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Biomaterials 21 (2000) 1129}1134

Thin "lm of low-crystalline calcium phosphate apatite formed

at low temperature夽
Hyun-Man Kim *, Yoonji Kim , Su-Jin Park , Christian Rey, HyunMi Lee ,
Melvin J. Glimcher, Jea Seung Ko
Laboratory of Hard Tissue Engineering, Department of Oral Anatomy and Dental Research Institute, College of Dentistry, Seoul National University, 28-22,
YeonKun-Dong, ChongRo-Ku, Seoul 110-749, South Korea
Laboratoire de Physico-Chimie des Solides, Institut Polytechnique de Toulouse, C.N.R.S. 38, rue des 36 Ponts, Toulouse 31400, France
Laboratory for the Study of Skeletal Disease and Rehabilitation and Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Children's Hospital and Harvard Medical School,
300 Longwood Ave., Boston, MA 02115, USA
Received 24 September 1999; accepted 3 December 1999


Surface modi"cation of biomaterials to improve biocompatibility without changing their bulk properties is desired for many
clinical applications and has become an emerging technology in biomaterial research and industry. In the present study, a simple
method of coating the solid surfaces of metals, organic tissue matrices, glasses, inorganic ceramics as well as organic polymers with
a thin "lm of low-crystalline apatite crystals (LCA) was developed. Acidic solution containing calcium and phosphate ions was
neutralized with alkaline solution to form calcium phosphate precipitates at low temperature. Precipitates of solid calcium phosphate
particles were, then, removed by "ltration. Concentration of free ions in the "ltered ion solution which were not involved in the
formation of calcium phosphate precipitate was high enough to induce the heterogeneous nucleation on the solid surfaces at low
temperature. Thin layers of calcium phosphate crystals were formed on the surfaces of metals, glasses, inorganic ceramics, organic
polymers including hydrophobic ones, and biological tissue matrices with this solution. The thin layer of crystals consisted of poorly
crystalline calcium phosphate apatite crystals which contain high amount of labile ions like bone crystals and did not dissolve in the
physiologic solutions. Various cells attached to this crystal layer and proliferated well.  2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights

Keywords: Low-crystalline apatite; Thin "lm; Biomaterial; Low temperature; Cell culture

1. Introduction Calcium phosphate apatite is the only type of calcium

phosphate crystal in calci"ed tissues such as bones, teeth,
Calcium phosphate (Ca-P) apatite has been well known calci"ed cartilage, and cultured matrix produced by os-
to have good properties as a biomaterial for bone repair, teoblasts [4}8]. It has biocompatibility with most cell
augmentation, substitution, and surface coating [1}3]. types such as osteoblasts, osteoclasts, "broblasts, and
Coating the surfaces of dental and orthopedic materials periodontal ligament cells found in the calci"ed tissues
with biocompatible calcium phosphate apatite can elicit [9}13] and has osteoconductivity allowing the formation
favorable biological and chemical responses on the surfa- of bone on its surface by attachment, migration, prolifer-
ces and this can enable us to mimic the reactions occur- ation, and di!erentiation of bone-forming cells [14}16].
ring in the natural calci"ed tissues without losing bulk All apatites, however, are not similar in their crystallo-
properties of materials such as durability and inertness. graphic properties. Pure hydroxy apatite crystals consist-
ing of calcium, phosphate, and hydroxyl ions are
stoichiometric crystals of rods with high crystallinity

[17], while biocrystals isolated from bone or calci"ed
Part of this paper was presented at the sixth International Confer-
ence of the Chemistry and Biology of Mineralized Tissues, Vittel, cartilage are non-stoichiometric apatites of low crystal-
France, 1}6 November 1998. linity [6}8]. Biocrystals are small thin plates [6}8]
* Corresponding author. in shape of extensive speci"c surface that makes them

0142-9612/00/$ - see front matter  2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 1 4 2 - 9 6 1 2 ( 9 9 ) 0 0 2 6 5 - 3
1130 H.-M. Kim et al. / Biomaterials 21 (2000) 1129}1134

