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CLASS IX 2021-2022

In an age of social media and Netflix, it’s easier than ever for our
youngsters to spend their downtime in front of television screens.
While every child should be allowed his/her own time to relax and
rejuvenate themselves, it’s important not to let that behavior dictate
their entire summer break.
All homework provides the perfect opportunity to keep their "school
brain" ticking over, and keeps the students challenged and
stimulated. As our children grow up, homework is a very important
part of their schooling, allowing them to develop vital skills such as
independent research. It also helps them to prepare for the demands
of a university career.
Many undergraduate degrees will involve a lot of directed learning,
but others will rely upon the students going away and spending their
own time reading, researching and writing. One way to begin learning
these skills is through holiday homework assignments while the child
is still in school.

If you are not willing to learn, no one can help you. If you are
determined to learn, no one can stop you.

Happy Learning!

*Holidays Homework will be a key component of Students

Portfolio integral to Internal Assessment


(Workbook in English for Class 9)

1. Please attempt all the Questions of Unit 1 and 2 in the workbook itself.


1. Story writing:

1. The following task has to be completed in the Writing skills register.
2. The guided and independent composition both have to be written in the registers.

A. Complete the following stories by filling in the missing words.

a. Every Child is Precious

It had been over two hours waiting for the train. Anita was getting restless. Suddenly she
noticed a child begging at the _____________. Anita was eager to know where the child
_____________. There was still more ________left for her train to arrive. So, she
_________ and started following him. The boy moved out of ___________and entered a
___________. He got into a dirty and _________ house. There were other child beggars in
the _________who were in the age group of_____________. They were thin and
__________. Just then, a ____________man entered the house. The children became
quiet. He asked them for the money that they ________by begging. The poor children
handed all the money they had to ______________.

Anita understood that it was a racket of__________________. She felt ___________for

those small children. She decided to inform the__________. The police and
representatives from an NGO ‘Udaan’ soon __________the place. The man was perplexed
on seeing the police. The police ___________him and the children were sent under the
____________of the NGO. Anita felt relieved and was appreciated by everyone. She was
later __________by the government for her effort in rescuing the children.

b. Outline of the Story:

-A boy following

- open gate

- got very scared

-boy left

- went to market

-met father

-took help from police

-boy caught-felt proud

Not Afraid

It was Thursday afternoon; I was ____________ home from school. Mid-way, I realised that
someone was______________. I turned back and saw a boy following me. He was the
same boy who ____________me home yesterday. I got scared and started
walking_________. I saw a _________with an open gate. I ran towards the __________and
hid behind the gate hoping that, that boy would have ___________by then. To my utter
horror, the boy was standing _______ smiling. I was quite scared. what should I
_________? should I ________? But what if the boy ________ me? But at that time, I
remembered the courageous words spoken by my __________. they echoed in my mind.
The one who has courage is never alone because he has the courage to _______ him. I
stood straight, wiped off my ___________ and sweat from the _________. I took steady
steps towards that boy. The boy was
confused as now the sides of the table had_________. He turned around and started
walking away from me. I followed him till the _________. Then I threw a ___________at
him. A huge crowd gathered. I told them about what he did ___________and the day
before. Surprisingly, my

_________ was also there in the crowd. He came and handed over the boy to_______. I
was full of pride and__________. I was not afraid anymore.

Practice Questions:

Q1. Complete the following story in 100-150 words giving a suitable heading:

“Two friends were going to the market. Suddenly they saw…”

Q2. Write a story using the following outline:

My knack for giving speeches-forgot-zonal speech competition-best speaker-received

the prestigious award-parents and teachers proud.

Note- Go to the corresponding lessons in your textbook, ‘Beehive’.

Revise the chapters and given assignments.

• Attempt the following Worksheets in your registers

• Each worksheet carries 10 marks.
Self Assessment Worksheet-1

Q-1 Fill in the blanks with appropriate words. (7 marks)

The story is set in the _______ when_______ and _______ as we now

know them will perhaps not________.

The story ,“The Fun They Had” revolves around two students, ________ and
________aged 11 and 13 ________.

_________ found an old book about school in the________. They turned the pages
which were_______ and _______. It was awfully funny to read words that
stood_______ instead of______ the way they were supposed to on a ________.
Q-2 Read the following extract and answer the questions: (3 marks)
a. Margie always hated school, but now she hated more than ever. The
mechanical teacher had been giving her test after test in geography and
she had been doing worse and worse until her mother had shaken her
head sorrowfully and sent for the County Inspector.

(a) Who always hated school?

1. Margie
2. Margie’s mother
3. Margie’s father
4. County inspector

(b) Who had been giving test after test in geography?

