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The role of prostaglandins E1 and E2, dinoprostone, and misoprostol in

cervical ripening and the induction of labor: a mechanistic approach

Article  in  Archives of Gynecology · June 2017

DOI: 10.1007/s00404-017-4418-5


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3 authors, including:

Dean A Myers
University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center


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Arch Gynecol Obstet
DOI 10.1007/s00404-017-4418-5


The role of prostaglandins E1 and E2, dinoprostone,

and misoprostol in cervical ripening and the induction of labor:
a mechanistic approach
Ronan Bakker1 • Stephanie Pierce1 • Dean Myers2

Received: 31 March 2017 / Accepted: 30 May 2017

Ó Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany 2017

Abstract induce functional progesterone withdrawal. Misoprostol

Purpose Prostaglandins play a critical role in cervical has been shown to elicit a dose-dependent effect on
ripening by increasing inflammatory mediators in the cer- myometrial contractility, which may affect rates of uterine
vix and inducing cervical remodeling. Prostaglandin E1 tachysystole in clinical practice.
(PGE1) and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) exert different Conclusions Differences in the mechanism of action
effects on these processes and on myometrial contractility. between misoprostol and PGE2 may contribute to their
These mechanistic differences may affect outcomes in variable effects in the cervix and myometrium, and should
women treated with dinoprostone, a formulation identical be considered to optimize outcomes.
to endogenous PGE2, compared with misoprostol, a PGE1
analog. The objective of this review is to evaluate existing Keywords Prostaglandin  Misoprostol  Dinoprostone 
evidence regarding mechanistic differences between PGE1 Cervical ripening  Labor induction  Mechanisms
and PGE2, and consider the clinical implications of these
differences in patients requiring cervical ripening for labor
induction. Introduction and development of prostaglandins
Methods We conducted a critical narrative review of peer-
reviewed articles identified using PubMed and other online Induction of labor occurs in up to 25% of all term preg-
databases. nancies around the world [1, 2]. In the United States, the
Results While both dinoprostone and misoprostol are latest numbers point to an overall induction rate of 23% for
effective in cervical ripening and labor induction, they all pregnancies [3]. The extent of cervical ripening is one
differ in their clinical and pharmacological profiles. PGE2 of the most important factors in predicting the success of
has been shown to stimulate interleukin-8, an inflammatory labor induction [4]. Cervical ripening is a complex process
cytokine that promotes the influx of neutrophils and indu- involving extensive remodeling and dynamic anatomic and
ces remodeling of the cervical extracellular matrix, and to physiologic alterations governed by hormonal changes,
inflammatory responses, vasodilatory changes, and other
biological processes [5–7]. Prostaglandins, produced both
& Ronan Bakker locally in the cervix and uterus as well as originating from
the fetal membranes, play a critical role in cervical ripening
Fellow, Maternal Fetal Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and other processes related to parturition, including uterine
and Gynecology, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences contractility and the induction of labor.
Center, 800 Stanton L. Young Blvd., Suite 2400, Prostaglandins are eicosanoids, formed from the
Oklahoma City, OK 73104, USA
20-carbon unsaturated fatty acid, arachidonic acid, which is
John W. Records Chair in Maternal-Fetal Medicine, liberated from membrane phospholipids via phospholipase
Maternal-Fetal Medicine Fellowship Member, Harold Hamm
A2. Arachidonic acid is initially converted to prostaglandin
Diabetes Center, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,
University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, H2 (PGH2) via the sequential reactions of prostaglandin
Oklahoma City, OK, USA G/H synthases-1 or -2 (PGHS-1 or PGHS-2), also known as

