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The Impact of Metric

Rebar Conversion
Earlier this year, the reinforcing-steel industry announced plans to fully convert
to soft metric rebar production. How will the change affect nonmetric reinforced-
concrete construction projects?


ederally funded construc- and requires re-engi-

F tion projects are now re-

q u i red to be designed in
metric units and built with
metric materials. The reinforcing-
steel industry is committed to
neering of the bars.
Major changes to
the metric bar sizes in
ASTM specifications
for reinforcing bars
supporting metrication and, earli- ( Re f s. 1, 2) were adopt-
er this ye a r, a number of re b a r ed in 1996. Whereas
mills announced that they are be- hard metric bars had
ginning to phase in the pro d u c- previously been speci-
tion of soft metric bars. Du ri n g fied, soft metric conver-
this transition period, the mills sions of the 11 inch-
will reduce and eventually elimi- pound sizes are now
nate their output of inch-pound standard. A one-to-one
b a r s. But what impact will the comparison of soft met-
switch to soft metric rebar have on ric and inch-pound bar
p ri vate-sector construction pro- sizes is shown in Table 1.
jects that don’t have to be built us- Table 2 presents addi-
ing metric units? tional metric and inch-
Fo rt u n a t e l y, the re p e rc u s s i o n s pound data for the bars.
should be minimal. Since soft met- As you can see, the nominal diam- weights per unit of length for the
ric bars are physically the same size eters, cross-sectional areas and metric bars—except for being ex-
as corresponding inch-pound bars, pressed in metric units—are exact-
the use of soft metric rebar will not ly the same as those for the inch-
require design changes or changes TABLE 1. SOFT METRIC BAR SIZES pound counterparts. In addition,
VS. INCH-P OUND BAR SIZES the height and spacing of the met-
in fabrication and construction
practices. It will be important, how- ric bars’ deformations are the same
e ve r, for designers and contractors Metric Inch-Pound as those for the inch-pound bars.
to become familiar with the specifi- The metric bar sizes for rail steel
#10 #3
cations of the new metric bar sizes. (ASTM A 616/A 616M-96) and axle
#13 #4
#16 #5 steel (ASTM A 617/A 617M-96a)
What Are Soft Metric Bars? have also been soft-conve rt e d .
Soft metric conversion describes #19 #6 These specifications aren’t dis-
#22 #7 cussed here because rail-steel and
the dimensions of inch-pound rein-
#25 #8 axle-steel bars are available in only
forcing bars in terms of the Interna-
tional System of Units (SI), but it #29 #9 a few areas of the country.
does not physically change the bar #32 #10 Before the adoption of soft met-
s i ze s. This form of conversion, #36 #11 ric bar sizes in the ASTM specifica-
t h e re f o re, is much more practical #43 #14 tions, the Achilles’ heel to imple-
than hard metric conversion, which #57 #18 menting metrication was the
bases bar sizes entirely on SI units challenge of maintaining a dual in-

Nominal Dimensions *
Bar size* Diameter, Cross-sectional area, Weight,
mm [in] mm2 [in2] kg/m [lbs/ft]
#10 [#3] 9.5 [0.375] 71 [0.11] 0.560 [0.376]
#13 [#4] 12.7 [0.500] 129 [0.20] 0.944 [0.668]
#16 [#5] 15.9 [0.625] 199 [0.31] 1.552 [1.043]
#19 [#6] 19.1 [0.750] 284 [0.44] 2.235 [1.502]
#22 [#7] 22.2 [0.875] 387 [0.60] 3.042 [2.044]
#25 [#8] 25.4 [1.000] 510 [0.79] 3.973 [2.670]
#29 [#9] 28.7 [1.128] 645 [1.00] 5.060 [3.400]
#32 [#10] 32.3 [1.270] 819 [1.27] 6.404 [4.303]
#36 [#11] 35.8 [1.410] 1006 [1.56] 7.907 [5.313]
#43 [#14] 43.0 [1.693] 1452 [2.25] 11.38 [7.65]
#57 [#18] 57.3 [2.257] 2581 [4.00] 20.24 [13.60]

* Equivalent inch-pound bar sizes and nominal dimensions are enclosed in brackets.

ventory to serve two markets. The ASTM specifications. inch-pound bars

mills would have needed to pro- Minimum yield strengths. Ini-
duce metric rebar for federally Technical Provisions in The tially, the minimum yield strengths
funded metric projects and inch- ASTM Specifications in the ASTM rebar specifications
pound bars for nonmetric projects. In addition to differences in bar- were established as 400 megapas-
The estimated additional cost to size designations, the other differ- cals and 500 MPa. These values,
supply the two markets was $200 ences in the metric provisions in the which are equal to 58,000 psi and
million to $400 million annually. In ASTM rebar specifications include: 72,500 psi re s p e c t i ve l y, were in-
fact, the dual-inventory issue was • Minimum yield strengths, or tended to be equivalent to inch-
the impetus that led the reinforc- grades pound Grade 60 (60,000 psi) and
ing-steel industry to press for adop- • Bar marking Grade 75 (75,000 psi).
tion of soft metric bar sizes in the • Substitution of metric bars for As a result of revisions approved

Figure 1. Marking requirements for Grade 420 and Grade Figure 2. Marking requirements for Grade 60 and Grade 75
520 metric rebar. inch-pound bars.