1. The arithmetic teacher

2. The mechanical teacher
3. Margie’s mother
4. Margie’s school principal
(c) Margie’s mother sent for the _________.

Self-Assessment Worksheet-2
Q1 Choose the correct answer:- (4 marks)
a. What festival were the people going to celebrate?
1. The festival of Holi
2. The festival of spring
3. The festival of Dussehra
4. The festival of Deepavali
b.Who was the little boy going with?
1. With his father
2. With his mother
3. With his father and mother
4. With his friends
c.How was the little boy feeling while going to the fair?
1. Nervous
2. Frightened
3. Sad and unhappy
4. Full of life and laughter
d.What was it that attracted the child on the footpath?
1. The butterflies
2. The dragonflies
3. The doves
4. The little insects and worms

Q-2. Answer the following question in a few words. (6 marks)

a. What did the father do when the child said, “ I want that toy,”?
b.What happened as the child entered the grove?
c. What shop was there at the entrance of the fair? d. The child asked for
'burfi’ but then he moved without waiting for an answer. Why?
e. At what point in the fair did the child lose his parents?
f. What did the lost child say when a man asked him, “ Whose baby are you”?

Self-Assessment Worksheet: 3


Q1. Complete the summary with suitable words and phrases. (8x1/2= 4 marks)

‘The Road Not Taken' is one of the finest poems by Robert Frost. The poem deals with
the problem of making (a) ___________. Many times, in our life we face different
choices. It is often difficult (b)___________which one to choose. The decision we take
influence our
(c)________. One morning, the poet was standing in a (d)________. He reached a point
where his path split into (e)___________. Now he had to make a choice between the
two paths. He stood undecided for a long time. Finally, he took the road on which a
(f)_______ people had travelled. He thought that he would travel upon the first path
(g) ____________day though he knew it would not be possible for him to come back.
He thinks that if he had taken the other road, his (h)__________ would have been
Q2. Answer the following questions in about 30 - 40 words. (3x2=6 marks)

a. Do you think the poet was sure of coming back to that road someday? Why/ Why

b. Which of the two roads did the poet choose and why?
c. “I doubted if I should ever come back.” Why did the poet doubt?

Self-Assessment worksheet: 4
Part -1 Evelyn Glennie / Part-2 Bismillah Khan

Q-1 Choose the correct answer: (4 marks)

a. Evelyn Glennie learnt music from:-

1. Royal Academy of music in London.

2. Royal Academy of music in Paris.
3. Royal Academy of music in Delhi.
4. Royal Academy of music in New York.

b. How did Evelyn Glennie become deaf?

1. She was deaf by birth.
2. In an accident.
3. Attack of chickenpox.
4. Through a gradual process.

c. Who banned the playing of pungi in the Royal Palace?

1. Babur
2. Akbar
3. Shah Jahan
4. Aurangzeb

d. Which film is named after Bismillah Khan's instrument?

1. Shehnai ki Awaz
2. Shehnai ka Raj
3. Shehnai wala
4. Goonj uthi Shehnai
Q-2 Answer the questions in a few words. (6 marks)
1. Who was Ron Forbes?
2. Which award was given to Evelyn Glennie in 1991?
3. What did the headmistress advise Evelyn’s parents?
4. Which national award was conferred to Ustad Bismillah Khan?
5. According to Ustad Bismillah Khan, what is Hindustan's richest tradition?
6. Why did Ustad Bismillah Khan go to Bihariji's temple when he was a boy?


Make a PPT on a famous personality related to music, dance or media from our
versatile country.
- You must follow the following guidelines to make the PPT.
1. Make 10 slides
2. Add biographical information including
date and place of birth of the person.
3. Education
4. History and background of the person.
5 His/ her field of expertise
5. Achievements and awards

ग्रीष्मावकाश गृहकार्य

ववषर् - वहिं दी ‘बी’

कार्य कला समेवकत अविगम आिारित परिर्ोजना कार्य 10


1 परिर्ोजना -मेिी अविव्यक्ति (पाठ -द ुः ख का अविकाि)

धनि रहीम जल पं क को लघु नजय नपअत अघाय।

उदनध बडाई कौि है , जगत नपआसो जाय।
कोरोिा जैसी महामारी से उत्पन्न पररस्थिनतयों िे समाज के कई चेहरों को बेिकाब नकया है।
जहााँ एक ओर दू सरों की मदद करते लोग हैं तो वही ं दू सरी ओर इं सानियत को शममस ार
करते स्वािी लोग। ऐसी कई घटिाओं को हम सु ि-दे ख रहे हैं , जहााँ खुद अभाव में रहिे
वाला आदमी दू सरों के घाव को भरिे के नलए अपिा ति-मि-धि लगा रहा है तो वही ं कुछ
लोग ऐसे हैं जो दू सरों के घावों पर लगिे वाली मरहम का मुाँहमााँ गा दाम मााँ ग रहे हैं।
इं सानियत को ताक पर रखकर है वानियत की हदें पार करती समाज की यह नघिौिी
तस्वीर अत्यंत दु खदायी है। सच कहें तो..
लोग संगमरमर भए हृदय हुए इस्पात ।
मर गई सं वेदिा खत्म हुए जज़्बात।।