Arch Gynecol Obstet

cyclooxygenase-1 and -2 (COX-1 and COX-2) [8, 9]. Despite the impact of prostaglandins on cervical ripen-
Subsequently, specific isomerases and synthases convert ing and the induction of labor, the development of clini-
labile PGH2 to active prostanoids, including prostaglandin cally useful prostaglandin formulations was a long and
E2 (PGE2; via prostaglandin E synthase), prostaglandin F2 challenging process [17]. Natural prostaglandins have
(PGF2; via PGF synthase), and prostacyclin (via pros- several drawbacks that thwarted their development into
taglandin I synthase) [10]. COX-2 couples preferentially viable clinical compounds. They are rapidly metabolized,
with prostaglandin I synthase and the microsomal pros- making them orally inactive, with a short half-life when
taglandin E synthase isozymes (PGES 1 and 2) [10]. administered parenterally. They also have numerous side
There are five primary types of prostaglandins: PGE2, effects and are chemically unstable [17].
prostaglandin F2a (PGF2a), prostaglandin D2, pros- These limitations have been addressed through changes
taglandin I2, and thromboxane A2. PGE2 and PGF2a are in the delivery system and modifications to the pros-
the two key prostaglandin types involved in cervical taglandin molecule. The two key prostaglandin formula-
ripening and parturition. PGE2 acts on the prostaglandin tions used today to promote cervical ripening and induce
type E prostanoid (EP) family of receptors, while the labor are dinoprostone and misoprostol (Fig. 1). Dinopro-
effects of PGF2a are primarily mediated through pros- stone is a synthetic preparation chemically identical to
taglandin FP receptors [8, 11]. Numerous sources of PGE2 PGE2 that is delivered by cervical gel or vaginal insert and
and PGF2a in the reproductive system have been identi- provides sufficient quantities of PGE2 to local tissues to
fied, including the cervix, uterus, placenta, and fetal induce cervical ripening [31]. Misoprostol is a methyl ester
membranes [8, 11]. Receptors for prostaglandins have been analog of prostaglandin E1 (PGE1), a naturally occurring
localized to the myometrium, cervix, trophoblast, decidua, form of prostaglandin E that was initially developed to
and fetal membranes [7, 12–16]. prevent and treat gastric ulcers [17, 32, 33]. Misoprostol is
The roles of PGE2 and PGF2a have been extensively a methyl ester that is enzymatically cleaved to misoprostol
studied in parturition. Research on the potential impact of acid, the active drug [17]. When used to promote cervical
prostaglandins on labor and delivery began in the 1930s ripening and induce labor, misoprostol can be administered
when human semen was found to cause uterine contrac- orally, rectally, sublingually, or vaginally.
tions, leading researchers to coin the term ‘‘prostaglandin’’ In clinical use, PGE1 has the same limitations as other
to describe the biologically active substance in the extracts prostaglandins: it is rapidly metabolized, chemically
[17–19]. Subsequent research demonstrated that pros- unstable, and has numerous side effects [17]. Misoprostol
taglandin levels in labor also act on the myometrium to was designed to be an orally active and chemically
increase its contractility, promoting the onset and pro- stable form of PGE1. While misoprostol did show
gression of labor [20]. Specifically, PGE2 levels are improved selectivity with regard to its side effect profile as
markedly increased in the amniotic fluid and fetal mem- a treatment for gastric ulcers, one side effect that was not
branes during labor and in term pregnancies [21], and they eliminated was its ability to induce uterine contractile
are significantly higher during term births compared to activity [17]. The uterotonic effects of misoprostol and its
preterm births [22]. While PGF2a levels also increase once impact on cervical softening have made misoprostol a
labor is established [8], and both PGE2 and PGF2a cause widely used therapy in obstetrics and gynecology [33].
myometrial contractions, PGE2 has also been shown to Misoprostol has been shown to have two primary effects
promote cervical ripening and rupture of the fetal mem- when used in labor induction: to increase uterine contrac-
branes [8, 23]. tility and to soften the cervix, primarily through its ability
Specifically, PGE2 has been shown to regulate the to degrade collagen in the connective tissue stroma of the
synthesis of hydrophilic glycosaminoglycans and increa- cervix [29, 33, 34]. However, it should be noted that the
ses the activity of elastin, both of which induce cervical effects of endogenous PGE1 in the parturition process
ripening by separating and dispersing collagen bundles remain enigmatic.
[24–26]. The application of PGE2 to the human cervix Despite the widespread use of prostaglandins and pros-
has been reported to increase collagenase activity in taglandin analogs in labor induction, the mechanistic dif-
cervical biopsies [27]. In addition, PGE2 modulates the ferences between these drugs, and the general role of
inflammatory response that characterizes cervical ripening prostaglandins in labor, have not been fully elucidated. The
and remodeling [28]. This inflammatory response consists objective of this review is to evaluate existing evidence on
of an influx of inflammatory cells, an increase in the roles of PGE1, the PGE1 analog misoprostol, and PGE2
inflammatory mediators such as interleukin-8 (IL-8), in cervical ripening and parturition, including their differ-
tumor necrosis factor-a (TNF-a), and IL-1b, and an ential effects on prostaglandin receptors and cell signaling
increase in matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) activity responses, and to consider the clinical implications of these
[9, 29, 30]. differences for using dinoprostone and misoprostol to

Arch Gynecol Obstet

Dinoprostonea PGE2b



Misoprostolc PGE1d O



Fig. 1 Structures of dinoprostone, PGE2, misoprostol, and PGE1. Database; CID = 5280360,
The chemical structure of dinoprostone is identical to that of stance/134337670 (accessed Dec. 20, 2016). cNational Library of
endogenous PGE2. The primary differences between misoprostol Medicine ChemIDPlus, a TOXNET database. Registry Number
and endogenous PGE1 are the relocation of the 15-hydroxy group to 59122-46-2.
the adjacent 16 position and the addition of a methyl group at the (accessed Dec. 20, 2016). dNational Center for Biotechnology
same position [17]. aNational Center for Biotechnology Information. Information. PubChem Substance Database; CID = 5280723, https://
PubChem Substance Database; CID = 5280360, https://pubchem. (accessed Dec. 20, (accessed Dec. 20, 2016). 2016). PGE1 prostaglandin E1, PGE2 prostaglandin E2
National Center for Biotechnology Information. PubChem Substance

