language’. These are powerful tools.
We need a rich supply of words so that we can select the correct tools for the job as we would
with any other task we tackled. We need a good vocabulary. A good vocabulary is that which (a)
fills our needs, (b) gives us confidence, (c) helps us to understand, (d) is varied and (e) is exact.


On the basis of its application, vocabulary is divided into two types: Active
Vocabulary and Passive Vocabulary.


Active vocabulary consists of those words over which one can use in his speech and writing. He
knows the meaning of those words accurately. Active vocabulary refers to the productive side of
language. It consists of the words one uses confidently because he understands their meanings
and usage.

In order to give the proficiency in spoken and written language, words must
continuously be added to the active vocabulary of the students. Active vocabulary of a language
calls for:

The use of right word in right place.

The spontaneous recall of words.
Grammatical accuracy i.e., use of correct tenses, inflections and word order.
In speech, fluency and ability to reproduce correct sounds, pronunciation, intonation, rhythm etc.

The Passive Vocabulary consists of those words, meaning of which can be understood when
they appear in speech or writing of others but which we cannot use in our own speech and
writing because we are not fully conversant with them. In passive vocabulary, the person does
not know the precise meaning of a particular word and he does not make use of those words in
communication. Sometimes he can understand the meaning of that word only to a certain extent
depending on the contest. Passive vocabulary refers to the receptive side of language. Passive
vocabulary calls for:

A recognition of vocabulary in speech or writing.

An acquaintance with major grammatical items or forms.
The skill of stimulating rapidly the sense of large word groups.
It is observed that an undergraduate student has 3000 to 5000 active vocabulary
whereas the same student has 5000 to 10,000 passive vocabulary.

A good communicator tries to turn passive vocabulary into active vocabulary. It is

obvious that words from passive vocabulary shift to active vocabulary after some years. There is
no hard and fast rule of acquiring active vocabulary. The one and only requirement is the
student’s enthusiasm and effort with some proper directions.

Different parts of speech

The 8 parts of speech
1. Nouns
A noun is a person, place, concept, or object. Basically, anything that’s a “thing” is a noun,
whether you’re talking about a basketball court, San Francisco, Cleopatra, or self-preservation.

Nouns fall into two categories: common nouns and proper nouns. Common nouns are general
names for things, like planet and game show. Proper nouns are specific names for individual
things, like Jupiter and Jeopardy!
2. Pronouns
Pronouns are the words you substitute for specific nouns when the reader or listener knows
which specific noun you’re referring to.

You might say “Jennifer was supposed to be here at eight,” then follow it with “she’s always late;
next time I’ll tell her to be here a half-hour earlier.”

Instead of saying Jennifer’s name three times in a row, you substituted she and her and your
sentences remained grammatically correct. Pronouns are divided into a range of categories,
and we cover them all in our guide to pronouns:

3. Adjectives
Adjectives are the words that describe nouns. Think about your favorite movie. How would you
describe it to a friend who’s never seen it?

You might say the movie was funny, engaging, well-written, or suspenseful. When you’re
describing the movie with these words, you’re using adjectives. An adjective can go right before
the noun it’s describing (I have a black dog), but it doesn’t have to. Sometimes, adjectives are at
the end of a sentence (my dog is black

4. Verbs
Go! Be amazing! Run as fast as you can! Win the race! Congratulate every participant for
putting in the work to compete!

These bolded words are verbs. Verbs are words that describe specific actions, like running,
winning, and being amazing.

Not all verbs refer to literal actions, though. Verbs that refer to feelings or states of being, like to
love and to be, are known as nonaction verbs. Conversely, the verbs that do refer to literal
actions are known as action verbs.

5. Adverbs
An adverb is a word that describes an adjective, a verb, or another adverb. Take a look at these

Here’s an example: I entered the room quietly. Quietly is describing how you entered (verb) the

Here’s another example: A cheetah is always faster than a lion. Always is describing how
frequently a cheetah is faster (adjective) than a lion.
6. Prepositions
Prepositions tell you the relationship between the other words in a sentence.

Here’s an example: I left my bike leaning against the garage. In this sentence, against is the
preposition because it tells us where I left my bike.

Here’s another example: She put the pizza in the oven. Without the preposition in, we don’t
know where the pizza is.

7. Conjunctions
Conjunctions make it possible to build complex sentences that express multiple ideas.

I like marinara sauce. I like alfredo sauce. I don’t like puttanesca sauce. Each of these three
sentences expresses a clear idea. There’s nothing wrong with listing your preferences like this,
but it’s not the most efficient way to do it.

Consider instead: I like marinara sauce and alfredo sauce, but I don’t like puttanesca sauce.

In this sentence, and and but are the two conjunctions that link your ideas together.

8. Articles
A pear. The brick house. An exciting experience. These bolded words are known as articles.

Like nouns, articles come in two flavors: definite articles and indefinite articles. And just like the
two types of nouns, the type of article you use depends on how specific you need to be about
the thing you’re discussing.