Type of Steel and ASTM Bar Sizes* Grade* Minimum Yield

Specification Strength,
MPa [psi]
#10-#19 300 300
[#3-#6] [40] [40,000]
Billet-steel #10-#36, #43, #57 420 420
A 615/A 615M-96a [#3-#11, #14, #18] [60] [60,000]
#19-#36, #43, #57 520 520
[#6-#11, #14, #18] [75] [75,000]
Low-alloy steel #10-#36, #43, #57 420 420
A 706/A 706M-96b [#3-#11, #14, #18] [60] [60,000]

*Bar size and grade data enclosed in brackets are for inch-pound bars.

by ASTM in 1995, the metric yield the grade number) onto the bar or for construction projects de-
strengths were increased to 420 MPa roll on a single longitudinal rib or signed in inch-pound units. To
and 520 MPa (see Table 3). The in- grade line to indicate Grade 420. lessen confusion and make the
creased values are equal to 60,900 Marking requirements for both t ransition as easy as possible,
psi and 75,400 psi in the inch-pound Grade 420 and Grade 520 metric re- mills and rebar fabri c a t o r s
system. The rationale for increasing bar are shown in Figure 1. For com- should take the following steps:
the minimum yield strengths was to parison, Figure 2 shows the mark- • Mills should make sure that tags
bring the metric values closer to the ing requirements for Grade 60 and on bundles of soft metric bars
corresponding inch-pound values. Grade 75 inch-pound bars. shipped to fabricators display or
( Re f e rence 1 and Table 3 also in- Substitution. The ASTM specifi- c ro s s - re f e rence the equivalent
clude a Grade 300, which is equiva- cations contain provisions for sub- inch-pound bar sizes, and that
lent to Grade 40. But the production stituting metric bars for inch- certified mill test reports are in
and use of bars with this strength pound bars with corresponding both metric and equivalent
level is diminishing.) sizes and strengths. For example, inch-pound units.
Cu r re n t l y, the reinforcing-steel the substitution provision for billet- • Fabricators supplying soft metric
industry is re-evaluating the mini- steel rebar (Ref. 1, section 20.3.5) bars for nonmetric projects should
mum metric yield strength of 420 states, “It shall be permissible to serve as facilitators by helping ar-
MPa. There is interest in submitting substitute a metric size bar of chitects, engineers and contrac-
a proposed revision to ASTM to ad- Grade 300 for the corresponding tors make the conversion.
just the value to 415 MPa, which is inch-pound size bar of Grade 40, a
equivalent to 60,100 psi. (The exact metric size bar of Grade 420 for the David P. Gustafson is vice president
soft conversion of 60,000 psi is corresponding inch-pound size bar of engineering for the Concrete Re-
413.7 MPa.) If the industry decides of Grade 60, and a metric size bar of i n f o rcing Steel Institute, Schaum-
to pursue this small adjustment in Grade 520 for the corresponding burg, Ill.
yield strength, it will seek the en- inch-pound size bar of Grade 75.”
dorsement of rebar users. The substitution clause for low- References
Bar marking. Soft metric rebar alloy steel rebar (Ref. 2, section 1. ASTM A 615/A 615M-96a, Standard
must be identified or marked dis- 16.3.5) states, “It shall be permissi- Specification for Deformed and Plain
Billet-Steel Bars for Concrete Rein-
tinctly for size and minimum yield ble to substitute a metric size bar forcement, ASTM, West Conshohock-
strength, or grade. For example, of Grade 420 for the corresponding en, Pa., 1997.
consider the marking requirements inch-pound size bar of Grade 60.” 2. ASTM A 706/A 706M-96b, Standard
for a #25, Grade 420 metric bar. Specification for Deformed and Plain
ASTM specifications require the Implementing the Use Low-Alloy Steel Bars for Concrete Re-
number 25 to be rolled onto the Of Soft Metric Bars inforcement, ASTM, 1997.
surface of the metric bar to indicate Because mills are starting to
its size. To identify minimum yield ship soft metric bars to rebar fab-
strength, the ASTM specifications ri c a t o r s, contractors may soon PUBLICATION #C970519
provide an option. The mill can be faced with fabricators who Copyright © 1997, The Aberdeen Group
choose to roll a 4 (the first digit in wish to furnish soft metric bars All rights reserved

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