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Contoh Dialog Cause and Effect

Perlu diketahui bahwa contoh dialog cause and effect singkat ini seyogyanya telah dimulai dengan
materi awal Penggunaan Because of, Due to, Thanks to, juga Contoh Soal Causal Conjunction, dan
juga Contoh Percakapan Pendek Bahasa Inggris Bermacam Topik. Dengan membaca pelajaran
grammar seperti diatas, maka pemahaman kita tentang percakapan sebab akibat dalam bahasa
Inggris ini lebih bagus

Cause effect conversation merupakan bagian contoh dialog bahasa Inggris sebab akibat. Pelajaran
ini bisa tentang banyak topik, misal: dialog cause and effect smoking, contoh cause and effect of
corruption, contoh dialog cause and effect bullying, contoh dialog cause and effect global warming,
contoh dialog cause and effect of corruption, contoh dialog cause and effect relationship

Perhatikan kalimat yang dicetak tebal, itu adalah ungkapan cause effect dari contoh percakapan
sebab akibat berikut ini. Ungkapan cause effect itu biasanya memakai
penghubung because, because of, atau so, dan tentu masih banyak lagi penghubung yang lain.
1. Contoh Dialog Cause and Effect Singkat Tentang Forgetting Homework
Budi : Hi Tomi, why are you running on the field?
Tomi : I didn’t do my homework, so the teacher punished me.
Budi : Why didn’t you do your home work?
Tomi : Due to my wrong time table, I forgot to do the homework.
Budi : Oh my God, I didn’t finish my homework either, because last night I over slept.
Tomi : Go back to class and finish it right now.

2. Contoh Dialog Cause and Effect Singkat Tentang Cheating on Test

Yuni : I’m worried about my friend.
Wida : What happen with your friend?.
Yuni : My friend was grounded because he cheated on a test.
Wida : Oh,he he deserves to be punished
3. Contoh Dialog Cause and Effect Singkat Tentang Being Scared of Mouse
Yudi: Wiya what happend with your sister yesterday?.
Wiya: It’s nothing, my sister was scared of the mouse so she yelled for help.
Yudi: Really?, i think your sister was hurt”.
Wiya: No.Yudi

4. Contoh Dialog Cause and Effect Singkat Tentang Moving to Another City
Suni: Hey Amar! Have you known Icha and Malik?
Amar: Yes, I have. Did you at the same junior high school with them ? They were from the same
elementary school with us.
Suni: Yes, we did. We usually play together after school. But now, I am not together with them
again because Icha moved to Bali and malik moved to Bandung.

5. Contoh Dialog Cause and Effect Singkat Tentang Choosing The Best School
Ambar : why did you choose this school, SMKN 1?
Sundari: Because SMKN 1 is the best vocatinal high school in this city.
Ambar : I agree with you, the students are dilligent and smart
Sundari: The facilities is complete too.
Ambar : Yes, I am sure is my best choice.

6. Contoh Dialog Cause and Effect Singkat Tentang Holiday in Bali

Ana: How was your holiday, Aga ?
Aga: It was very fun. It was the best holiday i ever did
Ana: Where did you go ?
Aga: I went to bali. It was my first time i went there
Ana: What were you doing there ?
Aga: I visited some destinations like Kuta beach, Uluwatu, Tanah Lot, tanjong Benoa, Art Market and
the others destinations
Ana: Did you visit kuta beach ? i ever visited kuta beach when i was in junior high school. I love the
beach because it was very clean and the sunset there was very beautiful.
7. Contoh Dialog Cause and Effect Singkat Tentang Holiday in Jogjakarta
Anggia : How about your holiday, Afina ?
Afina : I went to Yogyakarta with my family to visit my grand mother’s home.
Anggia : It means you could save your money to book a hotel because you stayed in your grand
mother’s home hahaha
Afina : Yes hahaha I was free stayed there as long as i want.
Anggia : Did you go to malioboro ?
Afina : Yes i do. I bought some souvenirs there.

8. Contoh Dialog Cause and Effect Singkat Tentang Absent From School
Sera : Hi Andi, why you did not come to English course yesterday ?
Andi : I got a bad news. My uncle got an accident so I could not come to the english course
yesterday because I had to accompany him at Mikasa hospital
Sera : I am sorry to hear that.

9. Contoh Dialog Cause and Effect Singkat Tentang Smoking

Claire: Hey, can you stop smoking? It’s not good for our health.
Dan : I know.
Claire: Then, why do you smoke?
Dan : Because smoking helps me relax and relieve stress.

10. Contoh Dialog Cause and Effect Singkat Tentang Deforestation

Rudi: Hey, what’s up?
Ayu : I’m upset reading all the news about deforestation caused by illegal logging.
Rudi: Yes, it also saddens me seeing that. I think the government should take illegal logging seriously.
Ayu : Agree! Our law enforcement on illegal logging is so weak so anyone can just chop down
trees freely.

11. Contoh Dialog Cause and Effect Singkat Tentang Flood

Rini : Heavy rains can result floods in several places in Indonesia.
Ajeng: Flood occurs because people throw garbage into the river. It’ll be overflowing when rain
Rini : Yeah, that’s right. Floods can also occur due to lack of trees and plants. You know, trees and
plants can absorb too much water from rainfall.
12. Contoh Dialog Cause and Effect Singkat Tentang Being Late to School
Budi: Hey man, why you come to school almost late?
Andi: Because, my bike had a trouble with tire
Budi: What happen with your bike?
Andi: Due to puctured nails, my bike is flat tire
Budi: Owh, fortunately You can go to school and follow the test
Andi: Yeah, thanks to Afif, he is helpful
Budi: Why?
Andi: Because of his ride, I am not late to school

13. Contoh Dialog Cause and Effect Singkat Tentang School Test
Budi: Hey man, how do u think the test was?
Andi: Since I study hard last night, I can finish my test. What do you think?
Budi: As I prepared it, I could handle it well too.
Andi: Man, can u come to my home to night?
Budi: I am sorry, I cant. For I have to study

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