metabolically active with high surface reactivity [18]. removed by "ltration (pore size: 0.22 lM) to get a meta-
Their surfaces are assumed to be covered with non-apa- stable calcium and phosphate ion solution (pH 7.3). Ma-
titic highly reactive labile ions of CO\, PO\, HPO\, terials to be coated were left in this Ca-P ion solution at
where organic constituents or cells can be attached to 83C for 24 h to induce the nucleation of Ca-P on the
form a cell}material interface [19,20]. These properties surfaces, then the temperature was maintained or in-
are not expected from highly crystalline apatite crystals creased (up to 603C) to form a thin "lm coat of LCAs by
widely used clinically so far, but only from bone-like the growth of apatite crystals. Thicker thin "lm was
low-crystalline apatite crystals (LCAs). Apatite coatings obtained by increasing the time of growth phase.
formed at high temperature by plasma spraying have This method was used to coat the surfaces of the
been shown to be heterogeneous and to contain large following materials; metals, glasses, inorganic ceramics,
oxy}hydroxy apatite crystals [21] as well as a high pro- organic polymers including hydrophobic organic poly-
portion of amorphous phases [22]. Thus, there is a de- mers such as poly lactic-gluconic acid co-polymer sponge
mand to develop a method to form an apatite layer with (PLGA), polystyrene, polypropylene, silicone, polytetra-
properties similar to those of bone crystals on solid #uorethylene, and organic biological tissue matrix like
surfaces such as metals, polymers, and ceramics to en- decalci"ed membranes of crab (consisting of chitin), col-
hance bioreactivity as well as biocompatibility when en- lagens, and "bers of silk.
gineering implant materials. To exclude the possibility of gravitational precipitates
In the present study, a simple method to get a thin coat of amorphous calcium phosphates (ACPs) formed by
of LCAs was developed. Apatite crystals were induced to homogeneous nucleation in the solution as the source of
form and grow directly on solid surfaces including the crystals on the surfaces, the surfaces of materials such as
surfaces of low interfacial energy by increasing the solu- disks of titanium or polypropylene were positioned verti-
tion supersaturation in the solution. The crystallographic cally and the crystals formed on the lateral surfaces were
analysis of the apatite crystals in the thin coat showed examined.
a close similarity to that of bone crystals in their crystal
habit, crystallinity, and the amount of labile domains of 2.2. Analysis of the thin xlm of apatites
surface ions.
2.2.1. Electron microscopic analysis
The phase and habit of Ca-P crystals were examined
2. Materials and methods in the thin "lm formed on carbon-coated formvar-
reinforced grids using transmission electron microscopy
2.1. Preparation of thin xlm of apatite (TEM) (1200 IIX, JEOL, Japan), or on a solid surface
using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) (840A, JEOL,
In the classical Ostwald's nucleation theory, the free Japan) after sputter-coating with gold}palladium. The
energy for nucleation depends on the supersaturation of electron di!raction patterns were also obtained.
solution (S), the net interfacial energy for nucleation (p),
the temperature (¹), and the particle surface area (A):
2.2.2. X-ray diwraction analysis
*G"!R¹ ln S#pA. The long-range orders of crystals which were scraped
This nucleation theory indicates that increasing the solu- o! from the surface of culture dishes were determined by
tion supersaturation S and reducing the net interfacial powder X-ray di!raction [24] using di!ractometer
energy p can induce the heterogeneous nucleation. In the (MXP 18, Mac Science, Japan) at 100 mA and 50 kV.
present study, the solution supersaturation S was greatly Bone crystals isolated from bovine femur [7] were also
increased to reduce the free energy for nucleation *G. analyzed for comparison.
This increase was high enough to induce heterogeneous
nucleation even on the solid surface of low surface energy 2.2.3. Fourier-transformed infrared spectroscopy
without any treatment to decrease the net interfacial (FTIR) analysis
energy p. Homogeneous precipitation occurring in highly The FTIR spectra of crystals were recorded on
supersaturated solutions was prevented by using a low- a Perkin Elmer Fourier transform spectrometer 1700,
temperature system. after embedding the crystals removed from the culture
Following this strategy, highly supersaturated stable dishes and bone crystals isolated from bovine femur [7]
calcium and phosphate ion solution was prepared at low in KBr pellets. Resolution-enhanced deconvolution
temperature. Synthetic calcium phosphate apatite crys- of the FTIR spectra was performed with constructor
tals [23] were dissolved in 0.2 N HCl (1 mg/ml). 1 ml of software. The sensitivity coe$cients and the band-
this acidic ion solution was mixed with 1.35 ml of 0.2 M widths are reported in the "gure legends. Integral in-
tris[hydroxymethyl]amino methane (Tris) solution to tensities of deconvoluted spectra in the l4 PO\ were

form Ca-P precipitate at 43C. Then, Ca-P precipitate was calculated [25].
H.-M. Kim et al. / Biomaterials 21 (2000) 1129}1134 1131

