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1. An increasing number of people are now using the internet to

meet new people and socialize. Some people think this has
brought people closer together while others think people are
becoming more isolated. Discuss both sides and give your
Internet: A Boon or a Curse. Internet, nowadays has been
a means of communication for the people around the world. It
has been a great achievement of science and technology.
Without internet, the life of a human being is incomplete.
Internet has totally reduced distance, broken all man-made
barriers i.e. an individual can communicate with their loved
ones from any part of the world, receive and share latest
information or news, avoid any sort of queries, get knowledge
about any subject matter and so on. Even any sort of on-going
business activities or any sort of works have been easily done
by the internet. Especially the children can get more benefit as
all the educational materials are stored here, they can research
and get the references about the subject matter and apply in
their curriculum. If an individual is jobless or unemployed,
then internet is one of the best way to get job and earn a lot of
money. However, internet is a curse if continuous surfing is
done, a person may be addictive. It helps to rise trolls,
cyberbullying, stalking, fraud, scams, steal data through viruses
and malware programs and so on. Though the age is of
technology, but people are so much dependent to the internet
that not a single work or task is done by them leading to
sedentary lifestyle and prone to diseases such as depression or

To do any sort of marketing, internet has played a vital

role, for example: if a person is the CEO of the company and if
he needs more manpower in his workforce to accomplish his
business objective, then internet is one of the way to attract
the employees or if he wishes to target the audiences then
internet is one of the way to attract the customers for any sort
of commodity. From any of the location that you are sitting on,
internet has also made easy for the people to pay electricity
bills or telephone bills, recharge mobile phone, online
shopping and many more. Likewise, if any person is seeking for
a language tutor, it is not necessary to go to a specific location
to learn any language, internet has made it easier as people
can learn or practise any languages just by sitting on the home.

However, this has led the children to avoid focus and

concentration on their studies, bring a distance between child
and parent relationship, eye problems due to staring at the
screen continuously. On the other hand, too much dependency
on the internet has led people to not use their creativity or
ideas which could be fruitful to them i.e. they are completely
mechanized. The people have become isolated and it has
surely affected the daily routine of them as they are on the
internet throughout the day. Hanging on the internet, the
people have forgot to Especially the children are tend to play
outdoor games or addictive games such as Clash of clans,
League of Legends, Free Fire, etc. which has made them to
avoid socializing with the people around the world and avoid
physical activities which has made their mind dull and lazy.
Internet addiction have become very frequent, leading to
many psychiatric disorders including low self-esteem,
impulsivity, poor sleep quality, mood disorder and suicide.
Since internet is a globally connected network, there is a
chance of lack of privacy.
To every disadvantage, there is a corresponding
advantage-W. Clement Store. It seems to me that the quote
was quite practical. Internet has been one of the most
powerful tool that has brought human life easier. There is no
any area that internet is not able to serve. It is one of the best
invention to learn and communicate with just a click of a
mouse. However, internet creates apprehension to young
people who can access to it. Internet can expose young minds
to become dependent into such technology leading to
different kinds of physical and cognitive problems. Misuse of
internet can become troublesome and can lead to darker side
of human life whereas minimal use of internet can make one's
life convenient and lead to brighter side of human life. . I
personally think that it depends on an individual how to take
advantage from the internet and how to be aware from the
addiction of the internet.

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