(I )नकन्ी ं दो सकारात्मक एवं दो िकारात्मक घटिाओं का नवस्तार से सनचत्र उल्लेख (लघु

पनत्रका के रूप में ) कीनजए जहााँ इं सानियत की नमसाल भी हो और दू सरी ओर हैवानियत
की हद को पार करता एक कडवा सत्य ।

“नकसी के दु ुः ख के नलए उसकी आनिमक पररस्थिनतयााँ ही िही ं

सामानजक पररस्थिनतयााँ भी निम्मे दार हैं।”
(II)लघु पनत्रका के अंनतम पृष्ठ पर वदए गए ववषर् पि अपने ववचाि तकय सवहत प्रस्तत

2 रचिात्मक लेखि 10

(क) अनच्छे द-लेखन

स्वास्थ्य के वलए वहतकािी : व्यार्ाम
स्वास्थ्य सबसे बडा िन
 उत्तम स्वास्थ्य की औषवि-व्यार्ाम
 व्यार्ाम का सवोत्तम समर्
 व्यार्ाम एक-लाि अने क।

पिवहत सिवस िमय नवहिं िाई

 पिोपकाि का अर्य औि प्रकृवत
 पिोपकाि मन ष्य का उत्तम गण
 जीवन की सार्यकता
 पिोपकाि सच्चे आनिं द का स्रोत

(ख) नािा-लेखन
 जीव -जिंतओिं के सिंिक्षण से सिंबिंवित नािा-वलक्तखए।
 प्लाक्तिक का उपर्ोग न किने के वलए प्रेरित किते हुए नािा-

(ग) पत्र-लेखन
 अपने कोिोना-पीवडत वमत्र को शीघ्र स्वस्र् होने की शिकामना दे ते हुए पत्र
 मोबाइल के अत्यविक प्रर्ोग की हावनर्ााँ बताते हुए अपनी छोटी बहन को
पत्र वलक्तखए।


Very Short Answer Type Questions:

1. If √3 = 1.732 , √2 = 1.414, then find the value of .
√3− √2

√7 5
2 . If 𝑥 = 𝑎𝑛𝑑 = 𝑝√7 , then what will be the value of p?
5 𝑥

𝑝 47
3. Teacher asked the students “can we write 0.47 in form as ? Shridhi
𝑞 1𝑜𝑜

answered “ No, it is ’. Is Shirdhi correct? Justify her answer

1 1
4. Find the value of x if 𝑥 12 = 4924

5. Write any two rational numbers between√2 and√3

6. Find the value of 2. 9 in the form of where q≠ 0.
7. Multiply: √27 by √34

8.Give example of any two irrational numbers whose product is rational.

9. Find simplest rationalizing factor of

(i) √2 + √3 + √7 (ii) 5√𝑎2 𝑏 2 𝑐 2
10. Simplify: √16−3
3 4
11. Which is greater : √64 𝑜𝑟 √128
12. Simplify the following:
13 .If (81)𝑥 = 243, then write the value of x.

26 +7×28
14. Simplify:

15. Which is greater?

22 or [{(2)2 }2 ]2
1 1
16. Simplify: (49)3 × (7)3

17. Insert a rational between 0.0001 and 0.001

18. If a=2, b=3 then find the value of (𝑎𝑏 + 𝑏 𝑎 )−1

20 + 70
19. Find the value of

20. State TRUE or FALSE for the following statements and Justify :
(A) There are exactly 2 rational numbers between 6 and 9.
(B) There can be infinite whole numbers between two natural numbers.
(C) There is one whole number which is not a natural number.

(D) All natural numbers, whole numbers and integers are rational numbers.

(E) A real number is either rational or irrational.

(F) We can plot irrational numbers on a number line.