2.2.4. Calcium and phosphate analysis 3. Results

The concentration of calcium was determined by
atomic absorption spectroscopy [26] (Perkin Elmer, With this simple method, thin "lm layers of LCAs were
USA). Concentration of phosphate was determined by formed on the surfaces of metals, glasses, inorganic cera-
a colorimetric method [27]. mics, organic polymers including hydrophobic organic
polymers such as PLGA, polystylene, polypropylene, sili-
2.3. Culture of cells cone, polytetra#uorethylene, and organic biological tis-
sue matrix like decalci"ed membranes of crab (consisting
L929 "broblasts (ATCC NCTC clone 929) and of chitin), collagens, and "bers of silk (Fig. 1). The "lms of
MC3T3 osteoblasts were cultured on thin "lms of LCAs formed on both hydrophilic and hydrophobic sur-
apatite formed on various substrates such as culture faces were not disintegrated or detached from the surface
plates (Corning, USA), without any other treatment of when immersed in the physiological solution for over
the surfaces. Cells were cultured in CO incubator 1 month.

supplied with 95% air and 5% CO at pH 7.4 in The "rst Ca-P formed on the surface comprised par-

a-MEM supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum ticles of nano-size, which was studied by examining the
(FBS). Attachment and proliferation of cells were examin- "rst precipitation formed on the carbon-coated formvar
ed directly under phase contrast microscope and/or SEM. "lm using TEM (Fig. 2a). Formation of "lms of LCAs on

Fig. 1. Sequential observation of the formation of thin layer of LCAs on the surface of the culture dishes. (a) Non-discrete particles are scattered in the
initial stage. (b}c) Then, discrete crystals form and grow on the surface, and proliferate and interconnect to cover all surfaces. (d) Apatite coating of
LCAs is covering porous PLGA co-polymer sponge. Scanning electron microscope (SEM), scale bar: (a}c) 1 lm, (d) 10 lm.

Fig. 2. TEM observation of the formation of thin layer of LCAs. Non-stained examination. (a) The "rst Ca-P depositions on the carbon-coated
formvar "lm under TEM do not give any di!raction maxima of Ca-P crystals (inset), which indicates ACP as a seeding substance of heterogeneous
nucleation on the surface. Scale bar: 500 nm. Electron di!raction: 100 kV, 80 cm. (b) Cross-sectional view of the thin "lm shows closely packed
nano-sized crystals of thin plates in the thin "lm. Scale bar: 100 nm.
1132 H.-M. Kim et al. / Biomaterials 21 (2000) 1129}1134

the vertically positioned solid surface or the underneath crystals of thin plates through secondary crystallization
surface excluded the possibility of gravitational precipita- [28] around pre-formed apatite crystals. By varying the
tion of particles from the ion solution as the source of time of growth, "lms of di!erent thicknesses from a
calcium phosphate particles on the surface. Particles of few nm up to about a few lm were formed and this was
ACPs on the surface were transformed to apatite, then determined by examining the cross section of thin "lm
a thin "lm layer was formed by multiplication of more using TEM (Fig. 2b).
XRD showed that the thin "lm of LCA consisted of
Table 1 poorly crystalline calcium phosphate apatite like bone
XRD of LCAs in thin "lm coating compared to bone crystals crystals (Table 1). FTIR analysis (Fig. 3a) also indicated
their poor crystallinity. Resolution enhancement [25] of
hkl 2h d (As ) FWHM
l2 CO\ (Fig. 3b) and l4 PO\ (Fig. 3c) showed peaks of
non-apatitic labile domains of PO\, HPO\, and
111 22.70 (22.82) 3.91 (3.89) 0.58 (0.53)  
002 25.98 (25.86) 3.43 (3.44) 0.44 (0.33) CO\, and type B CO\ substituting PO\ in addition
102 27.84 (28.16) 3.20 (3.17) 0.32 (0.39) to apatitic ions which were also found in bone crystals
211 31.72 (31.84) 2.82 (2.81) 0.38 (0.86) (Table 2).
112 32.16 (32.65) 2.78 (2.74) 0.44 (0.42)
300 33.14 (33.97) 2.70 (2.63) 0.20 (0.45)
Fibroblasts attached and proliferated well on the thin
"lm of LCAs formed on polyglactin 910 (vicryl) "bers
Values in parentheses are data of bone crystals isolated from bovine (Fig. 4a). Osteoblasts also adhered well to the substrate of
FWHM: full-width at half-maximum value. Table 2
The relative intensities in the l4 PO\ domains of LCAs in thin "lm

compared to bone crystals

IR band (cm\) 534 550 560 575 600 617

Domains [31] Labile HPO PO\ PO\ PO\ Labile
LCAs 8.17 2.50 8.89 9.27 8.66 3.24
Bone crystals 7.74 1.65 9.34 9.16 9.28 3.1