A definite article describes one specific noun, like the and this. Example: Did you buy the car?

Now swap in an indefinite article: Did you buy a car?

See how the implication is gone and you’re asking a much more general question?

Q)Discuss the need and importance of teaching English language in India

Ans) English is known, spoken and read by all educated people everywhere in the world.
Children in different parts of world speak this language in their school either as the mother
tongue or as a foreign language. Most of the countries of the world whose mother tongue is not
English learn this as a second language for its cultural and utilitarian values. The people of India
are no exception to it.
English is accepted as the second language in India. In the words of Gandhi, “English is a
language of international commerce, it is the language of diplomacy and it contains many a rich
literary treasures”. It gives us an introduction that English has occupied an important place in
Indian education.

The following is the importance of teaching English in India.

(i) English has today become one of the major languages of the world.

(ii) It will be very difficult to neglect English language because of rich literature, scientific and
technical nature of the language.

(iii) It is strongly felt that English is the only language of preventing isolation from the world.

(iv) English is given access to the treasure of knowledge.

(v) It provides opportunities to Indians to get employment throughout India.

(vi) It helps to have contact with western science and technology.

(vii) It is a language of trade and industry in India.

(viii) It provides a strong binding force to keep all Indians united.


(ix) It works as a powerful language of communication.

(x) It occupies an important place in school curriculum.

The National Policy on Education, 1986 and Revised 1992 recommended English as second
language in secondary schools.

Q) what do you mean by reading for local and global comprehension explain
Ans)INTRODUCTION Reading comprehension is the ability to process text, undeistand its
meaning, and to integrate with what the reader already knows. Fundamental skills required in
efficient reading comprehension are knowing meaning of words, ability to understand meaning
of a word from discourse context, ability to identify the main thought of a passage, ability to
answer questions answered in a passage, ability to recognize the fee destees or propositional
structures used in a passage and determine its tunu, to understand the situational mood finally
ability to determine writer's purpose, intent and point of view, and draw inferences about the
writer. Most Important Ability to comprehend text is influenced by readers skills and their ability
to process information Reading for Global ànd Local Comprehension

Global comprehension
Global comprehension means understanding the general meaning of what you are listening to
or reading. It can be compared to selective comprehension, which means understanding
specific information in the text, and detailed comprehension, which means understanding
everything. Global, selective and detailed comprehensions have parallels with the three reading
skills of skimming, scanning and intensive reading.

The learners have listened to a story and now try to recreate it by putting jumbled sentences
into the correct order.

Local Comprehension Local comprehension is the skill of reading a piece of text closely or
intensely for the purpose of extracting specific information from the text. This skill is referred to
as intensive reading skill. As an example let us refer back to the story "The Martyr's Corner"
appended to this unit and concentrate our attention in the first four paragraphs. Earlier, you had
read the story for extensive reading skills. Now, we go back to a part of the story for intensive
reading skills. In this case, you do not like to miss out the details of the passage that you are
reading, both at the levels of form and content. Let us illustrate how local comprehension works.
As you read the first four paragraphs, you may like to ask yourself a series of specific questions.
Some of them could include: What was Rama's business? At what time did Rama get up? At
what time did he arrive at his place of business? These are only three of a host of questions that
form in your mind that aid to the comprehension of the text. You may have to go back to the
passage to locate the specific information Reading for Global ànd Local Comprehension

Q) illustrate in details some strategies to develop the reading skill in the student of class 4


How can you ensure your students understand classroom coursework? Build reading skills.
Teachers love to share their favorite stories and the subjects they are passionate about, but
helping a child develop the same interest requires foundational reading skills to comprehend
and enjoy the curriculum.
Many children see reading as a chore, especially if it’s tied to lesson plans and learning complex
information. Teachers, parents and mentors can help ignite a child’s passion to read by
incorporating activities focused on building reading skills to improve comprehension and

Here are some simple and effective ways to help students build reading skills to better
understand classroom curriculum.

1. Annotate and highlight text

Teach your students to highlight and underline valuable information as they read. Have students
write notes on the pages they are reading to help them stay focused and improve
comprehension. Students can also write down questions as they read to receive more
explanation on a new concept or to define a new word.

2. Personalize the content

Students can increase their understanding by seeing how the material connects with their life.
Have your students make personal connections with the text by writing it down on the page. You
can also help students comprehend the text by helping them see an association with current

3. Practice problem solving skills

Blend real-world problem solving skills into your curriculum. Have your students write out
solutions to the problem and discuss their ideas as a class or in small groups.

4. Incorporate more senses

Add in activities that reinforce learning and comprehension by using more senses as they read.
Remind students to read with a pen or pencil to annotate the text. Have your students take turns
reading out loud. Use projectors to guide your lesson and write down questions for those who
are visual learners.

5. Understand common themes

Ask your students to look for examples of a certain theme throughout the chapter to increase
engagement. Have students share their findings with the class to help students learn a specific
theme more in-depth.