Short Answer Type Questions:

1. If a= and b= , find the value of

(i) a + b (ii) a-b (iii) 2a+3b (iv) 5a-4b

2. Rationalize the denominator in each of the following :

5 √3 3√2
(a) (b)
√10−√3 √6−√2
3. Represent √7 on the number line.
4. Express each of the following in the form ,where p and q are integers and q≠0 :
(a) -25.687 (b) 0. 005 (c) 3. 178 (d) 5.247

1 1
93 × 272
5. Simplify: −1 1
3 6 × 33

6. Find the value of 𝑥: 2𝑥−5 × 5𝑥−4 = 5

𝑎−𝑏 𝑏−𝑐 𝑐−𝑎

𝑥 𝑎+𝑏 𝑥 𝑏+𝑐 𝑥 𝑐+𝑎
7. Find ( ) ( ) ( )
𝑥𝑐 𝑥𝑎 𝑥𝑏

8. Simplify: √3 − 2√2

9. Find the value of √5 + 2√6

10. Simplify :
4 6 3
11. Arrange the numbers in descending order : √9 , √26 , √5

𝑎 −1 𝑎 −1 2𝑏 2
−1 + −1 =
12. Prove that:
𝑎 −1 +𝑏 𝑎 −1 −𝑏 𝑏 2 −𝑎 2

13. Find the value of x if √ 5𝑥 + 2 = 2

𝑎 −1 𝑎 −1 2𝑏2
14. Prove that : + −1 =
𝑎 −1 +𝑏−1 𝑎 −1 −𝑏 𝑏2 − 𝑎 2

15. Express 0.6+ 0.7+ 0.47 in the form p/q, where p and q are integers and q≠0

Long Answer Type Questions:

1. Find a & b so that

= (ii) √7−1 - √7+1 =
(i) 5+2√3
𝑎 + 𝑏 √3
√7+1 √7−1
𝑎 + 𝑏 √7
(iii) √11−√7 = (iv) √5+√3
𝑎 − 𝑏√77 =
√11+√7 √5−√3

𝑎 + 𝑏√15

√2+1 √2−1
2. If x = and y = find the value of x2 + xy + y2.
√2−1 √2+1
3. If x = 3 + √8 find the value of x2 + 2.

4. Simplify the following

1 1 √2
(a) + (b)
√3+√ 2+1 √3−√2−1 √2+ √3−√5

1 1 1 1
5. Prove that + + ……..+ =2
1+√2 √2+√3 √3+√4 √8+√9

1 1 1 1 1
6. Prove that − + − + =5
3−√ 8 √8−√ 7 √7−√ 6 √6−√ 5 √5−2
7. If x= 4 − √15 , find the value of 𝑥 2 +
1 1
8. Prove that :
1+𝑥 𝑎−𝑏
+ 1+𝑥 𝑏−𝑎 = 1
9. If x = 9 + 4√5, find the value of √𝑥 −
𝑐 𝑎 𝑏
𝑥𝑎 𝑥𝑏 𝑥𝑐
10. Prove that : ( ) 𝑋 ( 𝑐 ) 𝑋 ( 𝑎) =1
𝑥𝑏 𝑥 𝑥

√𝑝+2𝑞 +√𝑝−2𝑞
11. If x = , then show that qx2 – px + q = 0.
√𝑝+2𝑞 −√𝑝−2𝑞
12. If √2=1.414 and √3=1.732, then find the value of
4 3
3√3−2√2 3√3+2√2

√𝑎+3𝑏 + √𝑎−3𝑏
13. If x = , then show that 3bx2 – 2ax + 3b = 0.
√𝑎+3𝑏 − √𝑎−3𝑏
7 √3 2√5 3√2
14. Simplify : − -
√10 + √3 √6 + √5 √15 + 3√2


Create a beautiful square root spiral design on A4 Size sheet and write
Mathematical concepts involved in creating the design.


1.Art integration project activity:

Make a PPT/ Project on "Corona Pandemic" highlighting how India got trapped
and struggled in fighting against this disease.Do the work on A4 size ruled sheets
and arrange them in a creatively designed folder. Remember to write your name
and class.The project/ PPT may include:
1.Pictures and information showing protective measures against COVID -19
disease. Use colorful pictures.
2. Find out and write information to boost our immunity to fight against COVID-19
3.The project work should highlight Causative agent, means of
spread,symptoms,steps taken for prevention and mode of treatment,etc.
4.People are wearing masks, face shields, gloves and using hand sanitizer to
protect themselves from disease COVID- 19. Make any one of them of your
choice using the materials available at home.

Note: The project work to be posted in the Google classroom.Student must

submit the PPT/ project file as PDF.

2.Revise all the work done in Physics, Chemistry and Biology till date.
Complete the Physics, Chemistry and Biology Assignments in the respective

Assignment Class IX


In the following questions: The Assertion and Reason have been put
forward. Read the statements carefully and choose the correct alternative
from the following:
(a) Both the assertion and the reason are correct and the Reason is
the correct explanation of the assertion.
(b) The Assertion and the Reason are correct but the Reason is not
the correct explanation of the Assertion.
(c) Assertion is true but the Reason is false.
(d) The statement of the Assertion is false but the Reason is true.
1. Assertion- The path of an object can be straight, line, curved, zig-zag or
even a circle in uniform motion.
Reason- Motion of the body can be uniform irrespective of direction and path.
2. Assertion- The displacement of the body is zero and distance of the body
is non zero when final position coincides with the initial position during its
Reason-Displacement depends upon the actual path traversed by the object
during motion.
3.Assertion- A fixed point with respect to which the given object changes
its position is the reference point.
Reason-The motion of the body is not relative to the reference point.
4. Suppose a ball is thrown vertically upwards from a position P above the
ground. It rises to the highest point Q and returns to the same point P. What is
the net displacement and the distance travelled by the ball? (0, 2PQ)
5.Give an example of a body which may appear to be moving for one person and
stationary for the other.