induce labor, including the impact of prostaglandins on those that promote smooth muscle relaxation (EP2 and
neonatal outcomes. EP4). All four EP receptor types are expressed in
myometrial samples from pregnant women [37]. Signaling
through EP1 increases phosphoinositol turnover and cal-
The prostaglandin EP receptor family and its cium mobilization, leading to smooth muscle contraction
ligands (Fig. 2) [37, 39–41]. In contrast, EP3 inhibits adenylate
cyclase and cAMP production via G proteins and inhibits
The prostaglandin EP receptor family consists of 4 sub- smooth muscle relaxation [39–41]. EP2 and EP4 stimulate
types [7]: EP1, EP2, EP3, and EP4, each of which has been adenylate cyclase and cAMP production via G proteins,
shown to have a variety of effects [7, 35]. These receptors leading to smooth muscle relaxation [39–41].
are G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) that mediate EP receptor subtypes show differential spatial expres-
smooth muscle cell contractility and relaxation (Fig. 2) sion in the uterus and cervix that may vary, depending on
[23, 36]. the species studied, pregnancy status, and gestational stage
Prostaglandin receptors are located in the myometrium, [42]. This differential distribution may facilitate location-
trophoblast cells, amnion, cervix, and decidua [7, 12–14]. specific effects such as the remodeling of the cervix, the
The EP receptor protein family is encoded by distinct relaxation of the lower reproductive tract, and the simul-
genes, which themselves show significant variability taneous contraction of the fundal myometrium [24, 43]. In
through alternative splicing at the carboxy-terminal tail of fact, one determining factor for the reactivity of these tis-
some isoforms [37, 38]. sues at a given stage of gestation may be the relative
EP receptors can generally be categorized into those that expression of each receptor type at that stage [42, 44]. For
facilitate smooth muscle contractility (EP1 and EP3) and example, EP3 expression in the myometrium is reduced in

Arch Gynecol Obstet

Fig. 2 PGE2 signaling pathways [119]. PGE2 signals by binding to coupled to Gs) stimulates cAMP production via adenylate cyclase.
its G protein-coupled receptors: EP1-4. Activation of EP1 (coupled to ATP adenosine triphosphate, Ca2? ionized calcium, cAMP cyclic
Gq) increases intracellular Ca2? via PLC. Activation of EP3 (coupled adenosine monophosphate, EP E prostanoid, PGE2 prostaglandin E2,
to Gi) increases intracellular Ca2? via PLC and/or inhibits cAMP PLC phospholipase C. Gi, Gq, and Gs are G-protein subtypes Adapted
production via adenylate cyclase. Activation of EP2 or EP4 (both from [119]. ÓThe American Physiological Society

early pregnancy compared to the nonpregnant state, sug- uterine quiescence in preparation for labor. Changes in EP2
gesting that downregulation of EP3 receptors during mRNA corresponded to a decline in contractile respon-
pregnancy may help maintain quiescence in the myome- siveness to PGE2, again suggesting that EP2 receptors may
trium [45]. However, in later pregnancy, upregulation of play a role in maintaining uterine quiescence [38, 44, 51].
contractile EP3 receptor mRNA has been reported in the Nonetheless, a study by Mosher and colleagues of EP
myometrium of pregnant rats, ewes, baboons, and women receptor activity in myometrial cells from pregnant women
[46–49]. Moreover, baboons in labor have higher at term found that EP2 was the most highly expressed of all
myometrial mRNA expression of EP1 and EP3 in the four EP receptors [53]. Immunocytochemistry analyses
fundus compared to the lower uterine segment [24, 49]. also demonstrated that EP2 protein was abundantly present
Expression of EP3 variants may also differ in the myo- throughout myometrial cells at term [53]. While additional
metrium of pregnant and nonpregnant women. In one research on changes in EP4 expression over the course of
study, EP3-2 mRNA was reduced and EP3-6 mRNA was pregnancy is needed, Mosher and colleagues confirmed the
increased in gravid samples vs nongravid samples [50]. expression of EP4 receptor mRNA in myometrial cells in
These data suggest that EP3-mediated contractile activity is pregnant women at term.
upregulated during parturition to facilitate delivery of the EP receptor distribution and the effects of pregnancy
infant. status have also been evaluated in the cervix in animal and
Generally, EP1 receptor expression is lower compared human studies. In the rat cervix, EP2 and EP4 expression
with the other EP subtypes. In one study, EP1 mRNA was appears to change with duration of gestation, peaking at
not evident in the myometrium from guinea pigs at a late parturition, while EP1 and EP3 receptors show no change
gestational age, but was observed in nonpregnant animals. in their expression with advancing gestational age [54, 55].
However, in labor in humans, EP1 expression was signif- In baboons, expression of EP1 receptors increased with
icantly increased in the lower uterine segment compared gestational age before labor, while expression of EP2 was
with individuals not in labor [12, 38]. If these receptors are four times lower among animals in labor compared to those
functional, they would complement the increased expres- not in labor [56].
sion of EP3 receptors, which promote uterine contraction. A 2013 study evaluated the concentrations and distri-
Temporal and regional variations in myometrial EP2 bution of cervical EP mRNA in pregnant, nonpregnant, and
receptor expression may also affect the maintenance of postpartum women to determine how reproductive status
pregnancy and the induction of labor [51]. EP2 receptor affects EP receptors. As expected, levels of EP1-4 varied
expression in the myometrium declines at the end of ges- between pregnancy states and cell types [57]. Relaxatory
tation compared to early pregnancy and stabilizes during EP2 and EP4 mRNA levels were lowest before the onset of
labor and parturition [44, 51, 52], suggesting the end of cervical ripening in women with term pregnancies and