Fig. 3. FTIR spectrum of thin layer of LCAs. Crystals were obtained by

scraping the surface of polypropylene o! thin layer of LCAs. (a)
l4 PO\, l3 PO\, l2 CO\, and l4 CO\ are seen. (b) Deconvoluted
FTIR spectrum in the l2 CO\ domain shows that carbonate ions are

located in anionic sites of the apatitic structure indicating type B car-
bonate}apatite (CO\ substituted for PO\ groups). In addition, a la-
bile non-apatitic CO\ environment is also present. Deconvolution

parameters: bandwidth 10 cm\; sensitivity coe$cient 2.25. (c) Decon- Fig. 4. Cells cultured on thin "lm of LCAs. Scale bar: 10 lm. (a) SEM of
voluted FTIR spectrum in the l4 PO\ domain shows that labile MC3T3 osteoblasts cultured on thin "lm substrate of LCAs formed on

nonapatitic environment is present in addition to apatitic PO\ envi- PGLA for 2 d. (b) SEM of L929 "broblasts cultured on thin "lm of

ronment. Deconvolution parameters: bandwidth 18 cm\; sensitivity apatite formed on polygalactin 910 (vicryl) "bers for 3 d. They attach
coe$cient 2.25. and proliferate well on the "lm.
H.-M. Kim et al. / Biomaterials 21 (2000) 1129}1134 1133

"lm formed on PLGA (Fig. 4b). Cellular behavior on the non-biocompatibile materials with high mechanical
substrate of the "lm could be clearly observed under properties to be more biocompatible.
phase contrast microscope due to the transparency of There has been much e!ort to form highly bioactive
the "lm. bone-like Ca-P crystals on various substrates with
a simulated body #uid or some low supersaturated Ca-P
solution [32}37]. However, in such a low supersaturated
4. Discussion concentration, inducing the crystal formation was limited
only to speci"c solid surfaces like the strictly manipulated
Application of low temperature was considered to be one by chemical treatment and has not been possible on
the only condition in this system for obtaining the thin hydrophobic surfaces. In addition, those coating proce-
"lm of LCAs. Less calcium and phosphate ions might be dures needed a relatively long time and high temperature
involved in the formation of calcium phosphate precipi- which might limit the control of the crystallographic
tate in the neutralized ion solution due to the low temper- nature of Ca-P apatite crystals. In the present study,
ature. Then free ions in the "ltered solution high enough a low-temperature system was used to delay the homo-
to overcome the energy barrier for heterogeneous nuclea- geneous nucleation of solid Ca-P in the ionic solution
tion on the surface were considered to be provided to the thereby leaving the concentration of free ions high (up to
surfaces. The low temperature again might preclude a ho- [Ca>];[PO\]"20 mM). This overcame the energy

mogeneous precipitation within this solution. Direct ob- barrier in inducing heterogeneous nucleation on the sur-
servation of the formation of a thin layer of LCAs under faces such as hydrophobic materials whose surface enery
TEM has con"rmed that this system follows the general is very low.
sequence for the heterogeneous nucleation and growth of In summary, we developed a method to form a thin
crystals from a supersaturated solution [28,29]. Nano- apatite "lm on various materials at a low temperature.
sized ACPs were formed on the solid surface as the "rst Their crystallographic property is similar to that of the
phase of Ca-P. This can be ascribed to their low surface bone crystals and cells attached and proliferated well on
energy which requires less net energy for their de novo this "lm. This indicates that this apatite crystal "lm can
formation [28,29]. The transformation of ACPs into be used as a coating material over various substrates and
LCAs was followed. Then, a thin layered coat was formed can modify the biocompatibility and bioreactivity of sub-
by multiplication and growth of LCAs. However, further strates without losing their own bulk properties.
study is required to explain the exact mechanism of the
formation of the thin "lm in this system. Acknowledgements
Crystallographic properties of the crystals in this "lm,
such as thin plate shape, low crystallinity, and high The authors thank Dr. Izumi Asahina (Tokyo Medical
amount of labile ions indicate that they are similar to and Dental University, Tokyo, Japan) for providing them
the crystals of bones [7]. The shape of the thin plates with porous PLGA co-polymers sponge, Ms. Seong-
of the crystals grown by this method can provide a high Hyun Park and Ms. Su-Jin Kim for their assistance with
speci"c area [18], which in turn enables them to be TEM and SEM, Mr. Chong-Hee Cho for XRD, and Ms.
potentially highly interactive in cellular or organic envi- Sa-Im Park for assistance with the preparation of this
ronment. In addition, crystals were rich in non-apatitic manuscript. This work was partly supported by Grant
labile domain of PO\, HPO\, and CO\ abundant in for Basic Medical Research from Korea Research Foun-
bone crystals [30,31]. It was suggested that these labile dation (H.-M. Kim).
ions cover the surfaces of LCA and be highly reactive to
organic constituents to form an organic}inorganic inter-
face [19,20].
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