6.A train travels some distance with a speed of 30kmph and returns with a speed
of 45kmph. Calculate the average speed of the train. (36km/h)

7.A player moves along the boundary of a square ground of side 50m in 200sec.
The magnitude of displacement of the player at the end of 11 minutes 40seconds
from his initial position is
(a) 50m
(b) 150m
(c) 200m
(d) 50√2
8.A bus travels on a straight road for 40km at 30kmph. It then continues in the
same direction for another 40km at 60kmph.
(a) What is the average velocity of the bus during the entire journey?
(b) What is the average speed during the entire journey?

9.Can distance be zero even when displacement is not zero? Explain with the
help of an example.Under what condition displacement and distance can be

10.A train is travelling at a speed of 108kmph. How much distance is it travelling

every second? (30m every second)

11. The odometer of a car reads 2000km at the start of a trip and 2400km at the
end of the trip. If the trip took 8hrs, calculate the average speed of the car in km/h
and m/s.
12. In which of the following cases of motions, the distance moved and the
magnitude of the displacement are equal?

i. If the car is moving on a straight road

ii. If the car is moving in circular path

iii. The pendulum is moving to and fro

iv. The earth is moving around the sun

a) only(ii)

(b) (i) and (iii)

(c) (ii) and (iv)

(d) only (i)

13. The numerical ratio of displacement to distance for a moving object is:

(a) Always less than 1

(b) Equal to 1 or less than 1

(c) Always more than 1

(d) Equal to 1 or more than one

14. Four cars A, B, C and D are moving on a levelled, straight road. Their
distance time graphs are shown in the figure below. Which of the following is the
correct statement regarding the motion of these cars?

(a) Car A is faster than car D

(b) Car B is the slowest

(c) Car D is faster than car C

(d) Car C is the slowest

15. A person travel from A to B and again he travel from B to A ,In this case what
would be the correct answer:

a) Distance and displacement will be same.

b) Distance will be more than displacement.

c) Displacement will be more than distance.

d) Either distance will be more or displacement will be more.

16. If a space shuttle orbits Earth once, what is the shuttle’s distance traveled
and displacement?

1. Distance and displacement both are zero.

2. Distance is circumference of the circular orbit while displacement is zero.
3. Distance is zero while the displacement is circumference of the circular
4. Distance and displacement both are equal to circumference of the circular

Assignment -Chemistry

1 mark Questions
1. A given substance ‘X’ has a definite volume, no fixed shape and can diffuse
easily. What is the physical state of ‘X’?

2. i) Write the physical state of water at a) 15°C b) -4°C

3. Convert the following temperatures to Celsius scale

a) 500 K b) 293 K

4. Arrange chalk, water and oxygen in the following order:

a) Increasing order of tendency to flow.
b) Increasing order of density.

5. Answer in one word:

a) Property of a substance to flow.
b) A sublimable substance.
c) Example of a porous solid.
d) Heat absorbed when 1 kg of a liquid gets vaporized at its boiling point.
e) Intermixing of particles of two or more different substances on their own.

6. What will happen when we start putting pressure and compress a gas
enclosed in a cylinder?

7.A lighted incense stick can be smelt in the other corner of the room but an unlit
incense stick cannot be smelt at a distance.
a) Which property of matter can be related to the above example?
b) Give reason to explain the above observation.

8.Which single term is used to describe the mixing of copper sulphate and water
kept in a beaker, on its own?

9. When sugar is dissolved in water, there is no increase in the volume. Which

characteristic of matter is illustrated by this observation?

Assertion-Reason type

DIRECTION: In the following questions, a statement of assertion (A) is

followed by a statement of reason (R). Mark the correct choice as:
(a) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and reason (R) is the correct
explanation of
assertion (A).
(b) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true but reason (R) is not the
explanation of assertion (A).
(c) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false.
(d) Assertion (A) is false but reason (R) is true.
1.Assertion: Gases exert pressure on the walls of the container.
Reason: Gases are in a continuous state of random motion so the particles keep
hitting the walls.
2.Assertion :The temperature of both boiling water and steam is 100°C, but
steam has more energy
Reason :This is because of latent heat of sublimation
3.Assertion: the temperature of a substance remain constant during its melting
point or boiling point
Reason : The heat supplied is continuously used up in changing the state of the
substance by overcoming the forces of attraction between the particles.
4.Assertion : The conversion of a gas directly into solid is called condensation.
Reason : Naphthalene leaves no residue when kept in open for some time.
5.Assertion: In gaseous state particles move randomly at high speed.
Reason: The particles of gases have least forces of attraction.