Arch Gynecol Obstet

were higher among postpartum women immediately after Prostaglandins and myometrial contractility
parturition, when the uterus is most relaxed and initiating
involution [57]. While misoprostol and PGE2 are both associated with
cervical remodeling [64–66], studies have demonstrated
EP receptor status in women treated the differential effects of these agents in the myometrium
with prostaglandins in term pregnancies. In in vitro studies, PGE2 did not affect
contractility in uterine tissue obtained from term preg-
Although induction of labor is among the most common nancies in women with scheduled cesarean sections
obstetric procedures, up to 33% of patients who are [67, 68]. However, both contractile and relaxation
induced do not respond to induction with prostaglandins or responses have been observed with PGE2 in myometrium
oxytocin [58, 59]. To gain a better understanding of the samples from nonpregnant women [64, 67, 68]. Additional
role of PG receptors on cervical ripening and remodeling, research is needed to clarify how PGE2 affects myometrial
several investigators have evaluated the expression and contractility in nonpregnant and pregnant women and how
localization of these receptors in the human cervix after its action varies by gestational age.
failed and successful induction of labor with dinoprostone The effects of misoprostol and PGE2 on myometrial
(PGE2) [60]. contractility and uterine structure have been compared in
In one study in cervical tissue, contractile EP1 mRNA two in vitro studies of myometrial tissue from women
expression was inversely related to the response to dino- undergoing scheduled repeat cesarean sections [64, 69]. In
prostone. All patients who did not respond to dinoprostone both studies, misoprostol elicited greater increases in
showed upregulated EP1 mRNA expression [7]. In the myometrial contractility compared to PGE2 [64, 69].
analysis of myometrial EP gene expression, significantly Chiossi and colleagues found that myometrial contractions
higher expression levels of EP3 mRNA were observed in were linked to a decrease in total myometrial collagen and
women treated with dinoprostone, independently of connective tissue, and exposure to misoprostol may add to
responsiveness. Women receiving dinoprostone showed this effect. PGE2, on the other hand, had no such effect
3.6-fold higher levels of EP3 mRNA expression compared [64]. Studies in pregnant women have shown that higher
to women experiencing spontaneous labor, indicating that concentrations of PGE2 have inconsistent effects on
dinoprostone may regulate EP3 at the transcriptional level myometrial contractility. Gordon-Wright et al. found that
[58]. In a second study of EP expression in cervical tissue, high PGE2 concentrations either induced a transient
Roos et al. found increased expression of contractile EP3 decrease in uterine contractions or no changes at all, con-
and decreased expression of relaxatory EP4 in women who cluding that the initiation of uterine contractions observed
did not respond to induction with a local PGE2 compared during PGE2 therapy may represent an indirect response to
to those who were successfully induced [60]. The differ- cervical ripening rather than a direct effect on the myo-
ences in EP1, EP3, and EP4 expression in the cervix metrium [67]. The difference in myometrial contractility in
between those who did and did not respond to dinoprostone response to dinoprostone and misoprostol could explain
suggest that these receptors have an important role in some of the differences in outcomes and some of the safety
parturition. Consequently, upstream signals regulating the concerns, such as uterine tachysystole [69].
expression of these receptors may be critical for successful
cervical ripening and may provide potential therapeutic
targets. Prostaglandins and functional progesterone
Misoprostol and PGE2 may have different binding withdrawal
affinities and exert different effects on each of these
receptors in a variety of tissues [61–63]. For example, Prior to the onset of labor, a dynamic balance exists
misoprostol is a potent EP3 receptor agonist and may also between the mechanisms that maintain uterine quiescence
have affinity for the EP2 receptor [45]. In one study of the and those that coordinate cervical ripening and uterine
effect of misoprostol in the uterus and cervix of rats, contractility, including changes in progesterone and pros-
misoprostol induced elevations of EP3 mRNA expression taglandin activity. However, during pregnancy, uterine
in the myometrium but not in the cervix. Misoprostol also quiescence is mediated by progesterone. In other mam-
induced PGE2 secretion at doses of both 50 and 100 pg/mL malian species, cervical ripening and increased myometrial
in the myometrium, but only at a dose of 100 pg/mL in the contractility are preceded by a considerable decline in
cervix [45]. These findings may account, in part, for the progesterone, a phenomenon not seen in humans [5].
ability of misoprostol to stimulate myometrial contractility Instead, a ‘‘functional’’ progesterone withdrawal is thought
more potently when it is used for cervical ripening [45]. to occur before labor in humans [70].