6. Set reading goals

Have each student set their own reading goals. This can help them take action in building
reading skills and students will be more mindful of how they are improving.

7. Read in portions
Long, complex reading can be more digestible by breaking it up into pieces. Shorter segments
will help students retain the information as the class discusses the materials. It can also help
students build confidence in understanding a complex subject.
8. Let students guide their reading
Your students process reading material and curriculum in very different ways. As you implement
reading activities to help your class learn complex materials, you will learn what works best for
each student individually.

As teachers implement more reading activities into classroom coursework, students will find
improvement in vocabulary, writing skills, problem solving, concentration, and cognitive
development to help build a solid foundation for future learning.

Q)Role of good English teacher

Ans) Qualities of a Good English Teacher

The English language is widely spoken in different parts of the globe. People who are not native
English speakers can improve their English language and pursue other courses abroad. This
can also help them in securing jobs in other countries or doing business with foreign people. An
experienced teacher can help you in improving your listening, writing, pronunciation, and
reading skills. Students can get the services of experienced English teachers by enrolling in
reputable institutions like Harmon Hall Online. It is the best school where you can enroll for
Curso de ingles.

A good, well-trained teacher can make a huge difference in your education and future.
Highly-effective English teachers should be fresh always, introduce new ideas and changes,
experiment with new things and be unique. Good teachers should have certain qualities like
patience, tenacity, and adaptability. These are some of the essential qualities that can help
learners in improving academically. The following are the essential qualities that a good English
teacher should have:

Remember that students are different. Some of them learn quicker than others. Struggling
student should be given more attention than fast learners. Thus, teachers should be very patient
when dealing with students. Ideally, teaching should be done at apace in which most students
are comfortable with. They should avoid rushing through the coursework as this can discourage
students from learning.

Teachers should adapt themselves to all students that they are handling. The approach used by
professionals depends on the individual needs of students. They should keep track of their
students’ progress throughout the sessions. Any approach or plan that isn’t working should be

English teachers should be active listeners. Demonstrating their level of openness can make
them more accessible and approachable by students. It is therefore imperative to listen to the
individual needs of your students and come up with an effective plan. Offering comforting
support to students can make them feel valued.


Professionals should have a better understanding of the English language for them to impart
skills to learners. They should demonstrate confidence in their reading, writing, and
pronunciation skills. He or she should explain the different concepts in a manner that students
can understand. Again, they should know where to start and pace their work correctly. Being
interactive can help them in checking that learners understand.

Students who are attentive can absorb almost everything that is being taught. Professionals
should be enthusiastic and energetic. Being interactive and making the coursework more
interesting is the key to inspiring active interest in your student. It can also motivate them to do

Q) characteristic of paragraph writing

Ans) A good paragraph should have three major structural parts as what have been clearly
stated by Oshima and Hogue (1983:3) as follows:

Topic Sentence
Topic sentence is sentence which states the main idea of the paragraph. Topic sentence not
only states the topic of the paragraph but also controls or limits the topic so that it can be
discussed completely in the space of single paragraph. Topic sentence, therefore, can be further
divided into two:

– Topic Idea

Topic idea states the topic of the paragraph

– Controlling Idea

Controlling idea limits the topic

2. Supporting Sentences

Supporting Sentences are sentences that develop topic sentence or main idea. They explain the
topic sentence by giving reasons, examples, facts, and statistics, quotations, etc.

3. Concluding Sentence
Concluding Sentence is a sentence in which the writer concludes the paragraph in order to give
the reader with important points to note.

Instead of having these three major structural parts, a good paragraph should also possess two
additional elements:

Unity means that all of the supporting sentences develop or discuss the main idea stated in the
topic sentence of the paragraph.

Coherence means that the paragraph is easy to read and understand because supporting
sentences are organized in logical order and the use of appropriate transition signals.

In summary, a well-written paragraph contains five elements: a topic sentence, supporting

sentences, a concluding sentence, unity and coherence. In this module, you will study and
practice each of these elements.

Q)Traditional grammar versus grammar in context (functional grammar)

Ans) There are two different overall methods for teaching grammar, called traditional and
functional grammar. Traditional grammar focuses on explicitly teaching students about
structuring sentences and the different parts of speech, whereas functional grammar has a
strong focus on the context of a text

Differences between traditional and functional grammar Generally the largest level of analysis in
traditional grammar is the sentence. Generally the largest level of analysis in functional
grammar is the text. Tradition grammar generally operates at word level (noun, adjective etc).
Functional grammar can operate at a word level but generally is interested in larger chunks (eg
noun group - adjectives and nouns together) Traditional grammar is generally only interested in
written language, but functional grammar is interested in spoken, written and multimodal texts
Traditional grammar is not very interested in the context of the text, but functional grammar is
interested in how the context has impacted on and is revealed in the language choices
Grammar exercises in traditional grammar can be discrete, unrelated exercises (eg how to
construct the passive voice) but grammar exercises in functional grammar are within the context
of the genre and related to how the meaning has been constructed

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