2 marks Questions
11.Covert 0C into K. Write formula also
a. -300 C b. 75 0C

12.Covert K into 0C. Write formula also

a. 100K b. 275K

3 Marks Questions
13.Distinguish between solids, liquids and gases on the basis of
a) Compressibility
b) Rigidity
c) Force of attraction

14a)Why is there no change in temperature in the thermometer when boiling

water at hundred degree Celsius changes into steam?
b).Why solid melts on heating?

5 mark Question:
15 a).How can you say that coffee is a liquid and glass containing coffee is a

b)What is the state of water at

a. -10degree celsius,
b. 50 degree Celsius,
c. 100 degree Celsius.
16. True/ False:-
1. Boiling is a bulk phenomenon.
2.Latent heat of vaporization is the heat energy required to change 1 kg. of a
liquid to gas at atmospheric pressure at its melting point.
3. Water at room temperature is a liquid.
4. The molecules in a gas are in constant motion.
5. Solids are highly compressible.
Case study type Question

Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow based on the
passage and related studied concepts.
Matter is anything that occupies space and has mass. Matter is classified into solid,
liquid and gas. In solid state particles are closely packed and have a very strong
force of attraction,particles can only vibrate and rotate around fixed positions. In a
liquid state, particles are less closely packed and have a strong force of attraction
but less than solids, particles can move throughout the liquid.
In Gaseous state, particles are far apart with a weak force of attraction and are in
a state of constant random motion. Gases can be easily compressed whereas
solids and liquids are incompressible.

1. An inflated balloon is placed in the refrigerator, what will happen?

(a) Balloon will shrink and particles will move faster and become closer.
(b) Balloon will expand and particles will move faster and become far apart.
(c) Balloon will shrink, particles will move slower and become close together.
(d) Balloon will expand, particles will move slower and come closer therefore,
the volume of the balloon will decrease.

2.When solid changes into vapours, the process is called:

(a) Evaporation (b) Boiling (c) Sublimation (d) Vapourisation

3.A substance melts at 5°C and boils at 150°C. What will be its physical state at
room temperature?
a)Solid b) liquid c) gases d) semi- solid

4.Kinetic energy of molecules is directly proportional to

(a) Temperature (b) Pressure
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) Atmospheric pressure

5.Gases can be liquefied by

(a) increasing pressure (b) decreasing temperature
(c) both (a) and (b) (d) decreasing pressure

Biology Assignment

Q1. What will happen if cellular organisation is disturbed due to some physical or
chemical means?
Q2 a.Why do we soak chana in water overnight?
B. What is the process known as?
C. Name any two examples of the same process from daily life.

Q3. Why is plasma membrane called selectively permeable membrane?

Q4. List the constituents of the plasma membrane.What will happen if plasma
membrane ruptures or breaks down? Why does endocytosis occur only in
animal cells?

Q5. Define Osmosis. In what ways is it different from diffusion?

Q6. Given below are three situations in a cell. Study them properly and give two
examples each related to each situation.
Q7. Why does the skin of your finger shrink when you wash clothes for a long

Q8. Name the mechanism by which substances like Carbon-di-Oxide and Water
move in and out of the cell? Discuss

Q9.. Why cell is known as the structural and functional unit of living organisms?

Q10. Give reason, why Raisins and dry apricots swell up when placed in a bowl
containing water for sometime.

Q11. Name the organelles which show the analogy written as under.
1. Transporting channels of the cells. ——————-.
2. Digestive bag of the cell. ——————-.
3. Storage sacs of the cells. ——————-.
4. Control room of the cell. ——————-.
5. Kitchen of the cell. ——————-.
6. Powerhouse of the cell. ——————-.
7. Packing & dispatching unit of the cell. ——————-.

Q12.Multiple choice questions.

1. Select the odd one out
a. Membranes are made of organic molecules like proteins and lipids.
b. Molecules soluble in organic solvents can easily pass through membranes.
c. Plasma membranes contain chitin sugar in plants.
d. Movement of water across a semipermeable membrane is affected by the
amount of substances dissolved in it.