Arch Gynecol Obstet

During functional progesterone withdrawal, proges- the conversion of progesterone to its inactive forms [77].
terone activity is reduced and estrogen activity is increased The activity of 20a-HSD is mediated by members of the
in the myometrium [71]. This increases the production of aldo–keto reductase (AKR) 1C family, primarily AKR1C1,
estrogen-dependent molecules, such as prostaglandins, that but also AKR1C2 and AKR1C3 [79]. The proinflammatory
promote uterine contractility. cytokine IL-1b may facilitate progesterone metabolism by
The exact mechanism of this proposed functional pro- increasing the expression of AKR1C1 and AKR1C2, thus
gesterone withdrawal is unclear; however, it is thought to promoting progesterone metabolism in human cervical
possibly be related to differential expression of the two main fibroblasts [79]. The interactions between PGE2, the inter-
isoforms of the nuclear progesterone receptor (PR), classi- leukins, and other inflammatory markers in cervical
fied as PR-A and PR-B. In general, PR-B is thought to remodeling will be explored in the section that follows,
mediate positive progesterone-induced changes in genes that ‘‘Prostaglandins and inflammation in cervical remodeling.’’
are responsive to the hormone, while PR-A is thought to In addition, PGE2 is a regulator of the expression of
play an inhibitory role. Specifically, PR-A has been shown 15-hydroxyprostaglandin dehydrogenase (15-PGDH) via
to be a potent repressor of PR-B transcriptional activity its actions at the EP2 receptor [80]. An antagonist of EP2
[58, 72]. Based on these earlier data, it has been postulated blocked PGE2 suppression of 15-PDGH, while butaprost (a
that PR-A and PR-B have opposing transcriptional activity, selective EP2 agonist) and misoprostol mimicked PGE2.
and thus the end result of PR activation depends on the ratio Thus, PGE2 seems to regulate its own metabolism in the
of PR-A to PR-B. Other data indicate that both PR-A and cervix via induction of 15-PGDH in an EP2-mediated
PR-B are transcriptionally active at various endogenous manner. Based on these observations, it is relevant to note
promoters [73, 74]. With this, a new paradigm has been that cervical fibroblasts from nonpregnant women expres-
proposed, asserting that progesterone exerts its effects sed the EP2 receptor at levels 30 times higher than levels of
through the combined actions of PR-A and PR-B [75]. EP1, EP3, or EP4 receptors [80].
The role of prostaglandins in mediating progesterone Because functional progesterone withdrawal is thought
withdrawal has been investigated in several studies. In one to be important for successful labor, several investigators
study, Madsen and colleagues evaluated the ability of PGE2 have evaluated progesterone activity in women undergoing
to alter ratios of PR-A and PR-B in myometrial cells from labor induction who did and did not respond to dinopros-
pregnant women and found that PGE2 dose-dependently tone [58, 81]. A reduction in serum progesterone levels
increased mRNA encoding PR-A and PR-B. While activa- from admission to birth was observed in women who
tion of the protein kinase-A signaling pathway did not affect responded to dinoprostone, but not among those who failed
the PR-A/PR-B ratio, activation of the protein kinase-C to respond and not among those who experienced sponta-
(PKC) signaling pathway increased expression of PR-A neous labor or who underwent cesarean delivery without a
without affecting PR-B, and therefore significantly increased trial of dinoprostone [58]. These data suggest progesterone
the PR-A/PR-B expression ratio. The authors concluded that ‘‘withdrawal’’ in patients who responded to dinoprostone.
PGE2, acting via the PKC pathway, may facilitate functional However, in women who experienced a normal sponta-
progesterone withdrawal by increasing the myometrial PR- neous labor, a functional progesterone withdrawal (such as
A/PR-B expression ratio [76]. As such, there may be a change in PR-A vs PR-B expression or progesterone
reciprocal interactions between progesterone signaling and metabolism) may have created a change in responsiveness
prostaglandin signaling. Another theory to explain mecha- to progesterone that precipitated labor. Similar findings
nisms underlying functional progesterone withdrawal in the were reported in a study of term women who successfully
cervix proposes an increase in progesterone metabolism responded to dinoprostone for cervical priming, as indi-
during the cervical ripening process [77]. Mice deficient in cated by a decrease in total cervical progesterone receptor
the type 1 isozyme of steroid 5a-reductase, an enzyme A and B protein levels compared to nonresponders [81]. A
responsible for metabolizing progesterone, fail to exhibit comparable reduction in progesterone levels was not
cervical ripening at term despite a decline in serum pro- observed in women who did not respond to treatment or in
gesterone, suggesting that local progesterone metabolism is women who underwent spontaneous labor.
fundamental for cervical ripening [78]. The human cervix
expresses 20a-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (HSD) and 5a
steroid reductases, which convert progesterone to the inac- Prostaglandins and inflammation in cervical
tive C21-steroid 20a-hydroxyprogesterone and 5a-dihy- remodeling
droprogesterone, respectively [77]. The cervix also
expresses 17b HSD type 2, which converts 20a-hydrox- PGE2 plays a pivotal role in the inflammatory processes
yprogesterone back to progesterone. However, in the human that trigger cervical ripening and the initiation of labor
cervix at term, 17b HSD type 2 is downregulated, favoring [28]. This inflammatory response is characterized by the

Arch Gynecol Obstet

differentiation of fibroblast cells into activated myofi- cytokines have also been implicated in effecting the pro-
broblasts, an influx of inflammatory cells into the cervix, duction of MMPs by cervical fibroblasts [86, 87]. PGE2
increased expression of inflammatory cytokines, and has been shown to elicit anti-inflammatory responses to
increased production of MMPs [30]. Key inflammatory these cytokines by repressing the IL-1b-induced release of
mediators include IL-8, IL-1, TNF-a, and PGHS-2 (leading IL-8, MCP-1, and granulocyte macrophage colony-stimu-
to increased prostaglandin synthesis) [9, 30]. Other lating factor (GMC-SF). These and other effects of PGE2
cytokines involved in cervical remodeling include IL-6, on IL-b have been shown to be mediated by EP2 and/or
platelet-activating factor (PAF), and monocyte chemoat- EP4 receptors [53, 88].
tractant protein-1 (MCP-1) [9, 66, 82, 83]. Evidence suggests that there is a positive feedback
IL-8, a critical mediator of cervical remodeling, is pro- mechanism between prostaglandins and the inflammatory
duced by numerous types of cervical cells, including cytokines released by infiltrating leukocytes during cervi-
endocervical epithelial cells, cervical stromal fibroblasts, cal remodeling [89, 90]. For example, outside the uterus, a
leukocytes, and macrophages [30]. IL-8 production is synergy may exist between PGE2 and IL-8 to facilitate the
believed to begin in cervical stromal cells and is aug- recruitment of neutrophils. Moreover, PGE2 can upregulate
mented through the recruitment of numerous immune cells IL-8 release in a dose-dependent manner [6, 91]. PGE2
that produce IL-8 and its receptors after activation by IL-8 may also stimulate vasodilation and increase vascular
[30]. IL-8 has two key functions: to induce neutrophil permeability for IL-8-directed recruitment of neutrophils
activation and migration, and to cause degranulation, [6]. In addition, myometrial cell cultures indicate that pro-
releasing collagenase. IL-8 concentrations rise as labor inflammatory cytokines may upregulate prostaglandin
progresses [8]. receptors, such as EP4 [38, 92]. The proinflammatory
Studies have shown that TNF-a and IL-1b act on cytokine IL-1b has also been shown to facilitate cervical
prostanoid biosynthesis at multiple points in a coordinated ripening by inducing progesterone metabolism in cervical
fashion (Fig. 3). These cytokines have been shown to fibroblasts, leading to functional progesterone withdrawal
increase the expression of PGHS-2 and subsequently [79].
increase the production of prostaglandins at various tissue In a study of post-term women who received dinopros-
sites during pregnancy [84]. High doses of IL-6 have also tone for cervical priming post-term, the influx of leuko-
been shown in amnion and decidua tissue to stimulate the cytes as assessed by leukocyte common antigen (CD45)
production of prostaglandins [85]. The aforementioned was strongest in women who responded to therapy and

Fig. 3 Cytokine-prostaglandin
interactions. Proinflammatory
cytokines such as TNF-a act in cPLA2
a coordinated fashion to
upregulate prostanoid
biosynthesis and downregulate
metabolism [84, 120]. cPLA2
cytosolic phospholipase A2, IL-
1b interleukin-1b, PG
prostaglandin, PGDH
15-hydroxyprostaglandin PGG2/PGH2
dehydrogenase, PGG2
prostaglandin G2, PGH2
prostaglandin H2, PGHS-2
prostaglandin H synthase-2,
TNF-a tumor necrosis factor-a
Reprinted from [84], Copyright
(1999), with permission from
Elsevier, and from [120],
Copyright (2003), with
permission from Elsevier

Arch Gynecol Obstet

significantly lower in women who did not respond [66]. [31]. It has been suggested that the vaginal insert is more
Cervical leukocyte influx was intermediate in women who convenient than the cervical gel because it can be easily
achieved labor spontaneously. Decreased immunostaining removed, is less invasive, and requires fewer vaginal
for IL-8, PAF-receptor, and MMP-9 was also observed in examinations [96].
nonresponders. The authors suggested that decreased
leukocyte influx may partly explain the failed cervical Misoprostol
ripening [66].
While accumulating evidence indicates that PGE2 Misoprostol is a synthetic analog of PGE1 that is stable at
mediates inflammation, limited data on the impact of PGE1 room temperature [45, 96]. It is approved by the FDA for
on inflammation in the cervix are available. One study in the prevention and treatment of gastrointestinal (GI) ulcers
pregnant women at 8–12 weeks of gestation did find that and peptic ulcer disease caused by prostaglandin inhibitors,
orally or vaginally administered misoprostol was associ- such as NSAIDs [97]. However, it is widely used for the
ated with a greater expression of inflammatory cells and a off-label indications of cervical ripening, labor induction,
higher degree of MMP-8 and MMP-9 staining in the cervix termination of pregnancy, and managing post-partum
compared to controls [29]. Misoprostol also is known to hemorrhage. Misoprostol has several potential advantages:
affect inflammation in other organ systems, including in significantly lower cost and longer shelf life than dino-
patients with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug prostone, and no need for refrigeration.
(NSAID)-induced gastric ulcers [93]. Additional research Misoprostol can be administered via several possible
on the impact of PGE1 and misoprostol on the inflamma- routes (oral, rectal, sublingual, and vaginal); however,
tory processes involved in parturition is needed. absorption is variable. With oral administration, plasma
concentrations rise quickly, peak between 12.5 and 60 min,
and fall steeply by 120 min [98]. With vaginal tablet
Prostaglandins currently used in labor administration, levels gradually increase to a maximum
and delivery between 60 and 120 min and decline slowly to about 60%
of the peak level at 240 min [98]. Because misoprostol
Because endogenous prostaglandins are short-lived and tablets are not designed for vaginal administration,
rapidly metabolized, several synthetic analogs of the nat- absorption may be slow or erratic [96]. The bioavailability
urally occurring isoforms PGE1 and PGE2 have been of vaginal misoprostol is 3 times higher than that of oral
developed and are stable enough for therapeutic use [94]. misoprostol [98]. A study comparing the pharmacokinetic
The most commonly used prostaglandin therapies for cer- profile of a vaginal misoprostol insert (100–400 mcg) and
vical ripening in clinical practice are dinoprostone (Cer- oral misoprostol (200 mcg) in nonpregnant women repor-
vidil, Ferring Pharmaceuticals Inc., Parsippany, NJ, USA; ted a mean half-life of 44–50 min for the vaginal insert and
Prepidil, Pharmacia & Upjohn Company, Division of Pfi- 37 min for oral misoprostol [99]. The standard dosage,
zer, Inc, New York, NY, USA) and misoprostol (Cytotec, regimen, and safety of misoprostol administered by the
G. D. Searle, Division of Pfizer, Inc, New York, NY, buccal or sublingual routes have not been fully ascertained.
USA). Consequently, these routes of administration are not yet
recommended for routine use [100].