2.Amoeba acquires its food through this process

a. exocytosis
b. endocytosis
c. plasmolysis
d. Both a & b

3.Cell arises from pre-existing cell was stated by

a. Haeckel
b. Virchow
c. Hooke
d. Schleiden

4.When you keep raisins in hypotonic solution, endosmosis occurs that continues
a. cells are fully turgid
b. cells burst
c. two hours
d. You keep them in solution

Q13. A person with swollen gums rinses his mouth with lukewarm salt water and
swelling of his gums decreases. This is because
a. The gums absorb the salt water solution.
b. The salt water solution lowers the temperature of the water in the gums.
c. The salt in the solution moves against the concentration gradient.
d. The water in the gums moves out due to high concentration of salt in the

Q14.. Ritika observed onion peel cells in the lab and could view the cell wall,
cytoplasm and nucleus clearly. Suddenly her friend spilled a few drops of salty
water on the slide having onion peel cells.She observes some changes in the
cells after sometime
a. What changes would have been observed by Ritika?
b. Name the process that caused the changes in the cells
.c. Would there be similar changes observed ,if she had prepared a slide of
cheek cells?



As per CBSE guidelines, students of Class IX have to submit a handwritten project on
any one of the related topics on Disaster Management. Students are requested to utilise
their summer vacation to complete this project which will be followed by viva
voce/written assignment.
Your project must include-

• Definition of ‘Disaster’.
• What are the types of Disasters?
• What is vulnerability and risk?
• What is a Hazard?
• Differentiate between hazard and disaster.
On the basis of your selection collect and present information about the same under following
• Meaning
• Causes
• Do’s and don’ts
• Prevention and mitigation measures
• Your emergency Kit
• Steps taken by the Govt. to combat the disaster
• Latest means of forecasting Disasters
1. The total length of the project must be maximum 15-17 sheets (or 15-17 foolscap pages)-
Scrapfile, Old sheets, Register sheets-Whatever is readily available due to lockdown.
In digital form (PPT/DOCS/PDF)
2. The project report must be hand written and not a computerized one. (If not digital)
Use a readable font if making a digital project.
3. It must be presented in the following order:
a. Cover Page: must contain title, student’s detail (full name of the student, class and section,
Roll number), school’s name and session.
b. Contents: List of contents with page numbers.
c. Acknowledgement: Acknowledging the institution and the persons who helped.
d. Subject Matter/Content: Sub topics with relevant headings.
e. Summary and conclusion.
f. Bibliography: It must have the names of books, websites along with their links from where the
content is collected.
g. Photographs and sketches should be labeled.


This is to acknowledge all those without whom this project would not have been possible.
Firstly, I wish to thank our Social Science teacher_____________________________ who gave
her immense support and made us understand how to make this project. Without her guidance
and support, this project would not have been completed.
I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to our principal (Name of the principal)
who gave me the golden opportunity to do this wonderful project on the topic (Write the topic
name), which also helped me in doing a lot of Research and enhance my knowledge in this
Secondly I would also like to thank my parents and friends who helped me a lot in finalizing this
project within the limited time frame.
The subject matter contained in the project has been widely taken from the internet. The
statistical data has been extracted from _____________________________.




1. Consider the following statements regarding India’s location. Identify the Incorrect one.

a) India lies in the northern hemisphere.

b) The mainland extends between latitudes 7°2'N and 24°9'N
c) The mainland extends between longitudes 88°4'E and 95°75'E.
d) The Andaman and Nicobar, and the Lakshadweep islands lie in the Bay of
Bengal and Arabian sea respectively.
2. Consider the following statements regarding India’s size. Which of the following statements
is/are correct?
I. India is the fifth largest country in the world.
II. The land mass of India has an area of 3.28 million square km.
III. India has a land boundary of about 15,200 km.
IV. India’s total area accounts for about 2.4 per cent of the total geographical area of the

a) I ,II and III

b) II,III and IV
c) II and IV
d) I and III

3.The Tropic of Cancer passes through eight Indian states. Which of the following states
does it not pass through?
a) Gujarat
b) Rajasthan
c) Manipur
d) Tripura

4. Which geographical feature bounds India’s mainland south of 22°N latitude?

(a) Young Fold Mountains
(b) Sandy Desert
(c) Lava Plateaus
(d) Seas and Ocean

5. Both the latitudinal and longitudinal extent of India’s mainland is about 30°. But on looking
at the map of India which of the following alternatives do you observe about India’s size?
(a) East-west extent appears to be smaller than north-south extent
(b) East-west extent appears to be larger than north-south extent
(c) East-west and north-south extent appears equal
(d) North-south extent appears to be smaller than east-west extent

6. From which place of UP does the standard meridian pass?

a) Allahabad

b) Mirzapur

c) Kanpur
d) Varanasi

7. How did spices, muslin and other merchandise were taken from India to different countries in
ancient times?

a) Through oceans

b) Through air

c) Through land routes taking help of various passes across the mountains in the north
d) Through railways
8. By which geographical feature is India bounded in the north-west, north and north-east?
(a) Seas
(b) Lave Plateaus
(c) Young Fold Mountains
(d) Sandy Desert

9. What is IST?
(a) Indian Stretchable Time
(b) International Standard Time
(c) Indian Stabilized Time
(d) Indian Standard Time
10. India achieved multi-faceted socio-economic progress during which of the following
(a) Since ancient times
(b) During medieval period
(c) In the 21st century
(d) During the last five decades
11. If the local time at Dwarka (69°01′E) in Gujarat to the west of India is 6 am, what will be
the local time at Dibrugarh (94°58′E approximately 95°), in Assam, in the east?
(a) 4.16 am
(b) 6 am
(c) 7.44 am
(d) 7.44 pm
12. Suez Canal was opened in the year
(a) 1869
(b) 1969
(c) 1769
(d) 1896

13. Indian state with the longest coastline on the eastern coast:

(a) Tamil Nadu

(b) Andhra Pradesh

(c) Orissa

(d) Jharkhand

14. Total length of the coast line of the Indian mainland including Andaman and Nicobar and
Lakshadweep is?

(a) 7156.6 kms

(b) 7516.6 kms

(c) 7651.6 kms

(d) 7566.6 kms

15. What is the Standard Meridian of India?

(a) 82o 30' West

(b) 82o 30' South

(c) 82o 30' East

(d) 82o 30' North

Q2. Read the source given below and answer the questions that follows-
India occupies an important strategic position in South Asia. India has 28 states and nine
Union Territories India shares its land boundaries with Pakistan and Afghanistan in the
northwest, China (Tibet), Nepal and Bhutan in the north and Myanmar and Bangladesh in the
east. Our southern neighbours across the sea consist of the two island countries, namely Sri
Lanka and Maldives. Sri Lanka is separated from India by a narrow channel of sea formed by
the Palk Strait and the Gulf of Mannar, while Maldives Islands are situated to the south of the
Lakshadweep Islands.
2.1 From the following states which one does not share common frontiers with Bangladesh?

a) West Bengal
b) Meghalaya
c) Tripura
d) Mizoram

2.2 A narrow channel of sea separating two land-masses is :

(a) Gulf
(b) Strait
(c) Isthmus
(d) Bay

2.3 Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal and Sikkim have common frontiers

(a) China

(b) Bhutan

(c) Nepal

(d) Myanmar

2.4 Identify the Union Territory not located on the western coast of India.
a) Puducherry
b) Dadra and Nagar Haveli
c) Diu and Daman
d) Lakshadweep




1. The word ‘Democracy’ comes from the Greek word –

(a) Democracia

(b) Demokratia

(c) Demos

(d) Kratia

2. He overthrew a democratically elected government and declared himself the ‘Chief

Executive’ of the country. Later he changed his designation to President and in 2002. Which
President of Pakistan was this?

A. General Pervez Musharraf

B. Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq

C. Farooq Leghari

D. Muhammad Mian Soomro

3. ……… a form of government in which the rulers are elected by the people?

A. Dictatorship

B. Non Demoractic Government

C. Monarchy

D. Democracy
4. In China, elections are regularly held after every ……. years for electing the country’s

A. 4

B. 5

C. 6

D. 3

5. What is the Chinese Parliament called?

A. National People’s Congress

B. Chinese Communist Party

C. The Communit party of China

D. Peoples Congress

6. When did Mexico become independent?

A. 1979

B. 1981

C. 1980

D. 1982

7. Zimbabwe’s leader, ________________, ruled the country since independence.

A. Robert Mugabe

B. John Beten

C. Bean Achebe

D. Guten Zugab

8. ‘One person, one vote’ means

(a) One person is to be voted by all

(b) One person has one vote and each vote has one value
(c) A person can vote only once in his life
(d) both (a) and (c)

9. Why can the Chinese government not be called a democratic government even though
elections are held there?
(a) Army participates in election
(b) Government is not accountable to the people
(c) Some parts of China are not represented at all
(d) Government is always formed by the Communist Party

10. Democracy improves the quality of decision-making because

(a) Decisions are taken by educated people
(b) Decisions are taken by consultation and discussion
(c) Decisions are taken over a long period of time
(d) All decisions are approved by judiciary



1.1 What do you think this cartoon is saying?

1.2 Why is ‘democracy’ written the way it is?

Q2. Syria is a small west Asian country. The ruling Ba’ath Party and some of its small allies are
the only parties allowed in that country. Do you think this cartoon could apply to China or
Mexico? What does the crown of leaves on democracy signify?

Q3. This cartoon was titled ‘Building Democracy’ and was first published in a Latin American
publication. What do moneybags signify here? Could this cartoon be applied to India?

Q4. What is the main idea highlighted in this cartoon by RK Laxman about Indian democracy?

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