Dinoprostone is FDA-approved for cervical ripening. It is Efficacy and safety of prostaglandin formulations
identical to the body’s own PGE2 and is available in 2 in cervical ripening and labor induction
formulations: a vaginal insert (Cervidil) and a cervical gel
(Prepidil). Dinoprostone has a sustained and controlled Both dinoprostone and misoprostol facilitate the remodel-
onset of action and duration of effect, with a half-life of ing of cervical extracellular collagen, increasing water
approximately 2.5–5 min [31]. Both formulations require content and promoting changes in the glycosaminoglycan
cold storage to keep the compound chemically content of the cervical extracellular content [94]. Together,
stable [31, 95]. these effects cause the softening, effacement, and dilation
The cervical gel releases dinoprostone more rapidly than of the cervix. However, the previously discussed differ-
the vaginal insert. Consequently, the dinoprostone vaginal ences in biochemical activity and receptor activation and
insert provides a more gradual increase in plasma PGE2 inhibition between PGE1 and PGE2 may have important
levels and a longer duration of action [96]. The vaginal implications for the clinical activity of dinoprostone and
insert releases dinoprostone at a rate of 0.3 mg/h for 12 h misoprostol.

Arch Gynecol Obstet

Efficacy Uterine hyperstimulation can result in fetal hypoxemia,

which can manifest as an abnormal heart rate and other
Compared to placebo or no treatment, dinoprostone has signs of fetal distress, including meconium staining [109].
been shown to enhance cervical effacement and dilation, Rates of uterine tachysystole, with or without changes in
reduce the rate of failed inductions, shorten the interval fetal heart rate, are related to dose and route of adminis-
between induction and delivery, reduce oxytocin use, and tration of misoprostol and dinoprostone, with higher rates
reduce the rate of cesarean delivery [100, 101]. A Cochrane observed at higher doses [110]. In a recent network meta-
review of trials comparing dinoprostone formulations analysis, vaginal misoprostol at doses of 50 mcg or greater
found that PGE2 formulations were similarly effective, was associated with a nearly 3-fold increase in the risk of
with no differences in rates of cesarean delivery [102]. hyperstimulation compared to the vaginal dinoprostone
Multiple studies have shown that misoprostol tablets insert [111]. A comparison of misoprostol, dinoprostone
administered vaginally or orally are either superior or gel, and dinoprostone insert found that misoprostol was
equivalent in efficacy to the dinoprostone gel associated with increased incidence of uterine tachysystole
[100, 103, 104]. In fact, clinical trials and meta-analyses compared with dinoprostone gel or insert [112]. However,
have shown that vaginal use of misoprostol improved no differences in rates of cesarean delivery or reduced
cervical ripening and reduced the rate of failure to achieve neonatal Apgar scores were observed among the groups.
vaginal delivery [100, 105, 106]. Compared with other Similar results were reported in a 2015 meta-analysis
vaginal prostaglandins, vaginal misoprostol was more demonstrating lower rates of uterine hyperstimulation with
effective in facilitating vaginal delivery within 24 h and fetal heart rate changes with intracervical dinoprostone
reduced the need for oxytocin supplementation compared with oral and vaginal misoprostol and with
[100, 104–106]. Moreover, a Cochrane review of 76 ran- vaginal dinoprostone compared with vaginal misoprostol
domized trials reported that oral misoprostol was at least as [104].
effective as vaginal misoprostol [103]. Finally, a meta- Misoprostol is associated with a higher rate of meco-
analysis of 96 randomized controlled trials reported that nium staining compared with dinoprostone and oxytocin,
vaginal dinoprostone was more effective than oral miso- although no association has been found with other adverse
prostol in reducing the number of vaginal deliveries not neonatal outcomes [103]. It is possible that meconium
achieved in 24 h, but oral misoprostol was the most staining is a direct effect of misoprostol on the fetal gut,
effective in reducing cesarean section rates [104]. since misoprostol is known to stimulate the GI tract and
can lead to diarrhea [94, 103, 105, 106]. However, some
Safety differences in other indicators of fetal distress have been
observed between women who received oral vs vaginal
Key safety considerations with the use of prostaglandins in misoprostol, and among women who received higher (e.g.,
cervical ripening include an increased risk of tachysystole, 50 mcg) vs lower (e.g., 25 mcg) doses of vaginal miso-
which could potentially lead to a non-reassuring fetal heart prostol [103, 113]. Data indicate that vaginal misoprostol is
rate and to fetal hypoxemia. Studies suggest that women associated with a greater incidence of 5-min Apgar scores
receiving misoprostol may be at greater risk for these \7 [103]. Higher doses of vaginal misoprostol may also be
complications than those receiving dinoprostone associated with increased meconium staining and increased
[103, 104, 107]. Misoprostol is also associated with an rates of NICU admissions [113]. Few differences in cord
increased incidence of meconium-stained amniotic fluid. In blood pH, an indicator of fetal oxygenation status, have
addition, there have been reports of uterine rupture after been observed in studies comparing different prostaglandin
misoprostol administration in women with a history of preparations. However, it should be noted that studies
prior cesarean delivery [103, 104, 107]. comparing prostaglandin formulations have not been
Rates of cesarean delivery for the indication of fetal powered to detect differences in neonatal outcomes.
distress have been shown to be higher among multiparous Misoprostol is not recommended in women at term with
women who received misoprostol compared to those who a previous cesarean delivery due to increased risk of
received dinoprostone [108]. Because misoprostol also uterine rupture [114]. However, other prostaglandins and
directly stimulates EP3-mediated uterine contractions and mechanical options may be considered after extensive
EP3 receptors tend to be upregulated during labor, differ- counseling on risk and benefits [100]. In a recent review of
ences between the potencies of misoprostol and dinopros- outcomes in women attempting labor after cesarean
tone as EP3 receptor agonists and their selectivity for EP3 delivery, incidences of uterine rupture were 1.1% with
may help explain why deliveries occur more rapidly with oxytocin, 2.0% with dinoprostone, and 6.0% with miso-
misoprostol and why rates of adverse events are lower with prostol [115]. A systematic review of cervical ripening
dinoprostone. agents in the second trimester of pregnancy in women with

Arch Gynecol Obstet

a history of cesarean delivery found that misoprostol was that the increase in rates of uterine hyperstimulation with
associated with an increased risk of uterine rupture in misoprostol may be due to its increased impact on uterine
women with C2 cesarean sections but not among women contractility via the EP3 receptor.
with only 1 cesarean section; PGE2 was not associated Today, induction of labor occurs in more than 1 in 5
with an increased risk of uterine rupture [116]. The use of births in the United States. With the current range of
both misoprostol and dinoprostone is avoided in women pharmacological and nonpharmacological options for cer-
with a history of cesarean section at term [31, 114]. These vical ripening and induction of labor, it is critical for
factors should be considered when selecting a cervical clinicians to understand how the mechanisms of action of
ripening agent, particularly in patients at risk for the these agents affect their efficacy, safety, tolerability, and
adverse effects of prostaglandin therapies. acceptability when making treatment decisions for their
patients. Additional research on the mechanisms underly-
Tolerability ing cervical ripening and labor and the role of pros-
taglandins in these processes may help inform patient
Because prostaglandin analogs exert their effects in the management.
median preoptic nucleus—the chief mediator of fever in
the hypothalamus—some women who are induced by Acknowledgements The authors wish to thank Nicole Cooper of
MedVal Scientific Information Services, LLC, Princeton, NJ, USA,
misoprostol or dinoprostone may experience chills or fever for providing medical writing and editorial assistance funded by
[94, 117]. Other dose-dependent effects include diarrhea Ferring Pharmaceuticals. This manuscript was prepared according to
and nausea, both of which are well-known side effects of the International Society for Medical Publication Professionals’ Good
prostaglandin administration thought to be caused by the Publication Practice for Communicating Company-Sponsored Medi-
cal Research: GPP3.
impact of prostaglandins on the smooth muscle of the GI
tract [17, 118]. Each of these side effects appears to be Author contributions All authors: project development, data col-
dose-dependent and much more common with oral miso- lection, data analysis, manuscript writing and editing.
prostol than with vaginal preparations [94]. In registration
studies, GI adverse effects were reported in 5.7% of Compliance with ethical standards
women assigned to dinoprostone gel vs 2.6% assigned to
Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of
placebo [95], while nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and interest.
abdominal pain were noted in less than 1% of patients who
received the dinoprostone vaginal insert [31]. Funding Medical writing and editorial assistance on this manuscript
were funded by Ferring Pharmaceuticals.

Ethical approval Due to the retrospective nature of this review,

Conclusions Ethics Committee approval is not relevant.

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